The Secret History of the Democrats’ path to election victory
By He Qinglian
Joe Biden officially moved into the White House on Jan. 20 and promptly proceeded to sign more than 50 executive orders within a month, completing the process of reversing Donald Trump’s policies. However, conservative Americans never stopped speaking out about evidence of election theft. Social media companies have been deleting large numbers of such posts and even suspending user accounts for accusing Biden of stealing the election, while Biden supporters have discredited Trump supporters’ claims as being nothing but “rumors.”
On Feb. 5, Time magazine published the article “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” referred to hereafter as Shadow Campaign. Mike Podhorzer, senior adviser to the president of the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest union federation, an early leader in data driven politics, joined different forces in 2019 to manipulate the presidential elections by applying “scientific methods.”
Shortly after the publication of the Time magazine article, the leftist camp expressed their admiration for the Shadow Campaign organizers’ genius to use data to change politics. Conservatives however, compared the article to a thief who broke into the vault returning to the crime scene to shamelessly brag about the heist.
Former White House staffer Garrett Ziegler discussed the deep right-left division in a video interview on Feb. 6.
“We are now living in a country where there are truly two conceptions of justice,” he said. “The enemy looks at justice as an operational success… That means, even if we have evidence … even if we literally show the left our stack (of ballots) is bigger than theirs, they would not accept it… They are in the business of calling two plus two equals five, because if five is operational success… [what] they tell us … is complete freedom of the individual with no guardrails. Then men truly can be women.”
As a researcher who has been following the U.S. elections closely, I think the emergence of this in-depth documentary by Time magazine provides an important perspective on the 2020 U.S. election: an account from the “election stealing coalition” itself––people who identify themselves as the “Democratic Defense Coalition.”
To study a piece of history based on literature, there are three types of documents we should look into: testimony from first-hand participants, third-party investigations, and third-party documentation and records.
After election night, six battleground states held numerous hearings on election fraud for more than a month. The testimonies given during these recorded hearings serve as evidence from first-hand participants.
Economist and former White House trade advisor Peter Navarro published three investigation reports on the elections within one month: “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities,” (Dec. 17, 2020); “The Art of the Steal” (Jan. 12, 2021), and “Yes, President Trump Won” (Jan. 13, 2021).
According to his reports, after scientific analysis of election data and processes in six swing states––Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin––a solid conclusion was reached: there were at least 3,069,002 suspected illegal votes cast. Professor Navarro’s reports are very powerful, providing detailed and reliable information. They belong into the category of third-party investigation.
Right now, third party documentation and records is the only category missing, as Georgia and Michigan have destroyed the original documents. It seems that the leftist camp doesn’t want to keep any paper trail evidence.
The Time magazine article is a voluntary account of the Democrats’ path to election victory.
As long as we carefully scrutinize these three types of documentations, we should be able to reach the conclusion that the 2020 presidential election was very likely stolen.
As an observer of the 2020 election, I require of myself to be a sober witness to history, not being swayed by my own position, nor lost or confused by rumors.
Why did Time magazine publish this in-depth documentary report?
Based on the occurrences mentioned in the Shadow Campaign article, I reviewed and compared a large amount of relevant post-election information. From all the major events described in the article in 2020––the connection between the pandemic and mail-in ballots, the rise of BLM and Antifa in the United States since late May of 2020, the social media ban of Trump and Trump supporters, the statistical changes after the six states stopped counting votes on election night, the pressure brought down on two Republican senators from Michigan for meeting with Trump at the White House on Nov. 20, and the “red team” strategy mentioned in the article that was adopted by the “Democratic Defense Coalition” in its efforts to absorb anti-Trump Republican politicians, referred to as RINOs by the pro-Trump camp.
I have touched upon these topics in my previous articles, but here I am presenting the facts again in a more organized manner.
Trump supporters believe that a “deep state” is manipulating political affairs behind the scenes. But not much is known about this huge network, who’s involved and how the members communicate and coordinate among themselves. From this perspective, the Shadow Campaign article can be said to have provided a general and relatively clear description of the organizers who manipulated the 2020 election campaign, their organizational network, and their ways of taking action.
Time magazine has always taken a leftist, pro-Democrat stance. The author of the article, Molly Ball, also admitted that she had intimate interactions with the Democrats and often received information and updates from them. Then why did she decide to write this lengthy report with the approval from the “Democratic Defense Coalition” to expose the inside story of the election manipulation? Why is it that she doesn’t think it might be harmful to the leftist camp?
I believe there are three reasons.
Many people believe that Joe Biden stole the election. According to a Rasmussen poll published on Nov. 20, 2020, about 47 percent of Americans believed that Biden stole the election. Among Democratic poll participants, 39 percent believed so, and among Republican participants, 75 percent believed so.
The usurpers know in their hearts that even though they have sent Biden to the White House as they wished, the stigma of stealing the election could not easily be erased.
Since it’s believed to be a fact that the election was stolen, the usurpers might as well take a preemptive approach, defending the steal as “defending democracy,” so as to put the theft on a high moral ground of political correctness. And since almost all mainstream media are part of the usurpers leftist gang, the leftists have the final say on how to evaluate everything.
This can be seen clearly in the article, as the author set up language traps everywhere. She described the anti-constitutional theft as “defending democracy,” and the clampdown on opponents as “reducing pressure.” As a result, violation of law is considered as “justice,” and the leftist organization network, with the Democratic Party as its core, is disguised in a non-partisan cloak to make believe that the Democratic Party has won people’s hearts and support.
These statements not only help to restore their reputation, but can also serve as a placebo for Democratic voters who suspect that the left committed election fraud.
The key members in the coalition want to let everyone know that they are the heroes behind the “success” of the election theft. The following quotes from the article said it clearly.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”
In the eyes of the left, the “proper election outcome” means that everything is incorrect except that their preferred candidate wins the election, and all actions taken to achieve this goal, even if they violate existing laws, are acts of “defending democracy.”
The statement, “Democracy is not self-executing,” is to remind the Democratic Party that the election “victory” was achieved through the coalition’s wisdom and various tactics, instead of the people’s will.
Based on the above considerations, the author may have concluded that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so she ended up publishing this bizarre Shadow Campaign article. Although the entire article is intended to praise the merits of the stealing coalition, claiming that all actions taken were to “defend democracy,” the shocking facts revealed in this article completely negate the leftist medias’, including Time magazine’s, previous argument that, “election fraud didn’t exist.”
Because of the international standing of the United States, and because the 2020 U.S. elections are bound to become a key turning point for the world from globalization to the “Great Reset,” this Shadow Campaign article, which has voluntarily provided evidence of election fraud, will serve as a precious document for the United States and the world. From now on, the leftist media can no longer claim that the election was fair and transparent. They can only bluff and boast about having stolen the elections in a very clever way.
(Part 2 Part 3)

Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on Nov 14, 2020. Photo by Lisa Fan
The Usurpers’ Boasting: Time Magazine’s ‘Election Shadow Campaign’ Article (Part 1)
The Secret History of the Democrats’ path to election victory
By He Qinglian
Joe Biden officially moved into the White House on Jan. 20 and promptly proceeded to sign more than 50 executive orders within a month, completing the process of reversing Donald Trump’s policies. However, conservative Americans never stopped speaking out about evidence of election theft. Social media companies have been deleting large numbers of such posts and even suspending user accounts for accusing Biden of stealing the election, while Biden supporters have discredited Trump supporters’ claims as being nothing but “rumors.”
On Feb. 5, Time magazine published the article “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” referred to hereafter as Shadow Campaign. Mike Podhorzer, senior adviser to the president of the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest union federation, an early leader in data driven politics, joined different forces in 2019 to manipulate the presidential elections by applying “scientific methods.”
Shortly after the publication of the Time magazine article, the leftist camp expressed their admiration for the Shadow Campaign organizers’ genius to use data to change politics. Conservatives however, compared the article to a thief who broke into the vault returning to the crime scene to shamelessly brag about the heist.
Former White House staffer Garrett Ziegler discussed the deep right-left division in a video interview on Feb. 6.
“We are now living in a country where there are truly two conceptions of justice,” he said. “The enemy looks at justice as an operational success… That means, even if we have evidence … even if we literally show the left our stack (of ballots) is bigger than theirs, they would not accept it… They are in the business of calling two plus two equals five, because if five is operational success… [what] they tell us … is complete freedom of the individual with no guardrails. Then men truly can be women.”
As a researcher who has been following the U.S. elections closely, I think the emergence of this in-depth documentary by Time magazine provides an important perspective on the 2020 U.S. election: an account from the “election stealing coalition” itself––people who identify themselves as the “Democratic Defense Coalition.”
To study a piece of history based on literature, there are three types of documents we should look into: testimony from first-hand participants, third-party investigations, and third-party documentation and records.
After election night, six battleground states held numerous hearings on election fraud for more than a month. The testimonies given during these recorded hearings serve as evidence from first-hand participants.
Economist and former White House trade advisor Peter Navarro published three investigation reports on the elections within one month: “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities,” (Dec. 17, 2020); “The Art of the Steal” (Jan. 12, 2021), and “Yes, President Trump Won” (Jan. 13, 2021).
According to his reports, after scientific analysis of election data and processes in six swing states––Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin––a solid conclusion was reached: there were at least 3,069,002 suspected illegal votes cast. Professor Navarro’s reports are very powerful, providing detailed and reliable information. They belong into the category of third-party investigation.
Right now, third party documentation and records is the only category missing, as Georgia and Michigan have destroyed the original documents. It seems that the leftist camp doesn’t want to keep any paper trail evidence.
The Time magazine article is a voluntary account of the Democrats’ path to election victory.
As long as we carefully scrutinize these three types of documentations, we should be able to reach the conclusion that the 2020 presidential election was very likely stolen.
As an observer of the 2020 election, I require of myself to be a sober witness to history, not being swayed by my own position, nor lost or confused by rumors.
Why did Time magazine publish this in-depth documentary report?
Based on the occurrences mentioned in the Shadow Campaign article, I reviewed and compared a large amount of relevant post-election information. From all the major events described in the article in 2020––the connection between the pandemic and mail-in ballots, the rise of BLM and Antifa in the United States since late May of 2020, the social media ban of Trump and Trump supporters, the statistical changes after the six states stopped counting votes on election night, the pressure brought down on two Republican senators from Michigan for meeting with Trump at the White House on Nov. 20, and the “red team” strategy mentioned in the article that was adopted by the “Democratic Defense Coalition” in its efforts to absorb anti-Trump Republican politicians, referred to as RINOs by the pro-Trump camp.
I have touched upon these topics in my previous articles, but here I am presenting the facts again in a more organized manner.
Trump supporters believe that a “deep state” is manipulating political affairs behind the scenes. But not much is known about this huge network, who’s involved and how the members communicate and coordinate among themselves. From this perspective, the Shadow Campaign article can be said to have provided a general and relatively clear description of the organizers who manipulated the 2020 election campaign, their organizational network, and their ways of taking action.
Time magazine has always taken a leftist, pro-Democrat stance. The author of the article, Molly Ball, also admitted that she had intimate interactions with the Democrats and often received information and updates from them. Then why did she decide to write this lengthy report with the approval from the “Democratic Defense Coalition” to expose the inside story of the election manipulation? Why is it that she doesn’t think it might be harmful to the leftist camp?
I believe there are three reasons.
Many people believe that Joe Biden stole the election. According to a Rasmussen poll published on Nov. 20, 2020, about 47 percent of Americans believed that Biden stole the election. Among Democratic poll participants, 39 percent believed so, and among Republican participants, 75 percent believed so.
The usurpers know in their hearts that even though they have sent Biden to the White House as they wished, the stigma of stealing the election could not easily be erased.
Since it’s believed to be a fact that the election was stolen, the usurpers might as well take a preemptive approach, defending the steal as “defending democracy,” so as to put the theft on a high moral ground of political correctness. And since almost all mainstream media are part of the usurpers leftist gang, the leftists have the final say on how to evaluate everything.
This can be seen clearly in the article, as the author set up language traps everywhere. She described the anti-constitutional theft as “defending democracy,” and the clampdown on opponents as “reducing pressure.” As a result, violation of law is considered as “justice,” and the leftist organization network, with the Democratic Party as its core, is disguised in a non-partisan cloak to make believe that the Democratic Party has won people’s hearts and support.
These statements not only help to restore their reputation, but can also serve as a placebo for Democratic voters who suspect that the left committed election fraud.
The key members in the coalition want to let everyone know that they are the heroes behind the “success” of the election theft. The following quotes from the article said it clearly.
“Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan rule-of-law advocacy group. “But it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.”
In the eyes of the left, the “proper election outcome” means that everything is incorrect except that their preferred candidate wins the election, and all actions taken to achieve this goal, even if they violate existing laws, are acts of “defending democracy.”
The statement, “Democracy is not self-executing,” is to remind the Democratic Party that the election “victory” was achieved through the coalition’s wisdom and various tactics, instead of the people’s will.
Based on the above considerations, the author may have concluded that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so she ended up publishing this bizarre Shadow Campaign article. Although the entire article is intended to praise the merits of the stealing coalition, claiming that all actions taken were to “defend democracy,” the shocking facts revealed in this article completely negate the leftist medias’, including Time magazine’s, previous argument that, “election fraud didn’t exist.”
Because of the international standing of the United States, and because the 2020 U.S. elections are bound to become a key turning point for the world from globalization to the “Great Reset,” this Shadow Campaign article, which has voluntarily provided evidence of election fraud, will serve as a precious document for the United States and the world. From now on, the leftist media can no longer claim that the election was fair and transparent. They can only bluff and boast about having stolen the elections in a very clever way.
(Part 2 Part 3)
Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on Nov 14, 2020. Photo by Lisa Fan