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China Hit Hard by Record-Breaking Heat Wave and Drought, Bank Run in Beijing & Medical Fund Crisis
Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
Today I will talk about two important issues: The record-breaking heat wave and drought in China, as well as the power shortage induced by it. I will show you a lot of first-hand videos and photos from China. Then I will talk about the bank runs in Beijing and the related medical fund crises in China. So make sure you stick around till the end.
Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZv8FIWUv6U
The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2022/8/25/china-hit-hard-by-record-breaking-heat-wave-and-drought-bank-run-in-beijing-and-medical-fund-crisis
8/25/2022 *
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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on August 25, 2022.