“Jennifer is the Awakening Catalyst to the Slumbering Humanity” 「曾錚喚醒沉睡的人性」

(Jennifer’s note: Below is the comment left by a viewer of my YouTube channel Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng )

(曾錚注:以下是一名觀衆在我的英文頻道Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 下的留言,中文是我翻譯的。我的中文頻道是「曾錚真言」

Jennifer has the guidance and protection of a “heavenly star” from her journey from prison torture to miraculously shining over humanity with every one of her laboriously researched presentation surpasses even the mainstream giant media online/live news reporters. God had His Glance upon her!


Remember her aspiration is fundamentally glorious and dignified: shines the light on the darkness of communism – specifically focuses on the present day category of communism, THE Commie. One doesn’t grasp the reality of THE Commie unless one has been in Jennifer’s shoes!


In a nutshell, Jennifer is the awakening catalyst to the slumbering humanity, whose majority are either living in houses with their “windows” CLOSED or naïve to the inevitable/impending and more devastating humanitarian disaster due to fall from the dark clouds of the current commie’s ego than the covid19 pandemic generated by them.


Contribution to support Jennifer is a blessed deed. One can share her videos or donate funds so that she can continue her refreshing enlightenments. Funds for her studio lighting improvement.


9/10/2021 *

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Photo: Jennifer at Central Park in New York on Nov. 6, 2020. Photo by Benny Zhang  图:曾錚2020年11月6日於紐約中央公園。攝影:張炳乾

Photo: Jennifer at Central Park in New York on Nov. 6, 2020. Photo by Benny Zhang 图:曾錚2020年11月6日於紐約中央公園。攝影:張炳乾

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最近最熱的新聞應該算是貝萊德投資中國的新聞了。美國億萬富翁投資者索羅斯(George Soros)在華爾街日報批評全球最大的資金管理機構貝萊德說, 「 現在向中國傾注數十億美元是一個悲劇性的錯誤,」 索羅斯說,「 這很可能會讓貝萊德的客戶虧損,更重要的是,會損害美國和其他民主國家的國家安全利益。」




《 華爾街日報》中文2021年9月8日報道

「 由貝萊德(BlackRock Inc., BLK)推出的可面向散戶投資者出售的中國首只純外資公募基金已募集約10億美元。












根據斯德哥爾摩國際和平研究所(SIPRI)2019年6月發布的報告估計,中國核彈數量約290枚,排名世界第4。2020年9月1日,五角大樓有關中國軍力的評估報告,首次披露中共的核武庫:核彈頭數量估計略超過200枚,包括那些可以裝在能夠打到美國的彈道導彈上的核彈頭;過去15年來,中共海軍建造了12艘核潛艇,其中六艘為中共提供了「可信的海基核威懾」;到2020年中,中共有可能建造一艘新的攻擊型導彈核潛艇,如果裝備對地巡航導彈,有可能為中共軍方提供祕密的對地攻擊能力選項;2019年末公開披露的轟-6N是中共第一種具備空中加油能力的核戰型轟炸機;未來十年,隨著中共核力量的擴張和現代化,核彈頭庫存預計將至少增加一倍 。

7月27日的《紐約時報 》援引「 美國科學家聯合會」核武專家的話稱,中國在新疆哈密地區新建了「另一個導彈發射井基地」,發射井數量為110個。不久前,美國另一機構聲稱中國在甘肅玉門地區新建了一個擁有約120個發射井的洲際彈道導彈基地。這兩個報導都是依據商業衛星拍攝的圖片下的結論。



我在這個推文上說這是我聼到過的最清醒的談話。在我被推特限流量500 的情況下,這個推流量達到了31萬,説明人心所向。




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在所謂的 public history(公共史學)」的幌子下,美國的歷史正在被隨時應召的職業寫手根據現有政策需要,隨時修改。而這是被中國共產黨黨網在2016年用“人民立場”這樣的詞贊頌的。


 2、儘管奧巴馬已經成爲了美國第一個黑人總統,而最近的副總統也是一個有色人種,但是美國現在種族主義的話題已經寫進了教科書。2016年,加州立法委員會通過了一項立法,將種族研究課程從大學下放K-12法案, 成為高中畢業的必修課程




除了2020 年至今不明不白的總統大選舞弊以外,民衆在未經允許進入國會時被當作暴亂,發生鎮壓,美國民衆選舉產生的國會與美國民衆的關係已經顛倒。他們已經成爲了中共一樣的不能侵犯的極權官員。





 4、憲法是美國的立國之本,但是今天的美國憲法已經被美國政府抛棄。美國國家檔案館,在展示美國建國文件中都貼上了「 有害語言 」的警告標志!被貼上有害標記的包括美國憲法和獨立宣言!美國前國土安全部長肯庫奇内(Ken Cuccinelli)的推特說,我們現在變成什麽了?你打開憲法,國家檔案館就會説「 有害語言警告」。你在跟我們開玩笑嗎?不,善良的前部長,這一切我們在極權中國見多了,你這裏還只是剛剛開始!







 7、所有合法民選政權從來不會擔心他的選民會成爲他的敵人,因爲他代表了大多數選民的利益。只有倒行逆施的政權才會擔心遭遇反抗,中共就是這樣一個邪惡政權。所以中共對内部的民衆一直有一個反革命罪和顛覆國家政權罪。我們都是這樣的罪名下逃亡美國的。只是現在的美國政府除了用五萬軍隊保護登基以外,還有了一個「 本土恐怖主義」罪名。他們知道倒行逆施必然遭遇反抗,他們知道在美國禁槍做不到,但是他們在等待你拿起武器反抗的時候,反抗的美國人就變成了「 本土恐怖主義者」他們的鎮壓已經有了理論依據!就像中共在六四鎮壓時説的「反革命暴亂」罪名一樣。就像香港200萬市民上街返送中被説成「 暴動「」一樣。



最近的消息,美國軍隊的最高職位總參謀長米利,居然可以背著三軍總司令總統,根據自己的意向,向敵國「 私下溝通 」,并保證戰爭開始前傳遞消息。這樣的叛國行爲者,今天還在臺上。這個人最近還剛剛做了爲了挽回在阿富汗被恐怖襲擊的面子,把阿富汗平民當作恐怖分子殺害的罪惡,他們殺害的還是幫助美國的人道主義者和兒童。這樣的邪惡在美國已經可以肆無忌憚二沒有任何後果!

因爲他們已經不擔心民衆的反抗了,他們已經準備好打擊「 本土恐怖主義者」了。誰敢反抗,誰就是本土恐怖主義者!


9/15/2021 *


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EverGrande Defaults & Can the Romance Between Wall Street and the CCP Last?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Recently the news of the world’s largest asset manager BlackRock launching  mutual funds in China, and billionaire investor George Soros’ sharp criticism of BlackRock has drawn a lot of attention. Today I’d like to talk about this issue, and how we should look at the relationship between Wall Street and the CCP. I will also give a brief update of the situation with China’s largest real estate developer Evergrande’s defaulting problem. So make sure you stick around till the end.

Before we move on, please subscribe to and share my channel if you haven’t, please also  check if you are still subscribed, as sometimes people get unsubscribed without their knowledge.

 Also, I have some exciting news to announce.

A New Contributor

 You remember I talked about Chinese scholar and writer Guppy Dong’s story when I talked about how the CCP banned and limited English study in China?

r Guppy Dong’s Facebook Profile photo.

r Guppy Dong’s Facebook Profile photo.

I said that because he doesn’t speak good English, he was deceived by two Chinese speaking lawyers in the US and Canada when he escaped from China to try to seek political asylum, but was deceived by two Chinese speaking lawyers into believing that he couldn’t seek political asylum and had to return to China back in 2016.

I also shared his story when I  talked about how the CCP Virus statue in California got burned down in July.

 Mr. Dong was on night watch together with the sculptor Mr. Chen Weiming at the statue some 20 days before the statue was burnt as they heard that the CCP would do something to the statue.

 Well, I am glad to announce here that Mr. Dong has decided to become a columnist for my website and write Chinese articles for me.

 He will also help me to do research and write scripts for me in Chinese so that I can use these materials in my programs.

 Before Mr. Dong escaped from China, he had been the chief editor of two Chinese magazines. He has very deep knowledge of Chinese affairs, and quick and sharp insights on many world issues too. So, with his help, I hope I can do more and do better in the future.

 I am very grateful that Mr. Gong is willing to help me as a volunteer because he believes in what I am doing. But I do hope that I can pay him in the future when I can afford it.

So, again, any kind of support and help from your guys is very much appreciated.

 Evergrande Defaults on Management Fund, 99% Employees Become Victims

 Now, let’s move to our topics today. First of all, I’d like to give you a quick update on China’s biggest real estate developer Evergrande’s current situation.

 Let’s watch a short video first. You will see a lot of Evergrande employees protesting inside an office building of Evergrande as the company defaulted on its investment management product. Obviously, Evergrande’s capital chain was broken.

 So this video was taken on Sep 10, two days after Evergrande defaulted on its investment management product.

 It is said that 99% of Evergrande employees have been forced to buy this investment management product called Evergrande Wealth. And Evergrande has about 200K employees nationwide.

 It is also reported that Evergrande has defaulted on its business notes that it issued to other companies when it borrowed money from them.

 This report also says that victims of Evergrande Wealth from many cities are currently protesting outside the Evergrande office buildings in their cities.

 Let’s watch another short video.

 Obviously, the woman who was shouting with a loudspeaker is a victim. From her accent, I guess this is in Sichuan Province, which is my hometown.

You could also see that some victims were holding a sign in their hands. Ironically, these signs say, “Return my hard-earned money. No delay.  We trust the government, we trust the Party!”

They still say they trust the government and the CCP. Actually I don’t think they really trust the government or the CCP anymore, but they have to say this to protect themselves.

Now let’s watch another video.

These are also victims of Evergrande marching on the street. They were shouting “Evergrande return my money!”

 The latest development is, Evergrande issued a payment proposal today, offering three different solutions for the investors to choose.

Option 1 is to pay by cash, but only pay 10% of the investment amount on the last working day of the month when the investment product expires.  After that, you can cash out 10% every three months, until all is paid. So altogether, it will take 28 months to get all your money back. Who knows what will happen in 28 months?

Option 2 is to pay by physical assets such as apartments, office buildings, storage and parking spaces that Evergrande owns. The problem is, if Evergrande has problems selling these properties, what can you do with them?

Option 3 is that you can offset the remaining money you owe Evergrande when you bought real estate from it. The problem is, if you don’t own money, this option has no use to you.

 If you were an investor, which option would you choose?

 Well, it seems the investors were not consulted about the three options. They have to choose one of them.

 So, obviously, Evergrande is collapsing. Will the entire real estate market in China collapse together with it? We’ll have to wait and see.

  “BlackRock’s China Blunder”

We all know that BlackRock got nod to launch China fund company in June this year, and became the first foreign money manager to be granted a license to run a 100%-owned fund management company in China.

Then, on August 30, it launched a set of mutual funds and other investment products for Chinese consumers. About one week later, it announced that it had raised about  $1 billion for its China-based mutual fund.

On Sep 6, George Soros published an opinion article titled “BlackRock’s China Blunder”, and said that “Pouring billions of dollars into China now is a tragic mistake. It is likely to lose money for BlackRock’s clients and, more importantly, will damage the national security interests of the U.S. and other democracies.”

 And then, BlackRock responded by saying that “China is ‘taking measures to address its growing retirement crisis.

“Blackrock thinks it can help China ‘address that challenge by providing … retirement system expertise, products, and services.’”

 So, how should we look at all these dramas?  Here is what I think.

  History Of Wall Street and the CCP

 First of all, we need to check a little bit of the history between Wall Street and the CCP.

 At the beginning of 1988, in the cold of early spring, Beijing, which had been engaged in economic reform and opening up for nine years, welcomed a 40-member Wall Street delegation led by the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange. The delegation was hosted by the People’s Bank of China (later reorganized as the Central Bank of China).

At that time, the People’s Bank of China couldn’t even afford to hire professional translators for the delegation, so students from the graduate department of the People’s Bank became free human resources.

The Wall Street bigwigs came into contact with this group of finance graduate students, who had not yet seen the world, but had already learned about stocks. So the Wall Street guys were happily surprised, as they realized that in this still materially deprived, closed and backward country, there could exist opportunities that they could make big money later!

 n the following year, in 1989, after the Tiananmen Massacre, a lot of western countries imposed sanctions against the CCP, but this hardly delayed Wall Street’s effort to enter China. As early as 1992, American International Assurance Company was allowed to open a branch in Shanghai, becoming the first Wall Street financial institution to enter the Chinese market.

  In the same year, Shenyang Jinbei AutoMotive Company formed Brilliance Automotive to go public in the U.S., starting the process of Chinese companies going public in the U.S. Up to May this year,  there have been 248 Chinese companies listed in the U.S. with a market capitalization of about $2.1 trillion.

 According to some of the Chinese employees who worked at Morgan Stanley in the early years, Wall Street was intensely interested in China because only this emerging market had a large enough number and volume of companies and assets to satisfy Wall Street’s appetite.

In the meantime, the CCP, out of its need for regime legitimacy and the need for its leaders to satisfy their selfish desires, also desperately needed to link up with high-end international circles, especially after the international sanctions imposed on the CCP in 1989 for its suppression of the student movement.

 That was why Wall Street and the CCP fell in love with each other. Wall Street was profit-oriented and didn’t care much about social justice.

Is the CCP Still a Good Gartner for Wall Street after It Turned to the Left?

The next question is, is the CCP still a good partner for  Wall Street after it turned to the left?

 In the past 3 decades or so, Wall Street and the CCP have been getting along with each other quite well. The CCP has grown to become the second largest super economy in the world, while Wall Street has gained huge profits and market expansion benefits.

However, what accompanied these were the rapid decline of manufacturing in the US, and the ongoing human rights disasters, the dramatic increase in the gap between rich and poor, and substantial degeneration of social morals in China. Only these extremely bad things have not stopped Wall Street from dancing with the wolves.

It wasn’t until President Trump entered the White House and began to address the issue of the CCP taking unfair advantage of America that things started to change.

 Wall Street wasn’t able to stop Trump’s trade war against the CCP; and the first phase of the trade agreement the CCP signed with Trump secured further financial openness, and three years down the road, the CCP did open the door to Wall Street: Wall Street companies could finally set up their own 100% owned securities and asset management firms in China.

 In the meantime, the CCP is rapidly shifting to the left because of internal power struggles and the choices made by the highest authorities. It not only cracked down on big Chinese companies and industries, but also launched media and public opinion wars to attack international capital.

 In particular, a series of CCP’s “drunken boxing” actions starting in July led to a huge drop in the market value of US-listed Chinese stocks, with hundreds of billions of market value wiped off.

Not only did these listed companies suffer huge losses, but so did Wall Street and U.S. investors.

 The problem is, nobody really knows why these things happened. Nobody knows what the CCP will do next.

 In such a situation, Wall Street started selling off their Chinese stocks, causing further plunges.

 In the meantime, it seems that some companies did gain some benefits. For example, Goldman Sachs was allowed to wholly own its subsidiary in China late last year, JPMorgan Chase gained the same permit in August, and BlackRock has begun operating in China like we just talked about.

In mid August, BlackRock even advised its clients to increase their positions in Chinese assets by two to three times.

So, it seems that these companies believe that they can handle the CCP, and even if there is political turmoil within the CCP, they can still collude with the CCP to protect themselves.

 Can Wall Street Really Protect Itself?

 It is difficult for outsiders to know the details of Wall Street’s collusion with the CCP. However, it was revealed in 2013 that it was a common industry practice for Wall Street investment firms to hire the children of top CCP officials to secure important business.

But these practices are likely to be investigated by the U.S. government, and confirmed as violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. So Wall Street is somehow restrained.

However, Wall Street may have something that is extremely valuable to the CCP: it can help the CCP to internationalize the RMB. For the CCP to break away from its dependence on the US and the US dollar system, and to truly become a world hegemony, it must internationalize the RMB.

At the same time, the huge profits earned by Wall Street in China are difficult to exchange into dollars and transfer out of China if the RMB is not internationalized.

So Wall Street does have motivation to help the CCP in this regard.

In fact, Wall Street is already doing this for the CCP. Some international financial institutions are significantly increasing their holdings of RMB assets.

 Boosting the internationalization of the RMB will inevitably weaken the status of the US dollar and harm US interests.

  Will Wall Street Prosper or Die Together with the CCP?

 And the question is, will Wall Street and the CCP prosper together forever?

 I am afraid not. Recently we discussed quite a lot about the various problems the CCP is encountering. Xi Jinping is still turning to the far left in order to secure his own power. It seems he will continue to do so until he meets a dead end.

When the CCP runs out of its financial resources, it will be Wall Street’s turn to sacrifice itself for the relationship and make the CCP live on. So Wall Street’s good fortune in the Communist China will not last.

Although it is possible that BlackRock can still profit in China, this kind of profit is dangerous, as its mission is only to trap more capital in.

History often repeats itself. The CCP confiscated all private and foreign assets in 1949 and refused to pay all historical foreign debts. Why are we so confident that it won’t do the same again? I think what has been happening recently in China is more than enough to serve as a wake-up call for Wall Street.

Well, it seems we are running out of time today. Maybe we can discuss more about the complex relationship between George Soros, BlackRock and the CCP, as well as why BlackRock’s claim about helping China fix its retirement crisis is a sheer lie next time.

 Thank you very much for watching. Again, please make sure you subscribe to and share my channel, like my videos and leave us some comments.

Thank you. See you next time!

9/13/2021 *

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发表在 Commentaries 時評, Journalism 我的報導, Vlog 视频 | 留下评论



不要相信極左派的社會主義 極權體制下沒有正義



中共在養老問題上其實從來沒有任何擔心,他們的人力資源和社會保障部(人社部)也公開表示不會存在資金短缺的問題。作爲一個集權政權,它可以肆無忌憚使用一切手段解決養老金「 短缺」問題。包括少發和不發。事實上,在鋪天蓋地的社會主義優越性的宣傳以後,他們一直是這麽做的。這就是所有美國人必須對那些宣稱大政府福利的共產主義和社會主義者保持警惕的原因。




但實際它一直堅持「 財政供養的人越多政權越穩定」,這一點其實也是美國極左勢力一直在推行的。使用福利控制人群,這在集權中國早就實現了。






而這實際領取養老保險的1.61億人,實行的是一個非常低的標準。2019年4月10日,中國社科院世界社保研究中心發佈《中國養老金精算報告2019-2050》,2018年1月1日起,全國城鄉居民基本養老保險基礎養老金最低標準提高至每人每月人民幣88元,即在原每人每月70元的基礎上增加18元。就是不到12 美元。在中國一套普通西裝的價格是人民幣400元。差不多70美元。











「 使一個國家變成人間地獄的東西,恰恰是那些『大人物』們總想試圖將其變成天堂的那些東西。」在一個政府是唯一雇主的國家裏反抗的等於慢慢餓死。「 不勞動者不得食」已經被「 不服從者不得食」這個新原則所代替。

9/11/2021 *


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小布希與中共同步虛構美國「 本土恐怖主義」,旨在打擊異己?



 令我更震驚的還有911二十周年紀念日,前總統小布希在説美國現在面臨的不是境外恐怖分子而是「 本土暴力極端分子」。我怎麼感覺聽到的是,中共在六四事件中說的反革命暴亂分子,香港警察口裡的暴動分子?


早在2019年8月9日,中國國務院新聞辦及廣電總局在美國規模最大的中英雙語廣播電臺中美印象線上講座 ,就已經說「 白人民族主義者已經成為美國恐怖主義的代言人」。

2019年8月7日 新華網《本土恐怖主義滋生 美國社會有新麻煩》說:「 美國智庫新美國基金會報告指出,『9·11』後美國本土恐怖主義襲擊超過八成由美國公民或者永久居民實施。」

2021年9月11 日,中共官網中國江蘇網、2021年09月11日中國新聞網,都轉發了中共《人民日報》海外網9·11二十周年評論文章《美國本土恐怖主義滋生,防了外患卻生了內亂》。文章明確提到:「 以『驕傲男孩』『百分之三人』『誓言守護者』等為代表的極右翼組織通過Facebook、Twitter以及匿名社交網站Signal和Telegram等社交媒體宣揚白人至上、激進民族主義、持槍自由和陰謀論,並吸引了以『匿名者Q』(QAnon)為代表的陰謀論者的支持。 」

它引用的消息來源,還是中共主要引用的資訊來源的美國臭名昭著的《國會山報》。同時配發的是「 1月6日,美國首都華盛頓,極右翼團體成員佔領國會大廈試圖阻止國會認證拜登在大選中獲勝」的圖片。


那麽第二天小布希為什麼也會有與中共《人民日報》評論完全一致的「 美國本土恐怖主義」的説法,這只是巧合?為什麼美國的前總統會與中共的在認知上完全一致?

中共的新華社在今年6月16日報導「 美國政府發佈新戰略打擊本土恐怖主義」 中特別提到:「 白宮稱,當今美國國內恐怖主義威脅的兩個最致命的因素是主張白人種族優越性的暴力極端分子,以及反政府或反當局的暴力極端分子,例如民兵暴力極端分子。」


问题是,誰是美國政府新战略要打击的「 本土恐怖主義者 」?美國白宮的認可是不是與中共一樣?

《美國之音》6月16日報導《拜登總統宣佈美國首個應對國內恐怖主義戰略 》配圖用的是「 美國會員警1月6日與試圖進入國會的示威者對峙。」其指向非常明確,「 本土恐怖主義者 」就是支持川普,對大選有異議的美國人!

實際上關於「 美國本土恐怖主義」的熱炒,最早出現在2016年8月1日中国共產黨網。

中共為什麼對美國「 本土恐怖主義 」那麼熱心?不僅官方媒體,連中共黨內網站都參加了?因為中共清楚地知道,這是毀滅美國的最好辦法。





當美國的總統,美國的前總統,美國的國土安全部、美國的聯邦調查局都認為,美國存在一個本土恐怖主義群體以後,需要「 新戰略」去打擊的時候,實際上美國的白宫已經變成了中共的中南海。


现在所有的這一切邪恶,都被一個「 美國本土恐怖主義」替代了。中共怎麼會不歡呼?中共的共產黨網在2016年就已經歡呼過了!

而今天美國的總統、前總統、國土安全部、聯邦調查局,也開始像中共一樣,把一個人群,一群美國人,當作了「 本土恐怖主義者」。為了維護他們的權力一切都在完全與中共一樣走向!現在連表述方式都與中共完全一樣,是巧合?




那麼我今天這樣說話,是不是已經不受憲法第一修正案保護了?是不是也要像在中國一樣被抓捕了?給我一個「 本土恐怖主義 」的罪名?

这就是为什么,我散步的時候,會看到那個掛支持川普的家庭,要從它生活幾十年的地方逃離,就像我們逃離中國一樣?这就是为什么開始有很多美國人不敢表達他們的政治觀點了?因為他們也會害怕被當作「 本土恐怖主義者」?


在去年安提法打砸搶燒的時候拜登是跪拜的。但是在華盛頓DC沒有發生過一次支持川普的人有打砸抢烧。你們把這樣的不支持你們的美國人都當作了「 本土恐怖主義者」?你們與中共有什麼區別?

從小布希口裡出來的「 本土恐怖主義者」,實際上是 「 美國邪惡政客恐怖主義」!那些邪惡政客,想要就此讓美國人恐怖,然後剝奪美國民眾的所有憲政權利。



9/13/2021 *


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《美國之音》6月16日報導《拜登總統宣佈美國首個應對國內恐怖主義戰略 》,配圖用的是「 美國會員警1月6日與試圖進入國會的示威者對峙。」

《美國之音》6月16日報導《拜登總統宣佈美國首個應對國內恐怖主義戰略 》,配圖用的是「 美國會員警1月6日與試圖進入國會的示威者對峙。」

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George Soros vs BlackRock: The CCP’s Internal Struggles & Evergrande’s Executives Jumped Boat In Advance

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Last time we talked about billionaire investor George Soros’ sharp criticism of BlackRock’s decision to invest in China, and a little bit of the history of Wall Street and the CCP’s relationship to it. I promised that I would talk about the complex relationships among George Soros, BlackRock and the CCP.  Well, today I will fulfill my promise. I will also give you some updates regarding the developing news about China’s largest real estate developer Evergrande.  Please do make sure you stick around till the end, as the message at the end is very, very important.

 Now, let’s jump right to our first topic.

[1] Protests Continue and Expand to Other Developers

 Last time I showed you some footage of the victims of Evergrande’s default. Now, let’s watch more. This video is a combination of many clips from different cities.

You could see that there were a lot of police running into the building to “maintain order.”

Now, let’s watch another 2  videos of police using force, and police inside the Evergrande’s headquarters.

 Now another video.

 This video shows victims sitting on top of the building and threatening with suicide to get their money back.

Now, let’s watch another one of the victims protesting at the official building of the No. 4 real estate developer called Rong Chuang.

 Now another one from Lǜdi (绿地), also a top 10 developer. The words on the protestors’ T-shirts say “Lǜdi, take back your apartments!”

 So now let’s see Evergrande’s share price.

Share Price of Evergrande since June.

Share Price of Evergrande since June.

 This is the share price since June this year. Other real estate companies’ share prices are pretty much in the same situation.

 [2] Executives Jumping the Boat in Advance

 Now, how serious is the problem?

According to a staff member of Evergrande Wealth,  Evergrande Wealth has a total of 700 to 800 investment advisors nationwide, with a total of 80,000 to 100,000 customers and an investment scale of about 100 billion yuan, or about $15 billion and the current unpaid funds are about 40 billion yuan, or $6.22 billion.

 According to Chinese official media, chairman of Evergrande Xu Jiayin’s wife Ding Yumei, general manager of Evergrande Wealth Du Liang & his father, and a number of Evergrande executives, have all redeemed their investment in advance. Xu Jiayin’s wife had 23 M yuan withdrawn. Du Liang and father cashed out 9M yuan.

 Actually, Du Liang himself admitted that he cashed out in May. Let’s watch his admission.

[3] To Save or Not to Save Evergrande, That Still Is A Question 

 Last September I did a show called : “Evergrande: To Save or Not to Save? Is China’s Financial Crisis Coming?

You can see from this that in the past 48 hours, this one year old view suddenly got a lot of new views. It shows people are searching for it. 

You can see from this that in the past 48 hours, this one year old view suddenly got a lot of new views. It shows people are searching for it.

You can see from this that in the past 48 hours, this one year old view suddenly got a lot of new views. It shows people are searching for it.

I joked on Twitter that I was sometimes one year or more ahead of time & your typical “mainstream” media.

Well, last year Evergrande “blackmailed” the local government successfully and forced them to bail it out.

One year later, the problem became bigger, as Evergrande’s total debt has reached 2 trillion yuan, or $ 310 billion. At such a debt level, it needs to pay 100 billion yuan, or $15 billion interest every year,

It also has 800 unfinished projects, and 1.2 million are waiting to move in these unfinished projects.

 Also, Chinese authorities have already told major banks that Evergrade will not be able to make the loan interest payment due on Sep. 20.

 So, to save Evergrande, or not to save Evergrande is still a problem, but this time, for the central government.

If the CCP let Evergrande go bankrupt, the bank system, other financial institutions, the entire real estate market, the job market, and even the entire Chinese economy will all suffer landslide crises.

But is the central government able to save it? We have to wait and see.

Now, let’s move to our last topic today.  How to look at the relationships among billionaire investor George Soros, BlackRock, Wall Street and the CCP?

 [4] Three Articles by George Soros

 You might have noticed that George Soros has been attacking Xi Jinping and his regime very aggressively recently.

 On August 13, he published an article “Xi’s Dictatorship Threatens the Chinese State”, with such a subtitle: “In his quest for personal power, he’s rejected Deng Xiaoping’s economic reform path and turned the Communist Party into an assemblage of yes-men.”

He said that at the heart of the “growing conflict” between the U.S. and China “is the reality that the two nations represent systems of governance that are diametrically opposed.”

He then criticized Xi Jinping as the “most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world”, and said Xi failed to understand how CCP’s second generation leader Deng Xiaoping achieved his success.

He said that Deng wanted China to rise within the open societies in the world, and his “approach worked wonders. It even dealt with the global financial crisis of 2007-08 better than the developed world.”

Then, on August 30, Soros published another article “Investors in Xi’s China face a rude awakening”, with such a subtitle: “The leader’s crackdown on private enterprise shows he does not understand the market economy.”

On the same day, he also published another article  “BlackRock’s China Blunder”, with a subtitle “Pouring billions into the country now is a bad investment and imperils U.S. national security.”

 I don’t know what you think about Soros’ criticism of Xi Jinping.

I also don’t know whether you have noticed that while attacking Xi Jinping, Soros praised Deng Xiaoping and said that Deng’s  “approach worked wonders. It even dealt with the global financial crisis of 2007-08 better than the developed world.”

 [5] Getting Rid of Xi Jinping but Keeping the CCP?

 Actually, back in 2010, Soros openly praised the CCP by saying that “China has better functioning government than U.S.” and China has “a more vigorous economy.”

So, it is very obvious that what Soros is against is not Deng Xiaoping, or the CCP, he is only against Xi Jinping.

 Remember I mentioned a very long article called “THE LONGER TELEGRAM: Toward a new American China strategy” before?  That article expresses the same idea.

Recently we also talked a lot about Xi Jinping’s drunken boxing of eliminating one industry per day. From Alibaba, to Didi Chuxing, from English study, to movie star Vicky Zhao,  so many companies, industries and individuals got targeted … Seems nobody understands what Xi Jinping really wants to do and to achieve.

 Well, all these, including Soros’ sharp criticism against BlackRock and Xi Jinping, are related to different understandings of how to achieve communism, or Marxism, as well as to the internal power struggles within the CCP.

For George Soros and people like him, what they want are the times when the CCP had Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin in power, when Wall Street and the CCP happily made money together at the cost of ordinary Chinese people, as well as people in the West.

It was fine for Deng Xiaoping to roll tanks into Beijing and kill the students at Tiananmen Square, and it was fine for Jiang Zemin to persecute Falun Gong and harvest Falun Gong practitioners’ organs to make big money.

Have  Soros and the like ever bothered to criticize those anti-humanity crimes of the CCP?

No.  Actually, the goal of the globalists is similar to that of Marxists in some senses. They all want to promote something, and achieve something in the entire world. Their stage is the entire planet. Only their means are not the same. One faction talks about non-violent ways, such as the “long march through the institution”; another faction talks about using violence to “liberate the entire world”, before liberating the proletariats themselves.

Why doesn’t Xi Jinping care about destroying companies like Alibaba and Didi? Because, these companies are actually Xi Jinping’s political enemies’ wealth.

Why did Xi Jinping choose to destroy Hong Kong too? Because Hong Kong was also pretty much in his political enemies’ hands.

Who are Xi Jinping’s political enemies in China? Former leader Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong and their factions are two main ones.

 [6] Beijing Stock Exchange, BlackRock and Xi Jinping: Are There Any Deals?

 I am not sure whether you’ve read the news that Xi Jinping recently unveiled the Beijing Stock Exchange, after he destroyed many Chinese companies’ future opportunities to get listed in the US stock market. So Beijing Stock Exchange will be the third stock exchange in China, and is said mainly to boost China’s domestic capital markets and expand financing access to small and medium-sized enterprises.

 There was another piece of news that many people ignored. In March this year, BlackRock closed its  private fund unit in Shanghai. Then, 6 months later, it launched mutual funds in China, exactly at the same time when Xi Jinping announced the plan for Beijing Stock Exchange.

 So why did BlackRock go against the “tide” and enter China at such a “bad time”? Why did it close its much safer private fund unit in Shanghai and venture into the more risky world of mutual funds in Beijing? Could it be that it had already reached some kind understanding with Xi Jinping?

 These, my friends, are all just some assumptions for you to ponder about. You can choose to believe, or not to believe them.

 But one thing is for sure. That is, there is no such a thing as a better CCP leader in China. There did once exist one or two better ones, such as Zhao Ziyang, who was sympathetic with the Tiananmen students in 1989, and Hu Yaobang, who tried to correct some of the mistakes the CCP made during the Cultural Revolution in the 1980’s.

 However, because they were not bad enough for the CCP, they soon got removed or eliminated from the system. Zhao Ziyang was jailed in his own house for 16 years until he died in misery in 2005.

[7] No Differences Between the CCP’s First and Second 30 Years

 So, Soros might think that Deng Xiaoping’s time was a good time for people like him. But he failed to realize that without Deng Xiaoping’s time, and Deng Xiaoping’s efforts to steal technology and suck money from the West, there wouldn’t have been such a thing as Xi Jinping’s time. Exactly because of Deng Xiaoping’s time and Deng Xiaoping’s efforts, Xi Jinping gained the ability to bully around in the world now.

A while ago people in China were discussing how to look at the CCP’s first general leader Mao Zedong’s time and Deng Xiaoping’s economic reform and openness policy.  Xi Jinping said very clearly that you cannot use the first 30 years of the CCP’s rule to deny the second 30 years, nor can you use the second 30 years to deny the first 30 years.

 So, in Xi Jinping’s eyes, and maybe very correctly so, there are no differences between the first and the second 30 years of the CCP’s rule in China, as they all belong to the CCP, they have all contributed to, and created the “strong CCP” that the world has to deal with now.

[8] How is the CCP Different from Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden?

 It has always puzzled me, why was the US willing to launch a war against Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime when it was convinced that Iraq had chemical weapons of mass destruction, but is unwilling to do anything about the CCP when the CCP has been mass killing its own people for all these years? Why treat Saddam Hussein and the CCP differently? Why the double standard?

However, after observing for a while what has been happening in the US and the West, it seems that I understood.

Unlike Saddam Hussein, or Osama bin Laden for that matter, the evil specter of Communism, which controls the CCP, also has its own representatives in the US and the West. These representatives undermine the freedom and traditional values of the West from within, and in disguise, with another system of terminology other than that in communist China. Therefore people didn’t discover or realize it.

Look at the US today. Look at the education system, look at the textbooks in our schools, look at Hollywood, and look at the latest example, General Milley, who secretly called the CCP and promised that he would notify the CCP if the US planned to attack the CCP.

Sometimes we think democracy is good, and strong enough to defend us, but do you know how the CCP looks at this matter? Everything has loopholes that the CCP can take advantage of.

 For example, CCP’s national advisor Jin Canrong once said: “We in the Chinese government hope that in the end, every U.S. Congressman’s district will have Chinese investment, and China will be able to control one thousand or several thousand votes, and then we can influence his (the congressman’s) attitude.

“In fact, the U.S. House of Representatives can be controlled, because the United States has 312 million people, and 435 members of the House of Representatives. On average, a congressional district has about 750,000 people, 750,000 people’s voter turnout is only 30%, that is, about 200,000 votes can decide his fate (the fate of the congress candidate).

“Generally speaking, the numbers of votes for the two candidates are very close, the gap won’t be particularly large. So in the end, I guess there is only a difference of 10 thousand or several thousand votes. Therefore, if you can have several thousand votes in your hands,  you are as good as his father/master.

“If China conducts good operations in the US, we may be able to buy it over, and turn the US into our second Standing Committee of National People’s Congress. ”

So, he was basically saying that it is fairly easy to manipulate and control the US elections, and he made this speech back in 2016.

So you don’t think the CCP would really take steps to go ahead with its national advisor’s tactics and strategy?

Now, I hope I have explained clearly the relationships between Soros, BlackRock, Wall Street, Xi Jinping and the CCP.

[9] Is the United States Moving Toward Totalitarianism?

Yesterday my new contributor Mr. Guppy Dong wrote an article in Chinese, titled “All the conditions are in place for the United States to move toward totalitarian rule.”

Some of the “conditions” he listed include denying history, denying the constitution, creating ethnic divisions, destroying elections, promoting atheism, and preparing for internal repression, etc.

After I shared his article on social media, some people didn’t believe it.

Thomas Guo, a human rights lawyer in Canada, said this: “Author seems to have misunderstood what totalitarianism is. The USA is far far from it. The CCP and North Korea are the only remaining two totalitarians nowadays. They are extremely left, while the USA Democratic Party might be mid left now. Totalitarian regime must be one party system, no free media, neither independent judiciary nor civil society. Should not mix the CCP with the USA.”

Another person I don’t know said this in Chinese: “Totalitarian states have several characteristics: one leader, one party, one doctrine… Is this what America is like? You are exaggerating all day long!”

 Well, is Mr. Dong exaggerating all day long?

I hope you leave us a comment and tell us what you think.

That’s all for today. Thank you very much for watching. Please subscribe to and share my channel if you haven’t.  And I will see you next week!


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Religion a Threat to Authoritarianism

By Gabriël Moens

As I am an avid reader, I decided to read Jennifer Zeng’s acclaimed memoir “Witnessing History: One Woman’s Fight for Freedom and Falun Gong.”

This book, published in 2005, is a well-known memoir of a member of the Falun Gong faith who was imprisoned in a Chinese labour re-education facility, tortured, and humiliated until she was “reformed.”

It is a story of perseverance, faith, persecution, and redemption, and it is a testament to the enduring power of faith, truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.

But primarily, the book is a tangible reminder of the persecution of religion and conscience in many different parts of the world. Hence, Zeng’s book has been reviewed numerous times.

Zeng’s story examines why the Chinese authorities and other governments ruthlessly and violently persecute religious groups merely for practising their faith.

In the case of Falun Gong, this persecution included sleep deprivation, hard labour, indoctrination, executions, a horrible existence in a re-education camp, organ harvesting, and more.

However, the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China is not an isolated event of religious persecution in the world. For example, in China right now, the Muslim Uyghur minority of Xinjiang is experiencing much the same treatment.

Click here to read the rest.


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Deleted Report, Assassination Plot and the CCP’s Intensifying Power Struggles

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

 Remember last time I said that billionaire investor George Soros’ attacks on CCP head Xi Jinping and the world’s largest asset manager BlackRock are very much related to the CCP’s fierce internal power struggle? Well, today I have some explosive news for you: The power struggle is real, and there was even an assassination attempt to kill Xi Jinping by a former police chief in Jiangsu Province in China! Quite explosive, right? Let me tell you all about it from the very beginning, and please be a little bit patient, as there could be some figures you are not familiar with. But after I present everything, the full picture will become crystal clear, I promise.

 [1] A Usual Disclosure That Was Soon Deleted

 Several days ago, on September 14, one of China’s main web portals called NetEast published an article called “The Iron Fist Smashes At Those Who Lost Their Minds Because of Greed.”

Let me show you the search result for this article:

 So, if you google the article title in Chinese, you can see the top two results are both from this article. However, if you click on the top one, you’ll find it was removed.

 If you go back and click on the second one, you get a 404 page.

 The good news is, I alway try to archive the so-called “sensitive content” that can get deleted later.

So this is the archived page of that removed article.

  [2] Luo Wenjin:  Former Police Chief in Jiangsu Province

 So this article says that the CCP’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Disciplinary Inspection Commission of the Ministry of Public Security, as well as leaders of Jiangsu province held a meeting to brief the problems Luo Wenjin, the former police chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of Jiangsu Province.

So this is a picture of Luo Wenjin.

Luo Wenjin,former police chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of Jiangsu Province.

Luo Wenjin,former police chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of Jiangsu Province.

Actually, Luo Wenjin had already retired in July 2018, that was 3 years ago.

Then, two years after he retired, on July 31, 2020, the CCP’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a one sentence notice saying that he was under investigation for “serious violations of the law and discipline”.

Then, on March 3, this year, the CCP’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a notice saying that he was expelled from the party for “serious violations of the law and discipline”, with his illegally gained properties confiscated, and his case has been transferred to the procuratorial organs for further criminal investigation.

 The “violations” listed in the notice include losing his passion and aspiration, deviation from the principles of the party, not being loyal to the party, accepting bribery, using his power in exchange for money, etc.

When these announcements were made, nobody really paid any attention, as Luo Wenjin is only a relatively low level CCP official, and there are too many corruption cases in China. So nobody thought his case needed any special attention.

However, the report, or the deleted report several days ago revealed some astonishing details about Luo Wenjin’s case.

 [3] The “Illegal Gang” of Luo Wenjin and the Planed “Misconduct” 

The report said, that Luo Wenjin had formed an ‘illegal gang’ within the legal system with former police chief Deng Huilin in Chongqing city, and Lai Xiaomin, former chairman of the board of China Huarong Asset Management. This gang “recklessly discussed, or criticized the major policies of the central government, insulted the key leaders of the country. They even planned a “misconduct”, or you can also translate it as “ and act against the law”, or “wrongdoing”, during a commemorative event in Nanjing city, but were prevented from carrying out the sinister activity by the national security officers.”

former police chief Deng Huilin in Chongqing city

former police chief Deng Huilin in Chongqing city

The report also mentioned that Luo Wenjin and his “thugs” even  threatened the personal safety of officials from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security and military intelligence. They even dared to confront and curse personnel who were investigating their cases, etc.

As soon as this report was published and then deleted, people started debating and discussing, what on earth was going on? Why was a provincial level former police officer so outrageous? And what was the “misconduct” they planned, and against whom?

[4] “Misconduct”=Assassination of Xi Jinping

 Well, a Chinese language YouTube and commentator Tang Jingyuan figured the following out, which I agree with.

 First of all? Who was the target of the “misconduct”?

If we check all the events happening in Nanjing City, there is only one that has been attended by national level leaders. And that one event is the National Public Memorial Ceremony to commemorate the Nanjing Massacre on Dec. 13 of each year.

By the way, the Nanjing Massacre happened over a period of six weeks starting on December 13, 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War. It was estimated that 40,000 to over 300,000 Chinese were killed during the Nanjing Massacre.

 So, starting from 2014, each year on Dec 13, a National Public Memorial Ceremony was held.

Let’s watch a video of this ceremony.

So this video is a report by the CCP’s official channel CCTV, China Central TV, showing Xi Jinping and other national leaders attending this ceremony.

If we check every year’s report, we find that from 2014 until now, Xi Jinping only attended this event twice, once in 2014, and once in 2017, and the video you are watching is from that year.

 For all the other years, only much lower level CCP leaders attended.

 As the report about Luo Wenjin especially mentioned that Luo and his thugs “recklessly discussed, or criticized the major policies of the central government”, it is very reasonable for people to assume that the leader Luo and his “thugs” wanted to target was Xi Jinping, as the phrase “recklessly discussed, or criticized the major policies of the central government” was crafted by Xi Jinping himself.

 Also, if we check Luo Wenjing’s resume, which is available on the two notices about him, we can find that Luo became the Political Consultant of the Criminal Investigation Department of Jiangsu Province in 2014, and was promoted to the chief of the same department in 2015.

So, in 2017, Luo was at the peak of his power, and was a provincial level officer.

So, if he really did plan to carry out some “misconduct” towards Xi Jinping, the best opportunity was in 2017, as he was the police chief of Jiangsu Province, while Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province. So wouldn’t Luo have a very good chance when he himself was in charge of the security task for the National Public Memorial Ceremony?

 [5] Who Are Behind Luo Wenjin? 

If this really is the case, the problem is, what kind of benefit could Luo have for committing such a risky “misconduct” as a lower level policy officer?

 To understand this, we must look at the other two people mentioned in the deleted report.

 One is Deng Huilin, who was the director of the Police Bureau of Chongqing City in 2017, and became the vice mayor of Chongqing in Jan. 2018. Another one is Lai Xiaomin, who was the chairman of the board of China Huarong Asset Management in 2017, but was removed in 2018 to be investigated.

On Jan. 5 this years, he was sentenced to death for bribery, corruption and bigamy, which means he married more than one woman. He appealed against his death sentence, but failed.

So he was  executed on Jan. 29, only 24 days after he was sentenced.

I remember people were very shocked and wondered why he would be sentenced to death and killed so soon, as there were so many other corruption cases in China.  And other people’s punishments were far less severe.

For Deng Huilin, what’s special about him is that he was once the director of the Police Bureau of Chongqing City. In the past 10 years, 4 directors of the Police Bureau of Chongqing City were removed from their post; and out of the 4 directors, at least 2 of them were involved in coup attempts, including Wang Lijun.

  [6] Wang Lijun: Running into the US Consulate in China And Becoming a Headache for Both the US and the CCP

Wang Lijun, former vice mayor of Chongqing City.

Wang Lijun, former vice mayor of Chongqing City.

I am not sure whether you’ve heard about Wang Lijun’s case back in 2012. That was  quite a dramatic event. As the then vice mayor of Chongqing City, Wang Lijun escaped overnight from Chongqing, drove all the way from Chongqing City to Chengdu for hours to seek political asylum from the US consulate in Chengdu.  I heard from one of my sources in China that in order not to be caught, Wang Lijun changed cars on the highway four times. At one time he even hid inside a car beside the road that was just involved in a traffic accident, and asked others to continue to drive so that the people who were chasing him were led away.

Before he entered Chengdu, he got out of his car and walked around the toll booth, and another person drove through the toll booth before picking him up later.

So that’s how dramatic his escape was.

 I think after he successfully entered the US consulate in Chengdu, he had caused quite a diplomatic headache for both the US government and the CCP.

Anyway, the  US government, with Obama as the president and Hillary Clinton as the secretary of the State, decided to hand him back to the CCP.

Six months later, in Sep 2012, Wang Lijun was sentenced to 15 years and is still in prison now.

 [7] Bo Xilai: Xi Jinping’s Competitor

 So why did Wang Lijun run away from Chongqing City and sought asylum from the US? Because he had a falling out with his boss Bo Xilai, who was the CCP head at Chongqing City then, and a member of the CCP’s Politburo, effectively China’s ruling council. It was well known that he had the ambition to become the next leader of the CCP.  And Xi Jinping, who was not the CCP leader yet, was his main competitor then.

Bo Xilai, former CCP head at Chongqing City, member of the CCP’s Politburo.

Bo Xilai, former CCP head at Chongqing City, member of the CCP’s Politburo.

After Wang Lijun’s failed defection attempt, Bo Xilai was removed from his post, expelled from the CCP, and was sentenced to life in prison in 2013.

Apart from his “official crimes” announced in his judgement, everyone in China knew that his main, real crime was his coup plot against Xi Jinping. Wang Lijun’s escape had exposed his ambition.

 Well, I hope that you have not been confused by all these unfamiliar names and old stories.

 [7] Why Must Lai Xiaomin be Killed? Now We Know.

 But for anyone who is familiar with the CCP’s power struggle, the clue is quite obvious here: Luo Wenjin’s relationship with Deng Huilin, also a vice mayor of Chongqing City just like Wang Lijun, makes people believe that Luo Wenjin was also involved in a failed coup attempt, which involved an assassination plan.

 Also, the mentioning of Lai Xiaomin in the deleted report offers us a reply to the question as to why Lai Xiaomin had to be sentenced to death and executed so quickly for corruption?

It is also worth mentioning that Lai Xiaomin was the first person who was executed since Xi Jinping started his anti-corruption campaign.

So now we understand: Lai must have also got involved with the assassination plan to kill Xi Jinping.

If we look at the timeline of different events, we can see that Lai was killed only six months after Luo Wenjin and Deng Huilin were arrested. This shows that Lai Xiaomin was the main figure in that assassination plan, that was why he was quickly executed.

 Then, another question comes up. Why would Lai Xiaomen participate in such a dangerous affair? He was only the chairman and party secretary of an asset management company. In terms of his power or political status, he was even less important than Luo Wenjin and Deng Huilin. So why would he do such a risky thing?

 [8] Zeng Qinghong: Xi Jinping’s Enemy and the Man Behind Lai Xiaomin 

 The only explanation is that there are still bigger figures behind him.

If we check a little bit about Lai Xiomin’s background, we can find that he came from Jiangxi Province, and was very enthusiastic about  building up his own human resource network based on people from the same province. A magazine of  the CCP’s Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission once said that half of the employees of Rongchang were from Jiangxi Province.

And who else comes from Jiangxi Province? It is well known that in the CCP’s inner circles, there is a “Jiangxi Gang” headed by former vice Chairman of China Zeng Qinghong.

Former vice Chairman of China Zeng Qinghong (L) and former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

Former vice Chairman of China Zeng Qinghong (L) and former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

In our last show, we said that both Zeng Qinghong and former CCP leader Jiang Zemin are Xi Jinping’s main political enemies within the CCP, and that Hong Kong is pretty much under Zeng Qinghong’s control, and that was why Xi Jinping didn’t care about killing Hong Kong as an international financial center, as the money made through Hong Kong mostly went into Xi Jinping’s political enemies’ pockets.

And, Lai Xiaomin was also one of Zeng Qinghong’s “Jiangxi Gang”. Actually, he became the chairman of Huarong through the recommendation of Liu Mingkang, who was the first chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission, and is also Zeng Qinghong’s confidant.

Liu Mingkang, first chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission,  Zeng Qinghong’s confidant. 

Liu Mingkang, first chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Zeng Qinghong’s confidant.

So now, the storyline has become very clear. This assassination attempt back in 2017 went up all the way to Zeng Qinghong, and perhaps to Jiang Zemin too.

 [9] Anti-Corruption Campaign: A Life and Death Battle Among Xi Jinping, Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong

 As a matter of fact, ever since Xi came to power and started his anti-corruption campaign,  Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Zemin’s people had always been the targets.

Actually, before Jiang Zeming’s successor Hu Jintao was going to retire, Xi Jinping was chosen as a compromise between Jiang Zemin and Jiang Hu Jintao, because Jiang Zemin believed that Xi Jinping could be controlled and become his puppet, and he could continue to exert his political influence as in Hu Jintao’s time, and remain the actual supreme emperor of China.

Hu Jintao (L) and Jiang Zemin.

Hu Jintao (L) and Jiang Zemin.

But it turned out that Xi Jinping didn’t want to become a puppet. And because he didn’t want to be a puppet, he must grab the real power from Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong.

 So we can also say that the entire process of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign was a process of him trying to grab power from Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong. And this struggle is a matter of life and death for all the three of them, and the struggle is still going on today.

 So, the assassination attempt of Luo Wenjin occurred under this kind of circumstance.  It was not the first one, nor could it be the last one.

 [10] “Clearing Up Zhou Yongkang’s Remaining Poisonous Elements”

Up to now, the highest level CCP official removed by Xi Jinping was Zhou Yongkang, who was a member of the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee, China’s highest decision-making body, and the party secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission. He retired in 2012, the same year when Xi Jinping became the new CCP leader.

Zhou Yongkang,  member of the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee, China's highest decision-making body, and the party secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission.

Zhou Yongkang, member of the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee, China’s highest decision-making body, and the party secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission.

One year later, in 2013,  the CCP’s Discipline Commission decided to investigate Zhou Yongkang’s problems.

Then, in 2014, he was disciplined and expelled from the party, and in 2015, he was also sentenced to life for bribery, abuse of power, and leaking national secrets.

Recently Xi Jinping has been stepping up his efforts to fight corruption in the political and legal system, and a strange phenomenon has frequently emerged, that is, for eight years since Zhou Yongkang was removed, the CCP authorities have been constantly shouting about purging the poisonous elements of Zhou Yongkang. Every time when a new CCP leader was targeted, he was said to be the remaining poisonous element of Zhou Yongkang. So people have been asking, why on earth that Zhou Yongkang’s “remaining poisonous elements” still haven’t been completely cleaned out after 8 years?

 Actually, this is just one of Xi’s power struggle techniques. People like Luo Wenjin might not really have any connections with Zhou Yongkang, but they are still referred to as Zhou Yongkang’s “remaining poisonous element” because the phrase Zhou Yongkang’s “remaining poisonous element” has become a special term to refer to a certain type of crime, and this type of crime is exactly the coup attempt, which was Zhou Yongkang’s main crime too.

Although bribery, abusing power and leaking of national secrets were Zhou Yongkang’s officially announced crime, people all know that his real crime was coup attempts.

 There is another reason why Xi Jinping has constantly talked about clearing up Zhou Yongkang’s remaining poisonous element, that is, Xi Jinping doesn’t want the outside world to see that he has so many different political enemies. So any one who opposed him is classified as Zhou Yongkang’s “remaining poisonous element”.

 [11] More to Come Before the CCP’s 20th National Congress

Now, let’s go back to the deleted report we mentioned at the beginning. In less than 2 months, the CCP will hold its sixth plenary session, which will be a very important one given that the CCP will hold its 20th national party congress next year to decide who will be the next batch of leaders.

Why was such a sensitive matter as an assassination attempt leaked at such a sensitive time by an official website, through the form of a CCP’s discipline commission’s briefing?

The only answer is that the power struggle within the CCP has become so intense that an ordinary anti-corruption case isn’t good enough to suppress the enemies. So the No. 1 powerful crime, assassination and coup attempt, must be invoked to give out a strong enough warning message.

So, in this sense, we should not be surprised if we see some very high level CCP figures get targeted or removed in the near future.

 Well, that’s all for today. Before you go, please subscribe to and share my channel if you haven’t. Please also watch and like my other videos, leave us some comments to boost my programs.

Thank you for watching. See you next time.


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“Your Life is a Gift to the World” 「你的生命是給世界的禮物 」

(Jennifer’s note: Below is the feedback by Candy Newton left under my video “Deleted Report, Assassination Plot and the CCP’s Intensifying Power Struggles”)

(曾錚注:以下是觀衆Candy Newton在我的英文節目Deleted Report, Assassination Plot and the CCP’s Intensifying Power Struggles下的留言,中文是我翻譯的。)

Lady you are powerful. We need more powerfully kind humanity loving people like us speaking out for peaceful freedom to prosper and have opportunity to work to provide for ourselves. Keep speaking truth, peaceful actions will prevail. Your life is a gift to the world. Thank you friend.


Jennifer hosting Chinese language show “Australian Media Watch” for New Tang Dynasty Television in Sydney in 2007 or 2008. 曾錚2007或2008年攝於澳洲悉尼新唐人攝影棚,當時我爲新唐人電視臺主持製作中文欄目《澳洲媒體觀察》。

Jennifer hosting Chinese language show “Australian Media Watch” for New Tang Dynasty Television in Sydney in 2007 or 2008. 曾錚2007或2008年攝於澳洲悉尼新唐人攝影棚,當時我爲新唐人電視臺主持製作中文欄目《澳洲媒體觀察》。

9/21/2021 *

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