Hello everyone, nice to see you again.
I know I have not finished my timeline of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party’s cover-up of the CCP virus pandemic yet. But today because there is some very time-sensitive information from a very unique source, so I’d like to do a program to share that important information first. Then I will go back to my timeline of CCP’s cover-ups.
So what is the important information?
Click here to watch the video:
A resident in Wuhan revealed a very important fact, which can be indicating that the origin of the Coronavirus or the CCP virus is the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology Institute, instead of the Huanan, or South China Seafood Market as claimed by the CCP. And his main supporting fact is that on Dec. 31 of 2019, he saw many, many ambulances coming from Jiangxia District and sending patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region of People’s Liberation Army. As Jiangxia District is where the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology Institute is located, and the General Hospital of the Central Military Region is very far from Jiangxia District, and at the other side of the Yangzi River running through Wuhan City, so he believed that at that time, all hospitals in Jiangxia District must have already been overwhelmed by patients so that more patients had to be sent to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region.
Now, let’s go over what this resident said to his friend.
What we see now on the screen is the chat record of this Wuhan resident with his friend. Let’s do a word for word translation of the chat record first. So he says:

I went out to buy masks at dusk on December 31st, because when CCP detained 8 doctors when CCAV called them “rumor mongers”, I knew what it implied.
Actually, when this resident says CCAV, he actually means CCTV, China Central Television. Many people in China call CCTV CCAV, because of the very messy sexual relationships inside the CCTV. Some female anchors, as well as some female performers whose performances are often covered by the CCTV are mistresses, or sexual partners outside marriage, of party leaders. So people call CCTV as CCAV, AV means “adult videos”.
Now let’s go back to the chat record of this Wuhan resident. He says:
I had been hearing ambulance sirens all morning on December 31st. I heard the ambulance siren [ˈsaɪrən] more than ten times at least since I got up at 9am until I went to sleep at night. (I knew it’s ambulance because China’s police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances have different siren tunes.)
Also, because of the unusual, way too many ambulances, I became alarmed, plus that I had read some reports from foreign media. So I decided to go buy masks right away.

The nearest big hospital from my home is the General Hospital of the Central Military Region of People’s Liberation Army, which is of course also open to the public. It’s a 20-minute walk from my home to this hospital. I didn’t go home right after I bought masks, but I went towards the hospital. In this 20 minutes, 3 ambulances passed with sirens blaring. Two of them had “Jiangxia District Emergency Center” written on theI arrived at the crossroad in front of the hospital, and observed the situation of the hospital from the overbridge.

Remember the CCP’s initial propaganda? It insists that the South China Seafood Market on Xinhua Road in Hankou is the source of the virus, talking about bats, pangolins, civets, etc…
Then why did the ambulances come from Jiangxia?
If the outbreak had reached Jiangxia District on Dec.31, the downtown area of Wuhan would have completely fallen long ago. It is impossible that there were almost no patients in my neighborhood at that time.
I’m not a medical expert, but at least I understand the basics of epidemiology.
Hankou’s South China Seafood Market on Xinhua Road is on the other side of the Yangtze river. It is far away even from the river on the other side.

If the infection really started from Xinhua Road in Hankou and spread to Jiangxia District, right in the middle of this route is the downtown area, the most densely populated area, how come so few people were infected?
That is to say, on Dec. 31, apart from the fact that there were many patients in Jinyintan Hospital in Hankou, there were also many patients coming from Jiangxia District.
Another question.
Jiangxia is several thousand meters away from my home. Why did the ambulances from Jiangxia take patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region near my home?
If the hospital in Jiangxia District is not full of patients, would the medical staff go so far as to send the patients to the hospital near my home?
Let me show you what I just researched from Baidu maps.

If you chose “recommended routes”, it recommends two routes to you, one is going through the Wuchang railway station, and another is through the Second Ring of Luoshi Road.
December 31 is winter. So it got dark very early on. When I got out to buy masks, it was the evening peak time when people were going home from work. So the traffic near the Wuchang Railway Station, as well as the Second Ring of Luoshi Road was very heavy.
When you are rushing patients to a hospital, it doesn’t do if there is a traffic jam. However, there is no traffic jam at the road in front of my home, which is Shipailing Road, even at the evening peak hours, there is no traffic jam.
On the other hand, all our local people know, the traffic jams are very, very heavy at Wuchang Railway Station and the Second Ring of Luoshi Road.
This is a close up image of the route.

So, what do you see? Yes, if you choose “the shortest route” from “Biotechnology Zone Station at Jinlong Street” to the General Hospital of Central Military Region, it will recommend the route passing through Shipailing Road in front of my home.
(By the way, “Biotechnology Zone Station” this resident talked about is in Jiangxia District where the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology is located. So this Wuhan resident chose it as the starting point for the route of the ambulances coming from Jiangxia District to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region.
OK, let’s go back to the chat record. This Wuhan resident continues to say: )
So let’s suppose that the virus was indeed leaked from the lab. Of course, the people, the researchers of the Virology Institute, could not fill all the hospitals in Jiangxia District to the point that they had to send extra patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region near my home.

However, there are factories near the Virology Institute. If the leaked virus had polluted the water source, or had been spread over other channels, and had infected workers nearby, and because this disease had an incubation period of 14 days, people might have it without knowing that they have it. So, in this way, they infected other workers in the factories. After they went home, they infected their families and their neighbors. So in this way more and more people were infected. As a result, the hospitals in Jiangxia District were all overcrowded and full of patients. So they had to send the patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region.
What I see from the Baidu map shows that there are no residential buildings near the Virology Institute.

The staff of the Virology Institute and the workers of the nearby factories, if they want to go to work, the only way is to take the only bus, bus No. 919 that passes the Virology Institute. Otherwise they can also ride an electric bicycle, or maybe they have factory shuttle buses to shuttle their workers to and from work. Because I haven’t been there, I won’t make too much speculation about this.
From the Baidu map, we can see the nearest residential area is about some four kilometers away from the Virology Institute.
So, what I said about the leaking of the virus is just an assumption. So based on that assumption, we draw another assumption that workers nearby were infected, and then they infected one another, as well as their families and neighbors.

However, what I said above, and what I saw on the day of December 31, and the search result from the Baidu map are all facts. I can promise you, and I can also promise to the people in the entire world that what I saw on that day is all real. And I hope that you can somehow expose what I said to you to the outside world. Of course, don’t make too much fuss about my assumption and my speculations based on my assumption.
OK, the above is the entire word for word translation of the chat record of this Wuhan resident.
Then his friend responds by saying:
“Good job! I will erase your identity and upload this information to PTT. Many overseas Chinese YouTubers are all suspecting that the CCP is lying about the origin of the virus.”
OK, that’s all about the chat record of this Wuhan resident with his friend.
If what this resident says is true, we have one more reason to believe the origin of the CCP virus is the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology Institute.
If at the end of December, hospitals in Jiangxia District in Wuhan could no longer take more patients, given the CCP virus has an incubation period of 14 days, we can assume that the outbreak date could be as early as November.
As a matter of fact, South China Morning Post already reported that “The first case of someone in China suffering from Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, can be traced back to November 17, according to government data seen by the South China Morning Post.”
The report also says, “Of the first nine cases to be reported in November – four men and five women – none has been confirmed as being ‘patient zero’. They were all aged between 39 and 79, but it is unknown how many were residents of Wuhan.
“It is possible that there were reported cases dating back even earlier than those seen by the Post.”
Up to now, we don’t know what kind of “government data” the South China Morning Post has seen, and who is the ‘patient zero’, and when, where, how that ‘patient zero’ was infected.
What we do know are the following facts, which I already discussed in the 2nd episode of my program “The Comprehensive Timeline of the CCP’s Cover-up of COVID-19 Pandemic”:
On Jan. 1, after several batches of genome sequence results had been returned to hospitals and submitted to health authorities, an employee of one genomics company received a phone call from an official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, ordering the company to stop testing samples from Wuhan related to the new disease and to destroy all existing samples.
On Jan. 2, Wang Yanyi, director of Wuhan Virology Institute, issued a notice to researchers to pass on a telephone message by China’s National Health Commission, forbidding anyone from disclosing epidemic related information including tests, lab data, results, and conclusions to any media outlets, including official media, or to partner institutions including technical service companies. Researchers were also banned from releasing information on social media platforms or to anyone who runs personal media platforms.
Also on Jan. 2, while virtually nobody had known anything about the nature of this “pneumonia of unclear cause”, a military university in Wuhan, Naval University of Engineering issued a lockdown notice and started to strictly control the entry of any outsiders. Visitors needed special permission to get in and must take a temperature at the school gate. Anyone whose temperature was higher than 38 degrees was prohibited from entering. Please note this was 18 days before the CCP admitted that there was an epidemic and 21 days before the lockdown of Wuhan. Why did a military university take such a step at such an early stage? That is a question to be answered by the CCP.
I am glad to see that President Trump confirmed on Friday that “the U.S. government and intelligence agencies are investigating if the coronavirus outbreak began from poor security at a Wuhan laboratory”. I hope the latest information I shared today can offer another perspective to this investigation.
That’s all for today. Thank you for watching. Truth does save lives. Please subscribe to my channel and share it.
Thank you again, see you next time.
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Chase Quickpay/Zelle 轉款: heavenlyriver9707@gmail.com
Transferwise 轉款:heavenlyriver9707@gmail.com
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P4 Lab in Wuhan, The Origin of CCP Virus: More Evidence?
Hello everyone, nice to see you again.
I know I have not finished my timeline of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party’s cover-up of the CCP virus pandemic yet. But today because there is some very time-sensitive information from a very unique source, so I’d like to do a program to share that important information first. Then I will go back to my timeline of CCP’s cover-ups.
So what is the important information?
Click here to watch the video:
A resident in Wuhan revealed a very important fact, which can be indicating that the origin of the Coronavirus or the CCP virus is the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology Institute, instead of the Huanan, or South China Seafood Market as claimed by the CCP. And his main supporting fact is that on Dec. 31 of 2019, he saw many, many ambulances coming from Jiangxia District and sending patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region of People’s Liberation Army. As Jiangxia District is where the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology Institute is located, and the General Hospital of the Central Military Region is very far from Jiangxia District, and at the other side of the Yangzi River running through Wuhan City, so he believed that at that time, all hospitals in Jiangxia District must have already been overwhelmed by patients so that more patients had to be sent to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region.
Now, let’s go over what this resident said to his friend.
What we see now on the screen is the chat record of this Wuhan resident with his friend. Let’s do a word for word translation of the chat record first. So he says:
I went out to buy masks at dusk on December 31st, because when CCP detained 8 doctors when CCAV called them “rumor mongers”, I knew what it implied.
Actually, when this resident says CCAV, he actually means CCTV, China Central Television. Many people in China call CCTV CCAV, because of the very messy sexual relationships inside the CCTV. Some female anchors, as well as some female performers whose performances are often covered by the CCTV are mistresses, or sexual partners outside marriage, of party leaders. So people call CCTV as CCAV, AV means “adult videos”.
Now let’s go back to the chat record of this Wuhan resident. He says:
I had been hearing ambulance sirens all morning on December 31st. I heard the ambulance siren [ˈsaɪrən] more than ten times at least since I got up at 9am until I went to sleep at night. (I knew it’s ambulance because China’s police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances have different siren tunes.)
Also, because of the unusual, way too many ambulances, I became alarmed, plus that I had read some reports from foreign media. So I decided to go buy masks right away.
The nearest big hospital from my home is the General Hospital of the Central Military Region of People’s Liberation Army, which is of course also open to the public. It’s a 20-minute walk from my home to this hospital. I didn’t go home right after I bought masks, but I went towards the hospital. In this 20 minutes, 3 ambulances passed with sirens blaring. Two of them had “Jiangxia District Emergency Center” written on theI arrived at the crossroad in front of the hospital, and observed the situation of the hospital from the overbridge.
Remember the CCP’s initial propaganda? It insists that the South China Seafood Market on Xinhua Road in Hankou is the source of the virus, talking about bats, pangolins, civets, etc…
Then why did the ambulances come from Jiangxia?
If the outbreak had reached Jiangxia District on Dec.31, the downtown area of Wuhan would have completely fallen long ago. It is impossible that there were almost no patients in my neighborhood at that time.
I’m not a medical expert, but at least I understand the basics of epidemiology.
Hankou’s South China Seafood Market on Xinhua Road is on the other side of the Yangtze river. It is far away even from the river on the other side.
If the infection really started from Xinhua Road in Hankou and spread to Jiangxia District, right in the middle of this route is the downtown area, the most densely populated area, how come so few people were infected?
That is to say, on Dec. 31, apart from the fact that there were many patients in Jinyintan Hospital in Hankou, there were also many patients coming from Jiangxia District.
Another question.
Jiangxia is several thousand meters away from my home. Why did the ambulances from Jiangxia take patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region near my home?
If the hospital in Jiangxia District is not full of patients, would the medical staff go so far as to send the patients to the hospital near my home?
Let me show you what I just researched from Baidu maps.
If you chose “recommended routes”, it recommends two routes to you, one is going through the Wuchang railway station, and another is through the Second Ring of Luoshi Road.
December 31 is winter. So it got dark very early on. When I got out to buy masks, it was the evening peak time when people were going home from work. So the traffic near the Wuchang Railway Station, as well as the Second Ring of Luoshi Road was very heavy.
When you are rushing patients to a hospital, it doesn’t do if there is a traffic jam. However, there is no traffic jam at the road in front of my home, which is Shipailing Road, even at the evening peak hours, there is no traffic jam.
On the other hand, all our local people know, the traffic jams are very, very heavy at Wuchang Railway Station and the Second Ring of Luoshi Road.
This is a close up image of the route.
So, what do you see? Yes, if you choose “the shortest route” from “Biotechnology Zone Station at Jinlong Street” to the General Hospital of Central Military Region, it will recommend the route passing through Shipailing Road in front of my home.
(By the way, “Biotechnology Zone Station” this resident talked about is in Jiangxia District where the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology is located. So this Wuhan resident chose it as the starting point for the route of the ambulances coming from Jiangxia District to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region.
OK, let’s go back to the chat record. This Wuhan resident continues to say: )
So let’s suppose that the virus was indeed leaked from the lab. Of course, the people, the researchers of the Virology Institute, could not fill all the hospitals in Jiangxia District to the point that they had to send extra patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region near my home.
However, there are factories near the Virology Institute. If the leaked virus had polluted the water source, or had been spread over other channels, and had infected workers nearby, and because this disease had an incubation period of 14 days, people might have it without knowing that they have it. So, in this way, they infected other workers in the factories. After they went home, they infected their families and their neighbors. So in this way more and more people were infected. As a result, the hospitals in Jiangxia District were all overcrowded and full of patients. So they had to send the patients to the General Hospital of the Central Military Region.
What I see from the Baidu map shows that there are no residential buildings near the Virology Institute.
The staff of the Virology Institute and the workers of the nearby factories, if they want to go to work, the only way is to take the only bus, bus No. 919 that passes the Virology Institute. Otherwise they can also ride an electric bicycle, or maybe they have factory shuttle buses to shuttle their workers to and from work. Because I haven’t been there, I won’t make too much speculation about this.
From the Baidu map, we can see the nearest residential area is about some four kilometers away from the Virology Institute.
So, what I said about the leaking of the virus is just an assumption. So based on that assumption, we draw another assumption that workers nearby were infected, and then they infected one another, as well as their families and neighbors.
However, what I said above, and what I saw on the day of December 31, and the search result from the Baidu map are all facts. I can promise you, and I can also promise to the people in the entire world that what I saw on that day is all real. And I hope that you can somehow expose what I said to you to the outside world. Of course, don’t make too much fuss about my assumption and my speculations based on my assumption.
OK, the above is the entire word for word translation of the chat record of this Wuhan resident.
Then his friend responds by saying:
“Good job! I will erase your identity and upload this information to PTT. Many overseas Chinese YouTubers are all suspecting that the CCP is lying about the origin of the virus.”
OK, that’s all about the chat record of this Wuhan resident with his friend.
If what this resident says is true, we have one more reason to believe the origin of the CCP virus is the P4 lab of Wuhan Virology Institute.
If at the end of December, hospitals in Jiangxia District in Wuhan could no longer take more patients, given the CCP virus has an incubation period of 14 days, we can assume that the outbreak date could be as early as November.
As a matter of fact, South China Morning Post already reported that “The first case of someone in China suffering from Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, can be traced back to November 17, according to government data seen by the South China Morning Post.”
The report also says, “Of the first nine cases to be reported in November – four men and five women – none has been confirmed as being ‘patient zero’. They were all aged between 39 and 79, but it is unknown how many were residents of Wuhan.
“It is possible that there were reported cases dating back even earlier than those seen by the Post.”
Up to now, we don’t know what kind of “government data” the South China Morning Post has seen, and who is the ‘patient zero’, and when, where, how that ‘patient zero’ was infected.
What we do know are the following facts, which I already discussed in the 2nd episode of my program “The Comprehensive Timeline of the CCP’s Cover-up of COVID-19 Pandemic”:
On Jan. 1, after several batches of genome sequence results had been returned to hospitals and submitted to health authorities, an employee of one genomics company received a phone call from an official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, ordering the company to stop testing samples from Wuhan related to the new disease and to destroy all existing samples.
On Jan. 2, Wang Yanyi, director of Wuhan Virology Institute, issued a notice to researchers to pass on a telephone message by China’s National Health Commission, forbidding anyone from disclosing epidemic related information including tests, lab data, results, and conclusions to any media outlets, including official media, or to partner institutions including technical service companies. Researchers were also banned from releasing information on social media platforms or to anyone who runs personal media platforms.
Also on Jan. 2, while virtually nobody had known anything about the nature of this “pneumonia of unclear cause”, a military university in Wuhan, Naval University of Engineering issued a lockdown notice and started to strictly control the entry of any outsiders. Visitors needed special permission to get in and must take a temperature at the school gate. Anyone whose temperature was higher than 38 degrees was prohibited from entering. Please note this was 18 days before the CCP admitted that there was an epidemic and 21 days before the lockdown of Wuhan. Why did a military university take such a step at such an early stage? That is a question to be answered by the CCP.
I am glad to see that President Trump confirmed on Friday that “the U.S. government and intelligence agencies are investigating if the coronavirus outbreak began from poor security at a Wuhan laboratory”. I hope the latest information I shared today can offer another perspective to this investigation.
That’s all for today. Thank you for watching. Truth does save lives. Please subscribe to my channel and share it.
Thank you again, see you next time.
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GoFundme: 衆籌網:https://www.gofundme.com/f/telling-the-truth-about-covid19-ccp-amp-china
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Paypal 捐款:http://paypal.me/JenniferZeng97
Chase Quickpay/Zelle 轉款: heavenlyriver9707@gmail.com
Transferwise 轉款:heavenlyriver9707@gmail.com
tranferwise register 帳號免費註冊:https://transferwise.com/invite/u/e