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A Review of the Chinese Economy in 2021: The Real Estate Market, the Unemployment and What Lies Ahead?
Hello, everyone, welcome to “ Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
“It’s the economy, stupid.” Still remember this slogan?
2021 is almost over. And whenever it’s the end of the year, people like to give a summary of this year’s big events. So today let’s do a review of the Chinese economy in 2021, and what could lie ahead for the CCP regime.
The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/12/10/a-review-of-the-chinese-economy-in-2021-the-real-estate-market-the-unemployment-and-what-lies-ahead
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Originally published at https://www.jenniferzengblog.com on December 10, 2021.
Jennifer Zeng
Video creator at http://bit.ly/3b87DPj & http://rumble.com/c/c-342755, Writer at http://jenniferzengblog.com 自媒體人,網站及油管频道網址如前。願自己和世界更美好。