Same CCP Expert: What Can Biden “Contribute” to China?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

On Dec. 7, President Trump tweeted a Tucker Carlson show featuring a Chinese professor claiming that the CCP has its own people on the top in the US, at the core inner circle of power & influence, and President Trump is the only one that the CCP cannot fix through Wall Street, etc. In less than one day, that video got more than 4 M views.

You may or may not know that the video Tucker Carlson used in his show was translated and produced by me. It was a pity that he didn’t give me credit. I released that professor’s full, 18-minute speech with English titles on Dec. 4. 

Today, I found another video of the same professor talking about the US election. The title of that video is “Trump Stalls China with Trade War, What Can Biden ‘Contribute’ in the Future?” When he said “What Can Biden ‘Contribute’ “, he meant “What Can Biden ‘Contribute’ to China.”

The video is 12 minutes long; and toward the end, he confirmed what he said in his last video, which is, the CCP prefers Biden to Trump because it can successfully make deals with Biden. Trump started a trade war with China that hurts, but Biden will stop it, etc. 

This professor Di Dongsheng is obviously looking forward to the time when Biden is in the White House. He mentioned especially that Biden had promised that he would eliminate the tariffs on Chinese goods imposed by Trump.

He also said that after Biden is in power, China and the United States can “demonstrate”  that the two countries can lead the world together. 

This video was published on Nov. 11, 2020. Now, let’s take a look.

Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean of the School of International Relations, Renmin University of China, Vice Director and Secretary of the Center for Foreign Strategic Studies of China

If in the end, on January 20th of next year, the Biden administration is able to form a cabinet, and govern smoothly, then in terms of future relations between China and the U.S., or among China, the U.S., Europe, among the three major economies, the only two topics that can be exchanged happily, are probably, first, climate change, environmental protection, the Green New Deal, and so on, and second, global public health governance, cooperation to deal with the global pandemic.

If the Chinese government can negotiate with the Biden administration on joint cooperation in these two areas, then we can demonstrate that China and the United States can lead the entire world together, to deal with global public crises, such kind of leadership

According to my personal observation, Mr. Biden is, on the whole, an open-minded person with a relatively high EQ and stable temper. He is the one we can negotiate operation successfully.

But it is a pity that he is older, so it’s hard to say whether he’ll be able to be there for eight years.

For the trade sector, Trump’s tariff war will definitely be stopped by Biden, which he has actually said publicly.


CCP Expert: We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street, But with Biden …

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