Di Dongsheng: How the Deep State Treats and Fights with Trump

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

We all know that the CCP expert, professor Di Dongsheng has become very famous in the past few days after President Trump tweeted his speech, in which he boasted about how the CCP could fix everything in the US before Trump was elected,  as it had its own people at the “top”, etc. 

Today I will drop another bombshell, another speech also made by Di Dongsheng. In this video you’re about to see, he discusses a somewhat taboo topic in the US: The deep state, the invisible government,  who they are, how they operate and connect with each other, etc. Di Dongsheng says that these people regard themselves as the real rulers of the US, and that he knows some of these people.

However, Donald Trump’s election in 2016 destroyed the established order and system; so these people hate him very much. And then Di Dongsheng talks about how the deep state has treated and fought with Trump. 

I must put a disclaimer here that the video I am going to release now is not created by me. I only added the English subtitles to it. All the images and photos in it were chosen by its original creator. I believe it was done by Guan Studio in China and was published in August last year. The title of it is “The Fatal War Between the US and China”. 

Now, let’s watch this new bombshell.


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