(Jennifer’s note: On April 6, President Trump confronted a Hong Kong-based reporter during coronavirus briefing, asking her “Do you work for China?” Wang Youyou, the reporter asked that she worked for Phoenix TV ; and Phoenix TV is a private company in Hong Kong. Terence Shen, a former staff member of Phoenix TV released on Twitter some of the internal notification of Phoenix TV during 2012-2013 to refute Wang Youyou’s claim that Phoenix TV is a private company. Below is the English translation of Phoenix TV’s internal notification.
(曾錚注:在4月6日的白宮新聞發布會上,鳳凰衛視女記者王又又 向美國 總統川普提問,說到關於阿里巴巴等中企向美國輸送醫療物資,並追問川普有關中共駐美大使崔天凱呼籲中美合作抗疫的事宜。當川普問她爲誰工作時,她說爲香港鳳凰衛視工作,並稱香港鳳凰衛視是總部設在香港的私人公司。爲此,前鳳凰衛視臺工作人員「公子沈」在推特上公佈部分鳳凰衛視臺內部通知,證明鳳凰衛視臺不是私人公司。他公佈的通知內容在英文翻譯之下。)
Request from high ranking military people: regarding the foreign report: Incident of Minister of China National Defence Liang Guanglie paying for crew and related expenses of Indian flight as token of appreciation during his India visit had been overly reported by overseas and internet media. Phenix news will not quote, report, or comment on this.
Reminder from the relevant department: When comment on Hu Jingtao attending APEC meeting, don’t mention whether Hu will meet Japan prime minister and whether Hu will hold talks with Philippine president, for there isn’t an arrangement for both meeting.
Instruction from boss: regarding China’s participation in the Olympic Games, for all sorts of topics during the games, pay attention to maintain an object and non-biased tone. As for the “nationwide system”, criticize less on the overzealous pursuit of gold medals, especially in the comment part, we need to cover those less.
Notification from the relevant department: the demonstration activities in mainland protesting against Japan can be reported, but don’t film any picture of smashing, demolishing, robbing, or confrontation with police. Don’t use any such.
Important notification received: Comment(including observation) of USA presidential election, when reporters reporting, anchor people questioning, commenting, only focus on USA election itself, just talk about this issue itself. USA vs. China relations can be discussed, but don’t link USA election with China’s 18th People’s Congress. Don’t link USA presidential election with shuffle of China’s high ranking officials due to term of office. This requirement also applies to news titles.
Ricky: guys, be careful about discussion of 18th People’s Congress. No comment for officials ranking lower than Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, seven members of the standing committee can be mentioned, but make Xi prominent, more frequent reference to China’s anti-corruption and pro-modest effort.
Instruction from the director: be cautious about negative reports and comment on China issues! For example, recent “opening of high-speed train route”, “Liu Zhijun related trial hearing”,etc., don’t quote overseas(Hong Kong)’s negative comments extensively. A major portion of some of our programs had been blacked out in mainland.
Ricky: guys, no report of china once recognizing the Diaoyu Islands(Senkaku Islands) as part of Okinawa prefecture indicated by Japan news media.

Internal Notification of Phoenix TV Showing Phoenix TV Receiving Instruction from CCP 前鳳凰衛視員工爆內部通知顯鳳凰衛視受中共指控
(Jennifer’s note: On April 6, President Trump confronted a Hong Kong-based reporter during coronavirus briefing, asking her “Do you work for China?” Wang Youyou, the reporter asked that she worked for Phoenix TV ; and Phoenix TV is a private company in Hong Kong. Terence Shen, a former staff member of Phoenix TV released on Twitter some of the internal notification of Phoenix TV during 2012-2013 to refute Wang Youyou’s claim that Phoenix TV is a private company. Below is the English translation of Phoenix TV’s internal notification.
(曾錚注:在4月6日的白宮新聞發布會上,鳳凰衛視女記者王又又 向美國 總統川普提問,說到關於阿里巴巴等中企向美國輸送醫療物資,並追問川普有關中共駐美大使崔天凱呼籲中美合作抗疫的事宜。當川普問她爲誰工作時,她說爲香港鳳凰衛視工作,並稱香港鳳凰衛視是總部設在香港的私人公司。爲此,前鳳凰衛視臺工作人員「公子沈」在推特上公佈部分鳳凰衛視臺內部通知,證明鳳凰衛視臺不是私人公司。他公佈的通知內容在英文翻譯之下。)
Request from high ranking military people: regarding the foreign report: Incident of Minister of China National Defence Liang Guanglie paying for crew and related expenses of Indian flight as token of appreciation during his India visit had been overly reported by overseas and internet media. Phenix news will not quote, report, or comment on this.
Reminder from the relevant department: When comment on Hu Jingtao attending APEC meeting, don’t mention whether Hu will meet Japan prime minister and whether Hu will hold talks with Philippine president, for there isn’t an arrangement for both meeting.
Instruction from boss: regarding China’s participation in the Olympic Games, for all sorts of topics during the games, pay attention to maintain an object and non-biased tone. As for the “nationwide system”, criticize less on the overzealous pursuit of gold medals, especially in the comment part, we need to cover those less.
Notification from the relevant department: the demonstration activities in mainland protesting against Japan can be reported, but don’t film any picture of smashing, demolishing, robbing, or confrontation with police. Don’t use any such.
Important notification received: Comment(including observation) of USA presidential election, when reporters reporting, anchor people questioning, commenting, only focus on USA election itself, just talk about this issue itself. USA vs. China relations can be discussed, but don’t link USA election with China’s 18th People’s Congress. Don’t link USA presidential election with shuffle of China’s high ranking officials due to term of office. This requirement also applies to news titles.
Ricky: guys, be careful about discussion of 18th People’s Congress. No comment for officials ranking lower than Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, seven members of the standing committee can be mentioned, but make Xi prominent, more frequent reference to China’s anti-corruption and pro-modest effort.
Instruction from the director: be cautious about negative reports and comment on China issues! For example, recent “opening of high-speed train route”, “Liu Zhijun related trial hearing”,etc., don’t quote overseas(Hong Kong)’s negative comments extensively. A major portion of some of our programs had been blacked out in mainland.
Ricky: guys, no report of china once recognizing the Diaoyu Islands(Senkaku Islands) as part of Okinawa prefecture indicated by Japan news media.