(Jennifer’s note: Below is the English translation of a Chinese document secretly passed on among Chinese Americans. This file encourages Chinese Americans to invest, or try to convince Huawei, TikTok, Tencent, and Alibaba to invest in a project dedicated to changing election results in swing states to ensure Biden’s victory. The arguments are: If Trump wins, a de-coupling of China and the US is inevitable. In that case, Huawei, TikTok, Tencent, and Alibaba will lose tens of billions of dollars. Therefore, they have the incentive to invest one-thousandth of the money they are going to lose to “put Biden on the throne”. A detailed proposal and analysis of votes and funding needed in order for Biden to win the two key states are attached to this file. )
If you have a chance to make a billion people live better, and you have no return, but you will do it, right? If you have the opportunity to make a billion people live better and longer, and you can earn 1 million yourself at the same time, you will do it even more, right? If so, please read the following text carefully, but please do not share it in groups or WeChat groups.
You might make a million yuan for a repost, or save the world (eliminate that one in a thousand chance of nuclear war).

Know the Big Four (HATT)’s executives or have connections? You tend to be anti-Trump? We invite you to cooperate in the development of a U.S. investment project. Just help to forward a message to relevant personnel and build a connection. We can give the Big Four hundreds or even then thousands of times in return. As an introducer, you can easily get a return of millions of RMB or even higher by lifting your finger for a few minutes.
The current situation is already obvious. If Trump wins in November, a decoupling of China and the United States will be inevitable, which will inevitably bring great damage to the interests of all aspects of China and the United States.

Even if this is debatable, one thing is certain: Trump’s re-election will cause unpredictable losses to the four major Chinese companies in the United States (Huawei, TikTok, Tencent, and Alibaba), each of which will cost at least tens of billions of dollars. Therefore,we can cooperate with one of these major companies and invest one-thousandth of the tens of billions of dollars they are about to lose to invest in our projects. This investment can also help us easily help Biden win the election in two decisive states, which is enough to defeat Trump given the current situation.

Although Biden is currently leading the polls, Trump’s supporters have a higher turnout rate in the election. Although the majority of Chinese Americans are Trump’s opponents, they generally do not vote. However, with this year’s situation and the peculiarities of the electoral system in the United States, we can greatly increase the turnout rate of Chinese Americans in the two or three designated states (In this year itis equivalent to increasing the turnout of Trump’s opponents.) and thus change the outcome of the election (see Appendix for details). We believe that only a Biden victory can save the U.S.-China relationship and, more importantly, the U.S., China, and the world.

All of the above four companies have a local presence and pay taxes in the United States, so it is 100% legal for us to accept their investments, as they as local businesses. After all, increasing the turnout rate in election is something that no one can dispute.
Please note that this investment needs to be in place by the end of September at the latest. Voters’ memories will largely be based on the various campaigns for the three weeks leading up to the Nov. 3 election. Due to the controversial nature of this proposal, please do not forward this information to public places such as WeChat groups. In addition, we solemnly state that we are unable to accept any investment with a Chinese or other foreign government background.

Appendix:An analysis of votes and funding needed in order for Biden to win the two key states

* Statistically, less than 25 percent of Chinese who have the right to vote participate in voting
** Using 3:1 as a conservative ratio of Trump opponents and Trump supporters, If Chinese-Americans’ turnout rate can be increased from 25 percent to 50 percent through various efforts, various Chinese media campaigns, and person-to-person direct marketing (which has never been done before), it would be enough to influence the outcome of the Florida and Michigan elections and put Biden on the throne.

If you have a chance to make a billion people live better,….more
iso investment from the big 4…USA.pdf

Detailed Plan of How the CCP is Working on Influencing the US Election by Changing the Outcome of Florida and Michigan 中共正祕密運作 動用在美中資企業投資“將拜登送上寶座”
(Jennifer’s note: Below is the English translation of a Chinese document secretly passed on among Chinese Americans. This file encourages Chinese Americans to invest, or try to convince Huawei, TikTok, Tencent, and Alibaba to invest in a project dedicated to changing election results in swing states to ensure Biden’s victory. The arguments are: If Trump wins, a de-coupling of China and the US is inevitable. In that case, Huawei, TikTok, Tencent, and Alibaba will lose tens of billions of dollars. Therefore, they have the incentive to invest one-thousandth of the money they are going to lose to “put Biden on the throne”. A detailed proposal and analysis of votes and funding needed in order for Biden to win the two key states are attached to this file. )
If you have a chance to make a billion people live better, and you have no return, but you will do it, right? If you have the opportunity to make a billion people live better and longer, and you can earn 1 million yourself at the same time, you will do it even more, right? If so, please read the following text carefully, but please do not share it in groups or WeChat groups.
You might make a million yuan for a repost, or save the world (eliminate that one in a thousand chance of nuclear war).
Know the Big Four (HATT)’s executives or have connections? You tend to be anti-Trump? We invite you to cooperate in the development of a U.S. investment project. Just help to forward a message to relevant personnel and build a connection. We can give the Big Four hundreds or even then thousands of times in return. As an introducer, you can easily get a return of millions of RMB or even higher by lifting your finger for a few minutes.
The current situation is already obvious. If Trump wins in November, a decoupling of China and the United States will be inevitable, which will inevitably bring great damage to the interests of all aspects of China and the United States.
Even if this is debatable, one thing is certain: Trump’s re-election will cause unpredictable losses to the four major Chinese companies in the United States (Huawei, TikTok, Tencent, and Alibaba), each of which will cost at least tens of billions of dollars. Therefore,we can cooperate with one of these major companies and invest one-thousandth of the tens of billions of dollars they are about to lose to invest in our projects. This investment can also help us easily help Biden win the election in two decisive states, which is enough to defeat Trump given the current situation.
Although Biden is currently leading the polls, Trump’s supporters have a higher turnout rate in the election. Although the majority of Chinese Americans are Trump’s opponents, they generally do not vote. However, with this year’s situation and the peculiarities of the electoral system in the United States, we can greatly increase the turnout rate of Chinese Americans in the two or three designated states (In this year itis equivalent to increasing the turnout of Trump’s opponents.) and thus change the outcome of the election (see Appendix for details). We believe that only a Biden victory can save the U.S.-China relationship and, more importantly, the U.S., China, and the world.
All of the above four companies have a local presence and pay taxes in the United States, so it is 100% legal for us to accept their investments, as they as local businesses. After all, increasing the turnout rate in election is something that no one can dispute.
Please note that this investment needs to be in place by the end of September at the latest. Voters’ memories will largely be based on the various campaigns for the three weeks leading up to the Nov. 3 election. Due to the controversial nature of this proposal, please do not forward this information to public places such as WeChat groups. In addition, we solemnly state that we are unable to accept any investment with a Chinese or other foreign government background.
Appendix:An analysis of votes and funding needed in order for Biden to win the two key states
* Statistically, less than 25 percent of Chinese who have the right to vote participate in voting
** Using 3:1 as a conservative ratio of Trump opponents and Trump supporters, If Chinese-Americans’ turnout rate can be increased from 25 percent to 50 percent through various efforts, various Chinese media campaigns, and person-to-person direct marketing (which has never been done before), it would be enough to influence the outcome of the Florida and Michigan elections and put Biden on the throne.
If you have a chance to make a billion people live better,….more
iso investment from the big 4…USA.pdf