Olympic Athletes Warned of “Nastiest Surveillance” & How Does the CCP’s “Grid Management” Work?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Yesterday former US State of Secretary Mike Pompeo sent a that says “Olympic athletes must understand the risk in Beijing. The CCP has built the nastiest surveillance state in history & will monitor everything athletes say & do. Our athletes should leave their phones & laptops at home — like I & my team did — & like the Dutch have been told to do.”

So today I will talk about a topic that I have wanted to talk about for a while. That is, how the CCP uses the so-called “grid management” and digital technology to monitor and manage everyone in society. After listening to what I talk about, you will understand why Pompeo said that “the CCP has built the nastiest surveillance state in history.”

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2022/1/13/olympic-athletes-warned-of-nastiest-surveillance-and-how-does-the-ccps-grid-management-work

1/13/2022 *

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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on January 14, 2022.

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