Chip War Between US & China: Why Has CCP’s Trillion Yuan Investment Become “Rotten Tail” Project?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths” . I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will talk about the chip and technology war, a smokeless war between the US and China, and why China can’t produce its own advanced chips despite its trillion yuan investment. I will also do some updates on the power struggle between Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and what that means to the world.

Maybe you still remember that I promoted heavily the Shen Yun Performing Arts’ wonderful live show a while ago, but have stopped recently, as Shen Yun has finished its annual world tour.

However, there is still a way to enjoy Shen Yun’s wonderful performance when it is not touring. Watch this.

Click to watch:

Yes, Shen Yun Creations is the platform to go to, to continue to enjoy Shen Yun. It has both website version and cellphone Apps. Sign up with the link I will post in the description box and you can save 10%!

Now, let’s move to our topics today.

Click to watch:

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at

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Originally published at on August 21, 2022.

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