My green card was waiting for me when I returned from my successful truth-clarification trip to Florida. It was issued on Aug. 2, 2021, exactly the 10th anniversary of my arrival in the US with a media visa as a journalist in 2011. I was granted permanent residency under EB1 category, which means the US government officially recognized that I have “extraordinary abilities”.
Thank you, my beloved US. Although many not too good things are happening here, and many people felt disappointed, I am still grateful that you have offered me so many opportunities to fight for you, as well as for all freedom loving people in the world, especially my fellow Falun Gong practitioners in China who are still suffering severe persecution.
1997年讀到法輪功創始人李洪志先生的經文《大法不可竊》 中說法輪大法「不是為了你們民族如何才傳的」這句話時,我在心態上、思想境界上,一下子就超越了狹隘的民族國家的概念和意識。從此後,我走到哪裏,都覺得沒什麼太大區別,心中的民族國家認同感,其實是沒有的,或者說,我更自認自己是「地球公民」。
I graduated from Beijing University in 1991 and went to work for the Development Research Center of the State Council of China. I was arrested four times in 1999 for practicing Falun Gong, sentenced to one year of reeducation through labor in 2000, fled to Australia on September 1, 2001 to apply for refugee status, received refugee status in Australia on July 1, 2003, came to the United States on August 2, 2011 on a media visa to work as a journalist, and received a green card for “extraordinary abilities” in the United States on August 2, 2021.
Such a life trajectory can only be found in our time of experiencing and witnessing great and dramatic historical changes.
As Ethan Gutmann, a 2017 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, author of The Slaughter, and investigative journalist, wrote in his letter of recommendation for my application for an EB1 visa, “This is a woman who was born with profound talent, chose a hard road, and emerged stronger. Given better historical circumstances, Jennifer would have been China’s national treasure. Instead, she is ours.”
正如2017年諾貝爾和平獎提名人、《大屠殺》作者、調查記者葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)在爲我寫申請傑出人才的推薦信中所寫的那樣,「這是一位擁有與生俱來的睿智與才華,(自覺)選擇一條艱難的道路,而變成更加堅定強大的女性。如果歷史做出更好的選擇,她本應是中國的國寶。而現在,她成了我們(美國)的國寶。」(”This is a woman who was born with profound talent, chose a hard road, and emerged stronger. Given better historical circumstances, Jennifer would have been China’s national treasure. Instead, she is ours.” )
8/10/2021 *
#静水流深 #法轮功 #口述历史