
Hegang: Is the First Bankrupt City in China a Miniature of the Chinese Economy?

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Police in Xi’an Start Arresting People on Street while the City Imposes Strictest Lockdown Order

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【 修煉日記】優越感與自卑心

那天在做 這期「口述」《靜水流深》 時,談到了我對勞教所中因盜竊罪進去、卻受法輪 … 继续阅读

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我豁然開朗,一直壓在我心上的苦剎那消失無蹤,我輕快得想要歌唱。在萬分之一秒的瞬間 … 继续阅读

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到二中隊第二天,我們在樓道靠牆排隊上食堂時,對面隊伍一人突然對我瞪眼道:「抓緊轉 … 继续阅读

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口述歷史:《靜水流深》(23 )頑固分子 、天羅地網、如坐針氈及勞教所內的「落魄俠客」

現在回想剛進三班那段日子,有句話總在耳邊:「兩眼一扒就得開始杵」;有個場景總在眼 … 继续阅读

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口述歷史:《靜水流深》(22 )勞教所內 先生爲了看我 硬生生從胸腔「長」出另一雙眼睛……

他兩眼往我脖子方向匆匆一瞥,什麼都沒看見就象被燙了似的急忙轉開,死也不肯再往回看 … 继续阅读

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Second Generation Red and PLA General Liu Yazhou Arrested for Opposing the Invasion of Taiwan?

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发表在 Commentaries 時評, Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论

Peng Shuai’s Fake “Interview”, and the CCP’s Anti-America and Anti-Japan Hate Indoctrination

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How A Political Prisoner Figured Out Lin Biao Was No Longer Mao’s Comrade By Reading Newspapers In Jail

(Jennifer’s note: This is an excerpt fro … 继续阅读

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