Exclusive: The Bloody Attack in London, £10K Rewards on Two Hong Kongers, How Does the CCP Extend the Persecution to UK?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Recently an event turned bloody happened in London, in which some exiled Hong Kongers were badly attacked by the event organizer, the Federation of UK Fujian Chinese. I received some exclusive tips about that event, and unearthed some exclusive background information of the vice president of the Federation of UK Fujian Chinese. So I will present all the evidence to show how the CCP is exercising its “long arm of governance” in other countries. I believe the information I am going to present is very important, so please make sure you stick around till the end.

Before I move to our story today, I want to show you a comment from a viewer.

So this viewer says he has not received any notifications from my channel for some time and he thought I had stopped making videos.

So he is not the first one who tells me this. This is just another piece of evidence of YouTube’s suppression of my channel.

So please bookmark my channel and go back to check it manually,or go to my website at jenniferzengblog.com to sign up for membership. In this way, you will never miss a show.

I am now posting the script and uploading an audio file of each show at the members’ area so that busy people can choose to read the script or listen to the audio to learn the content and save time. For myself, I always prefer reading the script, as that is much faster than watching the video. So I offer members this kind of service for you to save your time.

Another option is to follow me on social media. I am on as many platforms as I can, such as TwitterFacebookGabGettrInstagramLinkedinMeWe, SafeChat. I also have a channel at Telegram. So please follow me on those platforms. I almost always post a notification about new shows on these places. So if you follow me there, your chance to see my posts will increase.

OK, now let’s move to our story today.

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/12/4/exclusive-the-bloody-attack-in-london-10k-rewards-on-two-hong-kongers-how-does-the-ccp-extend-the-persecution-to-uk


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发表在 Commentaries 時評, Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论

Omicron=I Eliminate Communism? Why Does the CCP Have to Impose a “Zero Covid” Policy?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will talk about how I look at the latest Omicron variant, the Covid19 situation in China, and why the CCP has to impose a “zero tolerance” policy in its pandemic control effort. I will also show you a short video of people fighting for food in China, and discuss what we can learn about China and Chinese society from that video. So, please make sure you stick around till the end.

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/12/1/omicroni-eliminate-communism-why-does-the-ccp-have-to-impose-a-zero-covid-policy


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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on December 1, 2021.

发表在 Commentaries 時評, Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论

Exclusive: The CCP’s Police Chief Removed for Mishandling the Peng Shuai Incident

Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Have you done any Black Friday shopping today? Initially I didn’t plan to do a show today, but I happened to run into some exclusive information about tennis star Peng Shuai’s incident, So I think I might do a very short update for you guys today.

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/11/28/exclusive-the-ccps-police-chief-removed-for-mishandling-the-peng-shuai-incident

11/26/2021 *

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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 29, 2021.

发表在 Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论



















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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 28, 2021.

发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟 | 留下评论

進益 Progress

There are actually benefits to meeting less beautiful people and things. At least you can say to yourself: I don’t want, and I won’t be like that.


In this way, you still gain something and learn something.


Confucius says, “When three are walking together, I am sure to find teachers among them.” That’s what we call wisdom!

「 三人行,必有我師焉。」古人誠不我欺也!


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发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟 | 留下评论

說真話不易 It Is Not Easy to Tell the Truth

It’s not easy to tell the truth.


To tell it, you must first overcome your own fears. Because the truth may offend some people. Even if you just say something like “today’s weather is hahahahaha”, which should not offend anyone, someone will feel offended because he/she may not like you in the first place; and he/she will come to pick on you and say: how dare you say “today’s weather is hahahahaha” when so many people are suffering today?


If this person is completely unrelated to you, so be it, you can just ignore it.


However, if you happen to think that he/she is actually quite related to you, and may even “represent” you in some sense, and his/her somewhat ridiculous, radical, and incorrect ideas or ways of thinking will hurt him/her, and everything related to him/her, of course, including you, what can you do?


Maybe you will summon up your courage and say it.


But anything you say, as I said before, is half up to the speaker and half up to the listener.


When listeners hear you say this, they will work out what you mean according to their own ideas and imagination. You may not mean what they think you mean, they will say this is what you are and what you mean anyway and throw a bunch of labels on you. They may even go around and ask others to ignore you, not to share your posts, etc. They may even block you and stop listening or talking to you at all.


But your purpose of getting on social media is to spread what you think is important. If everyone ignores you, does not share your posts, what are you here for?


Of course, you may say, let them go, there are still a lot of people who will care about what you say, and will give you a like.


However …… are you sure that more people will like you than step on you?


So after a round of “comprehensive measurement”, you may shrink back and not say anything ……


Or, like what I am doing now, going around and around, and beating around the bush?


It’s tiring, isn’t it?


But this is the real state of the world. We can only accept it, and do our little bit to see if it can be improved, right?



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发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟 | 留下评论

Exclusive: The CCP’s Police Head Zhao Kezhi Removed for Mishandling the Peng Shuai Incident

Zhao Kezhi, Ministry of Public Security of China, was just from his position as the Party Secretary for mishandling the incident of Peng Shuai’s sexual assault allegations against former Chinese vice premier Zhang Gaoli, according to an overseas Chinese professor.

Zhao Kezhi in a meeting.

Australian-based Chinese writer, Professor Yuan Hongbing told Chinese language media Vision Secret China yesterday (Nov 25) that a fierce power struggle lies behind the recently very hot Peng Shuai incident, and Zhao Kezhi was removed for mishandling this affair.

According to Yuan Hongbing, the Peng Shuai incident was closely related to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s recent Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee. Xi Jinping wanted to openly criticize and deny Jiang Zemin’s time and policies, to establish his own “new era” and authority within the CCP before the session.

However, Xi Jinping’s plan was met with a backlash within the party; and Zhang Gaoli was a leading opponent of Xi Jinping. Zhang not only openly opposed Xi Jinping himself, but also tried to align with other retired members of the Standing Committee of the CCP Politburo. And all these happened right before the Sixth Plenary Session, which officially opened on Nov 8.

Under this circumstance, Xi Jinping wanted to give Zhang Gaoli a lesson by using Peng Shuai’s affair as a warning sign and a method to silence Zhang. It was at this point in time that Peng Shuai’s Weibo post was allowed to be posted, under the arrangement of Zhao Kezhi.

However, Xi Jinping did not expect was that the Peng Shuai incident would trigger calls for a boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and become a major international crisis against the CCP tyranny as a whole. He only planned to use it as a tool to punish Zhao Gaoli inside China.

Yuan said, Zhao Kezhi was promoted by Hu Jintao, and because Hu Jintao had suffered very bad suppression by Jiang Zemin, so Zhao Kezhi wanted to use Xi Jinping’s hand to avenge Hu Jintao’s suppression, as Zhang Gaoli was a key member of Jiang’s faction.

As a result, Zhao Kezhi was removed from his Party Secretary position on Nov 19, after the Peng Shuai incident became very hot internationally.

In the meantime, Xi Jinping’s man Wang Xiaohong , deputy minister of Ministry of Public Security China , was promoted to the Party Secretary of Public Security Ministry.

Wang Xiaohong in a meeting

Yuan said, although Zhao Kezhi is currently still the minister, he will be removed sooner or later, as it is the CCP’s tradition that the party secretary should also head that department, as the Party leads everything and is above everything.

Zhao Kezhi has been absent from several major meetings recently, so it is widely speculated that something has gone wrong with Zhao Kezhi’s political career.

According to Yuan Hongbin, this is because of Zhao Kezhi’s failed operation of the Peng Shuai incident.

Yuan said, the initial plan was to give Zhang Gaoli and Jiang Zemin some warning messages by releasing Peng Shuai’s post. However, this incident went out of control and triggered a boycott call of the Beijing Winter Olympics, creating a major threat to the CCP. So that’s why Zhao Kezhi was removed.


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👉Jennifer’s Bio 曾錚簡歷:https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/about/

Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 26, 2021.

发表在 Journalism 我的報導 | 留下评论

人消費東西 還是東西消費人?Man for Commodity or Commodity for Man?

“Black Friday sets online sales record; shoppers spend up to $1M per minute.” News headlines like this can be seen everywhere in the past two days. Shall I feel guilty for not contributing even a penny to this record?
I had actually thought about joining in the “Black Friday Shopping Party,” as my internet connection wasn’t working on that day, and the public library wasn’t open, either; so I couldn’t work on my computer anyway.
However, as I tried to figure out where to go and what to buy, I realized that I needed nothing. I had already bought everything I needed, or, I always buy things immediately whenever I need them. Therefore, I found that there was no need for me to join this mad “Black Friday Shopping Party” at all.
So I ended up staying at home and reading a Chinese history book instead.
I also realized that actually people’s materials needs can be very limited. Even if you have eight beds, you can sleep on one only.
However, if you pursue spiritual things instead, there is no boundary. You can have your imagination go wild, and enjoy your boundless spiritual world that costs you nothing.
I don’t know how many people share my feeling. When we say “Black Friday sets online sales record”, we are unknowingly indicating that “sales record” is the most important thing for our society. Have we realized that when we stress on the achievements of our “businesses”, we, as human beings, have actually been turned into slaves of commodities? We are caring more about our sales numbers and business profits than about whether people really need so many things, or whether these things actually make people happy.
For me, I’d rather read headlines that go like this, “People Feel Happy and Satisfied on the Black Friday”, “People Choose to Travel more on this Black Friday as They already Have Everything They Need and Don’t Have to Fight for Deals”, etc.
如果我們的關注點是在人上,那新聞報導可能就會變成「今年黑色星期五 人們感到快樂滿足」,或「今年黑色星期五,更多人選擇出遊,而不必去搶購打折商品」,等等。
Will our society (or our economy) turn worse if we become more humane and less driven by consumption or spending? I don’t think so.


Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on November 26, 2017.

发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟 | 留下评论

口述歷史:《靜水流深》(20 )「天堂河」裏的地獄生活:攻心洗腦才剛剛開始



#静水流深 #法轮功 #口述历史



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发表在 ORAL HISTORY 口述靜水流深 | 留下评论










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发表在 Inspired by Life 人生感悟 | 留下评论