Is Xi Jinping Under Arrest After Military Coup? Three Senior Anti-Xi Officials Sentenced to Death

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

In the past few days, an astonishing rumor about Xi Jinping being detained after he went back to China from Central Asia was passed around on the Internet. In the meantime, six senior anti-Xi CCP officials were given heavy sentences, 3 of them were even sentenced to death. They were once involved in a coup, and an assassination attempt on Xi Jinping. Is there any credibility to the rumor about Xi Jinping being under arrest? And what message does the news of three high-ranking officials sentenced to death send to us? Today let’s talk about these issues.

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9/23/2022 *

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👉Jennifer’s Bio 曾錚簡歷:

Originally published at on September 25, 2022.

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習近平內部講話曝光:江山不是紅色的,我們不能要 Xi Jinping’s Internal Speech Leaked: If Our State Power is Not in Red Color, We’d Rather Not Have It


Jennifer’s note: Recently, a so-called “internal speech” of Xi Jinping has been very hot on the Internet. People say that it was a speech made by Xi Jinping to his Second Generation Red peers, probably during the recent Beidahe meeting of the CCP. The audience all come from the top CCP red families, so they are the most inner circle of the CCP, and they regard China and the power to rule China as their own, family property.

The following is an indirect, “paraphrased” translation of part of his speech, which I used in my show at The entire, original Chinese language transcript of his speech is underneath the English translation. )

In the past 10 years, some of you here are not happy, saying that I ask people to worship me, and that I haven’t learned lessons from the past. Yes, our party indeed had some very bitter lessons to learn in the past. However, we have such a large country, and so many people, and we had to set things right. So without establishing personal prestige, it is difficult to convince the public.

It is indeed very dangerous to worship any one individual. However, the key issue is, whether the person being worshiped can make good control of everything. Chinese civilization has a history of 5000 years, and the worshiping of one person has always been there in each and every dynasty. There were both bad and good experiences. ……Although Chairman Mao made some mistakes in his later years, we can’t deny his entire life. Our party had been worshiping Mao since the Yan’an period, we had worshiped him for so many years. But didn’t we end up establishing a new China? Isn’t this good?

Worshiping God, Buddha, or any certain individuals is only a tool, a tactic for the ruling class to convince the lower-class working people. ……In the past ten years, have I let anybody down? No, I have not. Everybody here is still enjoying life, which thing is missing? During the years of the pandemic, no matter how difficult things are in China, have you and your family businesses been affected whatsoever? No, you haven’t. So why do you complain? I am worthy of the big red collective family established by our fathers.


Who can you really trust? We walked the wrong way in the past 40 years. It looks like we have more money, and our economy is better, but our foundation has been shaken, and our control over society has been weakened. ……The economy is important, but the color of our state power is much more important. If it is not in red color, we’d rather not have it.


There are always people who are worried about the economic downturn. Those people reminded me that I couldn’t affect the economy when I tried to fight corruption. ……When I was in the countryside, we were so poor then, but every family had at least 4–5 children, and nobody ever complained about poverty. ……Now life is better, but people curse us after they get fed well. How can that do? This is forgetting where their good life came from. The Chinese are not afraid of suffering and poverty. We should be afraid of forgetting our roots. We should be afraid of corruption.


The past forty years have been a process of decay. People are too greedy and have forgotten their roots. The economy is good now, but everybody has become petty bourgeoisie. The country of the Communist Party has become the country of the petty bourgeoisie. How can that be allowed? ……Therefore I never worry about the economy. However poor we are, we can’t be worse off than the Three Years of Natural Disasters (Jennifer’s note: the CCP always refers to the Chinese Great Famine which saw over 40 million Chinese die of hunger the “Three Years of Natural Disasters”) …If we can’t see through this, we are forgetting our roots and our initial hearts. The Communist Party is not a party that creates wealth, it is a revolutionary party, a red party, and a party that holds power. Therefore, it is not that I want to stay in the office. I just don’t feel ensured. If we appoint another leader, he may soon become corrupt, and we will become completely bourgeoisified. This has become a common understanding in our Politburo.

There are also people who complain about me breaking the rules. The rules are supposed to be broken in the first place. Chairman Mao once said: You can’t build up new things without breaking old ones. Didn’t Deng Xiaoping break Chairman Mao’s rules? The key is not the rules, but who made the rules, and for what purpose the rules are made. There will be new rules in the future.


We need to look at the big picture and look at the situation. This situation we have today didn’t come easily. If it had not been for Comrade Chen Yun, China would not be the red China it is now anymore. We won’t have our red heritage anymore. At the end of the day, if we lose our state power, we will be nothing. I happen to be born in this era and become the leader and head of our red regime. We should keep it that way. It is normal for people in society to say this or that. But we are in the same red family, we should be clear about who are our comrades. The biggest lesson of the Cultural Revolution was that we had forgotten our comradeship, and red families fought against one another. The 20th Congress is not far away. Since we gather here, I do want to share what’s on my mind. To put everything in one sentence, unity is strength. Do not forget our original heart.

(Jennifer’s note: The above-mentioned Chen Yun was one of the most important figures among the CCP’s first and second-generation leadership. He was one of the major architects and important policymakers for the Reform and opening up, alongside Deng Xiaoping.

He was said to have left 4 comments and rules for the CCP before he died. The 4 comments and rules are: 1. It is very easy to rule Chinese people. They won’t rebel even if they starve to death. 2. If we must fight among party members, don’t take lives. Otherwise, things would be too hard for our children and future generations. 3. Our power must be transferred to our own children. Otherwise, people would dig our graves in the future. 4. We cannot give freedom to the press. The party must take control of the press. The following is the entire, original Chinese language transcript of Xi Jinping’s internal speech. )


Originally published at on September 22, 2022.

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Military Training in High Schools, The Weakness of Xi Jinping, and the Extraordinariness of Earthquake in Sichuan

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Yesterday I shared a video of high school students in China who are now being trained to kill. That video has received a lot of attention. So today I will talk about what lies behind that video, and what its relationship is with the weakness of Xi Jinping. Then I will share some of the shocking facts during and after the recent earthquake in Sichuan Province in China. I will show you a lot of first-hand videos and photos.

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Now, let’s move to our first topic today.

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Originally published at on September 8, 2022.

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Xi Jinping Once Wanted to Become China’s First Democratically Elected President. Why Did He Change?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today the CCP announced the date of the much anticipated 20th National Congress of the CCP. So I will talk about the prospect of Xi Jinping’s 3rd term, the fatal dilemma he is facing, and why he could become more dangerous after he gains his 3rd term. Then I will talk about the starting point and the decision-making process for the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest power station . I am afraid that you haven’t heard about these from anywhere else. So Make sure you stick around till the end.

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Now, let’s talk about our first topic today.

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8/30/2022 *

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👉Jennifer’s Bio 曾錚簡歷:

Originally published at on August 31, 2022.

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這樣,我八十高齡的母親,原本計劃在她的百歲母親身邊至少呆三天的「長女」,只能在參加完生日宴後又於當天匆匆趕回綿陽 — 一天之中,母親必須奔波120公里。回到綿陽後,還要在深夜及盛夏的高溫中去排隊做核酸。



















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Originally published at on August 29, 2022.

发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟, LIFE STORIES 人生故事 | 留下评论

China Hit Hard by Record-Breaking Heat Wave and Drought, Bank Run in Beijing & Medical Fund Crisis

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will talk about two important issues: The record-breaking heat wave and drought in China, as well as the power shortage induced by it. I will show you a lot of first-hand videos and photos from China. Then I will talk about the bank runs in Beijing and the related medical fund crises in China. So make sure you stick around till the end.

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8/25/2022 *

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Originally published at on August 25, 2022.

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Hot from Beidaihe: The CCP Plans to Occupy Taiwan in One Week, Before the World Has Time to Respond

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

In the recent top secret meeting at Beidaihe, the CCP leaders not only debated on how to divide the power among themselves, but also discussed a so-called military scenario plan on how to take Taiwan within one week, before the international community has time to respond. Plans about how to launch a cognitive war to destroy Taiwanese people’s will to resist, how to mass assassinate 52 people listed by the CCP as “Taiwan Independence Elements”, as well as names of CCP’s secret members in Taiwan are also exposed. So today I will talk about these so that the international community can be prepared.

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8/23/2022 *

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Originally published at on August 24, 2022.

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中共對臺閃電戰作戰方案:一週內拿下 令國際社會措手不及 島內特務內應



























8/23/2022 *

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Originally published at on August 23, 2022.

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Chip War Between US & China: Why Has CCP’s Trillion Yuan Investment Become “Rotten Tail” Project?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will talk about the chip and technology war, a smokeless war between the US and China, and why China can’t produce its own advanced chips despite its trillion yuan investment. I will also do some updates on the power struggle between Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and what that means to the world.

Maybe you still remember that I promoted heavily the Shen Yun Performing Arts’ wonderful live show a while ago, but have stopped recently, as Shen Yun has finished its annual world tour.

However, there is still a way to enjoy Shen Yun’s wonderful performance when it is not touring. Watch this.

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Yes, Shen Yun Creations is the platform to go to, to continue to enjoy Shen Yun. It has both website version and cellphone Apps. Sign up with the link I will post in the description box and you can save 10%!

Now, let’s move to our topics today.

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Originally published at on August 21, 2022.

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What Happened at Beidaihe? Why Is the CCP Most Dangerous Now?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will first discuss what could have happened at the CCP’s most mysterious Beidaihe meeting, a few facts about the CCP’s current economic situation, and why the CCP could be in its most dangerous period right now. I would also like to hear your input as to what we should do under these kinds of circumstances.

Now, let’s jump right to our first topic today.

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8/17/2022 *

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Originally published at on August 17, 2022.

发表在 Commentaries 時評, Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论