#WhereIsPengShuai: How Has this Hashtag Become so Hot, and Will it Affect the Beijing Winter Olympics?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

19 days ago, I talked about the sex scandal of China’s former vice-premier Zhang Gaoli, much earlier than most other English mainstream media. It is not special or surprising for a CCP official to have a sex scandal. However, this time, this scandal is quickly evolving into a “perfect storm” for the CCP, just about 2 months before the opening of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. So today I’d like to talk about this hot issue.

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/11/24/where-is-pengshuai

11/23/2021 *

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我很少推薦歌的,但是 Namewee 黃明志 這首我必須推薦一下。我本來不是很喜歡這種rap風格的歌的,但黃明志這首「自傳」、「自述」還是把我聽哭了。


11/23/2021 *

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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 23, 2021.

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剛剛接到一家印度媒體的採訪邀請,讓我上他們的直播談 #張高麗 與 #彭帥 的事,我二話不說立刻就答應了。










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发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟, LIFE STORIES 人生故事 | 留下评论






















又想起自己前兩天在錄「 口述《靜水流深》 」視頻系列時讀到的這一段,寫的是我在勞教所第一次見到、聽到一名已經被「轉化」的前法輪功學員大放厥詞時的感受:


















11/21/2021 *

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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 21, 2021.

发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟, LIFE STORIES 人生故事 | 留下评论

快評Kyle Rittenhouse案

今天看到美国威州基諾沙18嵗少年Kyle Rittenhouse被判无罪时激動地哭著跌坐下去的那一瞬間,不禁也想落淚,又想起自己 多年前當陪審員時,那個也是18歲的被我們「審」的少年,聽到我們判他「過失殺人」時激動的抽泣的瞬間。



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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 19, 2021.

发表在 Commentaries 時評 | 留下评论

Blackouts & The Climate Declaration: Is It the CCP’s “Self-Harming” Plot Against the US?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Last week, on Nov. 10, the US and the CCP suddenly released a joint declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s. This declaration surprised representatives at the COP26 climate summit, as Xi Jinping was absent from this summit. People thought China wouldn’t get involved at all. So what are the stories behind the joint declaration, could the large-scale blackouts in China happening since Sep have anything to do with this joint declaration, are there other secret deals between the US and the CCP that we don’t know yet?

Today, I’d like to discuss these issues.

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/11/19/blackouts-amp-the-climate-declaration-is-it-the-ccps-self-harming-plot-against-the-us


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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 19, 2021.

发表在 Commentaries 時評, Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论


Jennifer in Central Park in New York on Nov 6, 2020. Photo by Benny Zhang. 曾錚2020年11月6日攝於紐約中央公園。攝影:張炳乾。







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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 15, 2021.

发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟 | 留下评论

PLA Commander Brags About Hypersonic Missile, Admits CCP Lied About It

Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will give you a brief update about the virtual meeting between US president Joe Biden and CCP leader Xi Jinping and the CCP’s Third Resolution on its “major achievements and historical experience”. Then I will talk about a CCP military expert’s speech about the CCP’s hypersonic missiles, the CCP’s culture of hate, and how we should deal with it. So please make sure you stick around till the end.

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/11/17/pla-commander-brags-about-hypersonic-missile-admits-ccp-lied-about-it


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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 17, 2021.

发表在 Commentaries 時評, Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论

「你是全球女性的榜樣和動力泉源 」“You Are An Inspiration to Women Everywhere”

Jennifer in Central Park in New York on Nov 6, 2020. Photo by Benny Zhang. 曾錚2020年11月6日攝於紐約中央公園。攝影:張炳乾。

(Jennifer’s note: Below is the feedback from a viewer.


“ Jennifer, Your mission is helping your people, believe it. Freedom is coming to your country and you are part of the reason. As a fellow woman, I am so proud of your education and courage, you are in my prayers every day. Much love to you from upstate New York. You are an inspiration to women everywhere. Your gift is showing. Men talk of peace, women take action to peace. Thankful you are here my dear sister.”

「 曾錚:你的使命是幫助你的同胞們,請相信這點。中國會迎來自由的,而你是其原因之一。同爲一名女性,我爲你的學識和勇氣感到驕傲。我每天都在爲你祈禱。我從紐約上州爲你送上無限愛意。你是全球女性的榜樣和動力泉源。你的天賦正在彰顯。男士們談論著和平,女士們爲和平而身體力行。謝謝你,我親愛的姐妹。」

11/15/2021 *

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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 15, 2021.

Jennifer Zeng

Video creator at http://bit.ly/3b87DPj & http://rumble.com/c/c-342755, Writer at http://jenniferzengblog.com 自媒體人,網站及油管频道網址如前。願自己和世界更美好。

发表在 REVIEWS AND FEEDBACK 書評及反饋 | 留下评论

The CCP Prices Human Organs

Falun Gong practitioners simulate the crime of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in front of the European Commission on June 15, 2006 (minghui.org)

Recently several provinces and cities in China have released official guideline prices for human organs, after the National Health Commission issued a document to “regulate” the “human donor organ procurement fees and financial management methods”.

On Oct 28, the Health Commission of Henan Province published a price table regarding how much money will be charged to harvest “donated organs”.

According to the table, organs for transplant include livers at 260,000 yuan ($40,700), kidneys at 160,000 yuan ($25,000), hearts at 100,000 yuan ($15,600), lungs at 80,000 yuan ($12,500), corneas at 10,000 yuan ($1,600), pancreas at 50,000 yuan ($7,800), small intestines at 50,000 yuan, etc.

Henan province claimed that its prices are lower than other provinces and cities.

In July, CCP’s National Health Commission published a document titled “Human Donor Organ Procurement Fees and Financial Management Methods”, which took effect on Sep. 1.

The document has 5 chapters, 27 items and is about 3000 words long.

It says that the purpose of making such a document is to promote human organ donation and transplantation, further standardize the management of human donor organ procurement fees and financial management, continue to enhance the accessibility of human organ transplantation services, maintain the public welfare of human organ donation, and promote the high-quality development of human organ donation and transplantation, etc.

Why do fees need to be charged for “procuring donor organs”? Because there are costs involved. And the costs include the following:

(1) Donor medical support costs. This includes the cost of donor and potential donor evaluation, organ function maintenance, testing, examination, transport, and death determination, etc.

(2) Cost of sample retention mainly for medical needs, such as retaining the donor’s blood, urine, and other tissue specimens.

(3) Costs for repair and aftercare of the remains, including the cost of transferring the remains, funeral, autopsy, etc.

(4) Organ donation management costs.

(5) The cost of organ harvesting surgery.

(6) Organ medical support costs, including organ quality assessment, organ preservation, organ repair, examination, and testing, etc.

(7) Organ transfer costs.

(8) Costs related to the organ donor’s family, mainly including their transportation, accommodation, out-of-work allowance, and other costs during the period when the organ donor’s family is handling organ donation matters.

The document says that every province should make their own price table for the fees, the fees should be charged by the organ transplant hospitals, and hospitals should then give the money to the Organ Procurement Organization, or OPO system.

The document doesn’t say who should pay the organ procurement fees. But after carefully reading it, one can work out that the organ recipients will be paying the fees. They pay the transplant hospitals, and the hospitals will then transfer the money to the OPO system.

For my comment and analysis of this news, go to https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/11/12/a-shocking-price-table-and-what-is-the-role-of-the-west

or watch

11/12/2021 *

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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 12, 2021.

Jennifer Zeng

Video creator at http://bit.ly/3b87DPj & http://rumble.com/c/c-342755, Writer at http://jenniferzengblog.com 自媒體人,網站及油管频道網址如前。願自己和世界更美好。

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