Urgent Notice
All county, town and village departments,
All government departments in all towns and villages must continue to implement the level 1 response measures, resume all previous disease prevent and control measures and make sure nothing goes wrong when leaders from the province come to make unannounced inspections this week. Implement all control measures at all communities, esp. old communities. For densely populated places such as hotels, markets, liquor stores, and parks, resume temperature taking and registering (mainly applied to people from other places, Hubei and Wuhan.) In the meantime, take control measures in villages according to local situations. All the above measures must be implemented within one hour.
Xingtai County(of Hebei Province) Coronavirus Pneumonia Control Office
Apr. 13, 2020

Urgent Lockdown Notice
1. All communities immediately resume the previous disease prevention and control measures
2. Set up inspection points at all major roads of all villages and towns. Take the temperature of and register any person coming from outside
3. Adopt strict disease prevention and control measures including disinfection, taking temperatures of and registering people at densely populated sites such as supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, parks.
The above measure must be adopted by 12:00 today.
Neiqiu County (of Hebei Province) Coronavirus Pneumonia Control Office
Apr. 13, 2020

Photos from Xingtai, showing villages on lockdown again. 邢臺圖片,顯示再次封路封村。

Urgent Lockdown Notices from Hebei Province in China 河北第二波封城通知
Urgent Notice
All county, town and village departments,
All government departments in all towns and villages must continue to implement the level 1 response measures, resume all previous disease prevent and control measures and make sure nothing goes wrong when leaders from the province come to make unannounced inspections this week. Implement all control measures at all communities, esp. old communities. For densely populated places such as hotels, markets, liquor stores, and parks, resume temperature taking and registering (mainly applied to people from other places, Hubei and Wuhan.) In the meantime, take control measures in villages according to local situations. All the above measures must be implemented within one hour.
Xingtai County(of Hebei Province) Coronavirus Pneumonia Control Office
Apr. 13, 2020
Urgent Lockdown Notice
1. All communities immediately resume the previous disease prevention and control measures
2. Set up inspection points at all major roads of all villages and towns. Take the temperature of and register any person coming from outside
3. Adopt strict disease prevention and control measures including disinfection, taking temperatures of and registering people at densely populated sites such as supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, parks.
The above measure must be adopted by 12:00 today.
Neiqiu County (of Hebei Province) Coronavirus Pneumonia Control Office
Apr. 13, 2020
Photos from Xingtai, showing villages on lockdown again. 邢臺圖片,顯示再次封路封村。