Comprehensive and Thorough Organization, Funding, and New Bills
By He Qinglian
(Part 1)
Until the end of 2019, Trump’s governance report card was stunning. Whether it was on economic, political or social policies, the Democratic Party could not beat him in a normal election. Mike Podhorzer––acclaimed as being the “architect” behind the Democrats’ secret election strategy––fully realized this in 2019. In order to change the election outcome, he mobilized all forces, making comprehensive and thorough preparations on all fronts, creating organizations, funding, new laws, and manpower.
Podhorzer used to be the senior adviser to the president of the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest union federation. According to their website, the 55 unions that make up the AFL-CIO include more than 12.5 million working people.
With more than 20 years of political campaign experience, Podhorzer was recognized as an early leader in data driven politics in the book, The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns.
In the new field of data driven politics, the only person on par with Podhorzer is Dominic Cummings, also known as “Mr. Key” in the UK’s Brexit movement. However, although both are pioneers of data driven politics, their impact on “The Big Reset” is completely opposite. Cummings went against globalization by helping bring about Brexit, while Podhorzer’s goal was to help the Democrats win the elections in order to promote “The Big Reset.”
What Podhorzer has done and achieved was far more challenging than Cummings’ endeavor. Cummings’ main focus was to win over real voters in real life. Podhorzer knew that it was far from enough to simply win over real life voters. He had to create voters, and these virtual voters had to be disguised as real voters. Therefore, he needed much more thorough and meticulous planning.
Podhorzer created an organization for the 2020 elections and named it “Democracy Defense Coalition.” Various secondary organizations were established as needed, to take different political actions in response to the changing situation. Although this loose alliance was a temporary gathering for a specific purpose––to ensure the Democratic Party’s victory in the 2020 elections––it was well organized with the mobilization mechanism, member absorption and integration, motivation and control mechanisms in place.
Composed of a huge campaign network, its structure was like a giant octopus, extending its arms to all corners of American society. It united more than 150 NGOs and various organizations, including Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, Indivisible, Move On, and other resistance groups. Regular and ad-hoc Zoom meetings were held to discuss different tasks and specific goals. Some of the more important meetings included regular meetings attended by the secretaries of state and the attorney generals of 37 states, and the Zoom meetings held at least once a week by the 22 Democrats and 22 Republicans on the National Council on Election Integrity. Each meeting would determine the directions and guidelines of immediate actions, and choose the person to coordinate the implementation of the plan.
After Election Day, the “Democracy Defense Coalition” monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the results. Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official recruited Republicans and Democrats to the board of the Voter Protection Program. From Nov. 3, 2020 to Jan. 20, 2021 they cited a detailed 78-day “coup prevention plan.”
The Five-Step Plan
The Time magazine’s “Shadow Campaign” article cited Podhorzer’s presentations, saying that “winning the vote was only the first step to winning the election. After that came winning the count, winning the certification, winning the Electoral College and winning the transition––steps that are normally formalities.”
The article also depicts the “thrill” of the election night. Around 11 p.m., when the six contested states announced the stop of counting votes, Trump was winning a landslide victory.
“Election night began with many Democrats despairing… The liberal alliance gathered for an 11 p.m. Zoom call. Hundreds joined; many were freaking out,” according to the article.
Podhorzer, who believed that he already grasped the big picture, had long been planning to flood the “red mirage” with the “blue wave” of mail-in votes after election day. He appeased the participants with confidence and “presented data to show the group that victory was in hand.”
This detailed information can explain why counting of votes were stopped shortly after 11 p.m. in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada. After the counting was resumed, the notorious Biden curve showed up in Michigan’s voting results. Mysteriously, the steady stream of mail-in votes appeared after election day, almost all of which turned out to be for Biden. Furthermore, people were wondering who directed all six states to stop counting votes at the same time on election night. The answer seems obvious after reading the Times article––the secretaries of those six states were most likely among the 37 state secretaries attending the coalition’s Zoom meetings.
The “Shadow Campaign” article highly praised GOP officials such as Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, but forgot to praise Jocelyn Benson, the Demoncratic Secretary of State of Michigan. Fraud in Michigan was rampant during the 2020 election. Benson once ordered the county clerk to destroy certain election data and software that played an important role in effectively resisting the Republican Party’s opposition to the certification of Biden’s victory. She has demonstrated a strong political manipulation ability in the election certification, causing some people to call her “Trump’s nemesis.”
Benson herself published a book, State Secretaries of State: Guardians of the Democratic Process, in which she analyzes the important role of the Secretary of State in the election. Using case studies, anecdotes, and interviews, the book explains the role of voter registration, enforcement of voting laws and regulations, and supervision. It serves as a guide for secretaries of state.
Abundant Funding
The Times’ “Shadow Campaign” article verified one thing: the anti-Trump united front formed by the “Democracy Defense Coalition,” Silicon Valley and the business community enabled the Democratic Party to successfully raise an unprecedentedly huge amount of money. How much money? According to data released by the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, the Democratic Party raised more than $3.2 billion in funds, four times the amount raised by the Trump campaign, and all of it was spent. Such a huge election fund is indeed sufficient to support tens of thousands of people participating in the election from top to bottom.
The article mentioned that “The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative chipped in $300 million.” This amount is less than what has been disclosed by the Amistad Project, which reported on Dec. 17, 2020 that Zuckerberg funded 10 non-profit organizations through five foundations, and injected up to $500 million private funds into the public administration of the election. The report also said that this “dark money network” was established to collect, aggregate and analyze information collected from third parties who can directly access voter files in various states in order to promote encouraged lawlessness and influence American election and election policy.
With such a huge amount of financial support, the salaried social workers of the Democratic Party can be stationed in various communities for a long time, especially in nursing homes and low-income communities. Their staff are trained to buy or win over votes in various ways.
A senior Democratic party worker who was in charge of election affairs in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York led the election fraudster team in the three states and mentored at least 20 Democratic staff in New Jersey alone. In an interview with the New York Post in August 2020, he disclosed his various techniques and activities when engaging in election fraud. One example he gave was assisting Mike Bloomberg, the tenth richest man in the United States, in buying votes during his campaign for his third term as the mayor of New York. The cost was about $174 per vote. Bloomberg himself claimed at the Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina on Feb. 26, 2020 that he had purchased 21 seats for the Democrats during the 2018 midterm election, which gave Nancy Pelosi her chance to become Speaker of the House.
The H.R.1 Bill
According to the Time magazine article, Podhorzer began to thoroughly study Trump’s 2016 election victory in 2017 and discovered that it was credited in part to Trump’s “unusual strength among the sort of blue collar white voters who once dominated the AFL-CIO” and this “prompted Podhorzer to question his assumptions about voter behavior.”
In order for Democrats to win the 2020 election, Podhorzer believed that “the first task was overhauling America’s balky election infrastructure.” “Overhauling,” of course, referred to paving the way from the legal standpoint.
After the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, the House introduced the 600-page long H.R.1, which was specifically designed for an election revolution. Some of the legislation aims to weaponize campaign finance laws and to give the Democratic Party more power to control political speech and intimidate opponents. Its content includes three major categories: 1. The bill would require states to vote early, and must allow voter registration on election day and online, thus weakening the accuracy of the ballot book. It will enable states to automatically register voters from the government database, including federal beneficiaries. Colleges and universities are designated as voter registration centers, and 16-year-olds are allowed to register to vote two years in advance. 2. The bill requires “no fault” absentee voting, allowing anyone to vote by mail for any reason. 3. It retains the “ballot harvesting” rule, which allows paid activists to wander around the community, collecting ballots from voters’ homes to increase absentee votes.
What is particularly puzzling is that Republicans and the Trump campaign did not pay much attention to such an important game-changing bill until after the general election was over, when Hans von Spakovsky talked about it on Nov. 10.
Spakovsky, a Senior Legal Researcher at the Heritage Foundation, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, and an electoral law expert, mentioned in an interview with well-known conservative new commentator Mark Levin, that the bill was a preparation for the Democratic Party to win the election.
Before the general election, the Democratic Party and its surrogates filed hundreds of lawsuits against the election law, all trying to eliminate the existing security measures for absentee and mail-in voting, such as witness signatures and signature comparison, potentially plunging the election into the quagmire of election fraud and ballot harvesting. This kind of intensive litigation is something unprecedented.
Democrats took for granted that after the 2020 elections, the H.R.1 bill would be supplemented to give Congress full power over future national elections, and they would seek to pass it in Congress at an appropriate time.
One American News Network devoted a special program to the bill on Feb. 3, summarizing its key points:
Compulsory online registration of voters across the country. This would mean, it will be difficult or impossible to verify the identity of voters;
Register as a voter on polling day;
Implement vote harvesting in every state;
Allow felons (including murderers and rapists) to vote;
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico become states (this is to prepare for Packing the Supreme Court, each new state adds two senators, the Democratic Party can add 4 more; from then on the Democratic Party will always occupy a majority in the Senate, and then pass the nomination of leftist justices and occupy majority seats in the Supreme Court);
16-year-olds can register to vote (16-year-olds are immature and vulnerable to leftist propaganda);
Forbid removal of non-citizens from the voter list;
Prohibit voter ID cards and change the Federal Election Commission from joint control of the two parties to sole control by the ruling party;
Severe punishment for those who “harassed” polling station staff and government officials because of elections;
10.Blatantly alter the constitution: It is no longer the state assembly that decides the election, but the Congress has the broad power to decide the time, place, and method of the election.
The Democrats’ strategic plans to manipulate the 2020 presidential elections was indeed very thorough. Trump and the Republicans were woefully unprepared to counter them using traditional campaign methods. If the Republican Party fails to reorganize and dig in to fix the various loopholes in the election system, the Republican Party will not have a chance to win future elections.
(Part 3)

Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on Nov 14, 2020. Photo by Lisa Fan
The Usurpers’ Boasting: Time Magazine’s ‘Election Shadow Campaign’ Article (Part 2)
Comprehensive and Thorough Organization, Funding, and New Bills
By He Qinglian
(Part 1)
Until the end of 2019, Trump’s governance report card was stunning. Whether it was on economic, political or social policies, the Democratic Party could not beat him in a normal election. Mike Podhorzer––acclaimed as being the “architect” behind the Democrats’ secret election strategy––fully realized this in 2019. In order to change the election outcome, he mobilized all forces, making comprehensive and thorough preparations on all fronts, creating organizations, funding, new laws, and manpower.
Podhorzer used to be the senior adviser to the president of the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest union federation. According to their website, the 55 unions that make up the AFL-CIO include more than 12.5 million working people.
With more than 20 years of political campaign experience, Podhorzer was recognized as an early leader in data driven politics in the book, The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns.
In the new field of data driven politics, the only person on par with Podhorzer is Dominic Cummings, also known as “Mr. Key” in the UK’s Brexit movement. However, although both are pioneers of data driven politics, their impact on “The Big Reset” is completely opposite. Cummings went against globalization by helping bring about Brexit, while Podhorzer’s goal was to help the Democrats win the elections in order to promote “The Big Reset.”
What Podhorzer has done and achieved was far more challenging than Cummings’ endeavor. Cummings’ main focus was to win over real voters in real life. Podhorzer knew that it was far from enough to simply win over real life voters. He had to create voters, and these virtual voters had to be disguised as real voters. Therefore, he needed much more thorough and meticulous planning.
Podhorzer created an organization for the 2020 elections and named it “Democracy Defense Coalition.” Various secondary organizations were established as needed, to take different political actions in response to the changing situation. Although this loose alliance was a temporary gathering for a specific purpose––to ensure the Democratic Party’s victory in the 2020 elections––it was well organized with the mobilization mechanism, member absorption and integration, motivation and control mechanisms in place.
Composed of a huge campaign network, its structure was like a giant octopus, extending its arms to all corners of American society. It united more than 150 NGOs and various organizations, including Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, Indivisible, Move On, and other resistance groups. Regular and ad-hoc Zoom meetings were held to discuss different tasks and specific goals. Some of the more important meetings included regular meetings attended by the secretaries of state and the attorney generals of 37 states, and the Zoom meetings held at least once a week by the 22 Democrats and 22 Republicans on the National Council on Election Integrity. Each meeting would determine the directions and guidelines of immediate actions, and choose the person to coordinate the implementation of the plan.
After Election Day, the “Democracy Defense Coalition” monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the results. Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official recruited Republicans and Democrats to the board of the Voter Protection Program. From Nov. 3, 2020 to Jan. 20, 2021 they cited a detailed 78-day “coup prevention plan.”
The Five-Step Plan
The Time magazine’s “Shadow Campaign” article cited Podhorzer’s presentations, saying that “winning the vote was only the first step to winning the election. After that came winning the count, winning the certification, winning the Electoral College and winning the transition––steps that are normally formalities.”
The article also depicts the “thrill” of the election night. Around 11 p.m., when the six contested states announced the stop of counting votes, Trump was winning a landslide victory.
“Election night began with many Democrats despairing… The liberal alliance gathered for an 11 p.m. Zoom call. Hundreds joined; many were freaking out,” according to the article.
Podhorzer, who believed that he already grasped the big picture, had long been planning to flood the “red mirage” with the “blue wave” of mail-in votes after election day. He appeased the participants with confidence and “presented data to show the group that victory was in hand.”
This detailed information can explain why counting of votes were stopped shortly after 11 p.m. in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada. After the counting was resumed, the notorious Biden curve showed up in Michigan’s voting results. Mysteriously, the steady stream of mail-in votes appeared after election day, almost all of which turned out to be for Biden. Furthermore, people were wondering who directed all six states to stop counting votes at the same time on election night. The answer seems obvious after reading the Times article––the secretaries of those six states were most likely among the 37 state secretaries attending the coalition’s Zoom meetings.
The “Shadow Campaign” article highly praised GOP officials such as Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, but forgot to praise Jocelyn Benson, the Demoncratic Secretary of State of Michigan. Fraud in Michigan was rampant during the 2020 election. Benson once ordered the county clerk to destroy certain election data and software that played an important role in effectively resisting the Republican Party’s opposition to the certification of Biden’s victory. She has demonstrated a strong political manipulation ability in the election certification, causing some people to call her “Trump’s nemesis.”
Benson herself published a book, State Secretaries of State: Guardians of the Democratic Process, in which she analyzes the important role of the Secretary of State in the election. Using case studies, anecdotes, and interviews, the book explains the role of voter registration, enforcement of voting laws and regulations, and supervision. It serves as a guide for secretaries of state.
Abundant Funding
The Times’ “Shadow Campaign” article verified one thing: the anti-Trump united front formed by the “Democracy Defense Coalition,” Silicon Valley and the business community enabled the Democratic Party to successfully raise an unprecedentedly huge amount of money. How much money? According to data released by the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, the Democratic Party raised more than $3.2 billion in funds, four times the amount raised by the Trump campaign, and all of it was spent. Such a huge election fund is indeed sufficient to support tens of thousands of people participating in the election from top to bottom.
The article mentioned that “The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative chipped in $300 million.” This amount is less than what has been disclosed by the Amistad Project, which reported on Dec. 17, 2020 that Zuckerberg funded 10 non-profit organizations through five foundations, and injected up to $500 million private funds into the public administration of the election. The report also said that this “dark money network” was established to collect, aggregate and analyze information collected from third parties who can directly access voter files in various states in order to promote encouraged lawlessness and influence American election and election policy.
With such a huge amount of financial support, the salaried social workers of the Democratic Party can be stationed in various communities for a long time, especially in nursing homes and low-income communities. Their staff are trained to buy or win over votes in various ways.
A senior Democratic party worker who was in charge of election affairs in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York led the election fraudster team in the three states and mentored at least 20 Democratic staff in New Jersey alone. In an interview with the New York Post in August 2020, he disclosed his various techniques and activities when engaging in election fraud. One example he gave was assisting Mike Bloomberg, the tenth richest man in the United States, in buying votes during his campaign for his third term as the mayor of New York. The cost was about $174 per vote. Bloomberg himself claimed at the Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina on Feb. 26, 2020 that he had purchased 21 seats for the Democrats during the 2018 midterm election, which gave Nancy Pelosi her chance to become Speaker of the House.
The H.R.1 Bill
According to the Time magazine article, Podhorzer began to thoroughly study Trump’s 2016 election victory in 2017 and discovered that it was credited in part to Trump’s “unusual strength among the sort of blue collar white voters who once dominated the AFL-CIO” and this “prompted Podhorzer to question his assumptions about voter behavior.”
In order for Democrats to win the 2020 election, Podhorzer believed that “the first task was overhauling America’s balky election infrastructure.” “Overhauling,” of course, referred to paving the way from the legal standpoint.
After the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, the House introduced the 600-page long H.R.1, which was specifically designed for an election revolution. Some of the legislation aims to weaponize campaign finance laws and to give the Democratic Party more power to control political speech and intimidate opponents. Its content includes three major categories: 1. The bill would require states to vote early, and must allow voter registration on election day and online, thus weakening the accuracy of the ballot book. It will enable states to automatically register voters from the government database, including federal beneficiaries. Colleges and universities are designated as voter registration centers, and 16-year-olds are allowed to register to vote two years in advance. 2. The bill requires “no fault” absentee voting, allowing anyone to vote by mail for any reason. 3. It retains the “ballot harvesting” rule, which allows paid activists to wander around the community, collecting ballots from voters’ homes to increase absentee votes.
What is particularly puzzling is that Republicans and the Trump campaign did not pay much attention to such an important game-changing bill until after the general election was over, when Hans von Spakovsky talked about it on Nov. 10.
Spakovsky, a Senior Legal Researcher at the Heritage Foundation, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, and an electoral law expert, mentioned in an interview with well-known conservative new commentator Mark Levin, that the bill was a preparation for the Democratic Party to win the election.
Before the general election, the Democratic Party and its surrogates filed hundreds of lawsuits against the election law, all trying to eliminate the existing security measures for absentee and mail-in voting, such as witness signatures and signature comparison, potentially plunging the election into the quagmire of election fraud and ballot harvesting. This kind of intensive litigation is something unprecedented.
Democrats took for granted that after the 2020 elections, the H.R.1 bill would be supplemented to give Congress full power over future national elections, and they would seek to pass it in Congress at an appropriate time.
One American News Network devoted a special program to the bill on Feb. 3, summarizing its key points:
Compulsory online registration of voters across the country. This would mean, it will be difficult or impossible to verify the identity of voters;
Register as a voter on polling day;
Implement vote harvesting in every state;
Allow felons (including murderers and rapists) to vote;
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico become states (this is to prepare for Packing the Supreme Court, each new state adds two senators, the Democratic Party can add 4 more; from then on the Democratic Party will always occupy a majority in the Senate, and then pass the nomination of leftist justices and occupy majority seats in the Supreme Court);
16-year-olds can register to vote (16-year-olds are immature and vulnerable to leftist propaganda);
Forbid removal of non-citizens from the voter list;
Prohibit voter ID cards and change the Federal Election Commission from joint control of the two parties to sole control by the ruling party;
Severe punishment for those who “harassed” polling station staff and government officials because of elections;
10.Blatantly alter the constitution: It is no longer the state assembly that decides the election, but the Congress has the broad power to decide the time, place, and method of the election.
The Democrats’ strategic plans to manipulate the 2020 presidential elections was indeed very thorough. Trump and the Republicans were woefully unprepared to counter them using traditional campaign methods. If the Republican Party fails to reorganize and dig in to fix the various loopholes in the election system, the Republican Party will not have a chance to win future elections.
(Part 3)
Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on Nov 14, 2020. Photo by Lisa Fan