說真話不易 It Is Not Easy to Tell the Truth

It’s not easy to tell the truth.


To tell it, you must first overcome your own fears. Because the truth may offend some people. Even if you just say something like “today’s weather is hahahahaha”, which should not offend anyone, someone will feel offended because he/she may not like you in the first place; and he/she will come to pick on you and say: how dare you say “today’s weather is hahahahaha” when so many people are suffering today?


If this person is completely unrelated to you, so be it, you can just ignore it.


However, if you happen to think that he/she is actually quite related to you, and may even “represent” you in some sense, and his/her somewhat ridiculous, radical, and incorrect ideas or ways of thinking will hurt him/her, and everything related to him/her, of course, including you, what can you do?


Maybe you will summon up your courage and say it.


But anything you say, as I said before, is half up to the speaker and half up to the listener.


When listeners hear you say this, they will work out what you mean according to their own ideas and imagination. You may not mean what they think you mean, they will say this is what you are and what you mean anyway and throw a bunch of labels on you. They may even go around and ask others to ignore you, not to share your posts, etc. They may even block you and stop listening or talking to you at all.


But your purpose of getting on social media is to spread what you think is important. If everyone ignores you, does not share your posts, what are you here for?


Of course, you may say, let them go, there are still a lot of people who will care about what you say, and will give you a like.


However …… are you sure that more people will like you than step on you?


So after a round of “comprehensive measurement”, you may shrink back and not say anything ……


Or, like what I am doing now, going around and around, and beating around the bush?


It’s tiring, isn’t it?


But this is the real state of the world. We can only accept it, and do our little bit to see if it can be improved, right?



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