Long time no see. Last week I released an exclusive interview with a medical professional who worked at a hospital in Wuhan last year during the peak of the COVID19, or CCP Virus pandemic.
He revealed many astonishing facts for the first time, including he saw over a 1000 bodies piling up in the parking lot of the hospital, and that the whistle blower of the pandemic, Dr. Li Wenliang could have been murdered by the CCP.
As I thought it was also very important for the Chinese speaking people to watch and understand this interview as well, so I spent some time to translate the interview into Chinese, and to add both English and Chinese subtitles to it.
That’s why I only did this one video last week. If you haven’t watched it, please do go back to take a look.
Today I will talk about a very, very hot issue in China in the past several days, that is, the ousting of two former high level officials of the CCP’s political and legal system, what lies behind these incidents, and what can happen next.
Before that, let me give you a quick update on China’s much troubled real estate developer Evergrande. We have done several shows about it already.
Trading in Evergrande Shares Suspended Pending a “Major Transaction”
Yesterday(Oct 4) , trading in Evergrande shares was halted on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Evergrande issued an announcement and said that there would be a “major transaction” without giving out any details.
The CCP’s mouthpiece Global Times reported that another Property developer Hopson Development will acquire about 51 percent of Evergrande group’s property management unit, and the deal could be valued at more than $5.14 billion.
We’ve reported before that Evergrande’s total debt is as high as nearly 2 trillion yuan, or $310 billion. That is the number on the company’s books.
However, according to international investment bank Goldman Sachs, there is yet another 1 trillion yuan, or more than $150 billion debt, which is not on Evergrande’s balance sheet.
China Evergrande’s share price in Hong Kong was HK$2.95 on its last trading day. The highest price of the stock in the past year was HK$20.22. So this is a more than 80% drop.
So, will Evergrande still be savable? We will have to watch and see.
The Tales of Top CCP Police and Justice Department Heads
This year’s October 1 was the 72nd anniversary of CCP’s regime in China. Usually people can enjoy a week-long holiday because of the so-called “National Day”. But this year, two somewhat shocking events brought about a different flavor to this “national celebration.”
One day before the “National Day”, on Sep 30, former Vice Minister of Public Security Sun Lijun ( 孙力军) was ousted, which means he was expelled from the CCP and from his job, and his case will be transferred to the legal system to be further charged.
The CCP always operates like this. When any of its high level officials need to be punished, the first punishment will be expulsion from the party, the second punishment will be removing you from your post, and only the third one will be from the legal system, such as sentencing and putting you into prison, etc.
So in CCP’s China, the legal system is less important than the CCP membership and one’s official position, and is only a tool for the CCP to further punish those who have been removed from the party and their posts.
Anyway, then, one day after the “National Day”, on Oct 2, CCP’s Former Justice Minister & Head of Infamous ‘610 Office’ Fu Zhenghua (傅政华) was put under investigation by the CCP’s Discipline Inspection Commission.
So you can see both Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua had reached almost the highest position in the CCP’s legal and public security system, and their jobs were supposed to safeguard the public security and to catch bad people. How come they turned out to be bad people themselves?
What Are the “ Classified Materials” That Sun Lijun “Secretly Hid”?
The CCP’s Central Discipline Inspection Commission issued a very harshly worded statement about Sun Lijun. The expressions and phrases include “extremely inflated political ambitions”, “recklessly discussing the central government’s major policies, creating and spreading political rumors, deceiving his superiors as well as subordinates to gain political capital; in order to achieve his personal political goals, he did whatever he could, engaging in gangsterism, gang affiliation, cultivating personal power, forming gangs to control key departments, abusing power, abandoning his post on the front line of pandemic fighting, secretly hiding a large amount of classified materials, using public security investigative techniques to confront investigation,” etc.
I don’t know how you feel after listening to all these. I bet you find it hard to understand. Actually, even if you speak Chinese, you will still find it hard to understand, as the CCP has its own gangster language that needs to be translated into normal Chinese, and then English.
Anyway, to put it simply, Sun Lijun’s main crimes are to organize his own gang inside the public security system, to achieve his own political ambitions. These are the “common” crimes that apply to almost every single removed CCP official.
However, there are two items that belong only to Sun Lijun, and they are, “Abandoning his post on the front line of pandemic fighting, and secretly hiding a large amount of classified materials. ”
Now, let’s explain them one by one.
Actually, these two crimes are closely related issues.
You know, during the peak of the CCP virus outbreak in Wuhan, that was, in Feb last year, Sun Lijun was sent to the city to inspect and direct the pandemic fighting effort there.
You might wonder why the CCP needed to send a police head to get involved in the pandemic fighting effort. Well, in China, everyone regarded this as the need for the CCP to maintain the so-called social stability, public order, and to suppress out-of-order affairs caused by the harsh measures during the pandemic.
So, Sun Lijun’s crime of “abandoning his post on the front line of pandemic fighting” obviously means that he had abandoned his job during that time and had gone elsewhere to do something else.
So what did he do?
Actually, Sun Lijun’s professional training was not in the legal area. He graduated from Shanghai International Studies University with a degree in English, and then did his postgraduate studies in public health and urban management at the University of New South Wales in Australia, and served in the foreign affairs office of the Shanghai Health Bureau and the foreign affairs office of the Shanghai government after returning to China.
Also, Chinese language media have been reporting that Sun Lijun’s wife and son live in Australia, his wife has gained Australian citizenship, and his son has permanent residence in Australia, etc.
According to Professor Yuan Hongbing(袁红冰), who lives in Australia now, Sun Lijun had sent his secret envoy to contact Yuan several times before Sun was removed from his post. The purpose of the contact was because Sun felt that he needed to prepare a way out for himself as the internal power struggle within the CCP was very fierce, and anything could happen.
So, according to Professor Yuan, Sun Lijun had hidden a lot of secret documents of the CCP as a way to protect himself. And among those, the most sensitive document is about the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Yuan said, the document was about how a logistics officer and a staff member of Wuhan Institute of Virology had been taking the experimental animals to Wuhan’s seafood market to sell them for profit; and this resulted in the leaking of the virus from the lab.
Actually, I did a program as early as last May, titled “Origin of the CCP Virus: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle”.
The “missing piece” I talked about in that video was exactly the possibility of the virus getting escaped from the Wuhan lab because of poor management of the animals used to do experiments. So it seems that what Professor Yuan said goes in line with what I said more than one year ago.
Also, Elmer Yuen(袁弓夷), a Hong Kong businessman I once interviewed, revealed that the Australian intelligence agency had intercepted secret information about the CCP Virus, or COVID-19 from the CCP, when Sun Lijun tried to secretly hand over the information to his wife in Australia for her to keep. So Australia has some inside information about the virus that other countries don’t have, and that was why Australia was the first country that said the CCP needed to be held responsible for the spread of the CCP virus pandemic.
So now, if we put all these allegations together with the CCP’s official statement of Sun Lijun “secretly hiding a large amount of classified materials”, it seems that everything falls into their places, and that Sun Lijun may have indeed hidden materials about the origins of the CCP Virus, as well as the cover ups of the CCP. That’s why he had to be punished.
A Failed Assassination of Xi Jinping in Wuhan?
Another Chinese language Youtuber tells a more explosive story. Remember in one of our previous shows, “Deleted Report, Assassination Plot and the CCP’s Intensifying Power Struggles”, we talked about a failed assassination attempt to kill Xi Jinping committed by Wen Luojin(罗文进), the former police chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of Jiangsu Province?
Well, according to this YouTuber, the assassination attempt was actually not to be carried in Nanjing in 2017, but was in Wuhan in 2020, when Xi Jinping went there to inspect the pandemic control work in March.
According to this YouTuber, Beijing initially said that Xi Jinping would visit Wuhan on March 17, but Xi suddenly changed the date to March 10. And he only stayed in Wuhan for 2–3 hours, under the protection of 30,000 strong military and police forces.
This photo was about Xi sitting in Wuhan on that day as a lonely dictator was once named “Photo of the Day”. So that was shot on March 10.
So, it was said that because Xi suddenly changed his schedule, Sun Lijun felt he didn’t have the confidence to carry out the planned assassination, so he fled Wuhan and didn’t get himself involved in that plan. And that’s why the assassination failed.
Anyway, these are just some rumors that we cannot prove or disprove. But from the way that Sun Lijun was punished, and from the wording of the statement about Sun Lijun by the CCP’s Discipline Inspection Commission, we can certainly know that Sun could have participated in some sort of coup attempt to get rid of Xi Jinping.
Now, let’s move to Fu Zhenghua’s stories.
Fu Zhenghua vs Xi Jinping
The fact that Fu Zhenghua’s removal was announced only two day’s after Sun Lijun’s punishment gives us enough reason to believe that Fu Zhenghua’s case is somewhat related to Sun Lijun’s.
Another piece of evidence is that Sun Lijun was removed from his post on April 19 last year. Then, on the following day, on April 20, Fu stepped down from the post of Deputy Secretary of the CCP branch at the Ministry of Justice.
Then, on April 29, Fu was removed from the post of Minister of Justice.
It seems that it took the CCP 17 months to investigate Sun’s problem, so only after 17 months since Sun was removed from his position last April, was the CCP ready to announce what kind of crimes he had committed. And then Fu Zhenghua was immediately put under investigation too.
So, from the timeline of the events, people tend to believe that the two top former CCP police and justice department head are connected with each other, although we don’t have evidence that Fu was also involved in the assassination attempt to kill xi Jinping.
But there was a famous event back in 2016, when 5 police officers in Beijing were arrested for causing the death of Lei Yang(雷洋)after wrongly arresting him.
So after the 5 police officers were arrested, Fu Zhenghua, who was the vice minister of Public Security then, incited 4000 police officers in Beijing to co-sign a letter to Xi Jinping. All of the 4000 police officers threatened that they would resign if the 5 arrested officers were punished. And they also threatened that Beijing would sink into chaos if Xi Jinping didn’t listen to them.
As a result, Xi gave in and released the 5 officers. So since then Xi was very unhappy about Fu.
However, since Fu Zhenghua had been working in the public security system for decades, and had many supporters, it was not easy to remove him. It was also said that one of Fu Zhenghua’s supporters within the police system once openly claimed that Fu Zhenghua even dared to monitor Xi Jinping and other CCP top leaders’ phone calls.
“610 Office”, CCP’s Power Struggle and Falun Gong
We also need to mention another very important title of Fu Zhenghua, which was the head of the “ 610 Office “.
The CCP’s 610 Office was set up on June 10, 1999, by CCP’s former head Jiang Zemin, right before the persecution of Falun Gong officially started on July 20, 1999. Its only mission was to persecute Falun Gong, and it overrides all judicial, legal and administrative systems, and has absolute power to do anything to innocent Falun Gong practitioners. It operates like Nazi’s Gestapo, or former Soviet Union’s KGB, and is only worse. At one stage, this system employed over a million people to do the persecution at all levels.
Actually, when we discuss the CCP’s power struggle, there is an important issue that should not be ignored, but is often overlooked, and that issue is Falun Gong, a peaceful spiritual self improvement system that had attracted ten of millions of people in China before 1999. Exactly because of its popularity, the then CCP leader Jiang Zemin decided to persecute and eliminate it.
In terms of the scale and severity, the persecution of Falun Gong is no doubt one of the most severe human rights disasters in China. The forced organ harvesting, and the organ transplant business is even more astonishing and beyond evil. In the past 21 years, it is estimated that as many as 2 million people or more could have been killed for their organs based on the scale of China’s organ transplant industry, and the majority of the victims were Falun Gong practitioners.
So, imagine, if this kind of anti-humanity crime is fully exposed, with all evidence presented to the world, what the consequences could be for Jiang Zemin who started the persecution?
So, from Jiang Zemin’s point of view, he can only rest assured if his successors also actively persecute Falun Gong. In this way everybody has blood in their hands, and everybody will continue to cover up the persecution and carry it on.
However, from Xi Jinping’s attitude, Jiang Zemin could see that Xi had been unwilling to inherit this political, or human rights abuse legacy left over by Jiang Zemin.
Instead, Xi Jinping dismantled the labor camp system in China that had been used as the main tool to persecute Falun Gong back in 2013, one year after he came to power.
Although the persecution of Falun Gong has never stopped since then, in the eyes of Jiang Zemin and those who had too much blood in their hands, Xi Jinping’s attitude made them uneasy, and not good enough, as they knew it was a matter of life and death if they lost in the power struggles. Many of their gang members are already in prison.
So far, 7 central level “610 Office” heads including Fu Zhenghua, Sun Lijun, Peng Bo(彭波), Li Dongsheng(李东生), Zhou Yongkang(周永康), Zhou Benshun(周本顺), and Zhang Yue (张越) have been removed from their posts. And nearly 2000 lower level 610 Office officials have also encountered bad consequences one way or the other. So some Chinese people call the position within the 610 Office “Death Position”, as it brings bad luck to people who persecute innocent believers of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, which are the main principles of Falun Gong.
Of course, on the surface, none of them were punished for persecuting Falun Gong, as the persecution of Falun Gong is still going on in China. Most of them were punished for corruption or abuse of power, as for those people who actively persecute Falun Gong, most of the time, they do other bad things too.
So, for China observers, the Falun Gong factor should not definitely be ignored when we look at the deadly power struggles within the CCP.
Who Will Be the Next?
So, who will be the next? Many people say that Meng Jianzhu(孟建柱), former Secretary of Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, who was also once the Minister of Public Security is in danger.
Some also say that Zeng Qinghong(曾庆红), former vice Chairman of China, and a longtime enabler and ally of Jiang Zemin can be Xi Jinping’s ultimate political enemy to remove before Xi can ensure that he stays in power at the 20th National Congress of the CCP, which will be held next year. So Xi Jinping has only less than one year to remove Zeng Qinghong, and other obstacles on his way to his lifelong power.
Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised to see more high level CCP officials get ousted in the near future.
Well, that’s all for today. Thank you very much for watching. Please do help me spread the message and ask more people to come and watch my videos.
Two years ago today, I did this selfie on my way to Washington DC to protest HongKong government’s anti-mask law that targeted the protestors. I used my jacket to cover my fact as nobody wore masks then.
I then urgently re-wrote my speech on the train to show support to Hong Kong’s freedom.
Now, because of the CCPVirus, everybody has to wear a mask.
“If Hong Kong loses, the world will lose” : From my speech on Oct 4, 2019 at the The Heritage Foundation
With Melanie Israel, Research Associate, DeVos Center and Michelle Easton, President, Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women, after my speech at The Heritage Foundation on Oct. 4, 2019. 演講結束後,我與演講主辦方,保守派婦女中心的研究人員Melanie Israel和主席 Clare Boothe Luce在美國傳統基金會的合影。
Overseas WeChat users are receiving notifications to bind their cell phone numbers with their WeChat accounts. If they use overseas numbers, they will need to switch to the overseas version of WeChat, and sign new service terms and privacy agreement, which virtually deprive users all their rights and privacy.
“Your Information is Property of Us”
According to the new service terms, “Your account name, user ID and other identifying information used in WeChat are the property of us.”
WeChat can “suspend, terminate and completely end WeChat services.”
If a user’s account is terminated or suspended by the users or WeChat for whatever reasons, “WeChat may disable, take back and reuse such accounts.”
It is not clear how “such accounts” will be “reused”, or “reused” by whom.
WeChat Owns All Rights of Users’ Content
For users’ content, the new service terms stipulate that:
“You grant us and our affiliates a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, sublicenseable, royalty-free, worldwide license (without charge or fee from us) to use your content for the purpose of providing, promoting, developing and attempting to improve WeChat and our other services, including new services that we may offer in the future. All such uses (with respect to your content containing personal information) are in accordance with our WeChat Privacy Policy. As part of such licenses, we and our affiliates, subject to the WeChat Privacy Policy, may copy, reproduce, host, store, process, rewrite, modify, translate, perform, publish and post your content in any media and by any means of distribution (including in future developed media and means) anywhere in the world.”
The terms also state: “We may share your content with third parties who assist us in working with them to help provide, promote, develop and improve WeChat in accordance with the WeChat Privacy Policy.”
WeChat’s “Privacy Policy” stipulates that WeChat may share users’ data with “related companies within our Group”, including Tencent International Service Europe B.V. in Holland, Aceville Pte. Ltd. in Singapore and Oriental Power Holdings Limited in Hong Kong.
WeChat may also share user data with “Service providers” and “Third Parties”.
WeChat Users Will Be Subjected to Chinese Guidelines When Interact with a Chinese User
Another tricky part of the privacy policy is, if an overseas WeChat user interacts with a Weixin(Chinese version of WeChat) users in China, “WeChat may collect, retain, share and/or store your information in accordance with the Weixin Privacy Guidelines (not this Privacy Policy).”
This means, the Chinese version of privacy policy will be applied to overseas users who interact with a Weixin user China.
The Weixin Privacy Protection Guidelines stipulate that: “When you use some features, we may collect some sensitive information from you with your consent, for example, we may collect your step information when you use the Wexin Sports feature, we may collect your cell phone contact information when you use the Recommended Contacts feature, and we may collect your location information when you use the People Nearby and Shake features.”
The Guidelines also state that “When you use the Weixin Friend Circle function, the text, photos, videos, comments, likes and other information you upload to your friend circle will be stored in our server.”
The Guidelines states: “We will not provide the above-mentioned Circle of Friends information to the public or use it for purposes other than this function unless you choose to do so or otherwise required by relevant laws and regulations.”
According to the Guidelines, Weixin will collect users’ geographic location information in order to recommend local services near if the users choose to Weixin’s payment function or associate their cards with their Weixin accounts.
WeChat’s Chinese Version Weixin Will Not Ask User’s Permission
Weixin will not ask users’ permission when it collects the following information that is:
a) related to the fulfillment of the obligations of the controller of personal information under laws and regulations.
b) directly related to national security, national defense security
c) directly related to public safety, public health, and significant public interests
d) directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments, etc.
e) for the purpose of safeguarding the life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals but for which it is difficult to obtain the users’ authorized consent
f) where the personal information involved is disclosed to the public by the subject of personal information himself/herself
g) necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract at the request of the subject of personal information
h) Where personal information is collected from information that is lawfully and publicly disclosed, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.
i) necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as the detection and disposal of product or service failures.
j) Where the controller of personal information is a news organization and it is necessary to carry out legitimate news reporting.
k) When the controller of personal information is an academic research institution and it is necessary to conduct statistical or academic research in the public interest, and when it provides the results of academic research or descriptions to the public, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified.
Users in US, Australia, UK , EU, & Singapore Are Subjected to More Terms
For WeChat users in the U.S., Australia, UK and EU, as well as Singapore, there are more specific additional terms.
Sep. 11, 2001 was the 11th day since my arrival in Melbourne, Australia. I just escaped from China after being tortured for one year in Beijing Female Labor Camp for practicing Falun Gong.
I was staying with a relative, and felt so shocked when watching the World Trading Center collapsing.
Actually, on the next day of my arrival in Melbourne, I received a job offer to work at the University of Arizona (read this article, or watch this video for more details about how I got the job offer) . When 9/11 happened, I was struggling whether I should go back to China so that I could try to get a working visa to the US. I had to apply for a US visa from China, as I held a Chinese passport then.
Later I learned that after 9/11 happened, the US stopped issuing visas to any Chinese nationals for 6 months or something. I felt so lucky and I had not gone back to China. Otherwise, I would have ended up being trapped there …
So I have always believed that I am being looked after by some divine power. I escaped only 11 days before 9/11.
Now, 20 years later, I have obtained a US green card under EB1 category for individuals who have “extraordinary ability”.
But in terms of the safety of the world, I think we are in a far worse situation. But the threat may be less visible, as the terrorists are using less visible, but “unrestricted warfare” against mankind.
This morning, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, I said this on Twitter when retweeting a tweet of Sheng Xue, a Chinese poet and activist: “The CCP is practicing state terrorism, and is the bastion of global terrorism. If we want to fight terrorism, we must fight the CCP first.”
It’s so nice to see you again after some interruption because I needed to change studios. Today I will talk about some “black swan” events in China, then I will discuss a very important question: Why has the US won all the wars but lost all the battles? Why can an article by a former Australian prime minister serve as evidence of the CCP’s threat to the world?
Before we go on, I’d like to first of all express my gratitude to everyone who has supported me in any form. I’d like to first of all show you this message I received together with a 100 dollar donation.
See the message, “Inconvenient or not, truth must be told! Jia You!” The last two words Jia You are actually the pronunciations of two Chinese words meaning “keep fighting, go, or keep it up.”
I must say that I am very much moved.
You know, YouTube has been suppressing me very obviously since January this year. My views suddenly dropped by over 90%, and my videos were often given a yellow flag, which means I wouldn’t have any advertisement revenue.
A major reason why I had to change studios is to save cost. Renting a studio has a cost, as there were two technicians working together with me every time when I did live shows, apart from the cost of the studio itself. So I am now doing everything on my own from my home, with a virtual background.
I will try to keep going as far as I can. So, any kind of support is much appreciated!
Now, let’s move to our first topic today.
A Black Swan Event at Tiananmen Square
We all know that the term “black swan” is often used to refer to an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.
Well, on September 5, a real black swan landed in Tiananmen Square out of nowhere.
This swan appeared right after the national flag raising ceremony. Soon afterwards, it started raining.
I must say it was a very usual thing. I had lived in Beijing for 17 years, but I had never seen a black swan, or a white swan in Beijing. I only saw birds or animals in the zoo in such a densely populated city. Any animals would usually be scared to death, just as some foreigners who were overwhelmed by the crowds and crazy traffic. The problem was, nobody cares for traffic rules. People did all sorts of unexpected things.
I remember a student from the US said to me after I drove her to the Great Wall that she admired me, no, she worshiped me so much for daring to drive in such crazy situations in such a crazy city.
It was said that since there was no foot ring on this swan, it must be a wild animal.
So this unusual event has been spreading on the internet like mad. So many people have been talking about it. For those who oppose the CCP, they think that this is an indication that the CCP will encounter big trouble; for the CCP itself, it actually also fears that this means bad luck for them.
Chinese people tend to believe that heaven, earth, and human beings are interconnected with one another, so something happening in the human world may really reflect heaven’s will. At least many people hope that the CCP will be gone as soon as possible.
Now, let’s move to another possible black swan event in China.
Will the Real Estate Bubble Burst Soon?
Will the CCP encounter big trouble soon? Let’s watch a short video.
Well, this video shows a group of employees from Evergrande, the largest real estate developer in China, shouting “Vicious Evergrande, brutally laying off employees, refusing to pay employees’ commissions.!” The banner they are holding says the same thing.
Actually I did a show about Evergrande last September, about one year ago. I kind of “predicted” what would happen now.
At that time Evergrande encountered huge problems in terms of its capital flow. It had to “blackmail” the local government for it to bail it out. And the local government virtually forced its creditors to turn their loans to Evergrande into so-called investment, or shares of Evergrande, so that Evergrande didn’t have to pay back those debts.
It seems that Evergrande’s problem wasn’t solved through that round of bail out. Recently, some of its projects have been stopped; and it is laying off employees, like we just saw in the video.
And, for the first time ever, Evergrande has admitted that it could default on its debts.
International rating agency Moody’s has also downgraded Evergrande and its subsidiaries again on September 7. This is the third time since the end of June.
There is also news that Evergrande has notified two banks to suspend payment of interest on the loan due on the 21st of this month.
The problem is, Evergrande is not the only real estate developer that is in great trouble. The share prices of many other developers plunged too.
This article says that the trading volume of existing housing in Shenzhen city has hit a 10 year low recently, and dropped 77% year-on-year.
So, if the real estate bubble bursts, will China have its own financial tsunami like the one that happened in the US and globally in 2007-2008?
A 10 Trillion Hole to Fill
Actually, another bigger bubble is the financial crisis of the Chinese local government.
Let’s see this report: Basically it says that among 31 provinces and cities directly under the Central Government, only Shanghai has a fiscal surplus in the first half of 2021, the rest are all in deficit.
Even Guangdong Province, China’s top province in terms of GDP figures, is not able to cover its expenses.
You know, back in 2017, there were still 6 provinces and one city had a fiscal surplus, so the situation has worsened after 4 years.
This blue book predicts that China’s fiscal shortfall will continue to widen after 2021, with the gap expanding to 10 trillion yuan in 2025.
So what does 10 trillion yuan mean? Let me give you some ideas.
China’s general public budget revenue in 2019 was about 19 trillion yuan, and if you look at the central government’s revenue alone, it was close to 9 trillion yuan.
Yet by 2025, the nation’s fiscal deficit will be 10 trillion. This huge hole exceeds the total central government’s revenue in 2019, and this will happen in just a few years.
If you were Xi Jinping, would you feel very much worried? Yes, you would; and all the big and small business owners who have any money to be taken away should feel very much worried too.
P2P Lending Platform Victims
Now, let’s watch another short video. It shows victims of the so-called P2P, peer to peer lending platforms protesting in front of a government building in Hainan Province in China. This video was taken on Sep 6.
You know, several years ago, the P2P online lending platforms were very popular in China, with the CCP promoting them.
Public data compiled by the Chinese Epoch Times indicates that there were 1,855 known online lending platforms in China. They had 344 million participants and a pending balance of about $145 billion. But these platforms only account for 12.5 percent of the total number of online lending platforms.
These platforms have been heavily promoted by the CCP. According to statistics reported in the Chinese Epoch Times, from 2013 to 2015, the CCP’s most influential TV station, China Central Television, reported on and promoted P2P lending dozens of times, and state-level CCP leaders have spoken out in favor of P2P. Big cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Nanjing, and Shanghai issued policies to promote the development of the internet finance industry.
However, the CCP started to crack down on the P2P platforms very soon. In 2018, many P2P platforms started to “voluntarily” exit the market.
Once the P2P platforms were closed, the victims had no way to get back their investments. The government cannot be held responsible for their losses and victims who sought to recover their losses were often cracked down on by the authorities, like you just saw in that video.
Today I saw news that those victims were detained illegally for more than 24 hours.
So why did the CCP promote the P2Pk platforms and then crackdown on them?
Because the numerous bad debts in CCP’s state-owned banks had threatened China’s financial stability. In order to solve this problem, the CCP started to promote internet financing and allowed P2P platforms to develop in order to attract funds. Bad loans were repackaged as P2P products and sold to the public who didn’t know the truth.
After the banks got rid of the non-performing assets, the authorities then cracked down on the P2P platforms by forcing them to close.
Let’s see this report. It says that as of mid-November of last year, the actual number of P2P platforms operating across China had completely gone to zero.
This means that the trillions of dollars in debts owed by P2P platforms were also zeroed out along with them.
That’s why those protestors will get nothing back, and will only be arrested.
So this allows us to see from another angle the real situation of the Chinese economy and financial market. As far as I know, the number of victims is huge, but as they are not organized, they can hardly do anything.
“Attacking TW is Mainly A War Against the US. 200K TW Troops is Just a Pile of Meat”
Next, I want to show a speech by a famous CCP professor, someone who is regarded as a “national advisor.” Please make sure you read the English subtitles I added.
I don’t know what you think after watching his speech. You might think, oh, what an idiot. There is no way the CCP can win the war with Taiwan and the US. The US will intercept all the CCP’s missiles, and they won’t be able to destroy anything, or kill any of the 200K Taiwan troops.
Well, what I want to show to everyone are the following two points:
Apart from being a professor, this guy Jin Canrong is also the party secretary of the China Society for Future Studies. So his mentally is the CCP’s mentally. I think if anyone makes the same kind of statement in the US, and openly talks about killing 200K people as if they were only a pile of meat, he or she may be treated as a terrorist. Such kind of statements may be blocked as anti-humanity or hate speech.
But this guy is invited to many very prestigious places to give speeches, and such statements are applauded in CCP’s China, and he earned both big money and reputation for spreading this kind of speeches.
So this is what we should pay attention to. With this kind of mentality, is there anything that they will not do?
2. The second point is, although we might think that his speech is nonsense, but inside China, where people are blocked from seeing other information, and are only exposed to this kind of nonsense, as time goes by, many people, perhaps including CCP leaders, and military leaders in this matter, may start believing in what he says too.
People say that Xi Jinping often makes misjudgments when dealing with international issues. Why did he make misjudgments? He himself is also a victim of this kind of propaganda and nonsense. After a lie is repeated a thousand times, the person who creates the lie may also start believing it.
That is why we should worry.
With this, let’s move on to our last topic today:
Why has the US won all the wars but lost all the battles?
Why has the US won all the wars but lost all the battles?
This weekend will be the 20th anniversary of 911. 911 is America’s saddest memory in the 21st century. So the war on Afghanistan was actually the will of the entire U.S. population.
It is beyond doubt that the US army is the strongest in the world. Soon after the US started the war, the Taliban regime, which was protecting Osama bin Laden, collapsed fairly quickly. It seems that the US has won the war.
Then, it took the US 10 years to eliminate bin Laden, and another 10 years to withdraw. But how has this withdrawal gone so far? Needless to say it was a disgrace for the US.
And this is not the first time for the US. Apart from the victory in World War II, the same thing happened to the US in almost all the wars it fought afterwards.
For example, the US won World War II together with the then legitimate Chinese government led by KMT, but it abandoned this ally and let the CCP occupy China with the support of the Soviet Union.
And after that in almost all critical historical times, the US made the wrong decision.
For example, after the CCP leader Mao Zedong started the Cultural Revolution, US President Nixon established diplomatic relations with CCP’s China, bringing it into the United Nations and abandoning Taiwan.
After the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, US President Bush quietly sent people to China to help the CCP through the crisis. 2 years later, with the help of US President Clinton, the CCP was allowed to join the WTO.
The same is true with the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The US got involved to stop the communists, but ended up not finishing the task. The horrible Kim family regime is still ruling North Korea, and Vietnam is still occupied by communists.
Also, the US has been hit hard by the CCP virus pandemic. After the outbreak, the US suddenly found that medical supplies were in short supply, as everything was made in China, and so many other countries had to beg the CCP to get some basic supplies too.
So what’s wrong with the US? Why did such a powerful country always mishandle major international affairs in the past decades?
The main point of this article is that the US should aim at getting rid of Xi Jinping, instead of overturning the CCP, so that the relationship between the US and China can go back to the pre-Xi era, etc.
So I think the fundamental problem of this kind of thinking is that it regards the CCP as a bad neighbor who is temporarily making some mistakes. It never tries to understand the true nature of the CCP. That is why the US repeatedly made mistakes: Because it failed to see through the CCP. It never dared to think about how to deal with the issue from the root. On the contrary, it always thought it could co-exist with the CCP.
Several days ago, former Australian prime minister Paul Keating published an article titled “The Morrison government is provoking China to please America”.
His main points are: First, Australia is fighting the CCP because Australia wants to please the US. Second, the CCP poses no global threat, and third, it is only the US that cannot tolerate a strong CCP, etc.
I felt so sad when I read this article. The fact that a former prime minister of Australia, a major democratic country, is defending the CCP itself is a piece of strong evidence of the CCP’s great threat to the world, isn’t it?
I am not sure how far away the US can go on this wrong path when dealing with the CCP. The other day when I retweeted someone’s article in Chinese, I made such a statement: If the US doesn’t eliminate the CCP, the CCP will destroy mankind. Period.
Well, that’s my conclusion. Spread it if you agree. Please also make sure you subscribe to and share my channel, like my videos and leave me a comment to show your support.
This is the first time that I am using this new software to record this video. Please do forgive me if the overall result is not perfect. I will definitely do better in the future.
Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua: The Power Struggles Go on and Why Is Falun Gong Also A Factor? — Jennifer’s World
Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng”.
Long time no see. Last week I released an exclusive interview with a medical professional who worked at a hospital in Wuhan last year during the peak of the COVID19, or CCP Virus pandemic.
He revealed many astonishing facts for the first time, including he saw over a 1000 bodies piling up in the parking lot of the hospital, and that the whistle blower of the pandemic, Dr. Li Wenliang could have been murdered by the CCP.
As I thought it was also very important for the Chinese speaking people to watch and understand this interview as well, so I spent some time to translate the interview into Chinese, and to add both English and Chinese subtitles to it.
That’s why I only did this one video last week. If you haven’t watched it, please do go back to take a look.
Today I will talk about a very, very hot issue in China in the past several days, that is, the ousting of two former high level officials of the CCP’s political and legal system, what lies behind these incidents, and what can happen next.
Before that, let me give you a quick update on China’s much troubled real estate developer Evergrande. We have done several shows about it already.
Trading in Evergrande Shares Suspended Pending a “Major Transaction”
Yesterday(Oct 4) , trading in Evergrande shares was halted on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Evergrande issued an announcement and said that there would be a “major transaction” without giving out any details.
The CCP’s mouthpiece Global Times reported that another Property developer Hopson Development will acquire about 51 percent of Evergrande group’s property management unit, and the deal could be valued at more than $5.14 billion.
We’ve reported before that Evergrande’s total debt is as high as nearly 2 trillion yuan, or $310 billion. That is the number on the company’s books.
However, according to international investment bank Goldman Sachs, there is yet another 1 trillion yuan, or more than $150 billion debt, which is not on Evergrande’s balance sheet.
China Evergrande’s share price in Hong Kong was HK$2.95 on its last trading day. The highest price of the stock in the past year was HK$20.22. So this is a more than 80% drop.
So, will Evergrande still be savable? We will have to watch and see.
The Tales of Top CCP Police and Justice Department Heads
This year’s October 1 was the 72nd anniversary of CCP’s regime in China. Usually people can enjoy a week-long holiday because of the so-called “National Day”. But this year, two somewhat shocking events brought about a different flavor to this “national celebration.”
One day before the “National Day”, on Sep 30, former Vice Minister of Public Security Sun Lijun ( 孙力军) was ousted, which means he was expelled from the CCP and from his job, and his case will be transferred to the legal system to be further charged.
The CCP always operates like this. When any of its high level officials need to be punished, the first punishment will be expulsion from the party, the second punishment will be removing you from your post, and only the third one will be from the legal system, such as sentencing and putting you into prison, etc.
So in CCP’s China, the legal system is less important than the CCP membership and one’s official position, and is only a tool for the CCP to further punish those who have been removed from the party and their posts.
Anyway, then, one day after the “National Day”, on Oct 2, CCP’s Former Justice Minister & Head of Infamous ‘610 Office’ Fu Zhenghua (傅政华) was put under investigation by the CCP’s Discipline Inspection Commission.
So you can see both Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua had reached almost the highest position in the CCP’s legal and public security system, and their jobs were supposed to safeguard the public security and to catch bad people. How come they turned out to be bad people themselves?
What Are the “ Classified Materials” That Sun Lijun “Secretly Hid”?
The CCP’s Central Discipline Inspection Commission issued a very harshly worded statement about Sun Lijun. The expressions and phrases include “extremely inflated political ambitions”, “recklessly discussing the central government’s major policies, creating and spreading political rumors, deceiving his superiors as well as subordinates to gain political capital; in order to achieve his personal political goals, he did whatever he could, engaging in gangsterism, gang affiliation, cultivating personal power, forming gangs to control key departments, abusing power, abandoning his post on the front line of pandemic fighting, secretly hiding a large amount of classified materials, using public security investigative techniques to confront investigation,” etc.
I don’t know how you feel after listening to all these. I bet you find it hard to understand. Actually, even if you speak Chinese, you will still find it hard to understand, as the CCP has its own gangster language that needs to be translated into normal Chinese, and then English.
Anyway, to put it simply, Sun Lijun’s main crimes are to organize his own gang inside the public security system, to achieve his own political ambitions. These are the “common” crimes that apply to almost every single removed CCP official.
However, there are two items that belong only to Sun Lijun, and they are, “Abandoning his post on the front line of pandemic fighting, and secretly hiding a large amount of classified materials. ”
Now, let’s explain them one by one.
Actually, these two crimes are closely related issues.
You know, during the peak of the CCP virus outbreak in Wuhan, that was, in Feb last year, Sun Lijun was sent to the city to inspect and direct the pandemic fighting effort there.
You might wonder why the CCP needed to send a police head to get involved in the pandemic fighting effort. Well, in China, everyone regarded this as the need for the CCP to maintain the so-called social stability, public order, and to suppress out-of-order affairs caused by the harsh measures during the pandemic.
So, Sun Lijun’s crime of “abandoning his post on the front line of pandemic fighting” obviously means that he had abandoned his job during that time and had gone elsewhere to do something else.
So what did he do?
Actually, Sun Lijun’s professional training was not in the legal area. He graduated from Shanghai International Studies University with a degree in English, and then did his postgraduate studies in public health and urban management at the University of New South Wales in Australia, and served in the foreign affairs office of the Shanghai Health Bureau and the foreign affairs office of the Shanghai government after returning to China.
Also, Chinese language media have been reporting that Sun Lijun’s wife and son live in Australia, his wife has gained Australian citizenship, and his son has permanent residence in Australia, etc.
According to Professor Yuan Hongbing(袁红冰), who lives in Australia now, Sun Lijun had sent his secret envoy to contact Yuan several times before Sun was removed from his post. The purpose of the contact was because Sun felt that he needed to prepare a way out for himself as the internal power struggle within the CCP was very fierce, and anything could happen.
So, according to Professor Yuan, Sun Lijun had hidden a lot of secret documents of the CCP as a way to protect himself. And among those, the most sensitive document is about the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Yuan said, the document was about how a logistics officer and a staff member of Wuhan Institute of Virology had been taking the experimental animals to Wuhan’s seafood market to sell them for profit; and this resulted in the leaking of the virus from the lab.
Actually, I did a program as early as last May, titled “Origin of the CCP Virus: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle”.
The “missing piece” I talked about in that video was exactly the possibility of the virus getting escaped from the Wuhan lab because of poor management of the animals used to do experiments. So it seems that what Professor Yuan said goes in line with what I said more than one year ago.
Also, Elmer Yuen(袁弓夷), a Hong Kong businessman I once interviewed, revealed that the Australian intelligence agency had intercepted secret information about the CCP Virus, or COVID-19 from the CCP, when Sun Lijun tried to secretly hand over the information to his wife in Australia for her to keep. So Australia has some inside information about the virus that other countries don’t have, and that was why Australia was the first country that said the CCP needed to be held responsible for the spread of the CCP virus pandemic.
So now, if we put all these allegations together with the CCP’s official statement of Sun Lijun “secretly hiding a large amount of classified materials”, it seems that everything falls into their places, and that Sun Lijun may have indeed hidden materials about the origins of the CCP Virus, as well as the cover ups of the CCP. That’s why he had to be punished.
A Failed Assassination of Xi Jinping in Wuhan?
Another Chinese language Youtuber tells a more explosive story. Remember in one of our previous shows, “Deleted Report, Assassination Plot and the CCP’s Intensifying Power Struggles”, we talked about a failed assassination attempt to kill Xi Jinping committed by Wen Luojin(罗文进), the former police chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of Jiangsu Province?
Well, according to this YouTuber, the assassination attempt was actually not to be carried in Nanjing in 2017, but was in Wuhan in 2020, when Xi Jinping went there to inspect the pandemic control work in March.
According to this YouTuber, Beijing initially said that Xi Jinping would visit Wuhan on March 17, but Xi suddenly changed the date to March 10. And he only stayed in Wuhan for 2–3 hours, under the protection of 30,000 strong military and police forces.
This photo was about Xi sitting in Wuhan on that day as a lonely dictator was once named “Photo of the Day”. So that was shot on March 10.
So, it was said that because Xi suddenly changed his schedule, Sun Lijun felt he didn’t have the confidence to carry out the planned assassination, so he fled Wuhan and didn’t get himself involved in that plan. And that’s why the assassination failed.
Anyway, these are just some rumors that we cannot prove or disprove. But from the way that Sun Lijun was punished, and from the wording of the statement about Sun Lijun by the CCP’s Discipline Inspection Commission, we can certainly know that Sun could have participated in some sort of coup attempt to get rid of Xi Jinping.
Now, let’s move to Fu Zhenghua’s stories.
Fu Zhenghua vs Xi Jinping
The fact that Fu Zhenghua’s removal was announced only two day’s after Sun Lijun’s punishment gives us enough reason to believe that Fu Zhenghua’s case is somewhat related to Sun Lijun’s.
Another piece of evidence is that Sun Lijun was removed from his post on April 19 last year. Then, on the following day, on April 20, Fu stepped down from the post of Deputy Secretary of the CCP branch at the Ministry of Justice.
Then, on April 29, Fu was removed from the post of Minister of Justice.
It seems that it took the CCP 17 months to investigate Sun’s problem, so only after 17 months since Sun was removed from his position last April, was the CCP ready to announce what kind of crimes he had committed. And then Fu Zhenghua was immediately put under investigation too.
So, from the timeline of the events, people tend to believe that the two top former CCP police and justice department head are connected with each other, although we don’t have evidence that Fu was also involved in the assassination attempt to kill xi Jinping.
But there was a famous event back in 2016, when 5 police officers in Beijing were arrested for causing the death of Lei Yang(雷洋)after wrongly arresting him.
So after the 5 police officers were arrested, Fu Zhenghua, who was the vice minister of Public Security then, incited 4000 police officers in Beijing to co-sign a letter to Xi Jinping. All of the 4000 police officers threatened that they would resign if the 5 arrested officers were punished. And they also threatened that Beijing would sink into chaos if Xi Jinping didn’t listen to them.
As a result, Xi gave in and released the 5 officers. So since then Xi was very unhappy about Fu.
However, since Fu Zhenghua had been working in the public security system for decades, and had many supporters, it was not easy to remove him. It was also said that one of Fu Zhenghua’s supporters within the police system once openly claimed that Fu Zhenghua even dared to monitor Xi Jinping and other CCP top leaders’ phone calls.
“610 Office”, CCP’s Power Struggle and Falun Gong
We also need to mention another very important title of Fu Zhenghua, which was the head of the “ 610 Office “.
The CCP’s 610 Office was set up on June 10, 1999, by CCP’s former head Jiang Zemin, right before the persecution of Falun Gong officially started on July 20, 1999. Its only mission was to persecute Falun Gong, and it overrides all judicial, legal and administrative systems, and has absolute power to do anything to innocent Falun Gong practitioners. It operates like Nazi’s Gestapo, or former Soviet Union’s KGB, and is only worse. At one stage, this system employed over a million people to do the persecution at all levels.
Actually, when we discuss the CCP’s power struggle, there is an important issue that should not be ignored, but is often overlooked, and that issue is Falun Gong, a peaceful spiritual self improvement system that had attracted ten of millions of people in China before 1999. Exactly because of its popularity, the then CCP leader Jiang Zemin decided to persecute and eliminate it.
In terms of the scale and severity, the persecution of Falun Gong is no doubt one of the most severe human rights disasters in China. The forced organ harvesting, and the organ transplant business is even more astonishing and beyond evil. In the past 21 years, it is estimated that as many as 2 million people or more could have been killed for their organs based on the scale of China’s organ transplant industry, and the majority of the victims were Falun Gong practitioners.
So, imagine, if this kind of anti-humanity crime is fully exposed, with all evidence presented to the world, what the consequences could be for Jiang Zemin who started the persecution?
So, from Jiang Zemin’s point of view, he can only rest assured if his successors also actively persecute Falun Gong. In this way everybody has blood in their hands, and everybody will continue to cover up the persecution and carry it on.
However, from Xi Jinping’s attitude, Jiang Zemin could see that Xi had been unwilling to inherit this political, or human rights abuse legacy left over by Jiang Zemin.
Instead, Xi Jinping dismantled the labor camp system in China that had been used as the main tool to persecute Falun Gong back in 2013, one year after he came to power.
Although the persecution of Falun Gong has never stopped since then, in the eyes of Jiang Zemin and those who had too much blood in their hands, Xi Jinping’s attitude made them uneasy, and not good enough, as they knew it was a matter of life and death if they lost in the power struggles. Many of their gang members are already in prison.
So far, 7 central level “610 Office” heads including Fu Zhenghua, Sun Lijun, Peng Bo(彭波), Li Dongsheng(李东生), Zhou Yongkang(周永康), Zhou Benshun(周本顺), and Zhang Yue (张越) have been removed from their posts. And nearly 2000 lower level 610 Office officials have also encountered bad consequences one way or the other. So some Chinese people call the position within the 610 Office “Death Position”, as it brings bad luck to people who persecute innocent believers of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, which are the main principles of Falun Gong.
Of course, on the surface, none of them were punished for persecuting Falun Gong, as the persecution of Falun Gong is still going on in China. Most of them were punished for corruption or abuse of power, as for those people who actively persecute Falun Gong, most of the time, they do other bad things too.
So, for China observers, the Falun Gong factor should not definitely be ignored when we look at the deadly power struggles within the CCP.
Who Will Be the Next?
So, who will be the next? Many people say that Meng Jianzhu(孟建柱), former Secretary of Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, who was also once the Minister of Public Security is in danger.
Some also say that Zeng Qinghong(曾庆红), former vice Chairman of China, and a longtime enabler and ally of Jiang Zemin can be Xi Jinping’s ultimate political enemy to remove before Xi can ensure that he stays in power at the 20th National Congress of the CCP, which will be held next year. So Xi Jinping has only less than one year to remove Zeng Qinghong, and other obstacles on his way to his lifelong power.
Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised to see more high level CCP officials get ousted in the near future.
Well, that’s all for today. Thank you very much for watching. Please do help me spread the message and ask more people to come and watch my videos.
Thank you. See you next time!
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