The CCP’s Strong Presence in New York & the Take Over Plan is in Motion

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.   

Today I will continue to talk about the important topic: how the CCP has been working very consistently to take over the US by cultivating its own agents in the US. I will also present you some new facts.  

Before we go on, please make sure you subscribe to my channel, and like my video first. The story I broke several days ago has also been picked up by several other media outlets. So you do get unique content from me, right? And the good news is, more people are now sharing information with me as they think I am the one to trust and to turn to. That’s why I often get exclusive information. 

The CCP-Backed Event, People and Organizations 

Now, let’s move to our topic today. 

In our last show, I talked about the CCP’s top adviser’s detailed plan about how to take down the US. A most important strategy is to control the election results. Well, right after that show, a source approached me with some inside information he recently learned, which offered us a perfect example and how the CCP’s plan is in action in the US.

Well, the source told me that the CCP is adopting the “seizing the power via parliament”, or “color revolution” strategy in the US via cultivating its own agents, and is supporting Andrew Yang, who is running for mayor of New York City. Let’s show a picture of him. You may or may not know him. He once ran for the US President in 2020, and promised that he would give every American adult $1,000 per month. But he dropped out of the race in Feb. Now he is running for mayor of New York City.

My source told me, although Andrew Yang is from Taiwan, not Communist China, he is supported by the CCP backed Federation of Asian Associations, American Chinese Commerce Association, and Asian American Community Empowerment, etc. Let’s show a picture of the Asian American Community Empowerment. Do you see the CCP flag on the wall of a group photo of this organization? 

Let’s see another two pictures. These are the screenshots of a report from the CCP’s mouthpiece Xinhua, about Asian American Community Empowerment opening a new office in Flushing, New York last October.  If as a small local community group, you open a new office, and the English version of Xinhua sends reporters to cover your event, you must be somebody for the CCP, right?  

My source told me, the chairman of this Asian American Community Empowerment is John Chen. Let’s show a picture of him. So this is a screenshot from the American Chinese Commerce Association. John Chen is also the president of this organization. He is the president of quite a few similar organizations. 

My source said, John Chen listens directly to the CCP’s Consulate General in New York. Currently, Andrew Yang and John Chen are working together with the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign. 

Let’s watch a very short clip of Andrew Yang’s speech at the “Stop Asian Hate” rally in New York on March 21.

 Well, that’s only giving you an idea of him giving a speech in that rally. He spoke for about 18 minutes. 

Now let’s see a picture from this rally in which Andrew Yang made the speech. 

Do you see the English words in the sign?

“Down with US Imperialism!” The other Chinese words say, “Marching on, marching on. We the warrior’s duty is huge; we the women’s hate and grievance are deep.” 

These words are actually taken from the lyrics of a famous propaganda drama during China’s Cultural Revolution, to glorify how the CCP’s female soldiers participated in the CCP’s “revolution” to overturn

the previous, legitimate Chinese government.

So, don’t you think there is something wrong with having this kind of message, this “Down with US Imperialism!” message, as well as how to overturn the legitimate government at a rally in the US?

Now, Let’s show a message circulated among American Chinese. The sentences in the red circle say that “we received information and notices from the Consulate General in SF asking us to participate in the “Stop Asian Hate” rally in SF at 11:00 am on Mar. 27. That’s today, right? 

Now, let’s see a report about the  “Stop Asian Hate” rally by is also the CCP’s official media outlet.  This report is actually calling for everyone to come out and join the “Stop Asian Hate” march in New York on April 4. 

Please note that John Chen’s name was mentioned in this report as one of the key organizers of the march, and it was him who gave out details of the march on April 4, where to gather, when to gather, and where to go, etc.

From what I know about how the CCP’s mouthpieces are operated, I know that if you are not CCP’s own people, they definitely won’t promote you, or allow you to speak on their platforms or use their media to report about your events positively. Everything is propaganda for the CCP. 

Now let me show you some further evidence. 

This is a report on the website of the American Chinese Commerce Association showing John Chen attending a reception at the Chinese Embassy to celebrate the 87th anniversary of the founding of the CCP’s People’s Liberation Army. 

This is an archived feature story about John Chen by the CCP’s most important mouthpiece People’s Daily in 2001.

John Chen was portrayed as a passionate patriot in this report. But when the CCP says you are a patriot, it means you love the CCP, not the US. So don’t misunderstand the word patriot here. 

If you click on the original link of that People’s Daily story,, let’s show the screenshot), you’ll find that the report was removed.

Now, let’s see a Xinhua report in 2019. This report is about Xi Jinping’s speech about Taiwan.

In this report, John Chen( Chinese name: Chen Shanzhuang)  was quoted as saying that “he cannot agree more” with Xi Jinping’s speech about Taiwan, and “that the Taiwan

question is China’s internal affair and allows no external interference.”

Again, if you are not the CCP’s own people, you won’t

appear in Xinhua’s report showing your support of Xi Jinping. Xinhua will

never, ever come to interview me, or ask my opinion about Xi Jinping’s speech,

right? Because I am not the CCP’s people. That’s the point.

   A “Business Plan” 12 Years Ago

 Now, let me show you some other evidence. 

This is a Facebook post by Jing Geng. She is a Chinese dissident

living in the US. This Facebook post was written on Sep 7, 2019, after she learned the news that Andrew Yang would run for president.

She said in this report, that as early as about 10 years ago-it became 12 years ago now- when she lived in Beijing, she was approached by a famous lawyer in Beijing about a business opportunity in the US. The plan was to establish a school system, a school chain in the US, to train and bring up Chinese children to become outstanding political activists who are qualified to run for various U.S. elections including running for the president of the US. 

After learning this plan, she consulted her neighbor who was very familiar with Chinese affairs. This neighbor advised her against getting involved in such a plan, saying that on the surface, it was a business

plan, but there was some ulterior agenda hidden inside it. So she dropped this affair and didn’t think much about it.

However, ten years later, in 2019, when she learned the news that Andrew Yang was going to run for president, she suddenly remembered that plan she learned 10 years ago, and felt very uneasy. 

She said, for Taiwanese Chinese people, if their surname is 楊, they usually spell it as “Y-o-u-n-g”. But for

people from mainland China, they spell it as “Y-a-n-g”. So she was not sure whether Andrew Yang is really from Taiwan, or whether his family actually originated from mainland China. That’s why she felt uncertain and uneasy. 

She said, although traditional invasion usually involves weapons and wars, a new form of invasion without weapons was happening in the US, and the invasion had actually quietly started at least 10 years ago. 

So she concluded, “The U.S. is under a Cold Invasion. This reality can no longer be ignored.” 

A True Case: the CCP Gave Free Land to a Chinese Community Leader in New York

 Actually, back in 2012, when I was working as a reporter for the Chinese division of NTD TV, or New Tang Dynasty Television, I covered a case of the CCP taking away land from farmers in Fujian Province and gave the land to the former president of Fujian Association in New York as a means to control overseas Chinese associations to have them work for the CCP. 

Let’s watch the report now. It is in the Chinese language but has English subtitles. So please make sure you read the subtitles to understand it. 

Well, that was the case I covered 9 years ago.  Now

let me share with you another very high-profile case.

John Jiu: Aids Found Guilty and Still Won Seat

In 2011 and 2012, I covered another quite huge case. (show P 13, 14)  I won’t play the

reports I did here, as they are in the Chinese language, and don’t have English

subtitles. So I’ll only show you two pictures of me covering the news.

The case was about John Liu, who is currently a member of the New York State Senate for the 11th District in northeast Queens.(show P15. Let’s show a picture of

him)  Back in 2011 and 2012, he was the New York City Comptroller

So the case was, two of his former associates used straw donors

to contribute to his campaign and got arrested. They were both convicted and

sentenced later.

What are straw donors? You can understand them

as fake, or non-existing donors. Their names are used by other real donors to

donate to the candidates, as there are many limitations of politician

donations, such as foreigners cannot donate, and there is a cap on how much

each donor can donate.  So those fake or non-existing donors are called

straw donors. 

(show p 16) Let’s show a picture of John Liu’s

associate Oliver Pan. He was sentenced to four months in jail.

(show p 17) Now Let’s show a picture of John

Liu’s campaign treasurer Jia

“Jenny” Hou . She was sentenced to ten months in jail in 2013. 

On August 5, 2013, the Campaign Finance Board denied John Liu matching

funds worth $3.53 million for his campaign.

So what’s the real story? Many of us in the Chinese community knew that

the CCP was behind all those. Since it was illegal for Chinese authorities to donate to American candidates, a work-around was arranged. Hundreds of low-income

Chinese-Americans would be invited to lavish dinners and handed packets of

money by Chinese government agents. This money then would be passed on to the


The New York Times also spent many months

investigating John Liu’s case and found many of his donation cards were

filled by the same person, and some of his donors didn’t exist at all, or many

donors were living at the same address, etc.  So I had also translated that report into Chinese back in 2011.



The CCP Has A Strong Presence

in New York

And you know what? Although there had been a lot of media exposure of

John Liu’s fundraising scandals, somehow he got away with it.

Not only did he not face charges, but also won the state senate election in 2018, and is still currently in office.

This reminds me of something my source told me.

He said that the CCP has a strong presence in New York, and the CCP claims that

candidates must be supported by the Chinese consulate, otherwise the Chinese

forces will not help them and will make trouble for them. So anyone who is ethnic Chinese must have the CCP’s support.

Otherwise, it is very hard to win.

My source said to me, actually, recently a

Taiwanese Chinese, who was considering running in the upcoming 

congressional elections, and who was not working with the CCP,  received 3

bullets sent to his home. That was definitely a threat. 

My source also told me that the pro-CCP

Chinese organizations in the US have now secured deep roots in American society. Last year when the pandemic just

started in China, these CCP forces in the US, as well as in other western

countries snapped up all the world’s epidemic prevention supplies and sent them

back to China. That’s why the CCP was able to threaten western countries with

masks and other medical supplies later. The CCP-backed or controlled figures

and organizations are the real Trojan horses of the CCP and are extremely




The Plan Is In Motion


Remember what I shared in my last show? CCP’s

top strategist Jin Canrong said in 2016, that the CCP’s goal is to “put the US under

our jurisdiction”, and one of the methods was to control the votes to change the

politicians’ attitude towards the CCP. 

So, if we connect all the dots together, the

full picture is very clear: the CCP’s long-term plan has been in action in the

US for many, many years. People like me have been working very hard to expose the CCP’s agenda and actions. 

But unfortunately, not enough people have

realized it yet. How many more losses do we have to suffer until we wake up?

Sometimes I do wonder. 

OK, that’s all for today’s “Inconvenient

Truths”. If you care for our future, for the future of our children and

mankind, please do help me spread the message. I hope together we can stop the

CCP from destroying the world.

Thank you very much, see you next time!(Ending/turn off autoplay)





Today I will continue to talk about the important topic:

how the CCP has been working very consistently to take over the US by

cultivating its own agents in the US. I will also present you some new


Before we go on, please make sure you subscribe to my

channel, and like my video first. The story I broke several days ago has also

been picked up by several other media outlets. So you do get unique content

from me, right? And the good news is, more people are now sharing information

with me as they think I am the one to trust and to turn to. That’s why I often

get exclusive information. 


The CCP-Backed Event,

People and Organizations 

Now, let’s move to our topic today. 

In our last show, I talked about the CCP’s top adviser’s

detailed plan about how to take down the US. A most important strategy is to

control the election results. Well, right after that show, a source approached

me with some inside information he recently learned, which offered us a perfect

example and how the CCP’s plan is in action in the US.

Well, the source told me that the CCP is

adopting the “seizing the power via parliament”, or “color revolution” strategy

in the US via cultivating its own agents, and is supporting Andrew Yang, who is

running for mayor of New York City. (Show P1. ) Let’s show a picture of him. You

may or may not know him. He once ran for the US President (show P2) in 2020,

and promised that he would give every

American adult $1,000 per month. But he dropped out of the race in Feb. Now he is running

for mayor of New York City.

My source told me, although Andrew Yang is

from Taiwan, not Communist China, he is supported by the CCP backed Federation

of Asian Associations, American Chinese Commerce Association, and Asian American Community Empowerment, etc. (Show P3). Let’s show a picture of the

Asian American Community Empowerment. Do you see the CCP flag on the wall of a

group photo of this organization? 

(Show P 3-1, P3-2). Let’s see another two

pictures. These are the screenshots of a report from the CCP’s mouthpiece Xinhua,

about Asian American Community Empowerment opening a new office in Flushing, New York

last October.  If as a small local community group, you open a new office,

and the English version of Xinhua sends reporters to cover your event, you must

be somebody for the CCP, right?  

My source told me, the chairman of this Asian American Community Empowerment is John

Chen.(Show P4)  Let’s show a picture of him. So this is a screenshot from the American Chinese Commerce Association. John

Chen is also the president of this organization. He is the president of quite a

few similar organizations. 

My source said, John Chen listens directly to

the CCP’s Consulate General in New York. Currently Andrew Yang and John Chen

are working together with the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign. 

Let’s watch a very short clip of Andrew

Yang’s speech at the “Stop Asian Hate” rally in New York on March 21.

[Play Video 1]

Well, that’s only giving you an idea of him giving

a speech in that rally. He spoke for about 18 minutes. 

(Show P5). Now let’s see a picture from this

rally in which Andrew Yang made the speech. 

Do you see the English words in the sign?

“Down with US Imperialism!” The other Chinese words say, “Marching on, marching

on. We the warrior’s duty is huge; we the women’s hate and grievance are deep.” 

These words are actually taken from the lyrics

of a famous propaganda drama during China’s Cultural Revolution, to glorify how

the CCP’s female soldiers participated in the CCP’s “revolution” to overturn

the previous, legitimate Chinese government.

So, don’t you think there is something wrong

with having this kind of message, this “Down with US Imperialism!” message, as well

as how to overturn the legitimate government at a rally in the US?

Now, (show 4-1). Let’s show a message

circulated among American Chinese. The sentences in the red circle say that “we

received information and notices from the Consulate General in SF asking us to

participate in the “Stop Asian Hate” rally in SF at 11:00 am on Mar. 27. That’s

today, right? 

Now, (show P6), let’s see a report about the  “Stop Asian Hate” rally by is also the CCP’s official media

outlet.  This report is actually calling for everyone to come out and join

the “Stop

Asian Hate” march in New York on April 4. 

Please note that John Chen’s name was

mentioned in this report as the one of the key organizers of the march, and it

was him who gave out details of the march on April 4, where to gather, when to

gather, and where to go, etc.

From what I know about how the CCP’s

mouthpieces are operated, I know that if you are not CCP’s own people, they

definitely won’t promote you, or allow you to speak at their platforms, or use

their media to report about your events positively. Everything is propaganda

for the CCP. 

Now let me show you some further evidence. 

(show P7)  This is a report  at the

website of American Chinese Commerce Association showing John Chen attending a

reception at the Chinese Embassy to celebrate the 87th anniversary of the

founding of the CCP’s People’s Liberation Army. 

(Show P8). This is an archived feature story

about John Chen by the CCP’s most important mouthpiece People’s Daily in 2001.

John Chen was portrayed as a passionate patriot  [ˈpeɪtriət] in

this report. But when the CCP says you are a patriot, it means you love China,

not the US. So don’t misunderstand the word patriot here. 

If you click on the original link of that

People’s Daily story, (show P9, let’s show the screenshot), you’ll find that

the report was removed.

Now, let’s see a Xinhua report in 2019. (show P10). This report is about Xi Jinping’s speech

about Taiwan.

In this report, (show P11) , John Chen, by

the way, his Chinese name is Chen Shanzhuang, he was quoted as saying that “he

cannot agree more” with Xi Jinping’s speech about Taiwan, and “that the Taiwan

question is China’s internal affair and allows no external interference.”

Again, if you are not the CCP’s own people, you won’t

appear in Xinhua’s report showing your support of Xi Jinping. Xinhua will

never, ever come to interview me, or ask my opinion about Xi Jinping’s speech,

right? Because I am not the CCP’s people. That’s the point.


A “Business Plan” 12

Years Ago


Now, let me show you some other evidence. 

(Show P12) This is a Facebook post by Jing Geng. She is a Chinese dissident

living in the US. This Facebook post was written on Sep 7, 2019, after she

learned the news that Andrew Yang would run for president.

She said in this report, that as early as

about 10 years ago-it became 12 years ago now- when she lived in Beijing, she

was approached by a famous lawyer in Beijing about a business opportunity in the US. The plan was

to establish a school system, a school chain in the US, to train and bring up

Chinese children to become outstanding political activists who are qualified to

run for various U.S. elections including running for the president of the US. 

After learning this plan, she consulted her neighbour

who was very familiar with Chinese affairs. This neighbour advised her against

getting involved in such a plan, saying that on the surface, it was a business

plan, but there was some ulterior [ʌlˈtiːərɪər(r)  agenda hidden inside it. So she dropped this affair and

didn’t think much about it.

However, ten years later, in 2019, when she

learned the news that Andrew Yang was going to run for president, she suddenly

remembered that plan she learned 10 years ago, and felt very uneasy. 

She said, for Taiwanese Chinese people, if

their surname is 楊, they usually spell it as “Y-o-u-n-g”. But for

people from mainland China, they spell it as “Y-a-n-g”. So she was not sure

whether Andrew Yang is really from Taiwan, or whether his family actually

originated from mainland China. That’s why she felt uncertain and uneasy. 

She said, although traditional invasion usually

involves weapons and wars, a new form of invasion without weapons was happening

in the US, and the invasion had actually quietly started at least 10 years ago. 

So she concluded, “The U.S. is under a Cold Invasion. This

reality can no longer be ignored.” 

A True Case: the CCP Gave Free Land to a Chinese Community Leader in New York

 Actually, back in 2012, when I was working as a reporter for the Chinese division of NTD TV, or New Tang Dynasty Television, I covered a case of the CCP taking away land from farmers in Fujian Province and gave the land to the former president of Fujian Association in New York as a means to control overseas Chinese associations to have them work for the CCP. 

Let’s watch the report now. It is in Chinese

language, but has English subtitles. So please make sure you read the subtitles

to understand it. 

[Play video 2] 

Well, that was the case I covered 9 years ago.  Now

let me share with you another very high profile case.


John Jiu: Aids Found

Guilty and Still Won Seat

In 2011 and 2012, I covered another quite huge case. (show P 13, 14)  I won’t play the

reports I did here, as they are in Chinese language, and don’t have English

subtitles. So I’ll only show you two pictures of me covering the news.

The case was about John Liu, who is currently a member of the New York State Senate for the 11th District in northeast Queens.(show P15. Let’s show a picture of

him)  Back in 2011 and 2012, he was the New York City Comptroller

So the case was, two of his former associates used straw donors

to contribute to his campaign, and got arrested. They were both convicted and

sentenced later.

What are straw donors? You can understand them

as fake, or non-existing donors. Their names are used by other real donors to

donate to the candidates, as there are many limitations of politician

donations, such as foreigners cannot donate, and there is a cap of how much

each donor can donate.  So those fake or non-existing donors are called

straw donors. 

(show p 16) Let’s show a picture of John Liu’s

associate Oliver Pan. He was sentenced to four months in jail.

(show p 17) Now Let’s show a picture of John

Liu’s campaign treasurer Jia

“Jenny” Hou . She was sentenced to ten months in jail in 2013. 

On August 5, 2013, the Campaign Finance Board denied John Liu matching

funds worth $3.53 million for his campaign.

So what’s the real story? Many of us in the Chinese community knew that

the CCP was behind all those. Since it was illegal for Chinese authorities to donate to American

candidates, a work-around was arranged. Hundreds of low-income

Chinese-Americans would be invited to lavish dinners and handed packets of

money by Chinese government agents. This money then would be passed on to the


The New York Times also spent many months

investigating John Liu’s case and  found many of his donation cards were

filled by the same person, and some of his donors didn’t exist at all, or many

donors were living in the same address, etc.  So I had also translated that report into Chinese back in 2011.



The CCP Has A Strong Presence

in New York

And you know what? Although there had been a lot of media exposure of

John Liu’s fundraising scandals, somehow he got away with it.

Not only did he not face charges, but also won

the state senate election in 2018, and is still currently in office.

This reminds me of something my source told me.

He said

that the CCP has a strong presence in New York, and the CCP claims that

candidates must be supported by the Chinese consulate, otherwise the Chinese

forces will not help them and will make trouble for them. So anyone who is ethnic Chinese must have the CCP’s support.

Otherwise, it is very hard to win.

My source said to me, actually, recently a

Taiwanese Chinese, who was considering running in the upcoming 

congressional elections, and who was not working with the CCP,  received 3

bullets sent to his home. That was definitely a threat. 

My source also told me that the pro-CCP

Chinese organizations in the US have  now secured deep roots in American society. Last year when the pandemic just

started in China, these CCP forces in the US, as well as in other western

countries snapped up all the world’s epidemic prevention supplies and sent them

back to China. That’s why the CCP was able to threaten western countries with

masks and other medical supplies later. The CCP-backed or controlled figures

and organizations are the real Trojan horses of the CCP and are extremely




The Plan Is In Motion


Remember what I shared in my last show? CCP’s

top strategist Jin Canrong said in 2016, that the CCP’s goal is to “put the US under

our jurisdiction”, and one of the methods was to control the votes to change the

politicians’ attitude towards the CCP. 

So, if we connect all the dots together, the

full picture is very clear: the CCP’s long-term plan has been in action in the

US for many, many years. People like me have been working very hard to expose the CCP’s agenda and actions. 

But unfortunately, not enough people have

realized it yet. How many more losses do we have to suffer until we wake up?

Sometimes I do wonder. 

OK, that’s all for today’s “Inconvenient

Truths”. If you care for our future, for the future of our children and

mankind, please do help me spread the message. I hope together we can stop the

CCP from destroying the world.

Thank you very much, see you next time!(End 



n is in Motion


Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.  

Today I will continue to talk about the important topic: how the CCP has been working very consistently to take over the US by cultivating its own agents in the US. I will also present you some new facts.  

Before we go on, please make sure you subscribe to my channel, and like my video first. The story I broke several days ago has also been picked up by several other media outlets. So you do get unique content from me, right? And the good news is, more people are now sharing information with me as they think I am the one to trust and to turn to. That’s why I often get exclusive information. 

  1. The CCP-Backed Event, People and Organizations 

Now, let’s move to our topic today. 

In our last show, I talked about the CCP’s top adviser’s detailed plan about how to take down the US. A most important strategy is to control the election results. Well, right after that show, a source approached me with some inside information he recently learned, which offered us a perfect example and how the CCP’s plan is in action in the US.

Well, the source told me that the CCP is adopting the “seizing the power via parliament”, or “color revolution” strategy in the US via cultivating its own agents, and is supporting Andrew Yang, who is running for mayor of New York City. (Show P1. ) Let’s show a picture of him. You may or may not know him. He once ran for the US President (show P2) in 2020, and promised that he would give every American adult $1,000 per month. But he dropped out of the race in Feb. Now he is running for mayor of New York City.

My source told me, although Andrew Yang is from Taiwan, not Communist China, he is supported by the CCP backed Federation of Asian Associations, American Chinese Commerce Association, and Asian American Community Empowerment, etc. (Show P3). Let’s show a picture of the Asian American Community Empowerment. Do you see the CCP flag on the wall of a group photo of this organization? 

(Show P 3-1, P3-2). Let’s see another two pictures. These are the screenshots of a report from the CCP’s mouthpiece Xinhua, about Asian American Community Empowerment opening a new office in Flushing, New York last October.  If as a small local community group, you open a new office, and the English version of Xinhua sends reporters to cover your event, you must be somebody for the CCP, right?  

My source told me, the chairman of this Asian American Community Empowerment is John Chen  Let’s show a picture of him. So this is a screenshot from the American Chinese Commerce Association. John Chen is also the president of this organization. He is the president of quite a few similar organizations. 

My source said, John Chen listens directly to the CCP’s Consulate General in New York. Currently Andrew Yang and John Chen are working together with the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign. 

Let’s watch a very short clip of Andrew Yang’s speech at the “Stop Asian Hate” rally in New York on March 21.

Well, that’s only giving you an idea of him giving a speech in that rally. He spoke for about 18 minutes. 

Now let’s see a picture from this rally in which Andrew Yang made the speech. 

Do you see the English words in the sign? “Down with US Imperialism!” The other Chinese words say, “Marching on, marching on. We the warrior’s duty is huge; we the women’s hate and grievance are deep.” 

These words are actually taken from the lyrics of a famous propaganda drama during China’s Cultural Revolution, to glorify how the CCP’s female soldiers participated in the CCP’s “revolution” to overturn the previous, legitimate Chinese government.

So, don’t you think there is something wrong with having this kind of message, this “Down with US Imperialism!” message, as well as how to overturn the legitimate government at a rally in the US?

Now, (show 4-1). Let’s show a message circulated among American Chinese. The sentences in the red circle say that “we received information and notices from the Consulate General in SF asking us to participate in the “Stop Asian Hate” rally in SF at 11:00 am on Mar. 27. That’s today, right? 

Now, (show P6), let’s see a report about the  “Stop Asian Hate” rally by is also the CCP’s official media outlet.  This report is actually calling for everyone to come out and join the “Stop Asian Hate” march in New York on April 4. 

Please note that John Chen’s name was mentioned in this report as the one of the key organizers of the march, and it was him who gave out details of the march on April 4, where to gather, when to gather, and where to go, etc.

From what I know about how the CCP’s mouthpieces are operated, I know that if you are not CCP’s own people, they definitely won’t promote you, or allow you to speak at their platforms, or use their media to report about your events positively. Everything is propaganda for the CCP. 

Now let me show you some further evidence. 

This is a report  at the website of American Chinese Commerce Association showing John Chen attending a reception at the Chinese Embassy to celebrate the 87th anniversary of the founding of the CCP’s People’s Liberation Army. 

This is an archived feature story about John Chen by the CCP’s most important mouthpiece People’s Daily in 2001. John Chen was portrayed as a passionate patriot in this report. But when the CCP says you are a patriot, it means you love China, not the US. So don’t misunderstand the word patriot here. 

If you click on the original link of that People’s Daily story, you’ll find that the report was removed.

Now, let’s see a Xinhua report in 2019. This report is about Xi Jinping’s speech about Taiwan.

In this report, John Chen, by the way, his Chinese name is Chen Shanzhuang, he was quoted as saying that “he cannot agree more” with Xi Jinping’s speech about Taiwan, and “that the Taiwan question is China’s internal affair and allows no external interference.”

Again, if you are not the CCP’s own people, you won’t appear in Xinhua’s report showing your support of Xi Jinping. Xinhua will never, ever come to interview me, or ask my opinion about Xi Jinping’s speech, right? Because I am not the CCP’s people. That’s the point.

A “Business Plan” 12 Years Ago

 Now, let me show you some other evidence. 

This is a Facebook post by Jing Geng. She is a Chinese dissident living in the US. This Facebook post was written on Sep 7, 2019, after she learned the news that Andrew Yang would run for president.

She said in this report, that as early as about 10 years ago-it became 12 years ago now- when she lived in Beijing, she was approached by a famous lawyer in Beijing about a business opportunity in the US. The plan was to establish a school system, a school chain in the US, to train and bring up Chinese children to become outstanding political activists who are qualified to run for various U.S. elections including running for the president of the US. 

After learning this plan, she consulted her neighbor who was very familiar with Chinese affairs. This neighbor advised her against getting involved in such a plan, saying that on the surface, it was a business plan, but there was some ulterior agenda hidden inside it. So she dropped this affair and didn’t think much about it.

However, ten years later, in 2019, when she learned the news that Andrew Yang was going to run for president, she suddenly remembered that plan she learned 10 years ago, and felt very uneasy. 

She said, for Taiwanese Chinese people, if their surname is 楊, they usually spell it as “Y-o-u-n-g”. But for people from mainland China, they spell it as “Y-a-n-g”. So she was not sure whether Andrew Yang is really from Taiwan, or whether his family actually originated from mainland China. That’s why she felt uncertain and uneasy. 

She said, although traditional invasion usually involves weapons and wars, a new form of invasion without weapons was happening in the US, and the invasion had actually quietly started at least 10 years ago. 

So she concluded, “The U.S. is under a Cold Invasion. This reality can no longer be ignored.” 

A True Case: the CCP Gave Free Land to a Chinese Community Leader in New York

 Actually, back in 2012, when I was working as a reporter for the Chinese division of NTD TV, or New Tang Dynasty Television, I covered a case of the CCP taking away land from farmers in Fujian Province and gave the land to the former president of Fujian Association in New York as a means to control overseas Chinese associations to have them work for the CCP. 

Let’s watch the report now. It is in Chinese language, but has English subtitles. So please make sure you read the subtitles to understand it. 

Well, that was the case I covered 9 years ago.  Now let me share with you another very high profile case.

John Jiu: Aids Found Guilty and Still Won Seat

In 2011 and 2012, I covered another huge case. I won’t play the reports I did here, as they are in Chinese language, and don’t have English subtitles. So I’ll only show you two pictures of me covering the news.

The case was about John Liu, who is currently a member of the New York State Senate for the 11th District in northeast Queens. Back in 2011 and 2012, he was the New York City Comptroller. 

So the case was, two of his former associates used straw donors to contribute to his campaign, and got arrested. They were both convicted and sentenced later.

What are straw donors? You can understand them as fake, or non-existing donors. Their names are used by other real donors to donate to the candidates, as there are many limitations of politician donations, such as foreigners cannot donate, and there is a cap of how much each donor can donate.  So those fake or non-existing donors are called straw donors. 

Let’s show a picture of John Liu’s associate Oliver Pan. He was sentenced to four months in jail.

Now Let’s show a picture of John Liu’s campaign treasurer Jia “Jenny” Hou . She was sentenced to ten months in jail in 2013. 

On August 5, 2013, the Campaign Finance Board denied John Liu matching funds worth $3.53 million for his campaign.

So what’s the real story? Many of us in the Chinese community knew that the CCP was behind all those. Since it was illegal for Chinese authorities to donate to American candidates, a work-around was arranged. Hundreds of low-income Chinese-Americans would be invited to lavish dinners and handed packets of money by Chinese government agents. This money then would be passed on to the candidate.

The New York Times also spent many months investigating John Liu’s case and  found many of his donation cards were filled by the same person, and some of his donors didn’t exist at all, or many donors were living in the same address, etc.  So I had also translated that report into Chinese back in 2011.

 The CCP Has A Strong Presence in New York

And you know what? Although there had been a lot of media exposure of John Liu’s fundraising scandals, somehow he got away with it.

Not only did he not face charges, but also won the state senate election in 2018, and is still currently in office.

This reminds me of something my source told me. He said that the CCP has a strong presence in New York, and the CCP claims that candidates must be supported by the Chinese consulate, otherwise the Chinese forces will not help them and will make trouble for them. So anyone who is ethnic Chinese must have the CCP’s support. Otherwise, it is very hard to win.

My source said to me, actually, recently a Taiwanese Chinese, who was considering running in the upcoming  congressional elections, and who was not working with the CCP,  received 3 bullets sent to his home. That was definitely a threat. 

My source also told me that the pro-CCP Chinese organizations in the US have  now secured deep roots in American society. Last year when the pandemic just started in China, these CCP forces in the US, as well as in other western countries snapped up all the world’s epidemic prevention supplies and sent them back to China. That’s why the CCP was able to threaten western countries with masks and other medical supplies later. The CCP-backed or controlled figures and organizations are the real Trojan horses of the CCP and are extremely dangerous.  

 The Plan Is In Motion

 Remember what I shared in my last show? CCP’s top strategist Jin Canrong said in 2016, that the CCP’s goal is to “put the US under our jurisdiction”, and one of the methods was to control the votes to change the politicians’ attitude towards the CCP. 

So, if we connect all the dots together, the full picture is very clear: the CCP’s long-term plan has been in action in the US for many, many years. People like me have been working very hard to expose the CCP’s agenda and actions. 

But unfortunately, not enough people have realized it yet. How many more losses do we have to suffer until we wake up? Sometimes I do wonder. 

OK, that’s all for today’s “Inconvenient Truths”. If you care for our future, for the future of our children and mankind, please do help me spread the message. I hope together we can stop the CCP from destroying the world.

Thank you very much, see you next time!

3/27/2021 *

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