Hot from Beidaihe: The CCP Plans to Occupy Taiwan in One Week, Before the World Has Time to Respond

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

In the recent top secret meeting at Beidaihe, the CCP leaders not only debated on how to divide the power among themselves, but also discussed a so-called military scenario plan on how to take Taiwan within one week, before the international community has time to respond. Plans about how to launch a cognitive war to destroy Taiwanese people’s will to resist, how to mass assassinate 52 people listed by the CCP as “Taiwan Independence Elements”, as well as names of CCP’s secret members in Taiwan are also exposed. So today I will talk about these so that the international community can be prepared.

Watch video at

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at

8/23/2022 *

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Originally published at on August 24, 2022.

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