A Dangerous Trip: Then and Now 危險的旅程:那時及現在

In early 2019, because of a compelling reason, I must travel to a small Pacific island country, in which the Chinese Communist Party has a very strong presence and influence.  I knew it was very risky, as I didn’t know whether it was a trap set up by the CCP to abduct me there, and then send me back to China. If it was, it meant torture, imprisonment and possible death to me.



I only told my intention to my boss, the bureau chief of the Washington DC branch of The Epoch Times, and two closest friends.  I was still a journalist for the The Epoch Times then.

My boss consulted with a national security expert in Washington, who strongly advised AGAINST me going.


However, I still decided to go. 


But before I left, I  gave my passport information to my boss and my friend, and promised that I would text them as soon as I landed, and keep doing so every 12 hours. If I didn’t text them, they needed to report to the US and Australian governments immediately, to let them know that I had been kidnapped by the CCP. 


Why Australian government? Because I am an Australian citizen living in the US. 


It was lucky that my instinct was correct: It was not a CCP trap, and I wasn’t kidnapped. 


However,  I never talked about that trip until now, as I still wanted to keep it as low-key as possible.


Why am I talking about it now?


Because right now, I encountered a similar incident in the US. 


A friend has just sent his ID and car plate info to his trusted friend before he is going to travel from one US city to another, inside the US.


Why did he do so? Because he was afraid that he could be murdered during the trip by the CCP hired thugs. He has been very outspoken about the CCP in the past few years, and some strange incidents already happened to him recently to make him believe that he could be murdered.


My heart sank when I learned this. How has America slipped  into such status? Why does the US allow this to happen to its citizens and residents on American soil? 


My dear America, and my dear fellow Americans, I hope you can give me an answer.


7/19/2021 *
