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Xenotransplantation is CCP’s “Great Leap Forward” in Technology Field

By Sean Lin

(Jennifer’ note: Sean Lin is a microbiologist and a former lab director of the viral disease branch of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Below are his comments when I asked him to comment on the Xenotransplants from pigs, which I discussed in my latest show. )

Porcine industry often suffers from waves of economic loss from death or diseases caused by various pathogen infections. The diseases associated with swine often include ringworm, erysipelas, leptospirosis, streptococcosis, campylobacterosis, salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, balantidiasis, infection with pathogenic E. coli, brucellosis, as well as diseases caused many viral pathogens such as swine influenza virus, swine fever virus, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), etc. So, one of the major risks associated with xenotransplantation with pig organs is whether the recipients would become more susceptible to various infections, or whether the recipients would carry swine-related pathogens that are with pig organs prior to the xenotransplant.

In addition, scientists do not always know the full spectrum of the consequences of genetic editing. For example, PRRSV is a nasty infection that causes huge economic losses across Europe, Asia, and North America. PRRSV uses CD163 receptor, which is the receptor for the hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex or hemoglobin alone. Scientists have used genetic editing tools to knock down or alter CD163 in pig embryos and the pig offspring becomes resistant to PRRSV infection. However, one potential consequence is that the genetically edited pig might become more vulnerable for other bacteria infection since CD163 functions as an innate immune sensor for some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

The scary part of the work done by scientists at Qihan Biotech and eGenesis is the extensive genetic editing (13 genes and 42 alleles) without comprehensive knowledge on the multifaceted consequence of the edits. The porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) genes were inactivated in this experiment, but it is not known whether this would lead to any aberrant expression of partial viral genes or host genes. This experiment used a combination of CRISPR–Cas9 and transposon technologies to eliminate three xenoantigens and to express nine human transgenes that enhance the pigs’ immunological compatibility and blood-coagulation compatibility with humans. Although the engineered pigs exhibit normal physiology and fertility, it is not clear whether the engineered pigs can lead to unexpected cell or organ damages and pathogenesis associated with dysregulated coagulation.

The Chinese government has invested heavily to drive forward the gene editing experiments, just as they carried out the political “Great-Leap forward” movement in history. Xenotransplants from pigs to primates are subject to vigorous immunologic rejection involving both innate and adaptive immune responses. It is unavoidable that more extensive genetic editing will need to be engineered down this road. And since the bioethics review process is nearly nonexistent in national priority projects driven by Chinese regime, the paramount risk is that xenotransplantation to humans could be prematurely conducted, based on limited knowledge on xenotransplant of pig organs to non-human primates.


发表在 时评 | Xenotransplantation is CCP’s “Great Leap Forward” in Technology Field已关闭评论

Didi Crackdown: 6 Possible Reasons

(Jennifer’s note: Someone asked me to give a summary of what the Chinese media are saying regarding why ride-hailing giant Didi was cracked down by the Chinese regime. So the following are 6 possible reasons. )

  1. Didi decided on its IPO in the US AGAINST Beijing’s advice.

  2. The CCP fears about the Data safety amid US-China confrontation. Rumor has it that Didi submitted very detailed info of Chinese maps and user data to the US before its IPO. The data of the maps is not otherwise available to the public, and not the same with the maps everybody is using. Info of some sensitive locations, such as military buildings are also on the maps. Some Chinese netizens are calling Didi “traitor” because of this.

    Didi has come out and denied this allegation. I personally don’t believe the US would require Didi to submit this kind of info.

  3. While Xi Jinping vowed to have the West “break their heads and shed blood”, Didi is embracing the US capital. This doesn’t look good for Xi.

  4. The US authorities are now having stricter audit requirements on Chinese companies. As a result, the huge networks behind the listed Chinese companies could be exposed, and those networks involve all the top CCP figures. The CCP doesn’t want to see that.

  5. Power struggle inside the CCP, especially between Jiang Zeming and Xi Jinping. It was said that Liu Qing (or Jean Liu) , the president of Didi, is the daughter of Liu Chuanzhi, founder of Lenovo. Lenovo has strong military background. Liu Chuanzhi has good relationship with Alibaba’s Jack Ma, and was also one of the founders of Hupan University, which was forced to change its name a while ago when Alibaba was cracked down and Ant Group’s IPO was hauled.

    Didi’s shareholders include many national level giants, such as Bank of Communications, China Merchants Bank, Poly Capital, China Life, CICC Capital, CITIC Capital and Ping An, each of which has one or more powerful red families behind it.

    In addition, Didi also has investment from Boyu Capital, Sequoia Capital, Hill House and Softbank, all of which are private equity giants, especially Softbank, which is the largest shareholder of Didi.

    In other words, Didi is basically a huge platform supported by the CCP’s heavyweight princeling families in conjunction with international capital giants, with Liu Qing as a front person. What’s more, these princelings, whether they belong to the Jiang Zemin faction, Hu Jintao or Zhu Rongji factions, do not seem to be in the same boat as Xi Jinping.

    So, some people are saying the Didi will face severer crackdown compared to Alibaba.

  6. Battle over who controls the data has been going on for a while. The CCP doesn’t want the internet giants to control the data, as the CCP itself wants absolute control. Anti-monopoly, protecting customer privacy is just an excuse for the CCP.

    7/6/2021 *

发表在 时评 | Didi Crackdown: 6 Possible Reasons已关闭评论

Genetically Modified Pigs for Human Transplant Factory & the Role of the West and the CCP

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

 For those who have been following the news about the CCP virus, or COVID19 pandemic, you must have heard about the dangerous gain of function experiments conducted in the Wuhan lab. You might have also wondered, what other crazy things the CCP has done? Well, today I will tell you one of them, that is, raising genetically modified pigs, harvesting their organs and transplanting them into human beings. 

Sounds crazy? The truth is, a huge site, as large as nearly 17 acres, has been built in Sichuan province to produce such pigs on a large scale, and some of them have already been sent to a certain hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences to be used for heart transplant research. 

Before I move on, I’d like to announce that from now on, I will try to take some questions after I finish talking about what I plan to talk about. So if you want to ask questions, please type them in the chat box toward the end of my talk and I will see if I have an answer for you. Please also subscribe to and share my channel if you haven’t. 

An “Organ Factory” of  “Medical Purpose Pigs” 

 Now, let’s move on to our topic today. 

Let’s see a picture of the site I just mentioned. The red Chinese characters say “Clonorgan Biotechnology Site for Medical Purpose Pigs”.  I guess the word “Clonorgan” is the combination of “clone” and “organ”. They clone pig cells to produce pigs for organ harvesting. 

Clonorgan Biotechnology Site for Medical Purpose Pigs

Clonorgan Biotechnology Site for Medical Purpose Pigs

Clonorgan Biotechnology is a company in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province in China. Its website’s home page has this sentence on it: “Building the organ factory of the future, xenotransplantation changes the future”. 

If you don’t know what xenotransplantation is, please look at the screen. It is a medical procedure, whereby animal organs are transplanted into humans.

Anyway, the site of Clonorgan Biotechnology has a variety of functional areas of pig breeding and operating rooms, labs, etc. It is also “a high standard test base for pigs for medical purposes, as well as an organ factory. ” 

A report of Sichuan Daily said this base now has more than 200 pigs with more than 10 kinds of genetic modifications.

A report of Sichuan Daily  said this base now has more than 200 pigs with more than 10 kinds of genetic modifications.

A report of Sichuan Daily said this base now has more than 200 pigs with more than 10 kinds of genetic modifications.

The report also said that, “A few days ago, a batch of pigs for medical purposes were shipped from the base to a certain hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences to be used for heart transplant research.”

Pan Dengke, the founder of Clonorgan Biotechnology, said that this kind of scale and factory production of genetically modified pigs could ensure sufficient supply for xenotransplantation, and the price is cheaper than human organs.

He said, “Human organ transplants cost 300,000-400,000 yuan ($47,000-62,000), while the pricing for xenotransplantation is definitely going to be lower than that.” 

Pig Organs Cheaper Than Human Organs? 

 What do you think when you hear him saying that? Why do human organ transplants cost more? Do they buy human organs? If not, why would human organs cost more than pig organs, if human organs are donated free of charge?

The answer is, actually, in CCP’s China, organ transplantation has become a billion dollar industry. You can get an organ in two weeks, even on the same day if you pay enough money. They kill human beings, mainly prisoners of conscience, such as Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs, and sell their organs. 

While hospitals make huge money by selling organs, I guess they have to buy the organs, as the “raw materials”, from somewhere else, such as the prison system. That’s why Pan Dengke said “human organ transplants cost more than xenotransplantation”, that’s why the idea of raising pigs for medical purposes is so amazing and attractive to these so-called scientists.

Experiments on Monkeys

 This picture from Sichuan Daily explains how they do it: first, abstract pig cells from the pigs, next, knockout Gal antigens from the pig cells, then knockout pig cells from the Gal antigens, then insert some human genes to it, then clone this cell to produce genetically modified pigs. The whole idea is about knocking out elements in the pig cells that will be rejected by the human’s immune system.


Another important aspect was to knock out some kind of endogenous retroviruses to eliminate the risk of virus transmission from pigs to humans. That has been achieved in 2017 already. 

In 2019, Pan Dengke’s team transplanted the kidneys of genetically engineered pigs into monkeys and kept the monkeys alive for 32 days while using human clinical immunosuppressants, which are types of drugs used to suppress the rejection of the immune system.  

Pan said this had set a global record for the longest survival of an allogeneic kidney transplant under the same conditions. “Allogeneic transplant” means transplant between different species. 

Why Pigs? 

 According to Pan, pigs were chosen as the source of human organ transplants instead of monkeys because pigs’ organs are similar in size and function to those of humans, and pigs have a short breeding cycle and high reproduction rate.

Another reason is that compared to more intelligent monkeys and orangutans, pigs have fewer ethical issues such as animal rights, and there are no endangered animal protection issues, etc.

Also, for Chinese people, because pork is a main part of their daily meat, they are more tolerant of the practice of killing pigs, and using pigs’ organs than people in Western countries. 

However, Pan may have overlooked the fact that Chinese culture has a lot to say about the spirituality of human beings, so what a transplanted pig heart can bring to a human being may not be as simple as avoiding the transfer of a virus to the human body.

What do you think about this? Feel free to type in a comment.

Yang Luhan and Her Harvard Mentor

 Another team that has been vigorously pursuing this technology is Yang Luhan and her mentor at Harvard Medical School, Professor George Church

Let’s see a picture of Yang and a report about her research.  So this is Yang Luhan. 


Now let’s show Picture 8. This is a picture of George Church and a report about his research. 


The CCP mouthpiece Xinhua published a special feature in last September, saying that Chinese scientists had made another breakthrough in xenotransplantation technology in genetically edited pigs, and this report mainly features Yang Luhan.

The report said that the team of Yang Luhan, founder of  Qihan Biotech in Hanzhou city, China, and cofounder and chief scientist of gene-editing company eGenesis in Boston, had created a xenograft with clinical potential, successfully solving two major safety challenges: removing some sort of retroviruses from pigs and enhancing its immunocompatibility.

Yang’s research was also published in Nature Biomedical Engineering last September. Co-authors of this paper include Qihan Biotech, Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, eGenesis in Boston, and Yunnan Agricultural University in China.

 Prior to this, there had been several technological breakthroughs in genetically modifying pigs to make their organs more suitable for human transplantation, several of which resulted from the work of Professor George Church.

In 2015, Yang, along with Church, founded eGenesis in Boston, which received $38 million and $100 million in two rounds of funding in 2017 and 2019, and another $125 million in March this year in a third investment round.

In 2017, eGenesis announced that it had produced the world’s first genetically modified pigs that do not carry endogenous retroviruses, eliminating the risk of virus transmission from pigs to humans; and in 2018, eGenesis produced the first engineered pig, reducing the immune rejection of pig organ transplants.

In addition to the above two issues, there was another technical challenge of functional compatibility: It was not yet known whether the pig organ could perform the hormonal and metabolic balance functions of the original human organ after transplantation.

After resolving these problems, the next step was to conduct a large number of clinical trials. First, pig organs would be transplanted onto monkeys; next, clinical trials would need to be done on human transplants.

Ethical and Regulatory Challenges of Xenotransplantation

 However, the commercialization of pig xenotransplantation faced ethical and regulatory challenges, such as the privacy of transplant recipients, allocation of resources, animal rights, distributive justice, the potential public health risk to humans due to the retrovirus in pigs, and the public and religious acceptance of transplanting animal organs to humans.

The first few items can be resolved through specific improvements and strict regulation, but xenotransplantation seriously increases the risk to public health via diseases. Public acceptance of transplanting animal organs into humans varies widely given cultural and religious backgrounds.

China Can Be the Test Site

 When these challenges became too difficult to resolve, China provided an opportunity, because in China, ethical and legal regulations significantly lag behind technological development. Relevant researches were then moved to China to continue the work.

In 2017, Yang Luhan and Church co-founded Qihan Biotech in China, “with the mission to leverage CRISPR technology to make xenotransplantation a routine medical procedure for the delivery of safe and effective human transplantable cells, tissues and organs.”  

The timing was exactly when clinical trials needed to begin—a stage where ethical review was generally more strict than in the research phase.

Yang Luhan said to Xinhua in 2019, “Technological advances are often ahead of regulation, ethical norms and public acceptance…All technological advances, whether they can be applied to certain scenarios and under what circumstances they can be applied to those scenarios, must be explored on an ongoing basis in order to develop a useful framework that will truly drive technology to change society.”

So did you get her message? Basically she was saying that because technological advances are often ahead of regulations, it is OK to just go ahead with whatever technological advances that she believes are useful and can change society. 

It is indeed the case that the global ethical regulation of new biotechnology, such as xenotransplantation, is generally lagging behind technological development.

However, compared to China’s virtually non-existent and opaque ethical review, the corresponding legal regulations and ethical supervision in the United States are relatively strict. In areas where regulations have not yet caught up, Western research and development generally try not to touch on the more ethically controversial topics.

 And you know what? Unlike the U.S. regulations on genetic modification, which come from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the CCP’s ethical biomedical review is adopted and implemented by the CCP’s National Health and Family Planning Commission—the same agency that has killed hundreds of millions of unborn babies in China over the past 40 years through its controversial one-child policy.

So don’t you think it is a joke to have such an agency to regulate the ethical issues of genetic modification? 

CCP Support

 Despite the numerous controversies surrounding xenotransplantation, the CCP has shown strong support.

For example, in addition to the financial support and the publicity of CCP media, Yang Luhan was selected as one of the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Young Global Leaders, and was added to Fortune’s “China’s Most Influential Women in Business 2020.” 

Meanwhile, the projects that Pan Dengke has been involved in are all funded by the CCP’s key official funds, including the National Key Basic Research and Development Plan, the National High Technology Research and Development Program, and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation, etc. 

Qihan Biotech in Hanzhou is a sister company of eGenesis. On March 29 this year, the company raised an additional $67 million in Series A++ financing with the participation of its strategic investors including Lilly Asia Ventures and Matrix Partners China, as well as its existing shareholders Sequoia Capital and China Merchants Bank. Altogether, it has received more than $100 million investments. 

Also,  according to Chinese media, in 2020, gene editing-related startups in China alone received about 2 billion yuan ($310 million) in funding. 

The Role of the West 

 So what are you thinking after learning all of this? For many things, especially controversial studies, such as the xenotransplantation, gene-editing we talk about, there seems to be a certain pattern: Chinese scientists learn technology from the West, or do the research together with western scientists. When there are things they cannot do in Western countries, they take the  technology back to China and continue to do the research there. 

Sometimes the West even directly gives money to Chinese scientists for them to do some dangerous and  controversial studies. 

We now all know that the US National Institutes of Health  gave $600,000 to Wuhan lab to study whether bat coronaviruses could be transmitted to humans, and (P16)  “bat woman” Shi Zhengli once worked with the University of North Carolina to study the ability of a bat coronavirus surviving and evolving to thrive in a human cell.

Also, for the billion dollar, forced organ harvesting business in China, almost all the Chinese doctors, who may have killed hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people in the past 22 years, all learned their skills from the West. And some western companies keep selling drugs to China and make huge money, as these drugs are needed after the organ transplant.

So, what I want to say to the world is, with the CCP’s evil nature, it doesn’t have respect for human life, or any kind of lives, it dares to do anything. The West is also guilty if it still doesn’t recognize the CCP’s evil and continues to work with the CCP. 

Why is the entire world suffering now?  Everything has its consequences, including appeasing and aiding the CCP.

Well, that’s all what I plan to say for today. Now, let me see if any of you have any questions.

7/5/2021 *

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发表在 时评 | Genetically Modified Pigs for Human Transplant Factory & the Role of the West and the CCP已关闭评论


當晚,吳兵再次敲開我們的房門。我知道他肯定「無事不登三寶殿」,一定跟對法輪功定性的「升級」有關。 一見吳兵又上門,婆母忙將孩子拉到另一間屋,自己也避開。 吳兵又恢復訓斥犯人的口氣,皺著眉凶神惡煞地問:「還煉著功嗎?」



发表在 时评 | 口述歷史:《靜水流深》(8)投書捍衛真理已关闭评论

100th Anniversary of the CCP: The Biggest Fear and How Long Can It Still Last? 

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

 Today is the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP.  A few days ago I received an interview request from a journalist in Poland, asking me “What does the CCP’s rule mean for Chinese people?” So today I’d like to talk about this, as well as some highlights of this morning’s celebration at Tiananmen Square, and another very important question: “How much longer can the CCP still exist?” 

 Before we move on, please make sure you subscribe to my channel and turn on the notification bell if you haven’t. Also please share my channel and videos with your friends and families, as well as on your social media platforms so that more people can learn the “Inconvenient Truths”.

 Highlights of the Centennial Celebration

 Now, let’s move on to our topics today.

 First of all, let me give you a few highlights from the CCP’s celebrations.

 (1)A One-Man Show of Xi Jinping

 First of all, it is a one-man show of Xi Jinping.

 Let’s watch the screenshot of today’s headline flashes at Xinhua’s website. We are playing  it 4 times faster just to let you get an idea how everything is about Xi Jinping.

Everything is arranged to achieve this purpose too, even including the outfits. Let’s see a few pictures. While everyone else wears a suit, or Western style suit, only Xi Jinping wears something called Chinese tunic suit , which is also called the Zhongshan suit, or Mao Suit.  It remained the standard formal dress for the first and second generations of CCP leaders, and is a symbol of  national sovereignty. 

Only Xi wears Mao Suit.

Only Xi wears Mao Suit.

Only Xi wears Mao Suit.

Only Xi wears Mao Suit.

Only Xi wears Mao Suit.

Only Xi wears Mao Suit.


(2)Warning Messages to “Foreign Powers”

 The second highlight is Xi Jinping’s warning messages to “foreign powers”. In his more than an hour long speech, apart from repeating how the CCP was the choice of history and the Chinese people, and shouting out loudly “Long live the great, glorious and always correct CCP” at the end, Xi Jinping sends clear warning messages to “foreign powers”.

Let’s watch a short clip of his speech. 

Xi Jinping: “ The Chinese people will not allow any foreign power to bully, oppress, or enslave us. Anyone who tries to do so will have their heads smashed and shed blood in front of the Great Wall of Steel built with the flesh & blood of more than 1.4B Chinese people.


(3) Blood Hunger, Cultural Revolution 2.0 and North Korea

 The third highlight is the overall visual design of the celebrations. Let’s see a few pictures.

 From the visual impressions, we can see the blood hunger of the CCP, as well as the fact that China is having a Cultural Revolution 2.0; China is more and more like North Korea. 

1.jpeg2.jpeg3.jpeg4.jpegScreen Shot 2021-06-30 at 9.29.47 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-30 at 9.33.16 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-30 at 9.33.47 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-30 at 9.35.02 PM.png

When I saw thousands upon thousands of people waving the CCP’s red flags, I really thought I was watching something from the Cultural Revolution, or North Korea. 

 (4) Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji and Many Other Important Figures Absent

 The fourth highlight is, as many as 8 former CCP members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau were absent from the art performance held at the National Stadium in Beijing. 

Another strange thing is, the CCP suddenly changed the date of the performance from June 29 to June 28, without explaining why. 

And again, at today’s ceremony at Tiananmen Square, CCP’s third generation head Jiang Zemin, as well as former premier Zhu Rongji were absent.  This is very unusual given this is such an important event for the CCP. 

Therefore, people have been speculating that the internal power struggle within the CCP must still be very fierce, to the point that many former leaders chose to boycott Xi Jinping’s one-man show. 

 (5) 70,000 People Required to Take Off Their Masks

 The fifth highlight is, 70,000 people who attended the celebration, including media workers, were required to TAKE OFF their masks so that they looked better.  So do you think the CCP really cares about people’s lives? 


 Tight Security Ahead of Centennial Celebration

 Well, the above are a few highlights from today’s event. 

Now,  let’s see how ridiculously tight the security has been in Beijing and China before the ceremony.  

The following are just some of the measures:

(1) Kitchen Knives Under Control

 In Beijing, even kitchen knives are under restrictions until tomorrow (July 2). 

A knife store associate told the Epoch Times that restrictions are imposed on the purchase of knives, you must bring your ID card to the store to buy a knife, and the sales need to be registered; and the registration information will be handed over to the police department for the record. And this applies to all stores in Beijing. 

Also, even if the purchase is registered and approved, you cannot take the knives away. They will be mailed to you, but only after July 2 .

 (2) Ban on All Flying Objects

 Also, the Beijing Government issued a flying ban from June 13 to today (July 1). Nine districts,  a very large area, were designated as “restricted flying zones.” All flying objects, including doves,  drones, model airplanes, kites and balloons, are all prohibited. 

And you know what? When I wrote about this for the Epoch Times a while ago, an editor asked me, “Seriously? How would they control birds?”


And I replied, “Yes, in Beijing, doves are all raised and kept by human beings. If their masters don’t release them, they stay in their cages.”

 (3) An Off-the-Track Story

 This actually reminds me of another similar story. Many years ago, after I submitted my memoir to my publisher, Allen & Unwin, a leading publisher in Australia, they asked an editor to edit it. When the editor saw such a sentence in my memoir, “In 1981, I moved to Mianyang with my father”, she immediately crossed out “my father”, and changed it to “my parents”. 

She thought, if a family moved from one city to another, of course the entire family moved together. So she took it for granted that I made a mistake with my word selection, as I was a Chinese.

I had to tell her, no, I moved with my father. My mother and sister didn’t move together with us, as in China, everything needed permission. My mother didn’t have permission to move. So she stayed. It took her more than 4 years to get permission to join my father. And when she finally moved to my father’s city too, I had already left my hometown for university. 

Actually, in my childhood and youth period, there were only a very few years when my entire family lived together. 

 So you see, that’s how life and things are different in CCP’s China. For people in the West, many things can be taken for granted. But for people in CCP’s China, they may never dare to imagine those things, or they may even die before they can get these things. Or they don’t know at all that they don’t have those things, such as the freedom to move within your own country.

 Sorry, this is a little bit off the track. Anyway, I’ve written a short article about this experience. I will put the link to that article in the transcript that I am going to publish on my website at jenniferzengblog.com. If you are interested, please go to my website later to find that article. 

 (4) Shops Closed

 Now, let’s go back to the tight control on Beijing.

Not only that doves cannot fly, but shops near Tiananmen Square were forced to close down on June 30 and July 1, for two days for the celebration. 

One shop associate said that government people locked the gate of their shop directly and took away the key.

Even in a county called Xianghe (香河县),  which is more than 30 miles away, street vendors were not allowed to do their businesses during the celebration. 

 (5) Natural Gas Supply Cut Off

 Netizens also revealed that even natural gas supply was cut off in Donghuamen area, which is very close to Tiananmen. The CCP fears that natural gas could cause fires. 

So how can people cook without natural gas supply? 

Don’t worry, the CCP has you covered. The community will deliver ready food to residents in this area until July 4, when the natural gas supply is resumed. 

In another area called Hepingmen, the authorities are giving food vouchers to people who are affected by the cut of the gas supply. 

 (6) Manhole Covers Welded

 Now let’s see a picture. Can you figure out what this is? Well, this is a manhole cover near Tiananmen, which is welded with small pieces of some kind of material. The two Chinese characters on the pieces say “Security Inspection”. 

Manhole cover welded.

Manhole cover welded.

Why did they weld the manhole covers? Well, I guess to prevent people from getting to the Tiananmen Square area, where the celebration was to be held, through the sewage system. Sometimes we see that sort of scene from movies, right? People escape or enter somewhere through the sewage system. So the manhole covers had to be welded.

 (7) Metals Banned in Posted Packages

 Posted packages are under tight control too. Let’s see a picture.This is a message saying that as the 100th anniversary of the CCP was approaching, all packages delivered to Beijing would be strictly controlled. Extra checking would be conducted. Any metal martial in books, including staples in magazines need to be removed. 

The message says, we are sorry for this, but you’ll need to re-bind your books and magazines after you receive them. 

Well, these are just some of the crazy security measures in Beijing


(8) Soldiers & Military Dogs On Duty

 Let’s watch a short clip shot in Beijing a few days ago. I had lived in Beijing for 17 years. I  had never seen so many police and military dogs on the street, actually, never any dogs at all when I lived there in the 1980s and 1990s. 

 (9) Dissidents Arrested

 As a matter of fact, before the anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre this year, which was June 4, the CCP already started cracking down on dissidents. Quite a few got arrested, such as  Zhang Wuzhou and Wang Aizhong in Guangzhou city, Chen Siming  in Hunan Province, and Yang Shaozheng in Guizhou.

  “Historical Nihilism” Condemned 

 So this is what has been happening in the real world. In academic and theoretical circles, or maybe we should say the propaganda circle, the CCP has been trying very hard to convince people how great it is, and to attack anyone who wants to criticize it. 

And they have come up with a term called “historical nihilism”. 2 million online posts were deleted for being “historical nihilism”. 

The CCP’s logic is, if you don’t recognize that the CCP is the great savior of China and Chinese people, you are practicing “historical nihilism”, and you are wrong and should be condemned. 

 The CCP’s Biggest Fear

 As far as I can see, both what happened in the real world and the propaganda circle reflect the same issue, the CCP’s biggest fear is its own legitimacy. After 100 years, the CCP is still trying very hard to convince people that it is the “choice” of history and the people.

It says it is the choice of history and the people, but it never dares to allow people to vote. Without a referendum, how can you say you are chosen by the people?


How Much Longer Can the CCP Still Exist?

 Now, let’s move to our next topic: How long can the CCP still exist?

Recently quite a few overseas Chinese dissidents are showing optimism that the CCP won’t last long. Former CCP navy commander Yao Cheng, whom we quoted before, even said that he wouldn’t buy a property in the US, as the CCP would collapse within several years, and that he would be able to go back to China soon.

We must say that the international environment for the CCP is worsening now.  More and more countries are talking about holding the CCP accountable for the pandemic, and the global anti-CCP sentiment is still rising. 

In a sense, the CCP’s international environment has never been as bad as it is now. Before the CCP took power, it had the support of the former Soviet Union and had some allies in the international communist camp. 

Then, during the 10 years after the CCP’s relationship with the Soviet Union turned sour around 1963, its environment was quite severe. But at that time, it could still try to find a space to survive when the US and the Soviet Union were fighting against each other. 

Later on, US president Nixon extended an olive branch to the CCP. At that time, the West viewed the CCP as a force that could assist the fight against the Soviet Union.

Because of this, the CCP was able to survive even though it had brought the nation’s economy to the very verge of collapse. That was also the reason why the CCP could survive until now. 

So, the international environment is very important for the CCP. Some people argue that the CCP can choose to cut ties and close its doors to the outside world again, and just have the so-called “internal circulation”, like what Mao Zedong did in the 1950s and 1960s. 

However, time has changed. The CCP couldn’t do what it had done before. In 1949, when the CCP established its regime, there was only about a 10% urban population. Right now, the urban population has exceeded 60%. Once China decouples from the world’s industrial chain, unemployment and the associated crises would be many times more severe than in the Mao era. 

Even Mao’s “internal circulation” was unable to last for more than 10 years. Only 7 or 8 years after the CCP cut ties with Soviet Union, Mao Zedong was forced to turn to the US, which the CCP had been attacking for over 20 years. 

Today Xi Jinping’s ability to carry on alone without the world wouldn’t be higher than that of Mao Zedong.

So how long can the CCP still exist?

In terms of the external environment, this year and the next year,  more and more countries will continue to try to hold the CCP accountable for the pandemic, and seek compensation. Something dramatic could happen during this process.

In terms of the CCP’s internal environment, 2021-2023 will be the peak for China’s local governments to repay their debts. The real estate industry will also meet its peak for debt repayments during the same period of time. So the CCP could face both financial and fiscal crises. And that could cause a lot of uncertainty for the CCP too. 

Also, Xi Jinping might seek to become the chairman of the CCP and stay in power forever in the 20th National Congress of the CCP, which will be held next year. And the new CCP leadership will officially take office in March 2023.

Also in 2023,  several major U.S. arms sales to Taiwan will begin to be delivered. With this, the military power gap between Taiwan and the CCP’s China will narrow. 

So,  will Xi Jinping try to grasp the narrow window between now and then to invade Taiwan?  Whether he intends to do so or not, he did vow that the CCP would “unify” Taiwan” in his speech this morning. So this will also bring some uncertainty to the situation. 

So, with the combination of the several factors we just mentioned, the peak of pressure on the CCP will occur in the period from now to 2023.

And among all the factors, the most unpredictable one is the pandemic. It could also be the most overwhelming one. 

The CCP virus is still spreading and mutating, while the Chinese vaccines are not very effective. 

If China is hit again by some new mutations, it can become a catastrophic black swan event, and things can also go out of control very quickly.

 What Does the Rule of the CCP Mean for Chinese People?

 Now, in conclusion, “What does the CCP’s rule mean for Chinese people?”

My reply is, “For Chinese people, the rule of CCP means mass killing, endless ‘class struggles’, deprivation of wealth, human dignity, souls and freedom, and destruction of moral values, as well as the natural, cultural and human environment suitable for human beings’ existence. No other regime has killed so many lives, and destroyed its own culture and environment to such an extent. The nation and people are doomed if the CCP cannot be ended.”

Well, that’s all for today’s “Inconvenient Truths”. Thank you very much for watching.  Again, please remember to subscribe to my channel, like and share my videos, and leave us some comments.

See you on Monday!


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发表在 时评 | 100th Anniversary of the CCP: The Biggest Fear and How Long Can It Still Last? 已关闭评论

The Behind-the-Scenes Story of the Celebration in Tiananmen Square 我也曾爲「祖國」「慶生」

Jennifer’s Photo Stories(31) 曾錚的圖片故事(31)

Yesterday, someone sent me a 5-minute video of a “magnificent “ poem recited by four beautiful and energetic girls and boys leading a large group of students in the Tiananmen Square to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They shouted, “Please stay ensured, my dear Party, I’m here for a strong country!” That person said he wanted me to translate the video into English so that he could spread it to the Western audience, because “the speech was exactly like Hitler’s, the West really can’t appease the CCP any longer!”


I watched that video. It was do disgusting, and I couldn’t find any corresponding English expressions for those disgusting lines. So I didn’t translate it.

However, this video reminds me of my own experience of also celebrating the CCP’s China’s 35th “birthday” in Tiananmen Square.


That was in 1984. I was admitted to Peking University as a 17-year-old girl. I traveled for thousands of kilometers from my hometown Sichuan Province to Beijing to attend it.

October 1, 1984 was the 35th anniversary of the founding of the CCP’s People’s Republic of China, and a grand celebration was to be held in Tiananmen Square. Many students were recruited from universities to dance and perform at the ceremony.


Before I joined the university, other students had already been selected to practice overtime to rehearse the dance for several months, my classmates and I had just entered the university, it was too late for us to rehearse, so there would not be any chance for us to participate in normal circumstance.


However, in my department, which was geology department, there were very few girl students. Many dances needed equal number of boys and girls, so a few new girl students, including me, were selected to join those who had been practicing for months.


We were so excited and felt so lucky. We just started school in time for such a big event, and also get an extra opportunity to go to Tiananmen Square, which we had longed for since childhood!


So, we rehearsed day and night to participate in this “big celebration”. These pictures were taken that day. One was before we left, before we got on the bus. I was so nervous and excited that I didn’t know what to do, and my mouth was pursed tight.


Before we boarded the bus to Tiananmen on Oct. 1, 1984 上公共汽車之前,攝於1984年10月1日

Before we boarded the bus to Tiananmen on Oct. 1, 1984 上公共汽車之前,攝於1984年10月1日

The other two pictures were taken in Tiananmen Square before the event officially started.


At Tiananmen Square, before the celebration began, on Oct. 1, 1984.  The Chinese characters on the photo were written by me. They are “My Motherland” and “Long Live My Motherland!” 活動開始之前,攝於1984年10月1日。

At Tiananmen Square, before the celebration began, on Oct. 1, 1984. The Chinese characters on the photo were written by me. They are “My Motherland” and “Long Live My Motherland!” 活動開始之前,攝於1984年10月1日。

Please note that on one of the photos, I wrote the words “My Motherland” and underneath that photo, I wrote four Chinese characters, “Long Live My motherland!”


The other photo also has four words written on it, but I can’t make out what they are. I have forgotten what I wrote.



Did you notice? We all wore our own clothes, unlike the students in Tiananmen yesterday, who had a uniform.


That is to say, in comparison, back then, 37 years ago, there was no need for the “grand” rituals of yesterday’s, and there was no need for such a neat procession, so we just danced and enjoyed ourselves as if we were playing.


What I want to say is, what is the use of the CCP to deceive the young people? I once was also in Tiananmen Square celebrating the “birthday” of the CCP’s China, I once was also so brainwashed that I sincerely wrote “Long live the motherland” on the photo. But look at me today: I’m exposing the CCP’s evil all day long, right?


So, it’s useless to fool the children, they will wake up one day.


Also: that day, I was not yet 18 years old.


Read all 閱讀《曾錚的圖片故事》全系列

7/2/2021 *

发表在 时评 | The Behind-the-Scenes Story of the Celebration in Tiananmen Square 我也曾爲「祖國」「慶生」已关闭评论

The “Great Escape from Hong Kong” & Exclusive Revelation from Dong Jingwei’s Acquaintance

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will first of all give you another update about the possible defection of CCP’s top counterintelligence chief Dong Jingwei, some exclusive information from his acquaintance. Then I will talk about how, in just a few decades, the “Great Escape to Hong Kong” has become the “Great Escape from Hong Kong”, what does it mean by “we can only show you once”, and what the world can learn from this. I will show you some rare and precious historical footage that you might have never seen before. 

A Big “Thank You” to All My Donors, Supporters and Viewers

 Before we move to our topics, I’d like to give a big Thank You to all my supporters and viewers. 

Although YouTube has been suppressing me, the donations I’ve been receiving are growing, as you can see in this photo that shows the pledge growth at my Patrons account. Sometimes I feel very guilty that I don’t have much time to express my gratitude, or create some exclusive content for my donors. 

However, it is my understanding that people are supporting me, not to get some exclusive content from me, but to enable me to continue to create free content for everybody, so that more people get to know the “Inconvenient Truths”. Am I right? If you are one of my great donors, please feel free to share with us what you think. 

 Acquaintance Says Dong Jingwei’s Defection Is Possible 

Now, let’s move to our first topic today. 

An acquaintance of Dong Jingwei said to Chinese language media Vision Times that from what he knew about Dong, there does exist a possibility that Dong would choose to defect.

He said, Dong Jingwei used to work at the Hebei Branch of the People’s Bank of China after graduating from university and was transferred to the Hebei Provincial Government’s General Office around 1990.

He said that Dong has very white skin and is clean-looking, medium-sized, and didn’t talk much.

Dong Jingwei’s wife is Du Jinmei(杜金梅), who is the sister of a classmate of Dong Jingwei. She once worked as a nurse at the Hebei Provincial Hospital, and then with Dong’s promotion, she was transferred to the provincial Environmental Protection Department. 

Dong Jingwei has a daughter named Dong Bo(董勃). She was born in 1989,  and is 32 years old.  She looks exactly like Dong Jingwei. 

People have been circulating a photo of a woman on the internet, saying that she is Dong Jingwei’s daughter. Actually, she is not. She is another woman called Dong Huahau(董花花). Dong Jingwei’s family is very low-key and never posts their photos online. 

The acquaintance said that Dong Jingwei is very good at writing, that’s why he was transferred from the People’s Bank to the Hebei Provincial Government to be a secretary. 

Later he was transferred to the Public Security Department in Hebei Province.

The reason why he was later transferred to Beijing was because of his connections with Xi Jinping’s buddy Li Zhanshu.

Li Zhanshu is currently the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,  head of the de facto legislative body of China. He is a No.3 member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP, China’s top decision-making body. 

So to give a not that accurate analogy, Li Zhanshu’s position is somewhat similar to Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of Representatives. 

Anyway, Li Zhanshu’s father in law was the head of the Hebei Branch of the People’s Bank of China. So Dong Jingwei was his employee. Because of this, Dong Jingwei had a very good relationship with Li Zhanshu’s family. That’s why he got promoted very fast, and became the vice minister of State Security. 

By the way, Xi Jinping came to know Li Zhanshu when he worked in Zhengding County as a party secretary in the early 1980s’. 

So you see, in China, having some sort of relationship is very important.

The acquaintance said that from what he knew about Dong Jingwei, his defection is possible. Dong doesn’t have any family background within the CCP’s inner circle, his mother is a very simple housewife, his nature is not bad, etc. But once somebody enters the CCP’s system, good people can also become bad.

The acquaintance said that given Dong Jingwei’s position within the system, he must have learned many of the CCP’s top secrets, and he knows all the bad things that the CCP has done. So he must be very disappointed with the CCP. 

On the one hand, he may have been involved in some sensitive cases, and his own safety was at stake; on the other hand, he may have wanted to expose the truth to make up for his mistakes, so that the world could control the pandemic as soon as possible. So it is very likely that he chose to defect to the United States.

So, the above is what this source said to Vision Times in Chinese. I think it is worthwhile reporting this as it offers us some more information about Dong Jingwei and his family.

The Escape of Five Young Hong Kong Protesters

Now, let’s move to our next topic today: From the “Great Escape to Hong Kong” to the “Great Escape from Hong Kong.”

An inflatable speedboat, iPhones and a compass… five young men from Hong Kong, aged 18 to 26, risked their lives to escape to Taiwan by sea in July last year with simple equipment, and more than 10 hours’ steering in fear. These are some of the details that three of them recently shared with The Wall Street Journal.

The three young men are Ray, a 25-year-old warehouse employee, Tommy, a 22-year-old art student, and Kenny, a 26-year-old civil engineer. They said that at the time of their escape from Hong Kong, all three were in hiding from Hong Kong authorities, and two of them have been charged and might face years in prison for their involvement in pro-democracy protests in 2019.

Ray, Tommy and Kenny all decided to flee Hong Kong after they thought that they were unfairly persecuted. They spent about $1,300 each on an inflatable speed boat with twin engines. Before that,  they had already each spent thousands of dollars trying to escape from Hong Kong without success. 

To avoid reprisals from the Hong Kong government, they did not disclose who organized the escape.

 One day in mid-July last year, they set out to sea.  They took turns steering while the others kept watch. For more than five hours, the GPS on their phones showed that they were still in Chinese waters.

Whenever they saw vessels they couldn’t identify, they were scared to death. 

Only after reaching international waters, did they dare to slow down and eat their stores of chips, candy and canned corn.

After more than 10 hours on the water, they shut down the engine, and purposely damaged one of them. They figured that with only one engine left and not enough fuel, the people who found them would have to take them ashore.

In the darkness, they sent SOS signals with a flashlight, and about an hour later, the Taiwan Coast Guard took them to a secret location, and the authorities provided them with living supplies.

Some of them had hoped to stay in Taiwan, but were told they had to leave. Taiwan’s national security officials were concerned that if they helped them, the CCP might use it as an excuse to invade Taiwan.

It took six months for them to finally come to the US to seek asylum. When they talked to their families back in Hong Kong after they arrived in New York, Tommy’s parents, brother and sister broke down sobbing. Ray’s mother told him she was surprised to learn he was still alive.

Kenny now lives in Washington, D.C., in an apartment with other Hong Kong refugees. He co-founded an organization to help protesters from Hong Kong.

Ray and Tommy stayed in New York and rented a basement apartment together. Both of them want to attend college and join the U.S. military.

Big Prices of Escaping

So that’s the story of the 5 brave young men. 

However, not all of those who wanted to escape were as lucky. 

On August 23 last year, another 12 Hong Kong residents fled by sea, but were intercepted by CCP’s Guangdong Marine Police. They were arrested and detained.

Two months later, eight of them were sentenced to seven months in prison.

The CCP police took 2 months intensively monitoring and intercepting information about their escape attempt.

Then, on October 10 last year, nine Hong Kong people were arrested for assisting the above-mentioned 12 Hong Kong people’s escape attempts. They had spent over a million HK dollars to try to help, but ended up being arrested. The youngest one is only 26 years old, the eldest one 72. 

On January 14, 11 more people were arrested for the same reason, including lawyer and District Councilor Daniel Wong Kwok-tung(黃國桐), and mother of Willis Ho, deputy secretary-general of the student organization the Hong Kong Federation of Students. 

Wong had set up an “Umbrella” restaurant in Taiwan to provide help to Hong Kong activists living in exile in Taiwan.

“New Operation Yellowbird”

 The risks associated with escape attempts are high. But for many Hong Kongers who are facing long sentences for participating in the anti-extradition bill protests, they still choose to flee.

In February, a group of pro-democracy activists in the U.S. launched “New Operation Yellowbird” to rescue Hong Kong people facing arrest and sentencing.

Zheng Cunzhu, vice chairman of the United Headquarters of China Democratic Party, said to The Epoch Times that “New Operation Yellowbird” was launched to help the Hong Kong people who have been forced to flee.

So far, four Hong Kong residents who participated in the anti-extradition bill protests have been granted asylum in the United States through “New Operation Yellowbird”, and many more are awaiting interviews or court appearances.

One of them,  a 21-year-old Hong Kong man was granted asylum in immigration court in mid-June. He still bears the scars left by Hong Kong police.

The name “New Operation Yellowbird” originates from “Operation Yellowbird” , a program that assisted Chinese people to flee from China after the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. The operation has helped over 400 people to escape from China.

The name “Operation Yellowbird” comes from the poem “The Yellow Bird in the Wild Field” by Cao Zhi, a prince of the state of  Wei in the Three Kingdoms period of China(from 220 to 280 AD). He was also an accomplished poet of nearly two thousand years ago.

So several lines of his poem goes like this: 

“While the snare is glad to catch the yellow bird,

The young man feels sorry for it.

“When he draws the sword and cut the snare,

The yellow bird is set free to cut the air. ”

At that time, Cao Zhi was unable to rescue his close friends, so he expressed his distress with this poem, which has been loved and spread widely in China ever since.

I am pretty much sure that he had never expected that after nearly two thousand years, people would use his poem to name an operation that rescues persecuted people. 

“The Great Escape to Hong Kong”

Actually, apart from “Operation Yellowbird”, people of Hong Kong also offered tremendous help to people who escaped from China from the 1950s to 1980s, especially after the great famine in early the 1960s. So this is called “The Great Escape to Hong Kong.” 

Let’s play a video. So this was in 1962, at Luohu port in Hong Kong. On the trucks were people from China who just escaped. Hong Kong authorities wanted to send them back, but local Hongkongers gathered around, throwing food and medicine to the people on the trucks. 

During that period of time, on average, there were 5000 people escaping to Hong Kong every day. And within one month, 150,000 arrived. In some villages in Guangdong, all the villagers escaped, without a single one leaving behind. 

Before this peak of new arrivals, the British government, which was ruling Hong Kong then, had always accepted refugees from China. However, in 1962, as too many people were arriving, the British government decided to catch those people and send them back. 

At that time, around 30,000 refugees gathered at a Hong Kong district called Huashan, for their relatives to come and take them home. They were hungry and exhausted. 

At such a difficult time, people of Hong Kong offered great help. They called for the government to save these people. A newspaper called Mirror became a center for supplies for these people. Religious organizations, media companies and ordinary citizens sent clothes, food and water to Huashan more than 100,000 times. 

Some citizens took some of the refugees home and hid them inside their homes. 

When the police planned to send these refugees back with trucks,  thousands of Hong Kong citizens gathered outside the refugee camp in the night to try to stop the police. 

On the following day, more than 10,000 people showed up with food, and threw them into the trucks. 

Also, hundreds of Hongkongers lay down on the street to stop the trucks, so that people on the truck could have the chance to jump out and escape. 

Later, it was estimated that as many as 10,000 refugees managed to escape and run back to the city. The police didn’t really push too hard to try to catch those people, either. 

Unfortunately, this part of the story was not captured by the camera. So we can’t see it now.

So altogether, from the 1950s to late 1970s, over half a million Chinese people escaped to Hong Kong. I guess that is really a “Great Escape”. 

And in Guangdong, more than 300,000 people were arrested and imprisoned for trying to escape to Hong Kong.

So that’s a little bit of the history of the Great Escape to Hong Kong. It always moves my heart to think how the great people of Hong Kong have bravely and selflessly helped those Chinese refugees. 


“We Can Only Show You Once”

Sadly, this “Great Escape to Hong Kong” has now become the “Great Escape from Hong Kong”. Who would have thought that those great Hongkongers, and their children or grandchildren would one day also have to escape like those they had helped?

So what is the lesson to learn here? The world once believed that the CCP would keep its promise to let Hong Kong enjoy freedom, and continue its way of life through the so-called “One Country, Two System”.

But the sad reality is, believing in the CCP’s words has ruined Hong Kong. 

Another lesson is, wherever the CCP goes, disasters follow.  In just 24 years, the CCP completely destroyed Hong Kong’s freedom. 

Now let’s show a photo that I can never get over with. This is a young woman from Hong Kong going to Taiwan on Taiwan’s voting day last year. She stood at a railway station with such a sign: “I am a Hongkonger. Please cherish your votes. We can only show you once.”

A young woman from Hong Kong on Taiwan’s voting day last year stood at a railway station with a sign that says: “I am a Hongkonger. Please cherish your votes. We can only show you once.”

A young woman from Hong Kong on Taiwan’s voting day last year stood at a railway station with a sign that says: “I am a Hongkonger. Please cherish your votes. We can only show you once.”

Someone posted this photo on her Facebook Page, and said she was moved to tears.

So what does “We can only show you once” mean? Because everyone can only die once, as you have only one life. This young woman means that she hopes Taiwanese can learn the lessons from Hong Kong’s death, and will not trust the CCP’s lies and beautiful promises whatsoever.  She hopes that Hong Kong people’s sacrifice and sufferings can wake up Taiwan and the world. 

No More Free Press

A few days ago, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily , one of the very few still independent media outlets in Hong Kong, was forced to close. And yesterday, Fung Wai-kong(馮偉光)  a former senior journalist with the Apple Daily was arrested at the airport when he tried to leave for UK. He thus became the seventh Apple Daily figure to be arrested in two weeks. 

Another media outlet called Stand News is now deleting all commentary articles that were published before June this year. It will also stop fundraising efforts out of concern that they could be targeted by the National Security Law like Apple Daily if they don’t. 

Several other media such as Winandmac and Post 852 have also announced that they would move out of Hong Kong, and cancel their Hong Kong registration, or take off all their online content. 

So that’s how bad the situation is in Hong Kong now. 

A while ago I did a program about my friend Sarah Liang, a journalist with the Hong Kong Edition of the Epoch Times, who was attacked by a CCP thug. 

This morning she posted such a post on her Facebook:

“How is Hong Kong now?”

“Friends  are meeting for dinner, each meal may be the last one. When we say ‘take care’ to one another, we feel that we may never see one another again. There are countless send-offs and immigrations. Countless have been sent to prison, and friends suddenly lose contact. We do not know where they have gone, it is not even convenient to ask.”

Screenshot of Sarah Liang’s Facebook post.

Screenshot of Sarah Liang’s Facebook post.

So, that’s a direct quote from Sarah Liang, a friend and a journalist still living in  and reporting from Hong Kong

 A Test for G7 Countries? 

Many of my Chinese friends say that the CCP’s crackdown on Apple Daily and Hong Kong is a test for the world, especially for the G7 countries, which have just released a joint statement about the CCP’s threat. 

The CCP was of course very upset about the joint statement of G7 countries. So it accelerated the crackdown on Hong Kong, to test the G7 countries, to see how serious these countries are when they talk about tackling the CCP’s threat.

Well, I hope we can all remember that young woman’s sign, “We can only show you once.” We have only one Hong Kong to be killed by the CCP. Do we really need more examples to be awakened?

 Well, that’s all for today’s “Inconvenient Truths”. Thank you very much for watching. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, and share my videos as widely as you can. 

Thank you. See you on Thursday!

6/28/2021 *

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发表在 时评 | The “Great Escape from Hong Kong” & Exclusive Revelation from Dong Jingwei’s Acquaintance已关闭评论

Exclusive from the Vision Times: Acquaintance Says Dong Jingwei’s Defection Is Possible 董經緯老熟人:董叛逃消息可能爲真


An acquaintance of Dong Jingwei recently told the Chinese language media Vision Times exclusively that from what he knew about Dong, there does exist a possibility that Dong would choose to defect.

He said, Dong Jingwei used to work at the People’s Bank of China’s Hebei Branch after graduating from university and was transferred to the Hebei Provincial Government’s General Office around 1990.

He said that Dong has white skin and is clean-looking and medium-sized, and that he doesn’t talk much.

Dong Jingwei’s wife is Du Jinmei(杜金梅), who is the sister of a classmate of Dong Jingwei. She once worked as a nurse at the Hebei Provincial Hospital, and then with Dong’s promotion, she was transferred to the provincial Environmental Protection Department. 

Dong Jingwei has a daughter named Dong Bo(董勃). She was born in 1989,  and is 32 years old.  She looks exactly like Dong Jingwei. People have been circulating a photo of a woman on the internet, saying she is Dong Jingwei’s daughter. Actually, she is not. She is another woman called Dong Huahau (董花花). Dong Jingwei’s family is very low-key and never posts their photos on line. 

The acquaintance said that Dong Jingwei is very good at writing, that’s why he was transferred from the People’s Bank to the Hebei Provincial Government to be a secretary. 

Later he was transferred to the Public Security Department in Hebei.

The reason why he was later transferred to Beijing was because of his connections with Li Zhanshu

Li Zhanshu is currently the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,  head of the de facto legislative body of the People’s Republic of China. He is a No.3 member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, China’s top decision-making body. 

Li Zhanshu’s father in law was the head of People’s Bank of China’s Hebei Branch. So Dong Jingwei was his employee when he worked there. Because of this, Dong Jingwei had very good relationship with Li Zhanshu’s family. That’s why he got promoted very fast, and became the vice minister of State Security. 

The CCP’s head Xi Jinping came to know Li Zhanshu when he worked in Zhengding County, Hebei Province as a party secretary in the early 1980s’. 

The acquaintance said that from what he knew about Dong Jingwei, his defection is possible. Dong doesn’t have any family background with the CCP’s inner circle, his mother is a very simple housewife, his nature is not bad.  But once somebody enters the CCP’s system, good people can also become bad.

The acquaintance said that given Dong Jingwei’s position within the system, he must have learned many of the CCP’s top secrets, and he knows all the bad things that the CCP has done. So he must be very disappointed with the CCP. 

On the one hand, he may have been involved in some sensitive cases, and his own safety was at stake; on the other hand, he may have wanted to expose the truth to make up for his mistakes, so that the world could control the pandemic as soon as possible. So it is very likely that he chose to defect to the United States.

Original Chinese report available at: https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2021/06/28/976414.html


Screenshot from a CCTV(China Central TV) report at https://politics.cntv.cn/special/gwyvideo/zhaokezhi/202106/2021062301/index.shtml showing Dong Jingwei(R) attending the 16th meeting of the Security Councils Secretaries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states on June 23, 2021.

Screenshot from a CCTV(China Central TV) report at https://politics.cntv.cn/special/gwyvideo/zhaokezhi/202106/2021062301/index.shtml showing Dong Jingwei(R) attending the 16th meeting of the Security Councils Secretaries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states on June 23, 2021.

发表在 时评 | Exclusive from the Vision Times: Acquaintance Says Dong Jingwei’s Defection Is Possible 董經緯老熟人:董叛逃消息可能爲真已关闭评论



























(注:此文寫於2011年,获悉尼《看中国》时报「美丽澳洲行,情系《看中国》 」五周年报庆征文三等奖,发表时笔名为蒋悦。)



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