Zhengzhou Smart Tunnel Phase I Construction To Be completed Soon, Zhengzhou City Tunnels Will be “Talking and Thinking” 郑州智慧隧道一期建设即将收尾 郑州市隧道都将“会说话 会思考”

(Jennifer’s note: Bellow is the English translation of a Chinese language report by Henan News Radio published on June 1, 2021. An archived version of the original Chinese report is here. )

( 曾錚注:以下是河南新闻广播记者夏凊撰寫的新聞原稿及英文翻譯。原稿備份在此。)

June 1, 2021, 7:45 | 2021-06-01 07:45

By Xia Qing, Henan News Radio


As an important part of Zhengzhou’s City Brain – Smart City Management, the construction work of Zhengzhou Smart Tunnel Phase I (Beijing-Guangzhou Road Tunnel Pilot), which was launched in 2020, is in its final stage. How will the smart tunnel operate in the future? Scroll down to see.


In the center of the command hall for Zhengzhou tunnel, the big smart screen allows the tunnel scene at a glance. Here real-time monitoring and display of the tunnel equipment data can be seen, providing information of diseases, hidden problems, early warning and other analysis.

Yang Hang from Zhengzhou City Tunnel Integrated Management and Maintenance Center said, there are six modules to ensure that the Zhengzhou tunnel “will think and talk”.

“For example, when a vehicle stays in the tunnel or a pedestrian enters, through the tunnel monitoring equipment, the perception module will immediately capture and sense the stay, and the reason for entry. If there is an unexpected, sudden accident, we can achieve accurate and rapid search and rescue of personnel through the background record of the last location of personnel .”


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In order to prevent the poor signal in the tunnel from affecting the positioning, the current Beijing-Guangzhou tunnel sidewalls are equipped with an emergency phone every 200 meters, which can be used for two-way real-time communication with the command center.

In addition, there is a multi-channel information release module in this phase of construction, which is combined with big data to provide accurate information.

Yang Hang said, “Through the Gaode and Zhenghaoban APP, we can release in advance information of abnormal events that will affect the passage in the tunnel, or information about tunnel closure, maintenance and other information to facilitate the public to reasonably plan their travel routes.”


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In addition to the Beijing-Guangzhou Tunnel, the software construction work of five other tunnels, such as Jingsan Road and Weilan Road, has been completed, and more tunnels and underground spaces will be incorporated into the construction of smart tunnels and extended with more functions in the future.

Lin Ziqing from the Zhengzhou city tunnel comprehensive management and maintenance center said : “Phase I construction of high-precision positioning technology, video analysis technology in the Weisi Road tunnel, Chengdong Road and Jingsan Road tunnel and other five tunnels will be extended. We will completion the smart construction of the new tunnels that have just been entrusted to us, as well as the underground space facilities in Zhengzhou. We will integrate them into Zhengzhou’s ‘city brain ‘.”



发表在 时评 | Zhengzhou Smart Tunnel Phase I Construction To Be completed Soon, Zhengzhou City Tunnels Will be “Talking and Thinking” 郑州智慧隧道一期建设即将收尾 郑州市隧道都将“会说话 会思考”已关闭评论

Breaking: “The Burning Down of the CCP Virus Statue In California Is An Attack on the US”

At approximately 6:00 p.m. on July 23, 2021, the statue of the “CCP(Chinese Communist Party) Virus” at the Southern California Liberty Sculpture Park was set on fire and burnt down. The statue’s author Chen Weiming said that this was the work of the Chinese Communist Party, while Guppy Dong, one of the founders of the Liberty Sculpture Park, said this action is an attack on the US.

Chen Weiming said, “Although they burnt the statue, we will still make a new statue of the CCP Virus and nail the CCP to the pillar of shame in history.”

A police officer at the burnt down CCP Virus Status site on July 23.  Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

A police officer at the burnt down CCP Virus Status site on July 23. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

The CCP Virus Status before it was burnt down.  Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

The CCP Virus Status before it was burnt down. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

CCP Virus Status Burnt Down

A statue of the CCP’s leader Xi Jinping, whose head was covered with the coronavirus, was unveiled at the Freedom Sculpture Park on June 4 this year, the 32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre.

On July 17, the statue was vandalized for the first time when a hole was cut in the statue and a strain of the virus was severed from the top of the statue. A volunteer saw a truck driving away after the driver found he was discovered.

First Attempt to Overturn the Status

Since the statue was first vandalized on July 17, volunteers have organized a night watch at the Liberty Sculpture Park.

“ We didn’t expect the culprits would be be so brazen as to set the fire in broad daylight,” Chen said. “The U.S. police also underestimated the power of the Chinese Communist Party’s abilities to mobilize culprits overseas. “

On July 17, the CCP virus strain was pulled off. Steel cables were left on the ground. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, the CCP virus strain was pulled off. Steel cables were left on the ground. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, a hole was made in the CCP Virus statue. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, a hole was made in the CCP Virus statue. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

According to Chen, at 6 p.m. on July 23 , when it was still day time, residents near the Liberty Sculpture Park noticed a fire in the park and called the fire department, which arrived at 7 p.m. By that time when the firefighter arrived, the entire statue had been completely destroyed, with only the base remaining.

“The Communists hate and fear the statue so much that they want to destroy it and erase the damage this dictatorship has done to the world, but they won’t get away with it,” Chen told Voice of America.

On July 17, one virus strain was pulled off. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, one virus strain was pulled off. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables left on the ground of the site after a failed attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables left on the ground of the site after a failed attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were tie to the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were tie to the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were tie to the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were tie to the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were put on the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were put on the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

Chen also told The Epoch Times that the statue of the CCP Virus has touched a sensitive nerve in the top echelons of the CCP and was a thorn in their side. That is why they have gone to great lengths to invade and destroy it again and again.

Chen vowed to sculpt a new statue of the “CCP Virus” and not let the Chinese Communist Party get away with it; the original pedestal will be used as a memorial site so that the burning incident will be remembered in history.

Both the local police and the FBI are now involved in the investigation of the burning of the statue of the “CCP Virus”. The Liberty Sculpture Park has provided evidence in its possession to assist in the investigation.

“This is An Attack on the US”

Guppy Dong, also a China affair commentator and columnist, said in his Facebook that the burning down of the CCP Virus statue is a challenge to and an attack on America. It is also a major international political event, given that this is the first CCP Virus statue in the world, the US is investigating the origin of the CCP virus, and almost every country in the world has been affected by the CCP virus.

On July 17, the supporting steel  inside the CCP Virus status was sawed off. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, the supporting steel inside the CCP Virus status was sawed off. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were tied to  the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On July 17, steel cables were tied to the status with an attempt to pull down the status by a truck. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

“A Murder Attempt”?

According to Dong, he was on the night watch in the Liberty Sculpture Park on June 28, after he learned that the CCP was going to create an assassinate case on American soil that is similar to the assassination of Henry Liu (often known by his pen name Chiang Nan), who was was assassinated in the US in 1984.

On June 28, Chen Wenming (M) and Guppy Dong (R) on night watch at the CCP Virus Statue site after they learned that the CCP planned to create an assassinate case on American soil that is similar to the assassination of   Henry Liu  (often known by his  pen name  Chiang Nan). Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On June 28, Chen Wenming (M) and Guppy Dong (R) on night watch at the CCP Virus Statue site after they learned that the CCP planned to create an assassinate case on American soil that is similar to the assassination of Henry Liu (often known by his pen name Chiang Nan). Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

Dong said, on the following two days, on June 29 and June 30, he had encountered two attacks on the highway after he left the Liberty Sculpture Park. The incident on the June 30 looked like a murder attempt, in which a UPS truck suddenly overtook him and then applied the brake abruptly.

After Dong realized the danger, he managed to overtake the truck and was driving at about 70 mile/hour when the truck suddenly cut into his lane. If he braked sharply, he risked a rollover; if he didn’t brake quickly enough, he may crush into the truck.

On June 30, car camera footage shows a UPS truck suddenly cut into Guppy Dong’s lane.  Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On June 30, car camera footage shows a UPS truck suddenly cut into Guppy Dong’s lane. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On June 30, car camera footage shows a UPS truck suddenly cut into Guppy Dong’s lane.  Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

On June 30, car camera footage shows a UPS truck suddenly cut into Guppy Dong’s lane. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

Dong said he didn’t know how he managed to survive this situation.

After Dong released the video and photos of the incident recorded by the camera in his car, it was found that the owner of the truck is Arowana Inc in California. The agent name is Meirong Fu, which is obviously a Chinese name.

Company information of the UPS truck.  Source:   Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

Company information of the UPS truck. Source: Guppy Dong’s Facebook page

Dong said, he was even more certain that the incident was a murder attempt related to the CCP when he saw that the address of Arowana Inc is very close to his own address in California.

Dong also said, that his car camera footage shows that the driver of the truck showed him a middle finger to him when he overtook the truck.

Dong has reported the incident to the police depart in Coronado, where the incident happened. He is yet to hear back from the police regarding the result of the investigation.


发表在 时评 | Breaking: “The Burning Down of the CCP Virus Statue In California Is An Attack on the US”已关闭评论

Breaking: The CCP Virus Statue In California Burnt Down

At approximately 6:00 p.m. on July 23, 2012, the statue of the “CCP(Chinese Communist Party) Virus” at the Southern California Liberty Sculpture Park was set on fire and burnt down. The statue’s author, renowned Chen Weiming, pointed out that this was the work of the Chinese Communist Party, saying, “Even if they burn the statue and blow it up, we will still make a new statue of the CCP Virus and nail the Chinese Communist Party to the pillar of shame in history.”

A statue of the CCP’s leader Xi Jinping, whose head was covered with the coronavirus, was unveiled at Freedom Sculpture Park on the anniversary of the June 4 massacre this year.

On July 17, the statue was vandalized for the first time when a hole was cut in the statue and a strain of the virus was severed from the top of the statue.

Since the statue was first vandalized on July 17, volunteers have organized a night watch at the Liberty Sculpture Park.

“ We didn’t expect the culprits would be be so brazen as to set the fire in broad daylight,” Chen said. “The U.S. police also underestimated the power of the Chinese Communist Party’s activities overseas.”

According to Chen, at 6 p.m. on July 23 , when it was still day time, residents near Liberty Sculpture Park noticed a fire in the park and called the fire department, which arrived at 7 p.m. By that time the entire statue had been completely destroyed, with only the base remaining.

“The Communists hate and fear a statue so much that they want to destroy it and erase the damage this dictatorship has done to the world, but they won’t get away with it,” Chen told Voice of America.

Chen also told The Epoch Times that the statue of the “CCP Virus” has touched a sensitive nerve in the top echelons of the CCP and was a thorn in their side, which is why they have gone to great lengths to invade and destroy it again and again.

Chen vowed to sculpt a new statue of the “CCP Virus” and not let the Chinese Communist Party get away with it; the original pedestal will be used as a memorial site so that the burning incident will be remembered in history.

Both the local police and the FBI are now involved in the investigation of the burning of the statue of the “CCP Virus”. Liberty Sculpture Park has provided evidence in its possession to assist in the investigation.

Guppy Dong, China affair commentator, columnist and former Chinese government official, said in his Facebook that the burning down of the CCP Virus statue is a challenge and an attack on America. It is also a major international political event, given this is the first CCP Virus statue in the world, the US is investigating the origin of the CCP virus, and almost every country in the world has been affected by the CCP virus.

According to Dong, he was on the night watch in the Liberty Sculpture Park on June 28, after he learned that the CCP was going to create an assassinate case on American soil again that is similar to the assassination of Henry Liu (often known by his pen name Chiang Nan), who was was assassinated in the US in 1984.

Dong said, on the following days, on June 29 and June 30, he had encountered two attacks on the highway after he left the Liberty Sculpture Park. The incident on the June 30 looked like a murder attempt, in which a UPS truck suddenly overtook him and then applied the brake abruptly.

After Dong realized the danger, managed the overtake the truck and was driving at about 70 mile/hour, the truck suddenly plunged into his lane. If he braked sharply, he risked a rollover; if he didn’t brake quickly enough, he may crush into the truck.

Dong said he didn’t know how he managed to survive this situation.

After Dong release the video and photos of the incident recorded by the camera in his car, it was found that the owner of the truck is Arowana Inc in Califorian. The agent name is Meirong Fu, which is obviously a Chinese name.

Dong said, he was even more certain when he saw that the address of Arowana Inc is very close to his own address in California.

Dong also said, that his car camera footage shows that the driver of the truck showed him a middle finger when he overtook the truck.

Dong has reported the case to the police depart of Coronado, where the incident happened. He is yet to hear back from the police regarding the result of the investigation.

发表在 时评 | Breaking: The CCP Virus Statue In California Burnt Down已关闭评论













发表在 时评 | 重回童年已关闭评论

Disastrous Flood in Zhengzhou China: Old Story of Man-Made Tragedy and Cover-ups

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

 In the past several days, some parts in China have experienced “once in a thousand years” heavy rainfall, and terrible videos and images have been circulated on the internet. Contrary to these, is how quiet, how “positive” the CCP’s media, as well as some mainstream media in the West have been about this. Today I have to tell you about the contrast. Again, the content and videos you are going to see are unique to me, and you won’t see these in any of the so-called the mainstream media. 

Some of the Realities of the Flood

 First of all, let’s watch some short clips I put together. The first few ones are about the flooding situation in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province in China, the last clip is how the CCP’s CCTV, China Central Television, is reporting about the flood. Please make sure you read the subtitles.

This one shows how someone died after being hit by high-voltage electricity leaked through the flood.

You can see in this that a father is trying to rescue his son, but only ends up being washed away together with his son. 

This post says that as of 1:30 am, July 21 local time, hundreds are still trapped in the subway system in Zhengzhou, waiting to be rescued. They are hungry, cold, and could  be suffocated. 

This post says that as of 1:30 am, July 21 local time, hundreds are still trapped in the subway system in Zhengzhou, waiting to be rescued. They are hungry, cold, and could  be suffocated. 

Now, let’s see picture 1.

This post says that as of 1:30 am, July 21 local time, hundreds are still trapped in the subway system in Zhengzhou, waiting to be rescued. They are hungry, cold, and could  be suffocated. 

This post says  that at 9:56 on July 20, they had been trapped on a train for 20 hours at a place only 10 KM from Zhengzhou. This person had tried all the government hotlines. No help at all!

This post says  that at 9:56 on July 20, they had been trapped on a train for 20 hours at a place only 10 KM from Zhengzhou. This person had tried all the government hotlines. No help at all!

Now, let’s see picture 2. 

This post says  that at 9:56 on July 20, they had been trapped on a train for 20 hours at a place only 10 KM from Zhengzhou. This person had tried all the government hotlines. No help at all!

This video shows a body being dragged ashore with a banner that was made to celebrate the CCP’s 100th anniversary. What an ironic choice.  Maybe this is the only good that this banner has ever done. 

Now let’s play video 5. Imagine you are sitting in the car and watching all the water running outside!

Now let’s watch another two clips inside the subway:
This is an explosion at a chemical factory as a result of the flooding. 

Now let’s watch another clip from the countryside. We can see the flood is as bad as in the city. I guess people in the countryside are getting  even less help than people in the big city. By the way,  Zhengzhou has about 12 million people, so it is a very big city, the capital city of Henan Province. 

Now, let’s watch the thrilling two minutes of how a woman struggled in the flood. 
Now another one. It is not clear which floor this house is on.  But definitely not the first floor, as you can see the stairs. 
Now, let’s watch another unbelievable one. This shows that in a tunnel of Zhengzhou, while the flood rushed in and the situation was getting increasingly dangerous, the toll machine was still collecting tunnel fees. Within 5 minutes, the tunnel was all under water, with all the cars trapped inside. We will know why the fee collection is a fatal action right away.

 Now, let’s watch a video after the flood. I guess this one was shot today. 

 Now, let’s watch another two videos also shot this morning, with the person who filmed the videos giving us some explanations. Please make sure you read the English titles I added. 

Death Toll: Let Do Our Own Math

 Now, let’s try to figure out how many people could have died?

Right now it is still a mystery. This morning CCP’s mouthpiece Xinhua says 33 have died, 8 are missing. 

33 dead. Do you believe it? 

Let’s do our own math. The tunnel we just saw is about 5 km long, and has 6 lanes, some say 8 lanes. Let’s assume it has 6 lanes. And the water peaked in the late afternoon on July 20, when everybody was rushing home. 

Let’s say there was a car every 7 meters in the tunnel, which  is a quite conservative estimation. 

So, 5000 meters divided by 7, then times 6, the result is 4285 cars. If we suppose every three cars had 2 people in it, then the death toll could be over 6000. If we suppose every car had 2 or 3 people inside, the death toll could be more than 8000, or even over 12,000.

Well, did you remember that one of the videos says that similar scenes could be seen at many places in Zhengzhou?

How many people have died in the subway system? What we saw was just from one of the subway lines. There was another line that had the same problem, but there were no videos or photos from that line leaked. We only heard that hundreds or more were trapped in it.

So, I can say the death doll could be at least thousands, or tens of thousands.

Natural Disaster or Man-Made Tragedy? 

Now, you might want to ask, how did all these happen?

In 2018, the CCP said it would invest 53.4 Billion yuan, or $7.7 Billion, to build Zhengzhou into a “Sponge City”, which means to make the city have the ability to absolve, reserve and then release and purify the water in case of heavy rain.

Only after this deadly flood, did people start to ask: Where is the 53 billion yuan?  What has the CCP done to build the drainage system of the city and the subway system?

Initially the CCP said this was a heavy rainstorm that only happens every 40 years. Then the Zhengzhou Weather Bureau said this rainfall is once in every one thousand years. Then the Henan Water Resources Department says this is a rainstorm that only happens every 5000 years.

Many netizens became so angry when they read this that they actually laughed: Every 5000 years? That is longer than China’s civilized history. Are you talking about the prehistoric great flood that destroyed the world?  Do we need to build  Noah’s Ark to save ourselves?

Then, how much rainfall did the city get exactly? 

In three days, from July 18 to 20, the city got altogether 617 mm of rainfall. The peak appeared on the 20th from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and the city recorded 201 mm rainfall in one hour. 

That is a lot, but definitely not as bad as once only in every 5000 years. If you are an expert on this, you can compare it with the numbers in other places of the world. 

One big problem is, Zhengzhou is on the plain. If it gets heavy rain, the water should rise relatively evenly. It won’t form the kind of fast running floods we saw in the videos. That sort of rapid flood can only be formed when there is a height difference, right? That is common sense. 

Now, let’s watch a video.

You see, at 1:40 pm on July 20, although the rain was heavy, vehicles were still running normally. 

At 2: 20 pm, some buses failed, but most other cars and pedestrians were still running or walking normally. 

Then at 3:20 pm, all vehicles stopped running. 

Now water starts to flow into the underground driveway. 

At 5:30 pm, the underground driveway was filled with flood water, the water level was at the same level as the road, and the guardrail was almost submerged.

At this time, the entire city was submerged.

We saw this before. There were many such holes in the city during and after the flood. 

This is the water in the subway. 

So, the point of the video is, the water did not come from the sky, it came from an upper stream Reservoir , called Changzhuang Reservoir,  when the authorities opened the gate at about 10:30 am to release water to reduce the pressure of the dam. 

his is a notice from the official account of Zhengzhou city. It says the staff at the Changzhuang Reservoir started to release the water at 10:30 am on July 20. 

The problem is, this post was posted at 1:00 am on July 21, that is, almost 15 hours later. 

So, people in Zhengzhou knew nothing at all about the release of water. They all went to work normally. 

We saw in one of the videos, the drivers stayed in their cars and didn’t choose to abandon them and run away, and ended up dying.

Why didn’t they run? They didn’t know the danger. If it was just a normal heavy rain, there was no need to run away.

Another big, big problem is, why didn’t the subway authorities decide to close down the subway and let so many people die in it?
This post was posted by a subway staff member. The post says, there was plenty of time for the authorities to decide to shut down the subway. The water first started running into the subway, then it flooded the track, then the trains couldn’t run anymore, then the power had to be cut, then the water flooded the evacuation platform, then, all the chances for people to run away were lost…

Post by a subway staff member

Post by a subway staff member

The entire process didn’t happen in just one minute. The authorities did have plenty of time to respond.

But, they didn’t. Nor did the drivers or the staff on the trains open the subway car doors to let the passengers run away, let alone organize any sort of evacuation. 

As far as I know, many people drowned, but many died of coldness, or lack of air.

It pains my heart to see how people in CCP’s China lack the skills, common sense, knowledge, or courage to save themselves and help others under these kinds of circumstances. They passively waited for the CCP to tell them what to do and died while waiting, and had no complaints at all. 
So, won’t you agree that this is again, a man made tragedy, instead of a natural disaster?

Cover-ups, As Usual

Now, let’s see how the CCP is covering this. 

Let’s look at this post by the Zhengzhou government at 7:01 pm on July 20, when tens of thousands people trapped in the tunnel, subways, trains were dying, or already dead, the post says, “Although the rain is heavy, but people of Zhengzhou are strong, optimistic and not complaining.  “We firmly believe that after this rare rain, our city will be cleaner, our grasses and trees will be greener than ever.”

This report of the People’s Daily on July 21 used 12 Chinese words, one sentence,  to say that “12 people in Zhengzhou died in the flood”, and then used over a hundred words, and an entire paragraph to say that “ 730 army commanders, 1159 armed police officers, 60 vehicles, 6760 rescue team members, 1383 vehicles, 690 militiamen, 35 boats, 25,784 rescue equipment sets were involved in rescue. At present, the rescue is still going on.”

This is the front page of the People’s Daily newspaper of July 21, the day after the flood peak. There is ZERO word about the flood in Zhengzhou. All the reports are about Xi Jinping and other CCP leaders’ speeches, the CCP’s birth control policy, and other great achievements including a high speed railway, etc. Zero word about the “once in 5000 years” flood. 

These are the front pages of other publications. Again, Zero mention of the flood. Instead, they are talking about studying the CCP’s history, optimizing fertility, Xi Jinping’s speech, Renminbi going out of China, etc.

The front page of Global Times on July 20 is more funny. The headline says that the European flood proves that the disaster warning mechanisms in Europe are full of flaws, and failed the test, etc. The full page article is all about Europe. 

 Now, let’s watch the screenshot of two reports I captured this morning. 

This report is about the disaster relief effort.  In this report you see quite a few photos of the city after the rain, but you won’t see the real stuff we just showed you.

This is another report about the relief effort. Again, you see only beautiful, or not too bad images. You won’t see the real situations. 

Now, let’s play another video.  The left side is the CCP’s report about the flood, the right side is the real situation in Zhengzhou. Can you see the difference? 

 What worries me is, the western media, either because they don’t have reporters inside China, or because they just want to repeat what the CCP is saying, are basically just copying, or using CCP’s images or videos about the flood. And they also adopted the CCP’s “official” death toll, just as they did during the CCP virus, or COVID19 pandemic. 

 I saw an audience member in Holland saying that the TV news in Holland was just repeating CCTV’s “positive news”. And mainstream media in the US, such as NBC, ABC, CNN, Reuters, are all saying that this is a “once in one thousand years” heavy rain resulting from “global warming”, etc. No mentioning of the human errors, city construction problems, or man-made tragedies. 

 So, please do share my videos like mad. People need to know the truth.

 Apart from beautifying the situations, the old game of covering up is also in play. 

 For example, this report says over a thousand cars were trapped in the tunnel. But later on, when you search with the same news title, the text has been changed to hundreds of cars. 

 This report says that a staff  member at the No. 9 Hospital in Zhengzhou admitted that some injured passengers from the subway sent to their hospital have died, but it is “inconvenient” to reveal how many.  The reporter was suggested to contact the police for missing people. 

 This post says the CCP is now banning government staff from posting, forwarding or sharing any info related to the Zhengzhou flood. The author is also from Henan province, but doesn’t live in Zhengzhou City. He has lost contact with his sister for 11 hours. Mother of his friend in Zhengzhou was swept away by water and hit her head against a car with a crushed skull fracture, etc. 

 Internet Blackout? 

 Apart from covering up, people are worrying that the internet could be cut to block the information. This post says “People rushed to buy food after the flood. But the internet was down, we must pay with cash. But most people only had phones with them.  What can we do? ”


Finding a Scapegoat


 Another funny thing is, some CCP’s supporters have also started finding a scapegoat for the CCP. 

For example, this film director called Rong Zheng said, “I just want to ask, what on earth has the American army sent to Taiwan. If you don’t confess this, you are declaring war on us. 

“How come only several days after you landed in Taiwan, we encountered a once in a thousand year flood? Such a coincidence!”

Then he used a dirty word that I don’t want to translate or repeat here.

And under these words are many pictures and videos about American army’s weather weapons.

So, he is indicating that the flood in Zhengzhou was a result of American Army’s weather weapon attack, maybe launched from Taiwan.

Isn’t that funny?

 Well, I am afraid there is too much content today, and I’ve been talking for too long. So let’s end it right here. 


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发表在 时评 | Disastrous Flood in Zhengzhou China: Old Story of Man-Made Tragedy and Cover-ups已关闭评论

China’s International “50 Cents Army” – An Elaborate Operation to Spread Propaganda Worldwide

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

 Maybe you’ve heard about the word “Wumao ”, or 50 cent army. It refers to people who are hired by the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, to post online comments to manipulate public opinion and disseminate disinformation for the CCP. In the early days, they got paid 50 cents for each post. That’s why they are called Wumao, or 50 cent army. But you may not know that now there are quite a lot foreign Wumao, professional ones, who are willingly helping the CCP to brainwash people in a more advanced and sophisticated way. Who are they, what do they do, and why do they matter? Today I’d like to talk about this.

 Before we move on, please make sure you subscribe to my channel, like my videos and turn on the notification bell, so that you won’t miss any future videos.

 Now, let’s move to our topic today.


Use Foreign Mouths to “Tell the China Story Well”

 First of all, we need to understand that since the CCP’s 18th National Congress in 2012-that was the year when Xi Jinping became the head of the CCP-so since that time, “telling the China story well” to the international world has been a main task for the CCP’s propaganda ministry. “New concepts, new scope, and new narratives” have been constantly tried out; and foreign faces, foreign mouths of “internet celebrities” are the latest weapons.

As early as seventy-seven years ago, in1944, Michael Lindsay, a British national, became one of the “founders” of the English-language broadcasting department of the CCP’s Xinhua News Agency in Yan’an. Yan’an was the CCP’s base before it took power, and the “Revolutionary Holy Land” of the CCP after it defeated the Kuomintang and established the People’s Republic of China.

On June 19, Xinhua featured Lindsay in an article titled “Foreign friends reflect on CCP’s success over the past century”, and quoted his son Jim Lindsay as saying “China plays an important role in world affairs. Other big countries must cooperate with China to solve global problems such as climate change, biodiversity conservation and pandemics. ”

Following Michael Lindsay’s footprints, there are more British nationals singing the praises of the CCP through Chinese video sharing sites, as well as YouTube, regardless of the fact that YouTube is blocked in China.

For example, Barrie Jones, an English teacher in China, runs a YouTube channel and a website, both are called “Best China Info”. At the “about us ”page of his website,  the top message is “Is China safe? Yes! China is not your enemy!”

This message was posted on March 11 last year, when China was hit very hard by the CCP virus pandemic, and when almost the entire nation was still under lockdown. It was also the day when the World Health Organization finally admitted that the CCP virus was a pandemic.

In a video titled “How China ISN’T crushing Uyghurs in Xinjiang”, Jones defended the CCP and said there is no proof that over 1 million people in Xinjiang have been put into the camps.

Underneath this video there are a lot of comments in Chinese language, thanking him for telling the “truth” about Xinjiang.

This video is so far the most watched one on his channel.

Jones claimed in a video that he “worked for a newspaper in England… Britain’s largest daily circulation newspaper for six years”, but BBC said it found no evidence to support this claim.

Despite this, Jones was referred to as a “former British journalist” by some of the CCP’s media publications. And his video was played at the CCP’s foreign ministry’s daily briefing  as evidence to refute the BBC’s report about Xinjiang’s human rights abuses, and to support the CCP’s claim that “BBC is not trusted even in the UK”.

In addition to his own videos, Jones also posts videos from CCP’s mouthpiece CGTN ( China Global Television Network)’s to his channel , such as his interview with CGTN’s host Liu Xin, who became very famous when she had a debate with FOX Business’ host Trish Regan on trade and intellectual property in May 2019,  during the peak of the trade war between the US and China.

Jones also reposted a number of videos from the CCP backed DotDotNews in his “featured video” section, such as this one titled “YouTube Influencers: US sets up million-dollar fund for anti-China propaganda”.

Although this video received only 108 views since its release more than 46 days ago, on June 3, Jones and other three foreigners were referred to as “YouTube Influencers” when they talked about how “US sets up million-dollar fund for anti-China propaganda”.

Another British “influencer” is Shaun Gibson, who went to China in 2017 to study, and is a contracted singer with Beijing Yi Qing Music & Culture Co. He is currently involved in CGTN’s Music Voyage video series, which is aimed at whitewashing China through the participation of foreign musicians, especially active vlogging musicians.

Before the Times published a report “China state TV channel CGTN enlists UK student influencers”, it contacted Gibson for comment, suggesting that Gibson was involved in a major CCP outreach effort. (P16) Gibson posted a video on his Chinese social media platform Weibo account , as well as his YouTube account, and argued that he just liked music. He also talked about how he had responded to The Times.

Although his video on Weibo only received about 3800 views and 125 likes, and about 530 views on YouTube in one month, CGTN has done a program entitled “Why Does the British Media Target the Media Warriors?” and included Gibson’s video in that program as “evidence” to refute the Times.

That video has received more than 41K views in 21 days.

It is possible that Gibson indeed does like Chinese culture and Chinese music, but the videos he has been involved in are not just about that.

For example, the video “Song of Maonan”, which he uploaded to Weibo and his another video sharing site Bilibili, praises the CCP’s achievement of “poverty lifting” in the Maonan region in Guangxi province in China.

“Poverty lifting” has always been one of the main political achievements of the CCP.

When the song was officially launched on March 27, the CCP’s important mouthpiece China Daily published a special report, which announced in a very excited tone: “The International Propaganda Documentary ‘Song of Maonan’ Starts Today on CGTN. See You there, Rain or Shine!”

The report says, Song of Maonan is “an experiential foreign propaganda documentary” that “speaks through the mouth [of a foreigner]” and “uses the role of ‘a foreign new media blogger in China’ to spread at home and abroad the message of the new era of China in the eyes of a foreigner. ”

The CCP Enlists Foreign Influencers to Create International Propaganda Content

Apart from these vloggers, the CCP also includes foreign influencers in their own international propaganda programs.

For example, “A Date with China” is a program organized by China Daily.   It invites a large number of foreign internet celebrities and vloggers to create content that can “tell the China story well”, as requested by Xi Jinping.

One of the themes of the event was “On Road to Prosperity”. Again, this is to boast about the CCP’s achievement in leading people to “prosperity.” 

“A Date with China” has made a lot of videos about different parts of China so far, including two episodes of foreigners sharing impressions of Xinjiang.

In the first episode, Ian Goodrum , a member of the Communist Party of the US, says to the audience that people in Xinjiang are “taking their destiny in their own hands”, and the reports of Xinjiang’s genocide are “nonsense”.

Also in this video, Smirnova Anzelika from Latvia is referred to as an “internet celebrity”. However, in an article by the CCP’s Ministry of Commerce last August, she was referred to as CCTV (China Central Television)’s  special host.

The article says, on August 19, 2020, “Shen Xiaokai, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy in Latvia, together with Smirnova Anzelika, a special presenter of CCTV, went to Riga paint and coating factory to shoot a feature film.”

The article also says that “Counsellor Shen Xiaokai said that Latvian enterprises are welcome to actively participate in the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative, to ride on the fast train of China’s economic development, and to achieve mutual benefit and win-win with Chinese partners.”

So you see, the CCP is shamelessly lying again,  packaging its own employee as an “internet celebrity”. 

Who Is Paying the Bills?

A question to ask is: who is paying the bills for making such videos? 

In a video, British YouTuber Oli Barrett says that organizations such as China Radio International pay for airfare, lodging and meals to use his videos for commentary in the relevant media, but there is no contractual relationship.

In the current Chinese way of thinking, the subtext of this is: the CCP provides food, accommodation and transportation for Barrett to travel for free, expecting that his video content will meet the requirements of the CCP. 

British man Jason Lightfoot is also a global stringer enlisted by the CGTN.

He did a 6 minute video for CGTN to refute western media’s report as “bullshit stories”.

He recently appeared in a CGTN video “Foreign vloggers explore in Hainan”, and is “grateful to CGTN” for giving him the experience to explore Hainan”. Another American Vlogger Matthew Galat said that CGTN staff and expat vloggers “enjoyed working together, producing livestreams and videos as a team”.

On June 25, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) released a report “The China Story: Reshaping the World’s Media”.

The report says one of the ways the CCP influences foreign journalists is by inviting them to travel to China.

Similar propaganda videos are also being produced by local CCP governments. For example,  the Shanghai Municipal Government Press Office and the Xinmin Evening News interviewed 100 foreigners living in Shanghai and filmed the video series “Shanghai Through Our Eyes” as a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the CCP.

Also as a tribute to the CCP, the International Department of Xinhua News Agency invited foreigners to participate in the documentary “My Friend is a Party Member” to praise the CCP through the mouths of foreigners.

Why Foreigners?

Maybe you will say, who cares about what these foreign Wumaos say? Who can they brainwash and who would listen?

Well, Associate Professor Wu Changchang from the School of Communication of East China Normal University said, these videos make Chinese viewers feel that Chinese culture is increasingly accepted and recognized by ordinary foreigners, and this psychology creates an effect that strengthens the Chinese viewers’ patriotism and nationalism.

Professor You Jie of China Media University said, the biggest advantage of having foreigners tell China stories is “there are no language or facial barriers” for foreigners. Just as the Chinese are more receptive to the Western world as described by the Chinese, foreigners telling Chinese stories are also more acceptable to foreign audiences, as the audiences will not feel that it is just some Chinese people trying to sing the praises of China.

Well, so these foreign Wumaos do matter, right? Inside China, they can very effectively help the CCP to brainwash the Chinese people, as many Chinese people, may I say, do have the mentality that the Western societies are better. They have more advanced science, technology, social systems and culture, etc. So if foreigners say something about China, that is not only something interesting, but also worth listening to. 

As they cannot differentiate China from the CCP,  when they hear foreigners praising China, they will subconsciously think that this means that the CCP has done a good job, otherwise these foreigners wouldn’t have thought so highly of China, etc. 

So, these foreign Wumao can give the CCP what it lacks most: the legitimacy to rule the country.

Then how about outside China? Will people in the West really believe these Western Wumao?

This I don’t know, your guys have to tell me.

But let me tell you this, in the past 40 years,  the mainstream view in the West about the CCP, or China, has been, if we help China to become rich first, and to develop a middle class inside China, after China becomes rich, these middle class people will automatically demand for freedom and democracy, and then a color revolution will happen inside China,  and China will adopt democracy like us peacefully, without us doing anything, etc. 

This is what the politicians, think tanks and China experts have been saying all these years, right? Where did this saying come from in the first place? Let me tell you, it came from the CCP. After the CCP successfully instilled this view into the brains of so many westerners, they must have been very, very happy.

So, don’t think people in the West won’t be brainwashed by the CCP. They already did it so successfully in the past 100 years. Otherwise, the CCP would have been gone a long time ago.

OK, that’s all I’d like to say for today. Before I respond to comments and questions, please make sure you subscribe to and share my channel. 


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发表在 时评 | China’s International “50 Cents Army” – An Elaborate Operation to Spread Propaganda Worldwide已关闭评论

A Dangerous Trip: Then and Now 危險的旅程:那時及現在

In early 2019, because of a compelling reason, I must travel to a small Pacific island country, in which the Chinese Communist Party has a very strong presence and influence.  I knew it was very risky, as I didn’t know whether it was a trap set up by the CCP to abduct me there, and then send me back to China. If it was, it meant torture, imprisonment and possible death to me.



I only told my intention to my boss, the bureau chief of the Washington DC branch of The Epoch Times, and two closest friends.  I was still a journalist for the The Epoch Times then.

My boss consulted with a national security expert in Washington, who strongly advised AGAINST me going.


However, I still decided to go. 


But before I left, I  gave my passport information to my boss and my friend, and promised that I would text them as soon as I landed, and keep doing so every 12 hours. If I didn’t text them, they needed to report to the US and Australian governments immediately, to let them know that I had been kidnapped by the CCP. 


Why Australian government? Because I am an Australian citizen living in the US. 


It was lucky that my instinct was correct: It was not a CCP trap, and I wasn’t kidnapped. 


However,  I never talked about that trip until now, as I still wanted to keep it as low-key as possible.


Why am I talking about it now?


Because right now, I encountered a similar incident in the US. 


A friend has just sent his ID and car plate info to his trusted friend before he is going to travel from one US city to another, inside the US.


Why did he do so? Because he was afraid that he could be murdered during the trip by the CCP hired thugs. He has been very outspoken about the CCP in the past few years, and some strange incidents already happened to him recently to make him believe that he could be murdered.


My heart sank when I learned this. How has America slipped  into such status? Why does the US allow this to happen to its citizens and residents on American soil? 


My dear America, and my dear fellow Americans, I hope you can give me an answer.


7/19/2021 *

发表在 时评 | A Dangerous Trip: Then and Now 危險的旅程:那時及現在已关闭评论












曾錚2020年10月6日在紐約煉法輪功第五套功法《   神通加持法  》,圖爲前面打手印部分。攝影:吉林省攝影家協會成員  Olivia Jingyi

曾錚2020年10月6日在紐約煉法輪功第五套功法《 神通加持法》,圖爲前面打手印部分。攝影:吉林省攝影家協會成員 Olivia Jingyi

发表在 时评 | 珍惜已关闭评论


有人在我的油管節目《 在黑暗無望的濁世中 看見希望的金光——法輪功爲何屹立不倒?》下留言說:

「修炼法轮功人变善良了,信仰基督教也可以啊,为什么要选择法轮功呢? 」


「 那反過來不是也可以這樣問嗎:『信仰基督教人變善良了,修煉法輪功也可以啊?爲什麼要選擇基督教呢?』

「 就我本人來說,我是先看到法輪功的書的,所以就選擇法輪功了。

「 修煉法輪功之前,我是無神論者,看到基督徒們就覺得他們好可笑:什麼年代了,還信那個!




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