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My Quit the CCP Declaration: a reflection of how I was deceived by the Chinese Communist Party into joining it, and how I woke up. The Chinese nation has been occupied and possessed by the CCP evil specter for too long and is therefore critically “ill.” For an ill person, or for somebody who is controlled by a foreign specter, nobody would ask, “What will this person do without his illness or specter?”
我的退黨聲明:我是怎樣被騙入黨,又是怎樣覺醒並退出的。 被共產邪靈附體多年的中華民族,已經「病」得太深了。對於一個病人,或被外來靈體控制的人,從來沒有人會問:「沒有了他的病(或附體),這個人怎麼辦?」因此,擔心「沒有了共產黨,誰來領導中國」,就跟擔心一個多年臥床不起的人,沒有了病還會不會生活了一樣,完全是杞人憂天。擺脫共產邪靈後的中國,定會像一個被「鬼迷心竅」及疾病纏身多年的病人,突然去掉了病根、擺脫了心智上的迷惑一般,迅速恢復健康,再現活力。
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Video: The Story of My Father (VII) 視頻:我的父親(第七集)
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My Quit the CCP Declaration: a reflection of how I was deceived by the Chinese Communist Party into joining it, and how I woke up. The Chinese nation has been occupied and possessed by the CCP evil specter for too long and is therefore critically “ill.” For an ill person, or for somebody who is controlled by a foreign specter, nobody would ask, “What will this person do without his illness or specter?”
我的退黨聲明:我是怎樣被騙入黨,又是怎樣覺醒並退出的。 被共產邪靈附體多年的中華民族,已經「病」得太深了。對於一個病人,或被外來靈體控制的人,從來沒有人會問:「沒有了他的病(或附體),這個人怎麼辦?」因此,擔心「沒有了共產黨,誰來領導中國」,就跟擔心一個多年臥床不起的人,沒有了病還會不會生活了一樣,完全是杞人憂天。擺脫共產邪靈後的中國,定會像一個被「鬼迷心竅」及疾病纏身多年的病人,突然去掉了病根、擺脫了心智上的迷惑一般,迅速恢復健康,再現活力。
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Truth Saves Lives. Subscribe and support! 真相能救命。請支持!
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Patreon 網站:https://bit.ly/3cvBy3H
Paypal 捐款:http://paypal.me/JenniferZeng97