Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
In our last episode, we talked about President Trump’s possible future plan, and his legacy. Today let’s talk about what he could have done better, and what “we the people” should do moving forward.
Three Things Trump Could Have Done Better
As far as I can see, there are 3 things that Trump could have done better.
How to fight the CCP?
In my last show, I talked about how Trump was the one who changed the China narrative in the US by demanding a fair and reciprocal trade relationship with China. So he started his fight against the CCP with a trade war.
I am not sure how President Trump looked at the CCP and China, whether he had a very clear and overall strategy or plan to fight the CCP, whether he only wanted to contain the CCP, or actually planned to destroy it gradually and completely.
In Nov. 2019, I was interviewed by America’s think tank “Center of Security Policy”. And they published my interview in their newsletter as a “featured” item.
I said this in that interview:
“Maybe President Trump’s initial purpose for beginning the trade war with China was not to dismantle the CCP. However, if he can continue with his initial motivation, which was to rectify the unfair trade relations between the two countries, and insist on demanding the CCP to make structural changes, the final result could be the end the CCP regime, as its economic development is based on unsustainable models such as stealing, currency manipulating, forceful technology transfer, subsidy, etc. This kind of development cannot last forever once the West stops allowing it to take control.
“If the U. S. government can actively adopt more financial and economic measures, such as financial sanctions, excluding CCP companies from the U.S. stock market or even banking and US-dollar clearing system, an oil embargo, etc, the CCP could collapse much sooner.
“Again, the questions remain: Do we have enough political will? How do we define the CCP?”
I still believe that if Trump is given enough time to continue to do what he had been doing, there is a great chance that the CCP can be dismantled.
However, if Trump could have seen the CCP for what it is, which is, the greatest threat to humankind and the US, and actively sought ways to completely dismantle it, things would be very different for what we are seeing now.
The most important point is, dismantling the CCP is not meddling with Chinese affairs. It is liberating the Chinese people from the CCP’s big prison, and at the same time, ensuring the safety of the US and the world.
Because we didn’t do it, the CCP was able to meddle with the affairs of many other countries in the world, including the US. Now it is officially recognized by the Director of US National Intelligence that the CCP has interfered with the US election. So we can reasonably say that because we didn’t do more to dismantle the CCP, we are suffering the consequences. And Donald Trump is suffering too.
I also said this in the interview I mentioned before:
“Please don’t be alarmed by the word ‘dismantle’. We have once actively sought to dismantle the Soviet Union, the Saddam Hussein regime, ISIS, and Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda; why shouldn’t we do the same to the CCP, which has done no less evil in systematically murdering countless numbers of its own innocent citizens?
“One thing that is unique to the CCP, though, is that it has successfully dragged down the rest of the world to a certain degree. It has corrupted so many Western politicians, Multi-National corporations and Wall Street, having them bow to the power of wealth. Those politicians and big corporations then begin to work for the corrupt interests of the CCP, instead of the welfare of the people of their own countries.
“This makes the CCP even more dangerous and harmful than other regimes the U.S. once set out to dismantle.
“And the dismantling of the CCP could be much easier and much less expensive than we have imagined.
“I personally believe that the most efficient and least expensive way is to help the Chinese people to gain free and uncensored information inside and outside of China; and to empower the Chinese people themselves to overthrow the CCP.
“If we could make an investment in technology and equipment that can break down the CCP’s Great Firewall, and enable all the Chinese people to have free access to the internet, it would be very difficult for the CCP to continue to deceive and fool the Chinese people. They could then rise up themselves and dismantle the CCP. “
Well, I said all of this more than one year ago. If only President Trump and others had listened!
Well, that’s the first thing I think President Trump could have done better.
2. Distrust and Verify
The second one is, “distrust and verify”. This is actually what Secretary of State, or former Secterary of State Mike Pompeo said in his famous speech on China policy in July 2020. This is indeed how you should treat everything the CCP says and does.
However, it seems that President Trump and his team only realized this after the US and the world suffered very, very badly from the CCP virus pandemic.
Here let me share a secret that I have never shared before.
On March 11 last year, I received a surprising letter via the contact page of my website. It was sent from Seattle, the city where the first COVID19 case in the US was found.
It was actually a thank you letter to me , saying that I have “probably saved an astronomical number of lives.”

Why did he say so?
He said that because he had been following me on Twitter and knew how serious the pandemic situation in China was, he had written an email to “the number two person in King County Government who reports to the number one person of King County and the state of Washington.”
And then, about 36 hours later King County completely changed its approach with the pandemic situation.
This person said that he believed that his email to the No. 2 person in King County was passed on to Vice President Pence, “because tonight Donald Trump has completely changed his mind on the severity of the coronavirus and its impact”, and just had a press conference.
Then he said that “This was all made possible by the brave work you and the others have been doing as you can see in my email most of my evidence that I gave to these political leaders (is) from your Twitter and blog. I wanted to reach out and let you know that you probably saved an astronomical number of lives.”
He did list all the evidence he sent to the Number two person of King County (show P2 here), and I could see that almost all of them are from my Twitter account.

So to sum it up, he believed that the tweets I sent about the COVID19 had changed the attitude of King County and President Trump, that’s why he reached out to thank me.
I share this secret here, not to say how wonderful I was, but to lay out my point. Although President Trump was very quick to ban non US citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their families who had been to China in the past 14 days from entering the US at the end of January last year, and got a lot of criticism for that, he virtually did nothing, or very little in entire February. He indeed only started to act very aggressively after his press conference on March 11, after a lot of my tweets were presented to him as evidence to show the real situation in China.
I guessed before that, he had too much trust in the WHO, and what the CCP said about the virus. He didn’t know how serious the situation really was.
As a result, the best window to stop and contain the virus was lost.
Why did Taiwan do much better? Because officials in Taiwan didn’t trust the CCP, and they did their own research, and they understood the Chinese language, so they could get some non-CCP information, just like me.
At that stage, virtually no lame stream media was covering this issue, either. So it was very difficult to know the true situation unless you actively gathered your own information, like what I had been doing. I did so because I knew very well that the CCP was not to be trusted, and the CCP would cover up the truth.
I think the losses that the pandemic brought to the US and the world was too huge to estimate here.
Apart from those losses, the pandemic also changed the past US election, and perhaps the results of the election too. It also became a main stick, with which Trump’s political enemies could use to attack him all the time.
Well, maybe I’ve set too high a standard for President Trump. Not only he, I think almost all the world leaders, except the ones in Taiwan, were deceived by the CCP. If another person were the president of the US, he or she wouldn’t have done any better, or could have done much worse than President Trump.
The main point of me talking about this, is to ask everyone never, ever trust the CCP again on any issues.
“Distrust, and verify”, that’s the only way to deal with any information coming from the CCP.
3. Taiwan
The third thing President Trump could have done better is Taiwan. Many people, especially overseas Chinese people were speculating whether President Trump would resume formal, official diplomatic relations with Taiwan, or rather, the Republic of China, several months before the Election. At that time several high-level US officials were visiting Taiwan. People felt that the time to resume diplomatic relations with Taiwan was ripe, and hoped that Trump would push it forward.
However, he didn’t. If he had done so, Taiwan’s safety would be much better ensured.
Now, only several days after he had gone, the CCP’s fighter jets and bomber planes have aggressively intruded Taiwan multiple times. People say this is CCP leader Xi Jinping testing Biden to see how Biden would react.
In the meantimes, Biden’s administration started to address Taiwan officials as “Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives”. This term is also used by the CCP when they address the President of Taiwan. They call her “representative of Taiwan area” to indicate that Taiwan is part of China.
People have already noticed the difference: President Trump and Mike Pompeo used to say “President of Taiwan”, instead of “representative of Taiwan.”
So, if Trump had resumed formal relations with Taiwan, it wouldn’t be that easy for Biden to cancel that immediately, although Biden has been reversing all sorts of Trump policies in the first fews since he took office.
The Great Awakening
In my last show, I said that because Trump didn’t give in or give up after Election Day, people got a chance to see how everyone, every sector in the society behaved themselves, and what they chose to defend.
As a result, many people were awakened.
Let’s watch a short video first. The person who recorded this video is Ricky Schroder. He is a Hollywood actor, director, producer and writer.
Richy Schroder, “Friends, while today may seem like all hope is lost, it’s not. While today may appear like a sure victory for those people who thirst for power knows no limits, and blinds them to their responsibilities to We the People, it is not.
“Today, January 20, 2021, is the world’s great awakening. Hundreds of millions of freedom loving people around the globe now see and understand who our oppressors are. There’s nothing they’re not capable of.
“My opinion, the Biden and Harris administration is corrupt. It is enabled by Communist Party sympathizers within the political establishment of both major US political parties, federal agencies and corporate America. They employ their agents and big tech, entertainment, and media to confuse the American voter, hiding information necessary to make informed election decisions.
“Hunter Biden’s laptop and revealed Chinese Ukrainian, Russian business dealings are relevant to the American voter. The vast alliance of powers that were united to hiding that story a week before the election is election interference and voter suppression, period.
“What in the hell is going on, folks, why is the first amendment being destroyed on social media? Why is relevant news being hidden? These are Nazi tactics employed to silence dissent.
“This is not the new normal I’m willing to accept and I’m certain my oppressors won’t return America to the America that I know and love willingly.
“We the people have lost trust in our elections, our leadership, and the so called “Mainstream Media”. Or as they revealed themselves to be the Marxist Streaming media.
“I believe if elections aren’t secured to the satisfaction to all Americans quickly we won’t have a functioning country in a short time.
“I encourage all parties that want this country to succeed to work together, to make sure that election security is part of Biden’s 100 day agenda. We can’t survive another election like this, and we may not survive this one.
“I now dedicate my efforts to defend the country I love and the entertainment industry I’ve devoted my life. I will fight to liberate our nation. I will fight to liberate our nation from democratic, socialists, CCP agendas, one family, one county, one state, one network, one social media platform at a time.
“Until America is once again led by we the people. And the Democrats won’t participate in the election security reforms and protecting our first amendment rights, then We the People will defend them. We will defend Lady liberty for who she is, the world’s best hope after God.”
OK, I think everyone can feel his passion and emotion. I believe there are many people like him in the US.
This morning I saw an article in Chinese, which is being widely circulated among overseas Chinese.
This article’s title is “The Election has opened my eyes”.
It says, “Four years ago, I never doubted the news of the mainstream media; this time, I followed the Democratic primary and the presidential election and learned how most of the mainstream media took the quotes out of context, lied, and degenerated from journalism to stump propaganda.
“Four years ago, I thought most politicians in Washington were in politics because they had political aspirations and were bent on serving their country and their people; four years later, I see that most of them are fighting and pulling each other’s strings for partisan interests, personal interest and their own future.
“Four years ago I thought everyone was equal before the law; now I know that evidence of crime can be hidden, and it doesn’t matter if you commit a crime, it only matters if it is pursued.
“Four years ago I was proud of the freedom of speech in the United States, Americans can actually scold the president; four years later, the political arena and big technology companies make me scared. I could only oppose the president, not be in favor of him. Or else my accounts would be deleted.
“Four years ago, I thought the beacon of freedom would never go out and I could just take it for granted; four years later, I was amazed by President Reagan’s words: ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. ’
“It is painful to wake up from a deep illusion, but I do not regret it, and I still choose to live awake. Now I began to think: if I had not worked hard for the freedom of this country, so who am I to enjoy it with peace of mind? The time has come for me to do something about it, for myself and for my children to still be free people.”
This article was also written on Jan. 20.
How Should We the People Move Forward?
So what can we the people do from now on? Like I said in my last show, “where there is a will, there is a way.”
I think that we are already in a war. But in such a war, and such a time, information is more important than guns. So I think at least we the people should try our best to speak and spread the truth. Those who have the abilities and resources should work on ways to break the monopoly of information and control of social media platforms of large companies.
We should also work on taking back all the sectors that have been taken. This needs much longer and more concerted efforts.
Most importantly, we should hold tight on our faith in believing that good will overcome evil. Fight hard, and truth and justice will prevail in the end.
Well, that’s all I will say today. I just received an email from a viewer in the Philippines, saying that not only was he unsubscribed from my channel, but also couldn’t find me even when he searched for me! So I have suggested that he save the link to my channel somewhere, and check it whenever he feels like it.
Thank you very much for your support. Please help me to spread the messages.
Thank you, See you next time!
Truth Saves Lives. Subscribe and support! 真相能救命。請支持!
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Things Trump Could Have Done Better & How Should We the People Move Forward?
Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
In our last episode, we talked about President Trump’s possible future plan, and his legacy. Today let’s talk about what he could have done better, and what “we the people” should do moving forward.
Three Things Trump Could Have Done Better
As far as I can see, there are 3 things that Trump could have done better.
How to fight the CCP?
In my last show, I talked about how Trump was the one who changed the China narrative in the US by demanding a fair and reciprocal trade relationship with China. So he started his fight against the CCP with a trade war.
I am not sure how President Trump looked at the CCP and China, whether he had a very clear and overall strategy or plan to fight the CCP, whether he only wanted to contain the CCP, or actually planned to destroy it gradually and completely.
In Nov. 2019, I was interviewed by America’s think tank “Center of Security Policy”. And they published my interview in their newsletter as a “featured” item.
I said this in that interview:
“Maybe President Trump’s initial purpose for beginning the trade war with China was not to dismantle the CCP. However, if he can continue with his initial motivation, which was to rectify the unfair trade relations between the two countries, and insist on demanding the CCP to make structural changes, the final result could be the end the CCP regime, as its economic development is based on unsustainable models such as stealing, currency manipulating, forceful technology transfer, subsidy, etc. This kind of development cannot last forever once the West stops allowing it to take control.
“If the U. S. government can actively adopt more financial and economic measures, such as financial sanctions, excluding CCP companies from the U.S. stock market or even banking and US-dollar clearing system, an oil embargo, etc, the CCP could collapse much sooner.
“Again, the questions remain: Do we have enough political will? How do we define the CCP?”
I still believe that if Trump is given enough time to continue to do what he had been doing, there is a great chance that the CCP can be dismantled.
However, if Trump could have seen the CCP for what it is, which is, the greatest threat to humankind and the US, and actively sought ways to completely dismantle it, things would be very different for what we are seeing now.
The most important point is, dismantling the CCP is not meddling with Chinese affairs. It is liberating the Chinese people from the CCP’s big prison, and at the same time, ensuring the safety of the US and the world.
Because we didn’t do it, the CCP was able to meddle with the affairs of many other countries in the world, including the US. Now it is officially recognized by the Director of US National Intelligence that the CCP has interfered with the US election. So we can reasonably say that because we didn’t do more to dismantle the CCP, we are suffering the consequences. And Donald Trump is suffering too.
I also said this in the interview I mentioned before:
“Please don’t be alarmed by the word ‘dismantle’. We have once actively sought to dismantle the Soviet Union, the Saddam Hussein regime, ISIS, and Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda; why shouldn’t we do the same to the CCP, which has done no less evil in systematically murdering countless numbers of its own innocent citizens?
“One thing that is unique to the CCP, though, is that it has successfully dragged down the rest of the world to a certain degree. It has corrupted so many Western politicians, Multi-National corporations and Wall Street, having them bow to the power of wealth. Those politicians and big corporations then begin to work for the corrupt interests of the CCP, instead of the welfare of the people of their own countries.
“This makes the CCP even more dangerous and harmful than other regimes the U.S. once set out to dismantle.
“And the dismantling of the CCP could be much easier and much less expensive than we have imagined.
“I personally believe that the most efficient and least expensive way is to help the Chinese people to gain free and uncensored information inside and outside of China; and to empower the Chinese people themselves to overthrow the CCP.
“If we could make an investment in technology and equipment that can break down the CCP’s Great Firewall, and enable all the Chinese people to have free access to the internet, it would be very difficult for the CCP to continue to deceive and fool the Chinese people. They could then rise up themselves and dismantle the CCP. “
Well, I said all of this more than one year ago. If only President Trump and others had listened!
Well, that’s the first thing I think President Trump could have done better.
2. Distrust and Verify
The second one is, “distrust and verify”. This is actually what Secretary of State, or former Secterary of State Mike Pompeo said in his famous speech on China policy in July 2020. This is indeed how you should treat everything the CCP says and does.
However, it seems that President Trump and his team only realized this after the US and the world suffered very, very badly from the CCP virus pandemic.
Here let me share a secret that I have never shared before.
On March 11 last year, I received a surprising letter via the contact page of my website. It was sent from Seattle, the city where the first COVID19 case in the US was found.
It was actually a thank you letter to me , saying that I have “probably saved an astronomical number of lives.”
Why did he say so?
He said that because he had been following me on Twitter and knew how serious the pandemic situation in China was, he had written an email to “the number two person in King County Government who reports to the number one person of King County and the state of Washington.”
And then, about 36 hours later King County completely changed its approach with the pandemic situation.
This person said that he believed that his email to the No. 2 person in King County was passed on to Vice President Pence, “because tonight Donald Trump has completely changed his mind on the severity of the coronavirus and its impact”, and just had a press conference.
Then he said that “This was all made possible by the brave work you and the others have been doing as you can see in my email most of my evidence that I gave to these political leaders (is) from your Twitter and blog. I wanted to reach out and let you know that you probably saved an astronomical number of lives.”
He did list all the evidence he sent to the Number two person of King County (show P2 here), and I could see that almost all of them are from my Twitter account.
So to sum it up, he believed that the tweets I sent about the COVID19 had changed the attitude of King County and President Trump, that’s why he reached out to thank me.
I share this secret here, not to say how wonderful I was, but to lay out my point. Although President Trump was very quick to ban non US citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their families who had been to China in the past 14 days from entering the US at the end of January last year, and got a lot of criticism for that, he virtually did nothing, or very little in entire February. He indeed only started to act very aggressively after his press conference on March 11, after a lot of my tweets were presented to him as evidence to show the real situation in China.
I guessed before that, he had too much trust in the WHO, and what the CCP said about the virus. He didn’t know how serious the situation really was.
As a result, the best window to stop and contain the virus was lost.
Why did Taiwan do much better? Because officials in Taiwan didn’t trust the CCP, and they did their own research, and they understood the Chinese language, so they could get some non-CCP information, just like me.
At that stage, virtually no lame stream media was covering this issue, either. So it was very difficult to know the true situation unless you actively gathered your own information, like what I had been doing. I did so because I knew very well that the CCP was not to be trusted, and the CCP would cover up the truth.
I think the losses that the pandemic brought to the US and the world was too huge to estimate here.
Apart from those losses, the pandemic also changed the past US election, and perhaps the results of the election too. It also became a main stick, with which Trump’s political enemies could use to attack him all the time.
Well, maybe I’ve set too high a standard for President Trump. Not only he, I think almost all the world leaders, except the ones in Taiwan, were deceived by the CCP. If another person were the president of the US, he or she wouldn’t have done any better, or could have done much worse than President Trump.
The main point of me talking about this, is to ask everyone never, ever trust the CCP again on any issues.
“Distrust, and verify”, that’s the only way to deal with any information coming from the CCP.
3. Taiwan
The third thing President Trump could have done better is Taiwan. Many people, especially overseas Chinese people were speculating whether President Trump would resume formal, official diplomatic relations with Taiwan, or rather, the Republic of China, several months before the Election. At that time several high-level US officials were visiting Taiwan. People felt that the time to resume diplomatic relations with Taiwan was ripe, and hoped that Trump would push it forward.
However, he didn’t. If he had done so, Taiwan’s safety would be much better ensured.
Now, only several days after he had gone, the CCP’s fighter jets and bomber planes have aggressively intruded Taiwan multiple times. People say this is CCP leader Xi Jinping testing Biden to see how Biden would react.
In the meantimes, Biden’s administration started to address Taiwan officials as “Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives”. This term is also used by the CCP when they address the President of Taiwan. They call her “representative of Taiwan area” to indicate that Taiwan is part of China.
People have already noticed the difference: President Trump and Mike Pompeo used to say “President of Taiwan”, instead of “representative of Taiwan.”
So, if Trump had resumed formal relations with Taiwan, it wouldn’t be that easy for Biden to cancel that immediately, although Biden has been reversing all sorts of Trump policies in the first fews since he took office.
The Great Awakening
In my last show, I said that because Trump didn’t give in or give up after Election Day, people got a chance to see how everyone, every sector in the society behaved themselves, and what they chose to defend.
As a result, many people were awakened.
Let’s watch a short video first. The person who recorded this video is Ricky Schroder. He is a Hollywood actor, director, producer and writer.
Richy Schroder, “Friends, while today may seem like all hope is lost, it’s not. While today may appear like a sure victory for those people who thirst for power knows no limits, and blinds them to their responsibilities to We the People, it is not.
“Today, January 20, 2021, is the world’s great awakening. Hundreds of millions of freedom loving people around the globe now see and understand who our oppressors are. There’s nothing they’re not capable of.
“My opinion, the Biden and Harris administration is corrupt. It is enabled by Communist Party sympathizers within the political establishment of both major US political parties, federal agencies and corporate America. They employ their agents and big tech, entertainment, and media to confuse the American voter, hiding information necessary to make informed election decisions.
“Hunter Biden’s laptop and revealed Chinese Ukrainian, Russian business dealings are relevant to the American voter. The vast alliance of powers that were united to hiding that story a week before the election is election interference and voter suppression, period.
“What in the hell is going on, folks, why is the first amendment being destroyed on social media? Why is relevant news being hidden? These are Nazi tactics employed to silence dissent.
“This is not the new normal I’m willing to accept and I’m certain my oppressors won’t return America to the America that I know and love willingly.
“We the people have lost trust in our elections, our leadership, and the so called “Mainstream Media”. Or as they revealed themselves to be the Marxist Streaming media.
“I believe if elections aren’t secured to the satisfaction to all Americans quickly we won’t have a functioning country in a short time.
“I encourage all parties that want this country to succeed to work together, to make sure that election security is part of Biden’s 100 day agenda. We can’t survive another election like this, and we may not survive this one.
“I now dedicate my efforts to defend the country I love and the entertainment industry I’ve devoted my life. I will fight to liberate our nation. I will fight to liberate our nation from democratic, socialists, CCP agendas, one family, one county, one state, one network, one social media platform at a time.
“Until America is once again led by we the people. And the Democrats won’t participate in the election security reforms and protecting our first amendment rights, then We the People will defend them. We will defend Lady liberty for who she is, the world’s best hope after God.”
OK, I think everyone can feel his passion and emotion. I believe there are many people like him in the US.
This morning I saw an article in Chinese, which is being widely circulated among overseas Chinese.
This article’s title is “The Election has opened my eyes”.
It says, “Four years ago, I never doubted the news of the mainstream media; this time, I followed the Democratic primary and the presidential election and learned how most of the mainstream media took the quotes out of context, lied, and degenerated from journalism to stump propaganda.
“Four years ago, I thought most politicians in Washington were in politics because they had political aspirations and were bent on serving their country and their people; four years later, I see that most of them are fighting and pulling each other’s strings for partisan interests, personal interest and their own future.
“Four years ago I thought everyone was equal before the law; now I know that evidence of crime can be hidden, and it doesn’t matter if you commit a crime, it only matters if it is pursued.
“Four years ago I was proud of the freedom of speech in the United States, Americans can actually scold the president; four years later, the political arena and big technology companies make me scared. I could only oppose the president, not be in favor of him. Or else my accounts would be deleted.
“Four years ago, I thought the beacon of freedom would never go out and I could just take it for granted; four years later, I was amazed by President Reagan’s words: ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. ’
“It is painful to wake up from a deep illusion, but I do not regret it, and I still choose to live awake. Now I began to think: if I had not worked hard for the freedom of this country, so who am I to enjoy it with peace of mind? The time has come for me to do something about it, for myself and for my children to still be free people.”
This article was also written on Jan. 20.
How Should We the People Move Forward?
So what can we the people do from now on? Like I said in my last show, “where there is a will, there is a way.”
I think that we are already in a war. But in such a war, and such a time, information is more important than guns. So I think at least we the people should try our best to speak and spread the truth. Those who have the abilities and resources should work on ways to break the monopoly of information and control of social media platforms of large companies.
We should also work on taking back all the sectors that have been taken. This needs much longer and more concerted efforts.
Most importantly, we should hold tight on our faith in believing that good will overcome evil. Fight hard, and truth and justice will prevail in the end.
Well, that’s all I will say today. I just received an email from a viewer in the Philippines, saying that not only was he unsubscribed from my channel, but also couldn’t find me even when he searched for me! So I have suggested that he save the link to my channel somewhere, and check it whenever he feels like it.
Thank you very much for your support. Please help me to spread the messages.
Thank you, See you next time!
Truth Saves Lives. Subscribe and support! 真相能救命。請支持!
Donate to me directly 直接捐款:https://donorbox.org/inconvenient-truths-by-jennifer-zeng
Subscribestar 會員頻道: https://bit.ly/3fEzeJB
YouTube 油管:bit.ly/3b87DPj
GoFundme 衆籌:https://bit.ly/2zx6LVw
Patreon 網站:https://bit.ly/3cvBy3H
Paypal 捐款:http://paypal.me/JenniferZeng97