According to Wuhan Chutian Daily, on March 20 and 21, 320,000 visits were paid to the major cemeteries in Wuhan City. Although the cemeteries were opened in advance to disperse the flow of people, there were still traffic jams on the way to the cemeteries. The number of deaths from the pandemic in Wuhan last year has once again raised public concern.
Mr. Qi, a citizen of Wuhan, told the Epoch Times on March 22 that he had been stuck in traffic for more than an hour on his way to Shimen Feng Urban Mausoleum, and traffic was still moving in and out. According to his estimate, there were at least 5,000 people on the road, if not 10,000.
He also said that when Wuhan was just reopened last year, he heard the news from a “Second Generation Red(”(Jennifer’s note: econd Generation Reds refers to children of high-ranking CCP officials) that “300,000 people had died”. He told his friends this, but no one believed him.
He said he didn’t expect that so many people were on the way on a Monday to create such a big traffic jam, it seems that there are indeed a lot of people who go to sweep the graves of their families.
A recent study published in the medical journal The Lancet found that as of April 2020, 6.9% of people in Wuhan had antibodies to the CCP virus (COVID19). This means that the number of people infected in Wuhan at that time was over 1.3 million, much higher than the 50,000 or so cases reported by the CCP.
最日一項刊登在醫學雜誌《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)上的研究發現,截至2020年4月,武漢有6.9%的人存在中共病毒(武漢肺炎)抗體。這意味著,武漢當時的感染人數就已超過130萬,遠高於中共報告的五萬多例。
3/24/2021 *

Screenshot of the Wuhan Chutian Daily report about 320K Visits Paid to Graveyards in Wuhan in 2 Days 楚天日報報導截圖

Crowds waiting outside the cemetery in Biantian Mountain, Wuhan on March 21, 2021. 3月21日,武漢扁擔山墓園外等待的人羣

A new cemetery in Wuhan 武漢一處新增的公墓

A new cemetery in Wuhan 武漢一處新增的公墓
320K Visits Paid to Graveyards in Wuhan in 2 Days 武漢公墓擠爆 兩天三十二萬人次掃墓
According to Wuhan Chutian Daily, on March 20 and 21, 320,000 visits were paid to the major cemeteries in Wuhan City. Although the cemeteries were opened in advance to disperse the flow of people, there were still traffic jams on the way to the cemeteries. The number of deaths from the pandemic in Wuhan last year has once again raised public concern.
Mr. Qi, a citizen of Wuhan, told the Epoch Times on March 22 that he had been stuck in traffic for more than an hour on his way to Shimen Feng Urban Mausoleum, and traffic was still moving in and out. According to his estimate, there were at least 5,000 people on the road, if not 10,000.
He also said that when Wuhan was just reopened last year, he heard the news from a “Second Generation Red(”(Jennifer’s note: econd Generation Reds refers to children of high-ranking CCP officials) that “300,000 people had died”. He told his friends this, but no one believed him.
He said he didn’t expect that so many people were on the way on a Monday to create such a big traffic jam, it seems that there are indeed a lot of people who go to sweep the graves of their families.
A recent study published in the medical journal The Lancet found that as of April 2020, 6.9% of people in Wuhan had antibodies to the CCP virus (COVID19). This means that the number of people infected in Wuhan at that time was over 1.3 million, much higher than the 50,000 or so cases reported by the CCP.
最日一項刊登在醫學雜誌《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)上的研究發現,截至2020年4月,武漢有6.9%的人存在中共病毒(武漢肺炎)抗體。這意味著,武漢當時的感染人數就已超過130萬,遠高於中共報告的五萬多例。
3/24/2021 *
Screenshot of the Wuhan Chutian Daily report about 320K Visits Paid to Graveyards in Wuhan in 2 Days 楚天日報報導截圖
Crowds waiting outside the cemetery in Biantian Mountain, Wuhan on March 21, 2021. 3月21日,武漢扁擔山墓園外等待的人羣
A new cemetery in Wuhan 武漢一處新增的公墓
A new cemetery in Wuhan 武漢一處新增的公墓