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Beijing & Guangzhou Are Next after Omicron Takes Shanghai. Is “Starving to Death” the Only Way Out?
Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
At the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics review and awards ceremony held in Beijing yesterday, Xi Jinping said that the CCP should be given a gold medal for its great pandemic control. Is this really the case? So today I will show you a lot of videos and photos from Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, to give you an idea of what’s really going on in China. You might think that you’ve already watched a lot. But there is still a lot more that will surprise you.
First of all, a beautiful video of Shen Yun.
“That comes from our creator. And I could feel that in my heart and in my soul.”
That’s also how I feel every time I watch Shen Yun.
Make sure you watch it with your family if you haven’t. You can check the show schedule in your city, buy your tickets from https://shenyun.show/Jennifer-Zeng and save the handling fees!
Watch video: https://youtu.be/lDIeSGlBKk4
The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2022/4/10/beijing-amp-guangzhou-are-next-after-omicron-takes-shanghai-is-starving-to-death-the-only-way-out
4/9/2022 *
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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on April 10, 2022.