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The story I am telling here is not the plot of a Hollywood movie, but it’s more thrilling than a Hollywood movie… After about one hour, the train arrived at the next stop, which was more than 50 kilometers (about 31 miles) away. I had searched from the first to the last car of the long train a couple of times, but still didn’t see any trace of my sister. Not knowing what to do, I got off the train. It was about 3:00 am in the morning; with heavy rain pouring down. Everything was so dark, and so strange. Standing in the pouring rain, my heart kept sinking and sinking…
我所經歷的真事,它不是好萊塢電影中的情節,卻比好萊塢電影更加驚險曲折…… 大約一小時後,火車到達了50多公里外的下一站。此時我已經從車頭擠到車尾,擠了好幾個來回,但還是不見妹妹的蹤影。萬般無奈中,我只好補張票下車。這時已是凌晨三點,下著滂沱大雨。陌生的城市一片漆黑,無比陌生。站在瓢潑大雨中,我無處可去,無計可施,心比鉛還要沉……
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Video: The Story of My Father (V) 視頻:我的父親(第五集)
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The story I am telling here is not the plot of a Hollywood movie, but it’s more thrilling than a Hollywood movie… After about one hour, the train arrived at the next stop, which was more than 50 kilometers (about 31 miles) away. I had searched from the first to the last car of the long train a couple of times, but still didn’t see any trace of my sister. Not knowing what to do, I got off the train. It was about 3:00 am in the morning; with heavy rain pouring down. Everything was so dark, and so strange. Standing in the pouring rain, my heart kept sinking and sinking…
我所經歷的真事,它不是好萊塢電影中的情節,卻比好萊塢電影更加驚險曲折…… 大約一小時後,火車到達了50多公里外的下一站。此時我已經從車頭擠到車尾,擠了好幾個來回,但還是不見妹妹的蹤影。萬般無奈中,我只好補張票下車。這時已是凌晨三點,下著滂沱大雨。陌生的城市一片漆黑,無比陌生。站在瓢潑大雨中,我無處可去,無計可施,心比鉛還要沉……
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Truth Saves Lives. Subscribe and support! 真相能救命。請支持!
Subscribestar 會員頻道: https://bit.ly/3fEzeJB
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GoFundme 衆籌:https://bit.ly/2zx6LVw
Patreon 網站:https://bit.ly/3cvBy3H
Paypal 捐款:http://paypal.me/JenniferZeng97