A Very Successful ‘United Front’
By He Qinglian
(Part 1, Part 2)
The facts disclosed in Time magazine’s “Shadow Campaign” article, as well as the activities by Antifa and BLM after Biden’s inauguration, serve as sufficient evidence that the participants in the “Democracy Defense Coalition” have very diversified goals. For instance, on the day after Biden entered the White House, Antifa members gathered in Portland, shouting, “We don’t want Biden,” and BLM groups in New York and other regions continued to protest. Not all participants fully recognize Biden or the Democratic Party. The coalition is a temporary aggregation, composed of a large number of institutions and individuals, ranging from political, cultural and business elites to Antifa and BLM. What brought them together was money and hatred for Trump. Together, they completed the mission of bringing down Trump. We have to admit that Podhorzer’s “united front” has been very successful.
Exploiting BLM: Street Campaigns, Influencing Grassroots Elections
The Shadow Campaign article makes it very clear that the coalition’s absorption of the BLM movement had two purposes. One was to make them take to the streets at the right time to provoke trouble, and the other was to control the grassroots elections. After the George Floyd incident in late May 2020, Podhorzer quickly incorporated BLM into his network by offering help to its organizers. He paid special attention to making connections with those most active BLM organizations in battlefield states and at the same time prevented them from directly contacting high-level Democratic politicians in order to avoid possible political troubles.
Podhorzer used BLM to create a force of “election defenders” and specially trained them in “de-escalation techniques.” The so-called “de-escalation techniques” refer to BLM organizations paying attention not to cause legal consequences when using various intimidating means in election activities. The organizers of BLM recruited thousands of poll workers to “ensure polling places would stay open in their communities” and “monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result.” In fact, what this meant was that they used various methods to intimidate those who tried to expose election fraud.
It was later proven that these BLM members indeed played an important role in the vote counting process. Here are just a few examples.
Serious fraud occurred in Detroit, Michigan, including changing of ballot dates, unverified voter identification, unsealed ballots, forged illegal ballots, Dominion voting machines counting nearly 290,000 more ballots, multiple scans of a single ballot, inclusion of invalid votes, and more. These election irregularities were strongly questioned and criticized by outsiders. But Cynthia Johnson, the Democratic state senator who led the local election campaign, intimidated witnesses at a fraud hearing on Dec. 2 and made a blatant threat in a video statement.
“The Biden and Harris administration owes the city of Detroit,” Johnson said. “I put my life on the line not only for the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the city of Detroit. I put my life on the line for justice, for democracy.”
In the face of the fraudsters’ arrogance, William Hartmann and Monica Palmer, two Republican canvassers in Wayne County, Michigan, tried to oppose the certification of Biden’s win. However, they encountered various kinds of threats and bullying. As a result, Hartmann, on advice from the police, decided to stay away from his home.
After Biden announced his victory, BLM’s co-founder Patrisse Cullors wrote to Biden and Harris on Nov. 7 on behalf of the BLM Global Network Foundation, saying the organization had attracted 60 million voters for them and demanding something in return: “We want something for our vote,” Cullors wrote. “We want to be heard and our agenda to be prioritized.”
These 60 million “voters” likely include real and fake ones, such as the fake mail-in ballots that arrived after vote counting had stopped, and the ones created by Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman from the four suitcases full of ballots on election night.
Mailbox Replacing Ballot Box
The only rationale for states implementing vote by mail during the 2020 presidential elections was the COVID-19 pandemic.
The “Shadow Campaign” article pointed out that the success of the vote-by-mail replacing ballot boxes should be attributed to the 2,500 election officials in 37 states––including, of course, the six battlefield states and some Republican states––and the more than $300 million contribution from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
In addition, it was reported previously that U.S. postal workers had endorsed Joe Biden for president. They, too, were supporters of vote by mail.
“In the end, nearly half the electorate cast ballots by mail in 2020, practically a revolution in how people vote,” the Shadow Campaign article said. “About a quarter voted early in person. Only a quarter of voters cast their ballots the traditional way: in person on Election Day,” it said.
For the Democratic Party, the biggest advantage of mail-in ballots is that it’s impossible to verify the identity of the voters. Mail-in ballots arriving after election day led to a “blue wave” engulfing the “red mirage.” In the end, Biden had 81 million votes, and Democrats reached their expected “blue shift” in major battleground states.
It can be said that the outcome of the 2020 presidential elections was determined by mail-in voting. In most states, such as Pennsylvania, the state constitution stipulates that voters must vote in person, and absentee voting must be applied for in advance. But in the 2020 general election, only 14 of the 50 states required voters to provide reasons for voting by mail, and the other 36 states didn’t require any excuse.
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on June 3, 2020, invoking the California Emergency Services Act, requiring registered voters throughout the state to vote by mail. California Republican leaders sued Newson for violation of the law, and Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman ruled on Nov. 2 that Newson overstepped his authority and violated the California Constitution.
The unconstitutional election in California should have been invalid, yet the 55 electoral votes in California were counted for Biden.
For quite a long time I’ve noticed dozens of litigations involving the Democratic Party for cheating through the use of mail-in ballots in local elections in various states. In New Jersey, where I live, there have been several incidents of vote by mail fraud, but Democratic Governor Philip Murphy still insisted on issuing a new executive order on Aug. 14 last year, demanding that the general election in November would mainly be conducted via mail-in voting.
In regard to mail-in ballot voter fraud, I have written another article titled, “Summarizing the Doubtable Issues about Postal Ballots in Six Swing States.”
State Secretaries: Key Officials In Control of Elections
According to the Shadow Campaign article, former GOP congressman Zach Wamp worked with the “nonpartisan” reform group Issue One to get anti-Trump politicians to join their forces. At least once a week, the 22 Democrats and 22 Republicans on the National Council on Election Integrity would meet on Zoom. They also ran ads in six swing states, made statements, wrote articles and alerted local officials to potential problems.
All six states had opposed deadline extension for voting by mail before the election, however, as a result of the anti-Trump coalition’s work, all these states finally allowed extensions, with Pennsylvania counting late arriving ballots until Nov. 6, Nevada until Nov. 10 and North Carolina until Nov. 13.
State secretaries are in control of all election affairs, which explains why the “Democracy Defense Coalition” invited state secretaries from 37 states to join its network.
I have analyzed the important roles of state secretaries manipulating the 2020 elections, especially in Georgia and Michigan, in Part Two of this series.
Attorney Generals in Different States
Let’s take a look at Dick Gephardt’s role as mentioned in the Shadow Campaign article.
“Dick Gephardt, the Democratic former House leader, turned high-powered lobbyist, spearheaded one coalition. ‘We wanted to get a really bipartisan group of former elected officials, Cabinet secretaries, military leaders and so on, aimed mainly at messaging to the public but also speaking to local officials–the secretaries of state, attorneys general, governors who would be in the eye of the storm–to let them know we wanted to help,’ says Gephardt, who worked his contacts in the private sector to put $20 million behind the effort.”
Judging from the handling of election fraud investigations, Gephardt is indeed a political veteran; he identified the right persons when he organized the anti-Trump coalition.
Josh Shapiro, the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, used his power to the fullest. Before the election, he declared several times that “Trump is going to lose.” In September 2020, Pennsylvania State Attorney David Freed investigated a case of nine mail-in military ballots in Luzerne County that had been improperly opened and discarded, seven of which were votes for Trump. It was such a small case, yet Freed had to resign three months later as a result.
A week after election day, Attorney General William Barr issued a memorandum requesting an investigation of voter fraud in the 2020 elections. On Nov. 13, sixteen U.S. assistant attorneys wrote a joint letter urging Barr to rescind the memorandum, saying they saw no evidence of substantial irregularities. Barr received a lot of criticism. Being the lonely “commander,” I guess Barr was unable to launch an effective investigation.
The position of state attorney general is so important that shortly after the Biden administration took over power, on Feb. 9, the Justice Department ordered all attorneys general appointed by Trump, save a few exceptions, to resign.
Efficient Organizational Skills and Public Opinion Control Changed Democracy
The right to vote is fundamental to a democracy. It includes everyone––dignitaries and billionaires as well as ordinary people and even homeless citizens. In the 2020 general elections, the left used money and Party bias in the political system to dilute the rights of those voters who disagreed with their political views. They seriously undermined election security and integrity through voting by mail, voting machine fraud, and large-scale vote harvesting; and they did so in a highly-organized manner.
Fair elections are fundamental to social stability. The public can express their dissatisfaction with the government through their votes. For a country’s leadership, the election result at the end of a term will serve as a final evaluation as to whether they have fulfilled their election promises and taken good care of the country. When elections are manipulated, not only is fairness and integrity lost, but the public is deprived of the channel to express their true opinions and will.
What is it that the “Shadow Campaign” article boasts about? It’s actually one point: as long as it is meticulously organized––effectively combining social resources related to elections and investing huge amounts of money into the campaign operation––“majority voters” can be created, and the wishes of real voters can be obliterated.
In the 2020 election, the Democrats and the leftist camp, out of their common hatred for Trump, formed a united front, and successfully got Biden into the White House through a heavily manipulated procedure.
It is absurd that the Republican politicians believe that as long as they implement “Trumpism” without Trump, they can win the 2022 elections. They fail to realize a cruel reality: the changes in the supporting populations for the Democratic and Republican parties. Even if the Republican Party has a slight advantage in actual votes, it doesn’t have the money or the organizational resources, including the tech elites of the Internet age––all these are on the Democratic side.
The supporting populations for the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have shifted due to changes in their respective policies. The Republican Party has evolved into the working-class party, comprising small and medium-sized business owners, small and medium-sized farmers, and ordinary middle-class families. The Democratic Party has become a party favored by civil servants, the upper ranks of trade unions, technology, finance, education, entertainment, media and scholar groups, as well as socially marginalized groups.
From the basic supporters of the two parties, we can see that the elites in American society who have control over politics, economy, science, technology, and the media are basically on the side of the Democratic Party. The big NGOs that joined the “Democracy Defense Coalition” are themselves a product of globalization. They have rich experience in mobilizing color revolutions around the world. As the Shadow Campaign article said, making use of BLM is one such skill.
Although the 2020 general election is over, its impact and experience will forever change the United States in terms of future elections. If the Republicans cannot prevent the grey operations by the “Democracy Defense Coalition” and the like, from an institutional and legal aspect, it will have no chance of winning the 2022 midterm elections, nor will it have a chance of winning the 2024 presidential elections.
(The End)

Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on Nov 14, 2020. Photo by Lisa Fan
The Usurpers’ Boasting: Time Magazine’s ‘Election Shadow Campaign’ Article (Part 3)
A Very Successful ‘United Front’
By He Qinglian
(Part 1, Part 2)
The facts disclosed in Time magazine’s “Shadow Campaign” article, as well as the activities by Antifa and BLM after Biden’s inauguration, serve as sufficient evidence that the participants in the “Democracy Defense Coalition” have very diversified goals. For instance, on the day after Biden entered the White House, Antifa members gathered in Portland, shouting, “We don’t want Biden,” and BLM groups in New York and other regions continued to protest. Not all participants fully recognize Biden or the Democratic Party. The coalition is a temporary aggregation, composed of a large number of institutions and individuals, ranging from political, cultural and business elites to Antifa and BLM. What brought them together was money and hatred for Trump. Together, they completed the mission of bringing down Trump. We have to admit that Podhorzer’s “united front” has been very successful.
Exploiting BLM: Street Campaigns, Influencing Grassroots Elections
The Shadow Campaign article makes it very clear that the coalition’s absorption of the BLM movement had two purposes. One was to make them take to the streets at the right time to provoke trouble, and the other was to control the grassroots elections. After the George Floyd incident in late May 2020, Podhorzer quickly incorporated BLM into his network by offering help to its organizers. He paid special attention to making connections with those most active BLM organizations in battlefield states and at the same time prevented them from directly contacting high-level Democratic politicians in order to avoid possible political troubles.
Podhorzer used BLM to create a force of “election defenders” and specially trained them in “de-escalation techniques.” The so-called “de-escalation techniques” refer to BLM organizations paying attention not to cause legal consequences when using various intimidating means in election activities. The organizers of BLM recruited thousands of poll workers to “ensure polling places would stay open in their communities” and “monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result.” In fact, what this meant was that they used various methods to intimidate those who tried to expose election fraud.
It was later proven that these BLM members indeed played an important role in the vote counting process. Here are just a few examples.
Serious fraud occurred in Detroit, Michigan, including changing of ballot dates, unverified voter identification, unsealed ballots, forged illegal ballots, Dominion voting machines counting nearly 290,000 more ballots, multiple scans of a single ballot, inclusion of invalid votes, and more. These election irregularities were strongly questioned and criticized by outsiders. But Cynthia Johnson, the Democratic state senator who led the local election campaign, intimidated witnesses at a fraud hearing on Dec. 2 and made a blatant threat in a video statement.
“The Biden and Harris administration owes the city of Detroit,” Johnson said. “I put my life on the line not only for the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the city of Detroit. I put my life on the line for justice, for democracy.”
In the face of the fraudsters’ arrogance, William Hartmann and Monica Palmer, two Republican canvassers in Wayne County, Michigan, tried to oppose the certification of Biden’s win. However, they encountered various kinds of threats and bullying. As a result, Hartmann, on advice from the police, decided to stay away from his home.
After Biden announced his victory, BLM’s co-founder Patrisse Cullors wrote to Biden and Harris on Nov. 7 on behalf of the BLM Global Network Foundation, saying the organization had attracted 60 million voters for them and demanding something in return: “We want something for our vote,” Cullors wrote. “We want to be heard and our agenda to be prioritized.”
These 60 million “voters” likely include real and fake ones, such as the fake mail-in ballots that arrived after vote counting had stopped, and the ones created by Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman from the four suitcases full of ballots on election night.
Mailbox Replacing Ballot Box
The only rationale for states implementing vote by mail during the 2020 presidential elections was the COVID-19 pandemic.
The “Shadow Campaign” article pointed out that the success of the vote-by-mail replacing ballot boxes should be attributed to the 2,500 election officials in 37 states––including, of course, the six battlefield states and some Republican states––and the more than $300 million contribution from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
In addition, it was reported previously that U.S. postal workers had endorsed Joe Biden for president. They, too, were supporters of vote by mail.
“In the end, nearly half the electorate cast ballots by mail in 2020, practically a revolution in how people vote,” the Shadow Campaign article said. “About a quarter voted early in person. Only a quarter of voters cast their ballots the traditional way: in person on Election Day,” it said.
For the Democratic Party, the biggest advantage of mail-in ballots is that it’s impossible to verify the identity of the voters. Mail-in ballots arriving after election day led to a “blue wave” engulfing the “red mirage.” In the end, Biden had 81 million votes, and Democrats reached their expected “blue shift” in major battleground states.
It can be said that the outcome of the 2020 presidential elections was determined by mail-in voting. In most states, such as Pennsylvania, the state constitution stipulates that voters must vote in person, and absentee voting must be applied for in advance. But in the 2020 general election, only 14 of the 50 states required voters to provide reasons for voting by mail, and the other 36 states didn’t require any excuse.
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on June 3, 2020, invoking the California Emergency Services Act, requiring registered voters throughout the state to vote by mail. California Republican leaders sued Newson for violation of the law, and Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman ruled on Nov. 2 that Newson overstepped his authority and violated the California Constitution.
The unconstitutional election in California should have been invalid, yet the 55 electoral votes in California were counted for Biden.
For quite a long time I’ve noticed dozens of litigations involving the Democratic Party for cheating through the use of mail-in ballots in local elections in various states. In New Jersey, where I live, there have been several incidents of vote by mail fraud, but Democratic Governor Philip Murphy still insisted on issuing a new executive order on Aug. 14 last year, demanding that the general election in November would mainly be conducted via mail-in voting.
In regard to mail-in ballot voter fraud, I have written another article titled, “Summarizing the Doubtable Issues about Postal Ballots in Six Swing States.”
State Secretaries: Key Officials In Control of Elections
According to the Shadow Campaign article, former GOP congressman Zach Wamp worked with the “nonpartisan” reform group Issue One to get anti-Trump politicians to join their forces. At least once a week, the 22 Democrats and 22 Republicans on the National Council on Election Integrity would meet on Zoom. They also ran ads in six swing states, made statements, wrote articles and alerted local officials to potential problems.
All six states had opposed deadline extension for voting by mail before the election, however, as a result of the anti-Trump coalition’s work, all these states finally allowed extensions, with Pennsylvania counting late arriving ballots until Nov. 6, Nevada until Nov. 10 and North Carolina until Nov. 13.
State secretaries are in control of all election affairs, which explains why the “Democracy Defense Coalition” invited state secretaries from 37 states to join its network.
I have analyzed the important roles of state secretaries manipulating the 2020 elections, especially in Georgia and Michigan, in Part Two of this series.
Attorney Generals in Different States
Let’s take a look at Dick Gephardt’s role as mentioned in the Shadow Campaign article.
“Dick Gephardt, the Democratic former House leader, turned high-powered lobbyist, spearheaded one coalition. ‘We wanted to get a really bipartisan group of former elected officials, Cabinet secretaries, military leaders and so on, aimed mainly at messaging to the public but also speaking to local officials–the secretaries of state, attorneys general, governors who would be in the eye of the storm–to let them know we wanted to help,’ says Gephardt, who worked his contacts in the private sector to put $20 million behind the effort.”
Judging from the handling of election fraud investigations, Gephardt is indeed a political veteran; he identified the right persons when he organized the anti-Trump coalition.
Josh Shapiro, the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, used his power to the fullest. Before the election, he declared several times that “Trump is going to lose.” In September 2020, Pennsylvania State Attorney David Freed investigated a case of nine mail-in military ballots in Luzerne County that had been improperly opened and discarded, seven of which were votes for Trump. It was such a small case, yet Freed had to resign three months later as a result.
A week after election day, Attorney General William Barr issued a memorandum requesting an investigation of voter fraud in the 2020 elections. On Nov. 13, sixteen U.S. assistant attorneys wrote a joint letter urging Barr to rescind the memorandum, saying they saw no evidence of substantial irregularities. Barr received a lot of criticism. Being the lonely “commander,” I guess Barr was unable to launch an effective investigation.
The position of state attorney general is so important that shortly after the Biden administration took over power, on Feb. 9, the Justice Department ordered all attorneys general appointed by Trump, save a few exceptions, to resign.
Efficient Organizational Skills and Public Opinion Control Changed Democracy
The right to vote is fundamental to a democracy. It includes everyone––dignitaries and billionaires as well as ordinary people and even homeless citizens. In the 2020 general elections, the left used money and Party bias in the political system to dilute the rights of those voters who disagreed with their political views. They seriously undermined election security and integrity through voting by mail, voting machine fraud, and large-scale vote harvesting; and they did so in a highly-organized manner.
Fair elections are fundamental to social stability. The public can express their dissatisfaction with the government through their votes. For a country’s leadership, the election result at the end of a term will serve as a final evaluation as to whether they have fulfilled their election promises and taken good care of the country. When elections are manipulated, not only is fairness and integrity lost, but the public is deprived of the channel to express their true opinions and will.
What is it that the “Shadow Campaign” article boasts about? It’s actually one point: as long as it is meticulously organized––effectively combining social resources related to elections and investing huge amounts of money into the campaign operation––“majority voters” can be created, and the wishes of real voters can be obliterated.
In the 2020 election, the Democrats and the leftist camp, out of their common hatred for Trump, formed a united front, and successfully got Biden into the White House through a heavily manipulated procedure.
It is absurd that the Republican politicians believe that as long as they implement “Trumpism” without Trump, they can win the 2022 elections. They fail to realize a cruel reality: the changes in the supporting populations for the Democratic and Republican parties. Even if the Republican Party has a slight advantage in actual votes, it doesn’t have the money or the organizational resources, including the tech elites of the Internet age––all these are on the Democratic side.
The supporting populations for the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have shifted due to changes in their respective policies. The Republican Party has evolved into the working-class party, comprising small and medium-sized business owners, small and medium-sized farmers, and ordinary middle-class families. The Democratic Party has become a party favored by civil servants, the upper ranks of trade unions, technology, finance, education, entertainment, media and scholar groups, as well as socially marginalized groups.
From the basic supporters of the two parties, we can see that the elites in American society who have control over politics, economy, science, technology, and the media are basically on the side of the Democratic Party. The big NGOs that joined the “Democracy Defense Coalition” are themselves a product of globalization. They have rich experience in mobilizing color revolutions around the world. As the Shadow Campaign article said, making use of BLM is one such skill.
Although the 2020 general election is over, its impact and experience will forever change the United States in terms of future elections. If the Republicans cannot prevent the grey operations by the “Democracy Defense Coalition” and the like, from an institutional and legal aspect, it will have no chance of winning the 2022 midterm elections, nor will it have a chance of winning the 2024 presidential elections.
(The End)
Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on Nov 14, 2020. Photo by Lisa Fan