Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
A few days ago, Reuters reported that “China’s gene giant harvests data from millions of women”. People may have wondered: Why would it do so? What can the company do with the data? Today I will show you a video of a speech made by the director of this company in 2017, as well as two earlier speeches by the CCP’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian, to give you an idea of what could be done with the data it harvested, and why the world should feel very scared.
A Scary Speech by Wang Jian, Director of BGI
Basically Wang Jian, the director of this company called BGI, said back in 2017 that in the next 5-10 years, they can create any life with chemical methods. The progress of artificial life could be faster than artificial intelligence. He also talked about how humankind is experiencing rapid and earthshaking change from transgenics, gene editing, to gene synthesis. He talked about “industrial level gene synthesis” , and how they can create bacteria in just 2 days, and they can create both good and terrible ones, etc.
He also mentioned the creation of a virus, and how the human being’s warfare has evolved from cold weapon, hot weapon, atomic bomb to live weapon, which is, bioweapon, etc.
Without further due, let’s watch the 2 minute speech together. Please make sure you read the English subtitles:
Now, tell us what you think after watching his speech by typing in a comment.

An official report about the 2017 China Shenzhen Business and Global Dragon Business Conference.
This speech was made on Dec 26, 2017, at the 2017 China Shenzhen Business and Global Dragon Business Conference. This is an official report about that conference. Let’s quickly see a few pictures. So these are some of the representatives and speakers at the conference. This is a photo showing everyone standing up when they play the CCP’s National Anthem. You can see there were thousands of people there. This is a photo of the business leaders who won awards.

Some of the representatives and speakers at the conference

Everyone standing up when they play the CCP’s National Anthem

Business leaders who won awards
So, that was in 2017, and Wang Jian, as one of the important speakers in the conference, openly and proudly talked about creating lives, viruses, bacteria, good and terrible ones, in this bioweapon era, and how many basic gene groups they could process in a day, etc.
Man Beaten Up After Exposing BGI’s Problems
Then, from 2018 to 2020, there are quite a few reports that a staff member called Wang Deming at China’s National GeneBank’s Operation Center in Jiangsu Province reported with his real name about some problems with BGI, including that BGI had bribed officials to illegally gain state land to do real estate development, and that BGI had edited the genes of at least 58 babies, and intended to engage in creating “customized humans”, etc.
But BGI had quickly denied all the allegations, and sued Wang Deming.
There were also reports about Wang Deming being threatened and even beaten up very badly in 2020, with his cell phone being robbed. So these are his medical reports, showing that 4 of his ribs were broken. His head, heart and lungs all suffered damages, and he had been hospitalized for 8 days when he posted these images, etc. The medical report was issued on Nov 2, 2020.

Wang Deming beaten up.

4 of Wang Deming’s ribs were broken.

Medical report of Wang Deming
BGI Collects Genetic Data From “Millions” around the World
If we only read these, we might think, oh, it’s a China thing. What do these have to do with us?
Well, now, let’s see this Reuters report published only a few days ago, on July 7.
The report says, “A Chinese gene company selling prenatal tests around the world developed them in collaboration with the country’s military and is using them to collect genetic data from millions of women for sweeping research on the traits of populations”.
Well, “A Chinese gene company” here is exactly BGI. The video we just watched is a speech by its director Wang Jian in 2017.
Reuters’ report says, “ U.S. government advisors warned in March that a vast bank of genomic data that the company, BGI Group, is amassing and analyzing with artificial intelligence could give China a path to economic and military advantage. As science pinpoints new links between genes and human traits, access to the biggest, most diverse set of human genomes is a strategic edge. The technology could propel China to dominate global pharmaceuticals, and also potentially lead to genetically enhanced soldiers, or engineered pathogens to target the U.S. population or food supply.”
“Reuters has found that BGI’s prenatal test, one of the most popular in the world, is a source of genetic data for the company, which has worked with the Chinese military to improve ‘population quality’ and on genetic research to combat hearing loss and altitude sickness in soldiers.”
“So far, more than 8 million women have taken BGI’s prenatal tests globally. BGI has not said how many of the women took the test abroad, and said it only stores location data on women in mainland China.”
“The scale of BGI’s accumulation of prenatal data, and its collaboration with the military in prenatal and neonatal research, have not been previously reported. The company has published at least a dozen joint studies on the tests with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) since 2010, trialling and improving the tests or analyzing the data they provided”.
“DNA data collected from prenatal tests on women outside China has also been stored in China’s government-funded gene database, one of the world’s largest… BGI, in which the Shenzhen city government and Beijing’s largest state investment vehicle took stakes in 2014, runs that gene bank.”
“Beijing made clear in a 2019 regulation that genetic data can be a national security matter, and since 2015 it has restricted foreign researchers from accessing gene data on Chinese people. In contrast, the United States and Britain give foreign researchers access to genetic data, as part of open science policies.”
Reuters also says, “The findings offer new insight into how BGI is using vast computing power to unlock genomic secrets. Previously, Reuters revealed how the company rapidly expanded its gene-sequencing labs globally and gained a role in other nations’ health systems, and how it worked with China’s military on research ranging from mass testing for respiratory pathogens to brain science.”
Reuters says that BGI tests are marketed in at least 13 European Union countries, including Germany, Spain and Denmark, as well as in Britain, Canada, Australia, Thailand, India and Pakistan. They are not sold in the United States, but is a pivotal player in a genomics race between China and the United States.
The data collected by BGI offer insight into foreign populations as well as China’s own. Computer instructions that BGI uses to process the data show it collects a wide range of information about customers besides their genetic code. This includes the women’s country, medical history and the sex of the fetus, etc.
Reuters also reported that “BGI shot to global prominence last year after selling or donating millions of COVID-19 test kits and gene-sequencing labs outside China. U.S. security agencies warned this was part of an effort to collect large amounts of foreign genetic material. BGI said this year it has built 80 COVID-19 labs in 30 countries, which it plans to repurpose for reproductive health screening.”
Reuters also showed screenshots that show “inside BGI’s offices in mainland China, huge screens update in real time as samples harvested from the tests of pregnant Chinese women are uploaded to the China National GeneBank…The screens also show the location of the women.”
Reuters also says that at least 500 women who have taken the test, including some outside China, are stored in the government-funded China National GeneBank.
A report to the U.S. Director of National Intelligence by science and medical experts warned last year that large genomic datasets can be used to design disease therapies, yet they also expose genetic vulnerabilities in a population; an adversary could exploit a susceptibility to disease in a targeted genetic attack.
Reuters reports that as BGI’s testing has grown, so has its secondary research. Two years ago, BGI researchers wrote in a scientific paper that they had re-analyzed 1.93 million tests processed in BGI labs between 2016 and 2017.
Reuters says that BGI has re-used data of most of the tests it processed to do secondary research.
BGI researchers wrote in a 2018 scientific paper published in Cell that “for more than a decade, scientists worldwide have searched for a cost-effective way to study the genetic profiles of a whole population of people. A handful of efforts reached tens of thousands of participants, but anything larger stalled on cost and logistics. Left-over samples and test data from prenatal tests meant BGI could run studies on an unprecedented scale.”
So, from this, we can understand why massive data is so important to BGI.
The Reuters also says that the BGI researchers were also able to trace genetic distinctions between the China’s dominant Han Chinese ethnic group and minorities including Uyghurs and Tibetans, and look at population movements and intermarriage caused by Chinese government policy since 1949.
This data was later released to other Chinese researchers studying how “significantly different” genetic variations in Uyghurs affected their response to drugs.
Well, these are some of the facts reported by Reuters a few days ago.
Now, if we look at these facts and what BGI’s director Wang Jian said in 2017, we will have a better idea of what they could be doing.
First of all, we need to bear in mind that in China, there is no such a thing as a “private sector”, especially when it comes to important issues such as national security and technical edge over other countries.
From Wang Jian’s speech, we can learn that the CCP knows very well that we are in a bioweapon era, and the CCP scientists are dreaming about creating lives, including viruses, bacteria, and “customized humans” with “chemical methods.” They believe lives are just combinations of genes and chemical materials, so they think if they have enough information about genes, they can create any life.
CCP Defense Minister : “Cleaning up America” with Biological Weapons
If they can “create” lives with “chemical methods”, how about destroying lives with the same method?
As early as between 2003 and 2005, two secret speeches made by the CCP’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian were widely circulated on the Internet.
The titles of these two speeches are: “The War Is Coming to Us” and “The War Is Not Far from Us; It Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century.”
In these speeches, apart from advocating war for “the Chinese Century,” Chi also discussed the reasons behind it. He allegedly claimed that in order to gain more living space for the Chinese nation, and for the CCP to maintain its ruling status, it must “lead the Chinese people to go out of China, and to expand the development to overseas countries.”
By “going out”, Chi Haotian meant “clear the land of America” and have their own people take over America.
He said in his speech, “Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space? ”
Then he said, “We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.”
The answer is found in biological weapons.
He said, “Of course, we have not been idle. In the past years, we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind.”
Actually, the CCP considers biological weapons to be the most important weapons for accomplishing their goal of “cleaning up America.”
Chi Haotian credits former CCP leader Deng Xiaoping with putting biological weapons ahead of all other weapon systems in the Chinese arsenal: “When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the version to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.”
He also said, “In the long run, the relationship between China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle…We must not forget that the history of our civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.”
Well, when those speeches were leaked in 2003 and 2005, nobody in the West paid much attention, as it was hard to verify whether they were true or not.
However, as a Chinese who understands the Chinese language and the CCP’s language, I didn’t doubt that they were indeed the speeches of a CCP general.
Only I never expected that 17 years later, the world would be devastated by a virus called COVID19.
Bio War? Gene War? Speeches by CCP Figures & Mass Data Harvesting Say It All
Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
A few days ago, Reuters reported that “China’s gene giant harvests data from millions of women”. People may have wondered: Why would it do so? What can the company do with the data? Today I will show you a video of a speech made by the director of this company in 2017, as well as two earlier speeches by the CCP’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian, to give you an idea of what could be done with the data it harvested, and why the world should feel very scared.
A Scary Speech by Wang Jian, Director of BGI
Basically Wang Jian, the director of this company called BGI, said back in 2017 that in the next 5-10 years, they can create any life with chemical methods. The progress of artificial life could be faster than artificial intelligence. He also talked about how humankind is experiencing rapid and earthshaking change from transgenics, gene editing, to gene synthesis. He talked about “industrial level gene synthesis” , and how they can create bacteria in just 2 days, and they can create both good and terrible ones, etc.
He also mentioned the creation of a virus, and how the human being’s warfare has evolved from cold weapon, hot weapon, atomic bomb to live weapon, which is, bioweapon, etc.
Without further due, let’s watch the 2 minute speech together. Please make sure you read the English subtitles:
Now, tell us what you think after watching his speech by typing in a comment.
An official report about the 2017 China Shenzhen Business and Global Dragon Business Conference.
This speech was made on Dec 26, 2017, at the 2017 China Shenzhen Business and Global Dragon Business Conference. This is an official report about that conference. Let’s quickly see a few pictures. So these are some of the representatives and speakers at the conference. This is a photo showing everyone standing up when they play the CCP’s National Anthem. You can see there were thousands of people there. This is a photo of the business leaders who won awards.
Some of the representatives and speakers at the conference
Everyone standing up when they play the CCP’s National Anthem
Business leaders who won awards
So, that was in 2017, and Wang Jian, as one of the important speakers in the conference, openly and proudly talked about creating lives, viruses, bacteria, good and terrible ones, in this bioweapon era, and how many basic gene groups they could process in a day, etc.
Man Beaten Up After Exposing BGI’s Problems
Then, from 2018 to 2020, there are quite a few reports that a staff member called Wang Deming at China’s National GeneBank’s Operation Center in Jiangsu Province reported with his real name about some problems with BGI, including that BGI had bribed officials to illegally gain state land to do real estate development, and that BGI had edited the genes of at least 58 babies, and intended to engage in creating “customized humans”, etc.
But BGI had quickly denied all the allegations, and sued Wang Deming.
There were also reports about Wang Deming being threatened and even beaten up very badly in 2020, with his cell phone being robbed. So these are his medical reports, showing that 4 of his ribs were broken. His head, heart and lungs all suffered damages, and he had been hospitalized for 8 days when he posted these images, etc. The medical report was issued on Nov 2, 2020.
Wang Deming beaten up.
4 of Wang Deming’s ribs were broken.
Medical report of Wang Deming
BGI Collects Genetic Data From “Millions” around the World
If we only read these, we might think, oh, it’s a China thing. What do these have to do with us?
Well, now, let’s see this Reuters report published only a few days ago, on July 7.
The report says, “A Chinese gene company selling prenatal tests around the world developed them in collaboration with the country’s military and is using them to collect genetic data from millions of women for sweeping research on the traits of populations”.
Well, “A Chinese gene company” here is exactly BGI. The video we just watched is a speech by its director Wang Jian in 2017.
Reuters’ report says, “ U.S. government advisors warned in March that a vast bank of genomic data that the company, BGI Group, is amassing and analyzing with artificial intelligence could give China a path to economic and military advantage. As science pinpoints new links between genes and human traits, access to the biggest, most diverse set of human genomes is a strategic edge. The technology could propel China to dominate global pharmaceuticals, and also potentially lead to genetically enhanced soldiers, or engineered pathogens to target the U.S. population or food supply.”
“Reuters has found that BGI’s prenatal test, one of the most popular in the world, is a source of genetic data for the company, which has worked with the Chinese military to improve ‘population quality’ and on genetic research to combat hearing loss and altitude sickness in soldiers.”
“So far, more than 8 million women have taken BGI’s prenatal tests globally. BGI has not said how many of the women took the test abroad, and said it only stores location data on women in mainland China.”
“The scale of BGI’s accumulation of prenatal data, and its collaboration with the military in prenatal and neonatal research, have not been previously reported. The company has published at least a dozen joint studies on the tests with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) since 2010, trialling and improving the tests or analyzing the data they provided”.
“DNA data collected from prenatal tests on women outside China has also been stored in China’s government-funded gene database, one of the world’s largest… BGI, in which the Shenzhen city government and Beijing’s largest state investment vehicle took stakes in 2014, runs that gene bank.”
“Beijing made clear in a 2019 regulation that genetic data can be a national security matter, and since 2015 it has restricted foreign researchers from accessing gene data on Chinese people. In contrast, the United States and Britain give foreign researchers access to genetic data, as part of open science policies.”
Reuters also says, “The findings offer new insight into how BGI is using vast computing power to unlock genomic secrets. Previously, Reuters revealed how the company rapidly expanded its gene-sequencing labs globally and gained a role in other nations’ health systems, and how it worked with China’s military on research ranging from mass testing for respiratory pathogens to brain science.”
Reuters says that BGI tests are marketed in at least 13 European Union countries, including Germany, Spain and Denmark, as well as in Britain, Canada, Australia, Thailand, India and Pakistan. They are not sold in the United States, but is a pivotal player in a genomics race between China and the United States.
The data collected by BGI offer insight into foreign populations as well as China’s own. Computer instructions that BGI uses to process the data show it collects a wide range of information about customers besides their genetic code. This includes the women’s country, medical history and the sex of the fetus, etc.
Reuters also reported that “BGI shot to global prominence last year after selling or donating millions of COVID-19 test kits and gene-sequencing labs outside China. U.S. security agencies warned this was part of an effort to collect large amounts of foreign genetic material. BGI said this year it has built 80 COVID-19 labs in 30 countries, which it plans to repurpose for reproductive health screening.”
Reuters also showed screenshots that show “inside BGI’s offices in mainland China, huge screens update in real time as samples harvested from the tests of pregnant Chinese women are uploaded to the China National GeneBank…The screens also show the location of the women.”
Reuters also says that at least 500 women who have taken the test, including some outside China, are stored in the government-funded China National GeneBank.
A report to the U.S. Director of National Intelligence by science and medical experts warned last year that large genomic datasets can be used to design disease therapies, yet they also expose genetic vulnerabilities in a population; an adversary could exploit a susceptibility to disease in a targeted genetic attack.
Reuters reports that as BGI’s testing has grown, so has its secondary research. Two years ago, BGI researchers wrote in a scientific paper that they had re-analyzed 1.93 million tests processed in BGI labs between 2016 and 2017.
Reuters says that BGI has re-used data of most of the tests it processed to do secondary research.
BGI researchers wrote in a 2018 scientific paper published in Cell that “for more than a decade, scientists worldwide have searched for a cost-effective way to study the genetic profiles of a whole population of people. A handful of efforts reached tens of thousands of participants, but anything larger stalled on cost and logistics. Left-over samples and test data from prenatal tests meant BGI could run studies on an unprecedented scale.”
So, from this, we can understand why massive data is so important to BGI.
The Reuters also says that the BGI researchers were also able to trace genetic distinctions between the China’s dominant Han Chinese ethnic group and minorities including Uyghurs and Tibetans, and look at population movements and intermarriage caused by Chinese government policy since 1949.
This data was later released to other Chinese researchers studying how “significantly different” genetic variations in Uyghurs affected their response to drugs.
Well, these are some of the facts reported by Reuters a few days ago.
Now, if we look at these facts and what BGI’s director Wang Jian said in 2017, we will have a better idea of what they could be doing.
First of all, we need to bear in mind that in China, there is no such a thing as a “private sector”, especially when it comes to important issues such as national security and technical edge over other countries.
From Wang Jian’s speech, we can learn that the CCP knows very well that we are in a bioweapon era, and the CCP scientists are dreaming about creating lives, including viruses, bacteria, and “customized humans” with “chemical methods.” They believe lives are just combinations of genes and chemical materials, so they think if they have enough information about genes, they can create any life.
CCP Defense Minister : “Cleaning up America” with Biological Weapons
If they can “create” lives with “chemical methods”, how about destroying lives with the same method?
As early as between 2003 and 2005, two secret speeches made by the CCP’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian were widely circulated on the Internet.
The titles of these two speeches are: “The War Is Coming to Us” and “The War Is Not Far from Us; It Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century.”
In these speeches, apart from advocating war for “the Chinese Century,” Chi also discussed the reasons behind it. He allegedly claimed that in order to gain more living space for the Chinese nation, and for the CCP to maintain its ruling status, it must “lead the Chinese people to go out of China, and to expand the development to overseas countries.”
By “going out”, Chi Haotian meant “clear the land of America” and have their own people take over America.
He said in his speech, “Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space? ”
Then he said, “We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.”
The answer is found in biological weapons.
He said, “Of course, we have not been idle. In the past years, we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind.”
Actually, the CCP considers biological weapons to be the most important weapons for accomplishing their goal of “cleaning up America.”
Chi Haotian credits former CCP leader Deng Xiaoping with putting biological weapons ahead of all other weapon systems in the Chinese arsenal: “When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the version to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.”
He also said, “In the long run, the relationship between China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle…We must not forget that the history of our civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.”
Well, when those speeches were leaked in 2003 and 2005, nobody in the West paid much attention, as it was hard to verify whether they were true or not.
However, as a Chinese who understands the Chinese language and the CCP’s language, I didn’t doubt that they were indeed the speeches of a CCP general.
Only I never expected that 17 years later, the world would be devastated by a virus called COVID19.