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Why Can the COVID-19 Pandemic Be a “Victory” for the CCP?
On Sep 8th, when more than 27 million pe … 继续阅读
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Why Can the COVID-19 Pandemic Be a “Victory” for the CCP?已关闭评论
Someone out there doesn’t like Twitter accounts critical of China
For the past few months, as the world is … 继续阅读
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Someone out there doesn’t like Twitter accounts critical of China已关闭评论
Five “Absolutely Not Allowed”: The Five Things That The CCP Fears Most
Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Incon … 继续阅读
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Five “Absolutely Not Allowed”: The Five Things That The CCP Fears Most已关闭评论
The CCP’s Secret (& Not So Secret) Cultural Genocide Applies to All Ethnic Groups
Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Incon … 继续阅读
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The CCP’s Secret (& Not So Secret) Cultural Genocide Applies to All Ethnic Groups已关闭评论
Detailed Plan of How the CCP is Working on Influencing the US Election by Changing the Outcome of Florida and Michigan 中共正祕密運作 動用在美中資企業投資“將拜登送上寶座”
(Jennifer’s note: Below is … 继续阅读
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Detailed Plan of How the CCP is Working on Influencing the US Election by Changing the Outcome of Florida and Michigan 中共正祕密運作 動用在美中資企業投資“將拜登送上寶座”已关闭评论
What Is Falun Gong and Why Does Falun Gong Matter?
Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Incon … 继续阅读
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What Is Falun Gong and Why Does Falun Gong Matter?已关闭评论
Is the Rebellion of the “Second-generation Red” the Last Straw For the CCP?
Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Incon … 继续阅读
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Is the Rebellion of the “Second-generation Red” the Last Straw For the CCP? 已关闭评论
Three Ways to Destroy the World as Planned by a CCP Influencer 中共網絡大V讓美國人全部見上帝的三種方法
(Jennifer’s note: This is t … 继续阅读 →