Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
Today I will talk about two topics: The sharp population decline in China, and why the CCP chose to mock India’s huge suffering due to the surge of COVID-19, or CCP virus pandemic. I will tell a shocking, and exclusive story I heard when I was a child in China, which I never shared before. And I am sure you will be shocked too. So make sure you stick around till the end.
Before we go on, please take some time to subscribe to my channel, turn on the notification bell, share and like my video if you haven’t. YouTube is still suppressing me very inconspicuously. A few days ago I received feedback from 3 different viewers in one day, all telling me that they got unsubscribed without their knowledge. Some said they saw the views dropping instead of increasing several hours later when he watched again. Some said they couldn’t like my video, etc. So I do need your help to survive all of this.
Now, let’s move to our first topic today.
The extended delay
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has again delayed the release of the 2020 census results. Experts suggest that China is already experiencing negative population growth. An expert speculates that, in addition to natural factors, the sharp decline in population may be linked to the pandemic, and that the CCP needs time to massage the real figures.
Now, let’s check some of the details with this.
The seventh population census of China was completed in early December 2020. In March, China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said that the census results would be released in early April.
However, on April 16, the NBS announced that in order to provide more details, more preparation was needed. It said, “We will accelerate our work to the next step, and we strive to release the final results of the census as soon as possible.”
On April 29, the NBS published a one-sentence report, saying that, “In 2020, China’s population continues to grow, and specific data will be published in the 7th National Census Bulletin.”
Up to now, the “specific data” has yet to be released.
Demographer: China’s Population Less Than 1.28 Billion
As early as Nov. 16, 2020, a well-known demographer and author Yi Fuxian said in a tweet that he projected the actual population of China in 2020 to be about 1.26 billion, and isn’t likely to exceed 1.28 billion, and is even less likely to reach the officially announced 1.4 billion in 2019.
Yi Fuxian is the author of the book “Big Country with an Empty Nest.” He said that “China’s policies are all based on faulty demographic data. After [China] enjoyed the status as the world’s most populous country for thousands of years, that title was taken by India a few years ago.”
By the end of 2016, India’s population had reached 1.326 billion, or 18 percent of the world’s total population.
Sharp Decline in Newborns
A report released on April 29 cites data from the Ministry of Public Security of the CCP, which indicates that only 10 million newborns were registered in China in 2020, a significant drop of about 15 percent from 2019.
Let’s see a charter first. The blue line is the actual number of newborns in each year, the yellow line is the projected numbers for the coming years. You can see that after reaching the peak in 1964, China’s newborns basically kept dropping, and the decline accelerated after 2018.

China’s new births in different years. Unit: 10K.
In 2019, the number of newborns registered by the Ministry of Public Security was 80.5 percent of the birth number recorded by the Bureau of Statistics. If the same ratio is used to calculate the birth number of 2020, that will result in a decline of over 2 million births in 2020 compared to 2019.
China’s NBS announced on Jan. 17 that China’s total population was 1.4 billion at the end of 2019, an increase of 4.7 million from the end of the previous year.
However, another report published by Soochow Securities chief economist Ren Zeping on April 29 uses such a title: “China Population Report: Births in Many Places Fall by 10–30 Percent.” It states that China is unlikely to reach the 1.4 billion population goal in 2020 as projected in the National Population Development Plan (2016–2030).
Ren Zeping further suggests that data from the Information and Statistics Center of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission show that the number of registered household births in Beijing in 2020 was only 100,000—24.3 percent less than in 2019.
Beijing Think Tank: Drop in Births Recorded in Many Cities
Although the CCP has not released the national figures, many cities have released their own data.
Let’s see this table. It doesn’t matter if you can’t read Chinese, just look at the numbers in the right column. They represent how much the new births have dropped in 2020 from 2019.

New births decline in many cities in China.
So you can see that the number of births dropped by 19 percent in Wenzhou city, 23% in Hefei city , 32.6% in Taizhou city , 21.17% in Pinghu city, 19.24% in Ningbo city, 25.8% in Weifang city, 16.88% in Huangshan city, and 31.6% in Guiyang city.
A Beijing based think tank, Center for China & Globalization (CCG) said this in its report: “there is no doubt that the number of births in China in 2020 was significantly lower than in 2019,” and “given that the number of women of childbearing age in China will continue to decline and that fertility intentions are likely to remain low, we can say that although the number of births in 2020 will be the lowest in recent decades, it is likely to be the highest in the next few decades.”
The CCG called for a change in the fertility policy to fully liberalize and encourage autonomous fertility.
China’s Central Bank Signals to Fully Lift Restrictions on Birth Control
On April 14, China’s Central Bank published a paper called “Understanding and Responses to Demographic Transition.” The paper reveals that when compared to developed countries, China’s population is aging more rapidly and families are having fewer children.
The paper states that China’s demographic situation has changed, and it’s difficult to compensate for the population decline with education and technological advances, so the government should not impose any more birth control and people should be encouraged to have children.
In another report of Ren Zeping, he states that the aging population and fewer children are the biggest dangers that are being ignored in China. He recommends an immediate and full lifting of restrictions on birth control to encourage childbirth.
Ren also said that both quantity and quality of population affects the power of the nation. People are not only consumers, but also critical manpower. A large population creates a large market on the demand side and provides sufficient labor and more talent on the supply side. Therefore, a large population is a national advantage, not a disadvantage.
He said a significant reduction in population would lead to the shrinkage or even extinction of a large number of cities and the disappearance of a large number of industries, which would seriously damage the national power.
Delay of Data Release May be Related to Pandemic Death Tolls
The extended delay in the release of census data has caused concerns.
China expert Li Yanming told The Epoch Times in an interview that “This matter does look strange. On the one hand, the NBS claims that the population continues to grow, but on the other hand, the Central Bank advocates for full lifting of restrictions on birth control. Also, the CCP authorities have not blocked the reports about the declining birth numbers in 2020 released by leading economists and think tanks.”
Li said that all these factors indicate that the census data will certainly not be good.
He believes that while the decline in births in 2020 may be one reason for the decline in the total population, the bigger reason may be the high number of deaths in the 2020 pandemic.
He said that “It is hard to estimate how many people have died last year because of COVID-19.”
Let’s look at a table released by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on March 19 last year. Watch the second row in the red circle. It shows that the number of cell phone subscribers of China’s three major telecom operators including China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom dropped by 21 million in the first two months of 2020.

Three major telecom operators including China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom lost 21 million subscribers in the first two months of 2020.
The first two months of 2020 was also the time when the pandemic was at its peak in Wuhan, with both hospitals and crematoriums overwhelmed.
Fang Fang, a Chinese writer in Wuhan who documented what happened during the lockdown in her Wuhan Diary, wrote on February 13, 2020, “What breaks my heart is a picture that my doctor friend sent me…On the picture, cell phones are all over the ground of the funeral home. Their owners have been turned into ashes.”
Of course we cannot say that the number of lost cell phone subscribers represents the actual death toll, as many people might have chosen to cancel their extra SIM cards during the pandemic.
However, 21 million is too large of a number for mere cancelations. People do believe that a large percent of that number came from people who died from the CCP virus.
The Reason Behind the Population Decline and a True Story
I don’t think anyone will feel too surprised hearing about a sharp decline in China’s population. The CCP’s “One Family, One Child” policy had been in place for decades. It was once called a “Basic National Strategy”, and it was a criminal offense if you dared to have more than one child. You could be put into prison. People were forced to do abortions.
It was estimated that more than 400 million unborn babies were killed by the CCP’s “One Family, One Child” policy.
How strictly had this policy been carried out? Let me share with you two true stories I personally knew.
In the 1990s, once when I went to a remote village in Henan Province in China, I met a boy whose name was Fanqiang, which literally means “Jumping Over the Wall”. I asked why he was given such a strange name, they told me that when his mother was pregnant with him, the CCP officials went to her home to catch her, as she already had a child, so she wasn’t allowed to have a second one.
She escaped by jumping over the wall, and saved this boy. So later she gave him the name Fanqiang, as that was how he was able to come to this world instead of being killed.
So that was the first story. Now the second one.
When I was only 9 or 10 years old, I heard a more terrible story from my aunt, who worked in a hospital in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province in China.
She said, their hospital gave a pregnant woman an induction of labor. This woman didn’t have permission to have that child, so the child needed to be induced.
Let me explain a little bit of what “induction of labor” means here. When the unborn baby is small, they call it an abortion. When the unborn baby is bigger, maybe more than 7 months, they call it an induction of labor. Usually the baby is killed during the process of the so-called “induction of labor,” and are dead when they get out of their mother’s wombs.
But this time, in my aunt’s hospital, a baby boy was still alive when he got out. What could the hospital do? The child had no place in the world as he didn’t have a birth permission.
So a nurse put him in a tray and took him to a place in the hospital where they disposed of discarded medical materials to throw him away. But when she tried to dump him out of the tray, the boy’s little fingers held tightly to the edge of the tray and refused to let go. The nurse had to break his fingers one by one before she could dump him into the garbage…
Too terrifying? That is a true story I heard as a little girl of 9 or 10 years old from my own aunt.
What’s more terrifying was when my aunt told the story, she told it as some little, harmless, everyday gossip at the dinner table you tell to entertain your guests. She told it with a smiling face, as if it was a very interesting story.
It WAS interesting in the sense that it was very unusual. Maybe that kind thing only happened once out of thousands of similar labor induction operations they performed. So she chose to tell it as it was novel.
So in CCP’s China, human life is nothing. That’s why the CCP feels it is perfectly alright for it to decide how many children a family is allowed to have, as everybody is only a number, or a slave.
If you are not inside the CCP’s plan, killing you, or getting rid of you is nothing. They won’t feel any mental burden for doing it. That’s why that nurse in the hospital could kill a baby without any hesitation, and that’s why my aunt could tell that story without feeling anything wrong about it.
Mocking India’s Suffering
In the past several days, I have translated a few posts by the CCP’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee and police. These posts compare CCP’s “big achievements” with India’s huge sufferings.
Let’s see the first one.
It is from the official social media account called Weibo of the CCP’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee.
It puts a picture of China launching a rocket and a picture of India burning bodies together with two simple lines: “China ignites [ɪɡˈnaɪt] VS India ignites, ” and then “#More than 400K new cases confirmed in India in a single day.”

You can see it received 4654 comments in 5 hours. The top one says, “China: sending people to space, India: sending people to heaven.”
This one is also from the CCP’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee. It puts a picture of Wuhan’s Houshensan Hospital under construction and India’s crematorium together, also with two simple lines: “China’s Houshensan” and “India’s Houshensan”, and then “#Delhi, India is using dog crematorium for humans.”

“Houshensan” in Chinese literally means “Mount Fire God”, or “Mountain of the God of Fire”. During the peak of the CCP virus pandemic last year, the CCP built a special hospital at Houshensan near Wuhan in 10 days, and still regards it as a big achievement.
This one is from the CCP police in Hainan province. It puts a picture of China launching a rocket and India burning bodies together, with some poetic description, which says, “The future of the people should not be turned into ashes under the flames. Every burning of mankind should be for the sake of the more distant stars. Good night…”

These posts have caused so much anger and backlash from all over the world that the CCP had to take them down later.
When I first translated and posted about these posts, I said, “I’ve never [seen] such disgusting comparison.” I was so angry that I didn’t notice that I had missed the word “seen” in that tweet.

However, after some second thought, I kind of understood why the CCP made such unforgivable mistakes. Just like my aunt who told the story of that baby boy being dumped while still alive with a smiling face, the CCP didn’t know how low, how disgusting, and how unacceptable such comparisons were.
It was too eager to boast its own achievements in rocket science and in controlling the pandemic, and it didn’t realize how those posts would hurt others. It has no idea of how normal human beings should think and behave. And it never cares about other people’s lives and feelings anyway.
That’s why it shamelessly exposes to the world how ugly it is again and again. It doesn’t know what “shame” is.
Well, that’s all for today’s Inconvenient Truths. Thank you very much for watching. Once again, please subscribe to my channel, turn on the notification bell, like and share my videos, and leave us your comments to support.
Thank you. See you soon!
5/4/2021 *
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China May Face Sharp Population Decline & Why Does the CCP Shamelessly Mock India?
Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
Today I will talk about two topics: The sharp population decline in China, and why the CCP chose to mock India’s huge suffering due to the surge of COVID-19, or CCP virus pandemic. I will tell a shocking, and exclusive story I heard when I was a child in China, which I never shared before. And I am sure you will be shocked too. So make sure you stick around till the end.
Before we go on, please take some time to subscribe to my channel, turn on the notification bell, share and like my video if you haven’t. YouTube is still suppressing me very inconspicuously. A few days ago I received feedback from 3 different viewers in one day, all telling me that they got unsubscribed without their knowledge. Some said they saw the views dropping instead of increasing several hours later when he watched again. Some said they couldn’t like my video, etc. So I do need your help to survive all of this.
Now, let’s move to our first topic today.
The extended delay
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has again delayed the release of the 2020 census results. Experts suggest that China is already experiencing negative population growth. An expert speculates that, in addition to natural factors, the sharp decline in population may be linked to the pandemic, and that the CCP needs time to massage the real figures.
Now, let’s check some of the details with this.
The seventh population census of China was completed in early December 2020. In March, China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said that the census results would be released in early April.
However, on April 16, the NBS announced that in order to provide more details, more preparation was needed. It said, “We will accelerate our work to the next step, and we strive to release the final results of the census as soon as possible.”
On April 29, the NBS published a one-sentence report, saying that, “In 2020, China’s population continues to grow, and specific data will be published in the 7th National Census Bulletin.”
Up to now, the “specific data” has yet to be released.
Demographer: China’s Population Less Than 1.28 Billion
As early as Nov. 16, 2020, a well-known demographer and author Yi Fuxian said in a tweet that he projected the actual population of China in 2020 to be about 1.26 billion, and isn’t likely to exceed 1.28 billion, and is even less likely to reach the officially announced 1.4 billion in 2019.
Yi Fuxian is the author of the book “Big Country with an Empty Nest.” He said that “China’s policies are all based on faulty demographic data. After [China] enjoyed the status as the world’s most populous country for thousands of years, that title was taken by India a few years ago.”
By the end of 2016, India’s population had reached 1.326 billion, or 18 percent of the world’s total population.
Sharp Decline in Newborns
A report released on April 29 cites data from the Ministry of Public Security of the CCP, which indicates that only 10 million newborns were registered in China in 2020, a significant drop of about 15 percent from 2019.
Let’s see a charter first. The blue line is the actual number of newborns in each year, the yellow line is the projected numbers for the coming years. You can see that after reaching the peak in 1964, China’s newborns basically kept dropping, and the decline accelerated after 2018.
China’s new births in different years. Unit: 10K.
In 2019, the number of newborns registered by the Ministry of Public Security was 80.5 percent of the birth number recorded by the Bureau of Statistics. If the same ratio is used to calculate the birth number of 2020, that will result in a decline of over 2 million births in 2020 compared to 2019.
China’s NBS announced on Jan. 17 that China’s total population was 1.4 billion at the end of 2019, an increase of 4.7 million from the end of the previous year.
However, another report published by Soochow Securities chief economist Ren Zeping on April 29 uses such a title: “China Population Report: Births in Many Places Fall by 10–30 Percent.” It states that China is unlikely to reach the 1.4 billion population goal in 2020 as projected in the National Population Development Plan (2016–2030).
Ren Zeping further suggests that data from the Information and Statistics Center of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission show that the number of registered household births in Beijing in 2020 was only 100,000—24.3 percent less than in 2019.
Beijing Think Tank: Drop in Births Recorded in Many Cities
Although the CCP has not released the national figures, many cities have released their own data.
Let’s see this table. It doesn’t matter if you can’t read Chinese, just look at the numbers in the right column. They represent how much the new births have dropped in 2020 from 2019.
New births decline in many cities in China.
So you can see that the number of births dropped by 19 percent in Wenzhou city, 23% in Hefei city , 32.6% in Taizhou city , 21.17% in Pinghu city, 19.24% in Ningbo city, 25.8% in Weifang city, 16.88% in Huangshan city, and 31.6% in Guiyang city.
A Beijing based think tank, Center for China & Globalization (CCG) said this in its report: “there is no doubt that the number of births in China in 2020 was significantly lower than in 2019,” and “given that the number of women of childbearing age in China will continue to decline and that fertility intentions are likely to remain low, we can say that although the number of births in 2020 will be the lowest in recent decades, it is likely to be the highest in the next few decades.”
The CCG called for a change in the fertility policy to fully liberalize and encourage autonomous fertility.
China’s Central Bank Signals to Fully Lift Restrictions on Birth Control
On April 14, China’s Central Bank published a paper called “Understanding and Responses to Demographic Transition.” The paper reveals that when compared to developed countries, China’s population is aging more rapidly and families are having fewer children.
The paper states that China’s demographic situation has changed, and it’s difficult to compensate for the population decline with education and technological advances, so the government should not impose any more birth control and people should be encouraged to have children.
In another report of Ren Zeping, he states that the aging population and fewer children are the biggest dangers that are being ignored in China. He recommends an immediate and full lifting of restrictions on birth control to encourage childbirth.
Ren also said that both quantity and quality of population affects the power of the nation. People are not only consumers, but also critical manpower. A large population creates a large market on the demand side and provides sufficient labor and more talent on the supply side. Therefore, a large population is a national advantage, not a disadvantage.
He said a significant reduction in population would lead to the shrinkage or even extinction of a large number of cities and the disappearance of a large number of industries, which would seriously damage the national power.
Delay of Data Release May be Related to Pandemic Death Tolls
The extended delay in the release of census data has caused concerns.
China expert Li Yanming told The Epoch Times in an interview that “This matter does look strange. On the one hand, the NBS claims that the population continues to grow, but on the other hand, the Central Bank advocates for full lifting of restrictions on birth control. Also, the CCP authorities have not blocked the reports about the declining birth numbers in 2020 released by leading economists and think tanks.”
Li said that all these factors indicate that the census data will certainly not be good.
He believes that while the decline in births in 2020 may be one reason for the decline in the total population, the bigger reason may be the high number of deaths in the 2020 pandemic.
He said that “It is hard to estimate how many people have died last year because of COVID-19.”
Let’s look at a table released by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on March 19 last year. Watch the second row in the red circle. It shows that the number of cell phone subscribers of China’s three major telecom operators including China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom dropped by 21 million in the first two months of 2020.
Three major telecom operators including China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom lost 21 million subscribers in the first two months of 2020.
The first two months of 2020 was also the time when the pandemic was at its peak in Wuhan, with both hospitals and crematoriums overwhelmed.
Fang Fang, a Chinese writer in Wuhan who documented what happened during the lockdown in her Wuhan Diary, wrote on February 13, 2020, “What breaks my heart is a picture that my doctor friend sent me…On the picture, cell phones are all over the ground of the funeral home. Their owners have been turned into ashes.”
Of course we cannot say that the number of lost cell phone subscribers represents the actual death toll, as many people might have chosen to cancel their extra SIM cards during the pandemic.
However, 21 million is too large of a number for mere cancelations. People do believe that a large percent of that number came from people who died from the CCP virus.
The Reason Behind the Population Decline and a True Story
I don’t think anyone will feel too surprised hearing about a sharp decline in China’s population. The CCP’s “One Family, One Child” policy had been in place for decades. It was once called a “Basic National Strategy”, and it was a criminal offense if you dared to have more than one child. You could be put into prison. People were forced to do abortions.
It was estimated that more than 400 million unborn babies were killed by the CCP’s “One Family, One Child” policy.
How strictly had this policy been carried out? Let me share with you two true stories I personally knew.
In the 1990s, once when I went to a remote village in Henan Province in China, I met a boy whose name was Fanqiang, which literally means “Jumping Over the Wall”. I asked why he was given such a strange name, they told me that when his mother was pregnant with him, the CCP officials went to her home to catch her, as she already had a child, so she wasn’t allowed to have a second one.
She escaped by jumping over the wall, and saved this boy. So later she gave him the name Fanqiang, as that was how he was able to come to this world instead of being killed.
So that was the first story. Now the second one.
When I was only 9 or 10 years old, I heard a more terrible story from my aunt, who worked in a hospital in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province in China.
She said, their hospital gave a pregnant woman an induction of labor. This woman didn’t have permission to have that child, so the child needed to be induced.
Let me explain a little bit of what “induction of labor” means here. When the unborn baby is small, they call it an abortion. When the unborn baby is bigger, maybe more than 7 months, they call it an induction of labor. Usually the baby is killed during the process of the so-called “induction of labor,” and are dead when they get out of their mother’s wombs.
But this time, in my aunt’s hospital, a baby boy was still alive when he got out. What could the hospital do? The child had no place in the world as he didn’t have a birth permission.
So a nurse put him in a tray and took him to a place in the hospital where they disposed of discarded medical materials to throw him away. But when she tried to dump him out of the tray, the boy’s little fingers held tightly to the edge of the tray and refused to let go. The nurse had to break his fingers one by one before she could dump him into the garbage…
Too terrifying? That is a true story I heard as a little girl of 9 or 10 years old from my own aunt.
What’s more terrifying was when my aunt told the story, she told it as some little, harmless, everyday gossip at the dinner table you tell to entertain your guests. She told it with a smiling face, as if it was a very interesting story.
It WAS interesting in the sense that it was very unusual. Maybe that kind thing only happened once out of thousands of similar labor induction operations they performed. So she chose to tell it as it was novel.
So in CCP’s China, human life is nothing. That’s why the CCP feels it is perfectly alright for it to decide how many children a family is allowed to have, as everybody is only a number, or a slave.
If you are not inside the CCP’s plan, killing you, or getting rid of you is nothing. They won’t feel any mental burden for doing it. That’s why that nurse in the hospital could kill a baby without any hesitation, and that’s why my aunt could tell that story without feeling anything wrong about it.
Mocking India’s Suffering
In the past several days, I have translated a few posts by the CCP’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee and police. These posts compare CCP’s “big achievements” with India’s huge sufferings.
Let’s see the first one.
It is from the official social media account called Weibo of the CCP’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee.
It puts a picture of China launching a rocket and a picture of India burning bodies together with two simple lines: “China ignites [ɪɡˈnaɪt] VS India ignites, ” and then “#More than 400K new cases confirmed in India in a single day.”
You can see it received 4654 comments in 5 hours. The top one says, “China: sending people to space, India: sending people to heaven.”
This one is also from the CCP’s Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee. It puts a picture of Wuhan’s Houshensan Hospital under construction and India’s crematorium together, also with two simple lines: “China’s Houshensan” and “India’s Houshensan”, and then “#Delhi, India is using dog crematorium for humans.”
“Houshensan” in Chinese literally means “Mount Fire God”, or “Mountain of the God of Fire”. During the peak of the CCP virus pandemic last year, the CCP built a special hospital at Houshensan near Wuhan in 10 days, and still regards it as a big achievement.
This one is from the CCP police in Hainan province. It puts a picture of China launching a rocket and India burning bodies together, with some poetic description, which says, “The future of the people should not be turned into ashes under the flames. Every burning of mankind should be for the sake of the more distant stars. Good night…”
These posts have caused so much anger and backlash from all over the world that the CCP had to take them down later.
When I first translated and posted about these posts, I said, “I’ve never [seen] such disgusting comparison.” I was so angry that I didn’t notice that I had missed the word “seen” in that tweet.
However, after some second thought, I kind of understood why the CCP made such unforgivable mistakes. Just like my aunt who told the story of that baby boy being dumped while still alive with a smiling face, the CCP didn’t know how low, how disgusting, and how unacceptable such comparisons were.
It was too eager to boast its own achievements in rocket science and in controlling the pandemic, and it didn’t realize how those posts would hurt others. It has no idea of how normal human beings should think and behave. And it never cares about other people’s lives and feelings anyway.
That’s why it shamelessly exposes to the world how ugly it is again and again. It doesn’t know what “shame” is.
Well, that’s all for today’s Inconvenient Truths. Thank you very much for watching. Once again, please subscribe to my channel, turn on the notification bell, like and share my videos, and leave us your comments to support.
Thank you. See you soon!
5/4/2021 *
Truth Saves Lives. Subscribe and support! 真相能救命。請支持!
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