Today I will talk about two extremely different, actually completely opposite, but both very sensational events in the entertainment, or art community, as well as what we can learn from these two events.
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Anyway, I do hope this member area can become a better channel for us to communicate without fearing the big tech’s suppression. Sometimes I feel very sad that America, and maybe other countries too, have become like this, when we don’t have free speech any more. But I always remember a saying in Chinese, “It is not because there is hope that we fight, but because we fight, there is hope.”
Today I have a big announcement to make regarding the membership and donation function on my website, then I will discuss a question that has puzzled many people for a long time: Why hasn’t the Chinese Economy collapsed despite all the Crises?
Membership Announcement
First of all, I am so excited to announce that I have set up a membership and donation function on my website at, so that I can start creating and offering exclusive content and services for members, as well as fight back against the big tech companies’ censorship and suppression.
Benefits for members include, but are not limited to:
4. First 50 members can get a free signed copy of Magnifissance magazine with me featured as the cover story!
I started my channel “ Inconvenient Truths “ in April last year, during the peak of the COVID19 pandemic to tell the truth about the virus, about China, the Chinese Communist Party and the world.
Since then I’ve created hundreds of videos, and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. Some say I have saved an astronomical number of lives, some say I am key in making this world a better place, some say my life is a gift to the world, some say the information I offer is always ahead of mainstream media, etc.
The most encouraging feedback I got is from a Teddy bear maker in Alaska. Because she learned the truth about the pandemic from me early enough, she was able to move faster than others, and turned her factory into a fabric mask maker before everyone was rushing to buy masks. And this has made a world of difference for both her and her employees!
However, unfortunately, because of the big tech companies’ censorship and suppression, the impact I am making is still limited, and I always struggle to cover costs so that I can survive. The views of my videos suddenly dropped by almost 90% since January this year, and the number of my subscribers almost stopped growing at all.
Therefore, in order to spread the truth, to fight back against big tech, I do need your support.
Please sign up or make a donation so that more people can be helped through your generosity.
We are living in an unprecedented time in a fast changing world. And Truth does matter.
Sign up or donate. I do count on you. Thank you so much on behalf of all my audience!
Now, let’s move to our next topic: Why hasn’t the Chinese economy collapsed?
After watching my show “ I Also Survived “Squid Game”. How? “ , one viewer asked: “Is there a channel or site on any of the platforms where victims of the CCP can post photos of the regime’s brutality or photos of missing loved ones? I would imagine it would be a very popular site.”
And I replied: “I once met a woman in Melbourne. Her brother was persecuted to death for practicing Falun Gong, but his case or his name was not included in the death list compiled by overseas Falun Gong practitioners at .
“I asked her whether she wanted me to help her submit his brother’s case to, she refused.
“She still had family in China. She dared not.
“She herself was not a Falun Gong practitioner, but was once also put in jail, as she owned a printing factory and once helped Falun Gong practitioners with printing Falun Gong flyers before the persecution started, when everybody thought Falun Gong was good. She was put into an iron cage, her bra taken away, so her upper body was naked. And the police shone a bright light on her and did not let her close her eyes for several days and nights…
Netflix’s “Squid Game” has recently become a global hit. So many people have been watching and talking about it. Before I had a chance to watch it, someone sent me a long report from the Mirror, titled “Horrific real-life Squid Game sees ‘thousands of prisoners harvested for organs ALIVE’”. This story has a subheading that reads “Prisoner x-rayed at horrific concentration camp”. The whole of this subtitle is about my experience, and the interview with me.
After reading this report, I felt very bad about being included in a report about “Squid Game” without watching it. So I worked overtime for two days to finish watching this nine-episode Korean survival drama.
After watching it, of course, I have so much to say, and my thoughts were different from everyone else’s because unlike everyone else, I am not a “bystander” making some careless remarks. I have actually experienced a real life “Squid Game”, and it is a much more brutal, gruesome, and a larger “game” that is still being played now.
So, today, as a survivor of a real life “Squid Game”, I’d like to compare the TV drama with the real-life version of “Squid Game” that I experienced from the perspective of a “game” participant, not an onlooker, in the following aspects.
Harvested for Organs Alive
In “Squid Game”, the horrific scene of a doctor and several game workers colluding to harvest the participants’ organs and sell them was shown in a very realistic and vivid way.
This scene immediately drew the attention of the mainstream media. In addition to the Mirror report that I mentioned above, the Daily Mail in Britain also published a long report titled “They’ll take your liver and you won’t even know’: China’s real-life Squid Game: How organs are harvested from THOUSANDS every week for a ‘kill to order’ market – and why the world is powerless to stop it”
Why is the world powerless to stop it? The report says it is “because the World Health Organisation is compelled to accept the totalitarian nation’s ‘inadequate and misleading’ hospital data without question.”
So, this is pretty much like the situation with the CCP Virus, or the COVID19, right?
I think the reason why the killing and selling of organs is in “Squid Game” may have something to do with a Korean documentary called “Kill to Live“.
This 50-minute investigative report was shot inside China by a Korean journalist who risked his life to do some on-the-ground research, providing strong evidence that the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, has been killing people and selling their organs.
The documentary caused quite some attention when it was broadcast in 2017.
So I think the scriptwriter of “Squid Game” was probably inspired by this documentary and other reports and wrote the story of live organ harvesting into the script, as we all say that art comes from life.
However, the real-life version of live organ harvesting is much more brutal and gruesome compared to “Squid Game,” and it is still being done today.
Imagine if the live organ harvesting in “Squid Game” had not been done secretly by a participating doctor and a few staff members, but on a large scale and “righteously” by the organizer of the “game”.
If that is the case, the main “use” of the 456 participants in the “game” might not be for entertainment, but for killing and selling for money.
In fact, this is exactly how the CCP’s system of live organ harvesting works.
Three Horrible Medical Examinations
In April 2000, I was arrested for the fourth time in Beijing for practicing Falun Gong, a peaceful meditation and self improvement system that has been under persecution for more than 22 years in China.
On June 1, 2000, on the way from Beijing Chongwen District Detention Center to the labor camp, I was taken to a clinic with several other people in the same police van for a physical examination.
The doctor carefully examined our five sense organs, peeled our eyelids and examined our eyeballs, and made us lie on the bed, carefully feeling our internal organs, listening to our heart beats, etc, and asking our medical history.
I thought this was a routine checkup and didn’t think much of it, but I honestly told the doctor that I had had hepatitis before practicing Falun Gong, and more than once. I had contracted hepatitis C during a blood transfusion after giving birth. I told him about this because I wanted him to know that practicing Falun Gong is good for health, and it was wrong for the CCP to persecute us.
I saw that the doctor carefully wrote down everything I said. But I really didn’t think about anything else at that time.
One day, about a month after we were sent to the labor camp, a big bus suddenly arrived, and all the windows of the bus were blocked with cloth curtains, and we were told to urgently gather in front of the bus. Every two of us were handcuffed with one pair of handcuffs, and pushed onto the bus.
There were not enough seats for all of us, so the extra people were ordered to squat in the aisle, or the little space between the two rows of seats.
Imagine the scene, it was exactly like a horror movie. We did not know where we were being taken, and for what purpose. The police were heavily armed, the curtains were closed tightly, we couldn’t see anything outside of the bus.
We were told to keep our heads down and bury them in the lap of the persons sitting in the seats, and to put our uncuffed hands behind our heads, like this.
The bus was moving forward like a black box, and there was so little air inside it. I squatted in the gap between the two rows of seats with my head down and my sweat soon soaked through my clothes.
When we arrived at the place, we realized that we had been pulled for a medical checkup at a formal hospital much larger than the last clinic, where there was an X-ray machine, and all of us were X-rayed.
After another month or so, we were called to a small clinic inside the labor camp in groups and had our blood drawn one by one.
The purpose for all these medical examinations was to know our blood types and physical conditions, and the data was stored in a computer. When someone needs organs, and can afford to buy them, the CCP’s doctors and transplant hospitals can search from that database to find a match. And then that match is killed so that his or her organs can be sold for money.
This is not a horror movie, this is a real industry in China with astronomical profits, and myself was subjected to 3 physical examinations, for that purpose.
However, the physical examinations happened in 2000. At that time, I did not know about this live organ harvesting crime, nor did I know the purpose of these repeated medical examinations. So I did not fear those examinations particularly, nor did I think that these things were important.
That is why when I wrote my memoir about the labor camp, I did not mention these medical examinations at all. If I had known the purpose of the experience at that time, I don’t know how I would have felt when I was pulled around in that black box.
Jennifer’s book covers
Later, after I found out about the organ harvesting, I thought back to my experience and realized that I might have saved my life by telling the doctor that I had hepatitis twice. Having hepatitis makes you a “waste product” from the perspective of organ transplantation, right? Whether or not my life was saved because of this, I really don’t know.
A “Psycho” No One Believes In
There is another episode in “Squid Game” that impressed me a lot, that is, after participating in the first game, everyone found out that it was actually a killing game, and people were killed instantly if they lost the game. So everyone was so scared. Then after a “democratic vote”, they decided to end the game.
After the game was over, the main character Seong Gi-hun, went to the police station to report that the game had killed more than 200 people, and the police should rush to investigate and arrest people to stop the killing. But he was driven out as a psychopath-no one believed what he said, it was too unbelievable.
I remember that shortly after the crime of harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners was first exposed by the Chinese edition of The Epoch Times in 2006, I told people about it, and people would not believe me and asked for evidence.
At that time, I felt the same way as Seong Gi-hun. It felt like when I went to the police station to report the crime, the police asked me for evidence, but when I couldn’t produce any, they didn’t open a case, didn’t look for the missing person, and even ridiculed me, or said that I was lying, slandering socialism, slandering the new China, and so on.
At that time, I said: “As a group of victims, how can we produce evidence? How can we have evidence when people have been killed? When someone who knows something comes forward, you say that it is not evidence. We don’t have a detective agency, we don’t have a search warrant, we don’t have a gun, and we can’t break into the places where people are kept, so how can we get evidence?”
But this absurdity is still happening today, and those who ask us for “evidence” never consider the ridiculousness of this logic.
In fact, after more than ten years of hard work, there is already a lot of evidence, some of which has been certified by the independent China Tribunal in the UK, as well as nine UN Special Rapporteurs.
The China tribunal has ruled that the crimes “have been proved beyond reasonable doubt”.
Unfortunately, many people’s mentality is, as long as my family has not been killed, then this matter has nothing to do with me. So they even don’t bother to get themselves informed about this matter.
The “Gganbu” Marble Game in “Squid Game” & the “Scoring System” in the CCP’s Labor Camp
There is another game in “Squid Game” which is also very impressive, that is, after the tug-of-war team competition of ten people in each group, the participants are asked to form a group of two people, and everyone looks for the one who is close to them or who they believe can form the strongest team with them.
But it turns out that the game is for the two people to become rivals to kill each other, and only one of the two people can survive.
This reminds me of the “scoring system” in the CCP’s labor camps. This system ensures that the prisoners inside the camp will fight over one another and work themselves to death for the CCP.
How does the system work? It works like this. Each prisoner is given a score every day, and those who do more work, those who listen to the police, those who report on others to the police, and so on, all get extra points.
In the meantime, those who fail to complete the labor task, who are disobedient, who violate the labor camp regulations, etc., will be deducted points.
When I was in the labor camp, the most important concern of the prisoners was their own points everyday. The labor camp would regularly compare the scores of all prisoners, and the ones with the highest scores would get their labor camp terms reduced, while the ones with the lowest scores would have their terms extended.
Since the reduction and increase of terms are based on points, and the point is a relative concept, that is, if you want to reduce your terms the most, your points must be at the top of the list.
In this way, the CCP does not have to employ more police force to hold an electric baton on the side to watch over the prisoners, everyone will “willingly” take the initiative to work hard, monitor others and report to the police, and so on, because everyone wants to get more points than others. In this way, it is ensured that the prisoners will definitely crush one another and compete with one another.
In other words, the CCP uses this “scoring system” to mobilize the evil side in human nature to do evil to one another, thus to turn everyone into willingly slaves to the CCP.
However, for Falun Gong practitioners, the standards are different. The most important thing for them is to renounce their faith. If they do not denounce their beliefs, they are not even eligible to participate in the scoring process and are always under strict control, and subjected to all sorts of torture.
“Equality” and “Discipline” Levels
Another absurd and ironic episode in “Squid Game” is that the organizers actually said that they wanted to ensure that everyone was equal, so those who broke the equality of the game, including the doctor who harvested the organs of the participants, were all executed.
The CCP’s labor camps were just the opposite. They divided people into different classes. People of different “discipline” levels were given different colored badges.
Jennifer’s badge from Beijing Female Labor Camp
This is the badge of mine from Beijing Female Labor Camp. The top line is my name, the middle line is to which squad I belonged to, it’s Squad 2 by the way, the bottom line reads: “Discipline Levels: General Control”. It is orange in color. The badge of the strict control team was white. I wore a white badge and was under “strict control” for a long time in the labor camp.
The price I paid to get this orange “General Control” badge is unbelievable, and I don’t have time to go into details here. If you are interested, you can get a copy of my memoir and read it. It is such a long story. I hope someday it can be turned into a movie. If you know any movie makers, please recommend my story to them.
All Madness Comes from The “Original Heart” of Destroying Mankind
The other day when I was interviewed by Young Americans Against Socialism, I talked about the sleep deprivation in the labor camp, and how I witnessed the moment when a young woman was driven into insanity after being kept awake for 5 days and 4 nights.
The host couldn’t understand why the CCP would do such a thing to people. She asked me, after these people were driven into insanity, they couldn’t make any contribution to their communities after they were released. Why would the CCP do that? She couldn’t understand it at all.
And I said to her, the police officers in the labor camps only cared about whether or not the hard “reform rate” target for “converting” Falun Gong practitioners could be accomplished, whether or not they could keep their jobs and bonuses, etc. They wouldn’t care less about whether those Falun Gong practitioners could still contribute to society after they returned home, that was not their concern whatsoever.
In addition, the Communist Party is an evil specter that exists in another dimension, and it manipulates and directs people with bad thoughts in this dimension to do evil things for it. The ultimate goal of communism, or the “original heart” as the communist leaders call it, is to destroy mankind, not to make human society better.
Therefore, if you try to understand the CCP with the mindset of ordinary people, the mindset of ordinary governments that want to make society better, you simply cannot understand it at all.
Metaphor, Reality and Hope
Finally, I would like to say that “Squid Game” is indeed a very good TV drama. Its scripting is very compact and gripping, and each episode ends at a most heart-wrenching moment, making people want to watch the next episode right away.
It reveals the ugliness of human nature in order to survive in a life and death environment, where one cannot help oneself. And these uglinesses are presented in a very straightforward and compelling way, in front of the audience in a bloody manner.
Some people say that this drama is a satire of the social reality of the CCP’s China. I basically agree with this statement. In the last game, when the only two people left were fighting to the death, it suddenly started to rain, and then someone among the “VIPs” who were watching the game from the shadows suddenly recited a poem in Chinese: 「好雨知時節」, which can be translated as “Good rain is coming to our delight”, meaning that the rain came at the right time to make the fight more difficult and therefore more enjoyable for the VIPs who were watching.
The Chinese speaking VIP is, of course, from China.
Some other people say that “Squid Game” is a reflection of the human race in the end time and is rich in philosophical reflections. I basically agree with this too. In my opinion, the darkness in the CCP’s labor camps is far worse.
When the rules of the game are set by evil people who take pleasure in making people kill one another and watching people kill one another, people who are at the bottom of the society, who can only play the game with their lives, where it’s really hard to make any different choices, they can only kill others so that they can survive. Sometimes they can’t survive even after they kill others. The best thing they can do is to die together with others.
Squid Game’s bloody visual impact, I think, also represents the script writer and director’s view and perception of the real world. The reality is just like what is shown in Squid Game, so no one should blame them for making the visuals so cruel and bloody.
However, in this “end of the world” time, is there really no hope?
There are two things in Squid Game that shocked me the most.
One is that in the final duel, when the main character could have taken all the 45.6 billion in prize money by killing his opponent who was already lying on the ground and unable to fight back, he chose to stop the “game” and give up the prize money and not to kill his opponent.
Another point is that at the end of the drama, the main character can obviously take the prize money and fly away to be reunited with his daughter, but he turns around and walks towards the audience, and then the whole play ends abruptly there. But everyone in the audience understands that this means the main character wants to go back to stop this killing game from continuing.
That is to say, this cruel game is not impossible to stop, or to be reversed. As a matter of fact, from the very beginning, at any time, as long as more than half of the participants are willing to stop, it can be stopped.
However, most of the time, most ordinary people can’t control their own hearts, can’t control their own desires, and eventually go further and further down the wrong path until they lose their lives.
When watching the drama, I was very, very involved, and often I would think to myself: if it were me, what could I do in that situation?
Finally, I figured it out: why should I participate in this evil game at all? Why should I let them make the rules? If you control your own heart, restrain your own desires, and stay away from this evil game from the very beginning, those “VIPs” are not capable of manipulating these “little guys” at all.
Or, to put it another way, everything in the drama is just about money, right? If one can understand that one’s destiny and how much money one can have in one’s life doesn’t depend on how greedy one is, one can be completely above all the ugly “games” in the world.
I think this TV drama with such a strong sense of reality will certainly cause many viewers to think. The result of my own thinking is: in fact, whether we are big guys or small guys in the world, if we can start from our own hearts, we CAN not only save ourselves, but also save others, and the world.
That’s all for today. Thank you very much for watching. Please do spread my videos if you like them.
這個場景立刻就引起了主流媒體的關注。除了上面我提到的英國《鏡報》的報導外,英國的《每日電訊》也出了一篇長篇報導,題目也特別長,叫《「他們會盜取你的肝臟,你還根本不知道」:中國的現實版魷魚遊戲:在按需殺人的市場中,每週數千人的器官被盜取,以及世界爲何對此無能爲力》(’They’ll take your liver and you won’t even know’: China’s real-life Squid Game: How organs are harvested from THOUSANDS every week for a ‘kill to order’ market — and why the world is powerless to stop it)。
前兩天我在接受美國抵制社會主義青年聯盟( Young Americans Against Socialism)的採訪時,談到中共在勞教所不讓法輪功學員睡覺,把人活活逼瘋、而且我眼睜睜看到過一個人被逼瘋的那一瞬間,主持人非常不解地問我:中共爲什麼要這樣做?把人逼瘋了,回到社會,也不能再爲社區做任何貢獻,這人就完全廢了。中共爲何要這樣做?她完全不能理解。
Up until very recently, almost everyone thought that Xi Jinping will have no problem maintaining his power at next year’s CCP national congress, as he had successfully rewritten China’s constitution and eliminated the two-term limit on the presidency in 2018. But two recent incidents made some China observers think: Xi Jinping may not necessarily be able to keep his power. Today I will talk about these two incidents, and let you decide what you want to take away from them.
Xi Jinping Talks about “Orderly Transition of Power”
All seven members of the CCP’s Politburo Standing Committee and vice chairman Wang Qishan attended the meeting. And Xi Jinping made “an important speech”.
He mentioned that “At present, the world is undergoing an unprecedented major change that has never been seen in a century, the system competition is an important aspect of the competition for comprehensive national power, and the system advantage is an important one for a country to win the strategic advantage.”
Xi Jinping went on to say that China’s system is better than America’s, and China’s democracy is also better.
He then mentioned the most sensitive topic that nobody expected he would mention: the transition of power.
He said, “The evaluation of whether a country’s political system is democratic and effective depends mainly on whether the leadership of the country can be changed in an orderly manner in accordance with the law” and “whether all sectors of society can effectively participate in the political life of the country, whether national decision-making can be scientific and democratic, and whether talents from all walks of life can enter the state leadership and management system through fair competition.”
Wouldn’t you think that the CCP’s China is having better democracy after listening to Xi’s speech?
However, many China observers’ first thought after Xi Jinping’s mentioning about “orderly transition of power” was that Xi has encountered big problems. He must have felt that it could be impossible for him to continue to stay in power in next year’s 20th Congress, so he was trying to say that he was ready to hand over his power.
In the meantime, he wanted to warn his political enemies, if you want me to hand over my power, everything must be done in an orderly manner. The safety and interests of my family, myself and my supporters and followers must be ensured. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be any “orderly transition of power.”
Of course this could also mean that he was just threatening his political enemies and vowed that he wouldn’t hand over his power whatsoever, as according to his standard, everything is in order only if the power is in his own hand. If not, things are already out of order.
PLA Daily Highlights A Famous Coup and Encourages the Military to Stay “Neutral”
The second incident is more interesting. It happened only 3 days before Xi Jinping talked about “orderly transition of power”.
On Oct. 11, the CCP’s military newspaper called People’s Liberation Army Daily, or PLA Daily, published an article titled “Always Keep Your Reputation Intact”.
This article is on both the PLA daily’s website and newspaper, and the article title is from a line of a poem from.
Who is Yu Qian? He was a famous Chinese official from the Ming Dynasty, who was born in 1398 and died in1457, that is, more than 500 years ago. He served as the Minister of Wa r, which can be roughly understood as the Minister of Defense of our time.
Well, the PLA Daily article started with a poem of Yu Qian, which can be roughly translated as:
“Wealth is easy to go and hard to maintain
Man is half dead if he loses his aspiration and determination
As long as his reputation is intact
Why should he be bothered
By things that he can’t bring along?”
Then the article goes on to praise Yu Qian for being so upright, who only cared about principles, and who was never bothered by material gains. He had left nothing to his family after he died.
Then the article especially mentioned that when a coup happened, Yu Qian, as the Defense Minister, who controlled the entire army of the country, didn’t intervene, didn’t do anything, for the sake of the well-being of the entire nation. Even when he was wronged and thrown into prison, he didn’t argue, he didn’t try to defend himself. And what a great person he was, he has been admired for thousands of years, etc.
The coup mentioned in the article was referred to as “The Coup At the Gate”, or The Coup of Seizing the Gate.” When people with knowledge of the history of that coup read the story, they couldn’t help thinking, “Wow, wow! What am I reading? Is this real?”
Why would they exclaim like that?
To understand this, we need to know a little bit of the history behind the “ The Coup At the Gate “ event that happened in 1457 during China’s Ming Dynasty.
To cut a long story short, the coup went on like this:
The sixth emperor of the Ming Dynasty was.
So this is a portrait of him. He became the emperor in 1435 when he was only 9 years old. In 1449, when he was still a young man of 22 years old, he was captured and imprisoned by Mongols after he lost a war with the Mongols.
So after he was captured, his brother became the new emperor amid the crisis, and was referred to as Emperor.
After that Yu Qian, the Minister of War, successfully defended Beijing when the Mongols attempted to further invade the Ming Dynasty.
Then, one year later, in 1450, the Mongols and Ming Dynasty made peace. The captured Emperor Yingzong was released and returned.
But one country couldn’t have two emperors, right? So Yingzong was immediately put under house arrest by Emperor Jingtai, although Yingzong was still officially the “Supreme Emperor”, which can be literally understood as the person above the emperor.
So Emperor Jingtai continued to be the emperor for another 7 years. In 1457, he became very ill, and he didn’t have an heir, as his only son had already died before him.
So the Dynasty was in crisis again because the emperor could die any time without a successor. Some officials then figured, how about we re-install the ex-emperor, or the Supreme Emperor to solve the problem?
So they really organized some troops to carry out the plan. They marched to the place where the ex-emperor was imprisoned. They attacked the gate with a big truck of wood, and ended up breaking the wall.
When the ex-emperor Yingzong saw them breaking into the courtyard, he was nearly scared to death, as he thought these people were sent by his brother to kill him. But everybody knelt down in front of him, called him the emperor and told him their plan.
Then they put Yingzong onto a Jiaozi (轿子), or a palanquin [pæ’lənkin], and carried him to the emperor’s palace.
When they reached a gate called Donghua Gate (东华门), they couldn’t get through, as the gate was heavily guarded by soldiers.
What could they do? It seemed that their coup would have to fail.
At this stage, Supreme Emperor Yingzong got off his palanquin, and shouted, I am the Supreme Emperor, who dares to stop me?
The Supreme Emperor was officially even higher than the emperor. So the soldiers dared not to stop him. So Yingzong and his supporters went right to the emperor’s palace, and Yingzong was put onto the emperor’s seat and declared the new emperor.
So, the coup succeeded. As the most important moment of that coup was when Yingzong came out of his palanquin and shouted that he was the Supreme Emperor, that coup was called the “Coup at the Gate”, or the “Coup of Seizing the Gate.”
Now, let’s go back to the PLA Daily’s article.
When it openly praised the then Minister of War Yu Qian for staying “neutral” when and after the coup happened, what kind of a message does it give out?
We’ve already said in our last show about the CCP’s 100% ban of non-stated owned media that, in CCP’s China, nothing in the media is thrown out there without a reason or a hidden message.
So, as a military newspaper, what does the PLA Daily want to say?
People would naturally assume that the PLA Daily was telling the military, should there be a coup in China now, the military should learn from Yu Qian and stay “neutral”.
Now, if that is the message, it is not difficult at all to work out who is the modern time Emperor Yingzong, and who is the modern time Emperor Jingtai, right?
So of course Xi Jinping is the modern day Emperor Jingtai,
And either the CCP’s former head Jiang Zeming or former vice chairman of China Zeng Qinghong, or these two men’s gang, is the modern day Emperor Yingzong.
Military Refuses to Fight Against Enemies Created by Wolf Warrior Diplomacy
Actually, a while ago, in August, it was reported that the Chinese military told Xi Jinping that they were not happy about the CCP’s wolf warrior diplomacy, and they did not want to bear the consequences of the foreign ministry’s wolf warrior diplomacy, or go to war with other countries because of this wolf warrior diplomacy.
So at that time, people were already suspecting that Xi Jinping actually hadn’t gained absolute control over the military.
Xi Jinping Feels Insecure
Also, if we look at Xi Jinping’s own behaviors, we can also draw the conclusion that Xi Jinping feels very, very unsafe. That was why he has not left China or visited any foreign countries for more than 21 months.
Also, inside China, when there were huge natural disasters, he never appeared at the disaster areas to inspect the situation and to lead the disaster relief work. This is very different from his predecessors.
For example, former CCP head Hu Jintao and Chinese premier Wen Jiabao both went to Sichuan after the huge earthquake in 2008.
Of course, when the CCP leaders do these kind of things, people say they are just putting on a show.
But the problem is, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao at least put on a show. Xi Jinping didn’t even bother to put on a show.
So from this we know that Xi Jinping really does feel very insecure. Not only police officers, his political enemies inside the politics and law sector want to assassinate him, the military can also go out of control. Otherwise, why would the PLA Daily openly talk about a coup and encourage the military to stay “neutral” and not intervene if a coup does happen?
Well, only 3 days after the article was published, Xi Jinping started to talk about the “orderly transition of power”, much to many people’s surprise.
Well, there is still another year to go until the CCP’s next National Congress. Can Xi Jinping hold on to his power till then? It seems that things are becoming more and more uncertain.
Well, that’s all for today. Thank you very much for watching. Please do subscribe to and share my channel, and tell your friends and families about what you learn from me.
(Jennifer’s note: Below is the feedback from Candy Newton on the documentary “Three Women”. I am one of the three women featured in the movie.)
(曾錚注:以下是一名叫作 Candy Newton 的觀衆在紀錄片(有英文字幕)《三個女人》下的留言。)
Angel, I am so sad that you had to suffer so much to get here today.
Your life is a gift to the world and your voice is heard, change is coming.
Keep speaking your truth, we peaceful believers are gathering strength in peace world wide as you speak.
Keep going, keep speaking, help is on the way.
To solve a problem we must first recognize the problem. Your voice is bringing the problem to light and something good will happen because of your voice.
Thank you for sharing your story. Women with great heart like you that take action collectively with like minded people will overcome all adversity in time.
Good always prevails, timelines in history prove this. Money and power is NOT more important to we, the people.
We the people are the majority. We love and support one another. We are heading to a world of peaceful freedom for all.
Government officials world wide have let the people down and now need to be voted out of power. Everything is getting better everyday.
Earn Money Standing Up vs Go To Jail on Your Knees
Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
Today I will talk about two extremely different, actually completely opposite, but both very sensational events in the entertainment, or art community, as well as what we can learn from these two events.
Before we move on to our topic, please let me introduce one more time the membership area on my website.
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Anyway, I do hope this member area can become a better channel for us to communicate without fearing the big tech’s suppression. Sometimes I feel very sad that America, and maybe other countries too, have become like this, when we don’t have free speech any more. But I always remember a saying in Chinese, “It is not because there is hope that we fight, but because we fight, there is hope.”
So, let’s continue to fight together.
Now, let’s move to our topics today.
Full script and audio file available at member’s site:
10/28/2021 *
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Originally published at on October 29, 2021.