(Jennifer’s note: Below is the English translation of a Chinese report published at: https://atlanta.americachineselife.com/%E4%BD%90%E6%B2%BB%E4%BA%9A%E5%8D%8E%E4%BA%BA%E8%BD%AC%E6%88%98%E8%AF%A5%E5%B7%9E%E5%8F%82%E8%AE%AE%E5%91%98%E5%A4%8D%E9%80%89/
Archived version at: https://web.archive.org/web/20210105001446/https://atlanta.americachineselife.com/%E4%BD%90%E6%B2%BB%E4%BA%9A%E5%8D%8E%E4%BA%BA%E8%BD%AC%E6%88%98%E8%AF%A5%E5%B7%9E%E5%8F%82%E8%AE%AE%E5%91%98%E5%A4%8D%E9%80%89/)
By 生活小编-陈 , Dec. 12, 2020 | 由 生活小编-陈 · 2020年12月20日
Yale (Yu) Xiao, who came to the U.S. from China nearly 30 years ago, is registered with the U.S. Republican Party and has helped Republicans run for office in the past, but this year, not only is he supporting Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential election, he is also actively organizing Chinese groups to help Democrats run for Senate.
Yale (Yu) Xiao’s state of Georgia is currently the focus of attention across the United States. Former Vice President Joe Biden defeated his opponent Donald Trump in the presidential election, but in the Senate, Republicans and Democrats won 50 and 48 seats, respectively. The final two seats are still up in the air in Georgia, where a January 5 Senate runoff will determine Senate dominance for the next four years, and a Democratic victory would lay the groundwork for a strong and effective Biden administration.
“The United States has been very divided over the last four years, and if the Senate remains in Republican control, Biden is likely to get nowhere, and then Donnald Trump could make a comeback in four years,” Yale Xiao said in an interview with BBC Chinese. He believes that many of the Republican Party’s current policies have deviated from his ideas, and it is time to “set things right”.
“美国过去四年非常两极分化,如果参议院继续由共和党控制,拜登很可能一事无成,那么四年后Donnald Trump可能卷土重来,”肖宇在BBC中文的访问中说。他认为共和党当前的很多方针背离了他的想法,到了“拨乱反正”的时候。
The Rising Power of Asians
After the recount of the U.S. presidential votes, Democrat Joe Biden narrowly led Trump by more than 12,000 votes in Georgia, a significant increase over Hillary’s campaign four years ago and the second time the state has “flipped blue” since the 1970s (the last time was in 1992). According to AAPI Data, Asian American voters make up 4.7 percent of all voters in Georgia, which equates to nearly 238,000 voters, enough to determine the number of votes in the swing state. According to Votebuilder, as of Nov. 18, the total number of Asian registered voters was about 193,000, of which about 124,000 voted, a participation rate of 64.56 percent.
美国总统选举重新计票后,民主党的拜登在佐治亚州以1.2万多张票的微弱优势领先特朗普,支持率比四年前希拉里竞选时大幅增加,这也是该州自70年代以来第二次“翻蓝”(上次在1992年)。根据AAPI Data,在佐治亚州,美国亚裔选民占全体选民的4.7%,这相当于近23.8万名选民,足以决定这个摇摆州的选票数。根据Votebuilder的统计,截至11月18日,亚裔注册选民总数约为19.3万人,其中约12.4万人参与了投票,参与率为64.56%。
Asian voter turnout in Georgia surged by about 90 percent this year over 2016, Target-Smart’s analysis shows. Among the state’s Asian population, Chinese-Americans are the second largest group, accounting for 15 percent of the total Asian population, according to demographics.
Russell Jeung, a professor at San Francisco State University who studies the Asian community, told BBC Chinese, “Asian voters not only helped get Biden elected, but were also able to swing the U.S. Senate in favor of the Democrats and subsequently play an important role in policymaking on key issues such as public health and the COVID pandemic, economic recovery, climate change, racial justice, and immigration play an important role.”
旧金山州立大学研究亚裔族群的教授张华耀(Russell Jeung)对BBC中文说,“亚裔选民不仅帮助了拜登当选,还能够使美国参议院摆向民主党,继而在公共卫生和新冠病毒大流行、经济复苏、气候变化、种族公正以及移民等关键议题的政策制定上发挥重要作用。”
In this Senate runoff, incumbent Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue are running against Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, respectively. Campaigning is in full swing, with both parties’ campaigns investing large sums of money in the state in what could be the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history.
在此次参议员复选竞争中,现任共和党参议员莱弗勒(Kelly Loeffler)和珀杜(David Perdue)分别与民主党人沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)和奥索夫(Jon Ossoff)展开竞争。竞选造势正如火如荼地进行,两党的竞选团队都在该州投入了大笔资金,有可能成为美国历史上最昂贵的参议员选举。
The influence of the China Factor
Asian voter turnout in Georgia nearly doubled in this year’s U.S. elections, with the China factor being a major influence on them, especially Chinese voters.
During the outbreak, Trump insisted on using the term “China virus” to refer to the new coronavirus. Critics argue that this could lead to the stigmatization of Chinese in the U.S., and even of the Asian community as a whole.
疫情期间,特朗普坚持使用“中国病毒”(China virus)一词来指代新型冠状病毒。批评人士认为,这可能导致在美国的华人、甚至整个亚裔群体受到污名化。
“The term ‘Chinese virus’ racializes the disease, and Chinese are being blamed for the disease. About two-thirds of Asian Americans say that the current spate of anti-Asian racism motivated their vote,” said Professor Russell Jeung. Professor Jeung’s team launched the Stop AAPI Hate survey in March of this year and has already received hundreds of cases of hostility against Asians. “In these cases, the perpetrators are parroting Trump’s hate speech like a parrot,” he said.
“‘中国病毒’一词将这种疾病种族化,华人被指责为该疾病的罪魁祸首。约有三分之二的亚裔美国人表示,当前一连串的反亚裔种族主义是他们投票的动机”,张华耀教授说。张教授的团队从今年3月展开“停止仇视亚裔”(Stop AAPI Hate)调查,目前已经收到数百起亚裔遭到敌视的案例。“在这些事件中,作恶者像鹦鹉学舌似的效仿特朗普的仇恨言论”,他说。
Jin Jin, a Chinese living in Georgia, came to the U.S. 20 years ago and used to not care much about politics, but this year she voted for the first time and took on the role of organizer to coordinate Chinese electioneering for the first time. One of the main reasons she decided to come forward was because she felt that the Chinese environment in the U.S. was threatened by the “Chinese virus” that Trump spoke of. Her elementary school daughter was asked by her classmates if her mother brought the virus, which made her feel sad.
Jin Jin not only supported Biden’s election, but also helped Democratic Senate candidates to call for votes. She saw a bill passed by the House of Representatives on Sept. 17 that called on public officials to condemn hostile remarks and actions against Asians and require law enforcement to investigate hate crimes. The bill received 243 unanimous Democratic votes, while only 14 Republicans voted in favor of the bill and 163 voted against it, and it did not make it to the Senate.
金瑾不仅支持拜登当选,还帮助民主党参议员候选人拜票。她看到今年9月17日,国会众议院通过了华裔民主党议员孟昭文(Grace Meng)提出的一项议案,呼吁公职人员谴责敌视亚裔的言行,并要求执法部门调查仇恨犯罪。该议案得到民主党243票全票支持,而共和党中只有14票赞成,163票反对,最终没能递交参议院。
“Although this motion is just a statement of stance, the fact that the Democrats passed it all shows that they strongly support the condemnation of hateful acts against Asians, then, of course, we should go for the Democrats,” Jin Jin told BBC Chinese. In the past two weeks, a team of more than 20 volunteers, including her, sent out more than 5,500 postcards to canvass for Democratic candidates.

Jane Kim (second from right) and Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock (D-CA) 金瑾(右二)与民主党参议员候选人沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)
Chinese in the U.S.-China Crossfire
According to AAPI Data, Chinese-Americans make up 15% of the total Asian population in Georgia, about 75,000, second only to 150,000 Indians. In terms of the population base, Chinese-Americans themselves will hardly play a decisive role in reversing the Senate. However, regardless of the camp, the Chinese seem to be more enthusiastic in voting this year than ever before. The intense conflict between the U.S. and China over ideological differences and great power rivalry has made the fiery political temperature truly felt by Chinese who have lived in both places.
根据AAPI Data,在佐治亚州亚裔人口中,华裔占亚裔总人口的15%,约为7.5万,仅次于印度裔15万人。就人口基数来看,华裔本身很难在反转参议院中起到决定性作用。不过,不管是哪方阵营,今年华人的投票热情似乎都比以往要高。美中两国因意识形态差异和大国竞争而引发的激烈冲突,令在两地都有生活经历的华人真切地感受到了火热的政治温度。
“Previously, American politics did not have much impact on Chinese people, and this year the Chinese community was mobilized because of Trump and the epidemic. We played a big role in the presidential election and showed that the only way to have a voice is by participating in politics,” Ni Jian, who came to the U.S. from China for more than 30 years, told BBC Chinese.
Over the past two years, the U.S. has besieged China on multiple fronts, beginning with the trade war in 2018 and extending to technology, military, media, education, and other areas. In response to human rights issues such as Hong Kong and Xinjiang, the U.S. Congress passed a series of bills authorizing the government to impose sanctions on potential human rights abusers. Congress also passed the Taipei Act, which aims to enhance economic and trade ties between the U.S. and Taiwan, which China considers a “core interest”.
In July, the Trump administration asked China to close its consulate general in Houston, Kansas, and a few days later, China responded by closing the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu. Relations between the U.S. and China have fallen to a historic freeze since the establishment of diplomatic relations.
Jin Jin runs an international education organization that engages in educational exchanges between the U.S. and China. The disruption of international flights and reduced movement of people caused by the epidemic directly hit her business, and her company was further aggravated by the deterioration in U.S.-China relations that spilled over into the education sector and a sharp drop in the number of Chinese students coming to the United States. “Business is down by 90 percent,” she said. This is another reason she opposes Trump.
There is now a bipartisan consensus in the United States that China is a strategic competitor of the United States and that even if a Biden administration takes office, it will continue to confront China in many areas. Many analysts point out that, unlike Trump, Biden will unite with allies to confront China and exert strong pressure in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and other areas involving China’s human rights situation.
Several Chinese respondents from mainland China who support the Democratic candidate said they hope the U.S. and China will move toward cooperation after Biden takes office. Some said they were reluctant to comment on human rights issues in China for fear of the safety of their relatives in mainland China or damage to their China-related interests, and said they did not care much about Hong Kong and Taiwan affairs.
Ni Jian, who came to the United States in the late 1980s, said he supports China’s development in a “more democratic and open” direction, but “as to how to go about it, we may not all do it exactly the same way, and [China] doesn’t necessarily follow the American democratic system.”
Ni Jian said Biden did not play a particularly tough “democracy card” with China when he was vice president during Obama’s term, so he believes the Biden administration will also behave the same way, and will “focus its efforts and time on U.S. domestic affairs.”

Supporters of Republican Congressman David Perdue (R-PA) 共和党议员珀杜(David Perdue)的支持者
Republican Chinese who switched to support the Democratic Party
In addition to the Chinese factor, domestic issues in the United States also sway the choice of Chinese.
Yale Xiao, a Chinese who came to the United States in the early 1990s, said the past four years have been “the most unpleasant”. The company he used to work for made its initial public offering this year, and he joined through a small amount of original stock he held. He should have been happy to have made a profit when the epidemic hit the U.S. economy hard, but he said the deteriorating political environment in the U.S. has kept him from cheering up.
“Turn on the TV and you see politicians yelling at each other, Donald Trump is lying, American democracy shouldn’t be like this,” Yale Xiao said. He speaks with a strong Beijing accent and speaks in a straightforward manner, with English interspersed in his statements from time to time.
“打开电视就看到政客在对骂,Donald Trump在撒谎,美国民主不应该是这样”,肖宇说。他操着一口浓重的北京腔,说话直来直去,语句中还时不时夹杂着英文。
Yale Xiao has lived in Johns Creek, Georgia for 23 years and, as a registered Republican, has volunteered to participate in Republican activities and help Republicans run for office. in early 2015, he volunteered to encourage and lead the Chinese in the race for Georgia State Representative in the 50th District, helping Brad Raffensperger in the runoff election by more than 100 votes, after he trailed by 26 votes. Raffensperger has now become Georgia’s Secretary of State.
肖宇居住在佐治亚州琼斯溪市(Johns Creek)已经23年,作为一名注册共和党员,他曾主动参与共和党的活动,并帮助共和党人竞选公职。2015年初,他自愿鼓励并带领华人在佐治亚州议员第50区议员选举中,帮助拉芬斯伯格(Brad Raffensperger)在复选中以100多票获胜,此前他落后26票。拉芬斯伯格目前已成为佐治亚州的州务卿。
In the same year, Yale Xiao served as the official campaign director for the city council race, and after eight months of primary and runoff elections, helped a Republican Taiwanese-American candidate win and become the county’s first Chinese-American city council member.
Yale Xiao recalls the experience of doing political fundraising at that time, “high as a holiday”. But this time, Chinese from different camps confronted each other on social media and even attacked each other with words, causing some people’s years of friendship to break down. And in reality, the Chinese who support the Democratic Party are relatively silent.
“Our Chinese community is divided,” said Yale Xiao, who did not publish the names of the donors on this year’s fundraising list.

Yale Xiao (second from left) organized a campaign for city council in 2015 肖宇(左二)在2015年组织竞选市议员
Yale Xiao used to enjoy the monthly Saturday breakfast meetings of the county’s Republicans. “Everyone was warm and friendly, wearing suits and suits, having a gourmet breakfast and taking the Pledge of Allegiance in front of the flag,” he said, adding that the meetings usually featured Republican candidates explaining their campaign ideas or guests expounding on the Republican Party’s governing philosophy. Yale Xiao is almost the only Asian here, but has never felt excluded and has been invited to help Republican candidates reach out to the Asian community.
After Trump was elected president, Xiao Yu gradually felt that such breakfast meetings “have become tasteless”. Many of the candidates’ or guests’ speeches turned into “Trump-style rants”, which reminded him of the Chinese Cultural Revolution-style criticism.
Not only that, but Yale Xiao also believes that many of the traditional Republican ideas have shifted and that Trump has “kidnapped the Republican Party”.
He cited the Republican Party’s consistent focus on fiscal responsibility and the need to balance revenues and expenditures without unwarranted massive borrowing. But in the four years of the Trump administration, “with the economy doing so well, the U.S. national debt has shot through the roof over and over again, uncontrollably, and it was so before the epidemic.”
Another example is the issue of abortion, which has been controversial for many years. Yale Xiao believes that, based on the Republican concept of “small government”, individuals should mind their own business and enjoy full freedom without affecting others and without interference from others or the government.
Anti-abortion forces have grown in the past four years, with many states, including Georgia, introducing tough abortion restrictions. According to Xiao, Trump has used the abortion issue to “kidnap Christian leadership and increase national division.
The idea that “you can’t just sit there and fight, you have to come out and do something” has led him once again to the path of electioneering. This time, he turned to support the Democratic candidate.

Yale Xiao held a rally in front of a local Chinese supermarket to support Biden for president 肖宇在本地一家中华超市门前举办集会,支持拜登竞选总统
“It’s not that I’ve changed, I’m still me, but a lot of the Republican Party’s approach has departed from my ideas, especially with Donald Trump as the representative,” Xiao said. He believes it is time to “set things right” and that the United States should “get back on the right track”. That includes continuing to engage with China, rejoining the Paris Accord on global climate change, being friendly to immigrants and promoting proper health benefits. Yale Xiao said he may still return to supporting the Republican line in the future.
“不是我变了,我仍然是我,但是共和党的很多方针背离了我的想法,特别是以Donald Trump为代表的”,肖宇说。他认为现在是“拨乱反正”的时候,美国应该“重回正确的轨道”。这包括继续与中国接触、重新加入治理全球气候变化的《巴黎协议》、友善对待移民、推行适当的医疗福利等。肖宇说,将来自己仍有可能回到支持共和党的路线。
In November, Xiao Yu volunteered to plan the election strategy for Michelle Au, a Chinese-American Democrat, and rallied Chinese-Americans to raise funds. The anesthesiologist was eventually elected to the Georgia Senate, becoming the first Chinese-American senator in the state legislature’s 243-year history.
今年11月,肖宇自愿为华裔民主党欧晓瑜(Michelle Au)谋划选举策略,并召集华裔筹款。这位麻醉科医师最终当选佐治亚州参议员,成为该州立法院243年历史上首位华裔参议员。
“A lot of money was invested in the primary,” Xiao said of his campaign strategy. While other candidates conserved their strength to save money because they had no opponent from their own party in the primary, Xiao advised Michelle Au to throw everything she raised at the risk of spending it all. Originally unknown, Au stood out and used her status as a doctor to make a name for herself during the height of the new epidemic, winning the subsequent general election.
Wining “Middle Voters” in the Midst of Division
The U.S. is currently mired in serious division, with controversies over immigration policy, social injustice, and urban-rural disparities being amplified, with mutual accusations and animosity permeating the television media and the Internet, and even breeding disinformation and conspiracy theories. The same situation is happening in the Chinese community.
Liao Bilan, a retired Chinese professor majoring in fine arts, had never thought of getting involved in politics before, but a “scolding war” in a Chinese social media WeChat group drew her into the political maelstrom.
华人退休教授廖碧兰从事美术专业,之前从未想过参与政治,但在中国社交媒体微信群里的 “骂战”将她卷入政治漩涡。
Liao Bilan repeatedly forwarded information about Biden and the Democratic Party’s policies in WeChat groups, and was verbally abused by many opponents and kicked out of the group several times. However, she continued to organize online activities and made early voting videos calling on Chinese to vote for the Democratic Party.
“Trump has destroyed my American dream,” Liao Bilan told BBC Chinese. She came to the United States in 2000, when she was nearly middle-aged and didn’t speak English. Over the next nearly 10 years, she repeated her degree, joined a school to teach and became a professor.
Born in the 1950s, Liao Bilan had watched her father suffer during the Cultural Revolution, and herself and her family were dragged into it. She says the current divisions and struggles in the United States remind her of her unfortunate childhood experiences and does not want to repeat them in her later years.

Retired art professor Liao Bilan (center) participates in a rally to build momentum 退休美术教授廖碧兰(中)参与造势集会
Liao Bilan moved to Gwinnett County, Georgia, four years ago. It is the most affluent county in the state, with the second-highest total population. It has the largest Asian population in the state, about 100,000 people, or 12 percent of the county’s total population.
In late June, the Biden campaign’s national organization, “Chinese Americans for Biden”, noticed Liao and asked her to organize volunteers to help with the campaign. In the months that followed, the 60-something Liao worked with dozens of volunteers to design postcards, make phone calls, and, in an epidemic, personally visit voters who had returned their ballots to change their information.
6月底,拜登竞选团的全国性组织“华裔支持拜登”(Chinese Americans for Biden)留意到廖碧兰,邀请她组织义工帮助竞选。在随后的几个月里,60多岁的廖碧兰与数十个义工一起设计明信片、打电话拜票,并在疫情下亲自上门通知退票的选民修改信息。
In the U.S. congressional and local elections, turnout in the runoff is generally lower than in the primary election, and with Biden’s victory in the presidential election, some people want a check and balance of power in the Senate. Asian “middle voters”, including Chinese, have become the object of competition between the two parties.
Janelle Wong, a professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at the University of Maryland, told BBC Chinese, “Asian Americans tend to support Democrats, voting about 2:1 for Biden and Trump. It looks like the Georgia Senate race will be very close, so every vote counts. Both parties should enlist the support of Asian voters, whose power has not been previously developed but is a new force in politics.”
马里兰大学亚裔美国人研究系教授Janelle Wong对BBC中文说,“亚裔美国人倾向支持民主党,投票给拜登和特朗普的比例约为2:1。看起来佐治亚州的参议员竞选结果会非常接近,所以每一张选票都很重要。两党都应该争取亚裔选民的支持,他们的力量此前没有开发出来,但却是一支新的政坛力量。”
This led Yale Xiao and others to form a group called “Chinese American for Political Participation”, which organizes lectures, film screenings, and panel discussions to call on Chinese from different industries to participate in. The group has organized lectures, film screenings, and guest speakers to engage Chinese from different industries in discussions about American politics. Topics covered include health care policy, candidates’ backgrounds and political views, absentee ballot procedures, the situation of the Chinese community in the US-China relationship, and the role of the media in the election.
这也促成肖宇等人成立了名为“鼓励华人参政行动”(Chinese American for Political Participation)的团体,以举办讲座、放映电影、邀请嘉宾座谈等形式,号召不同行业的华人参与讨论美国政治。他们的主题涵盖医疗卫生政策、候选人的背景和政见、申请缺席邮寄投票程序、中美关系下华裔群体的处境、媒体在大选中的作用等。
“If we had started out with a strong position in support of the Democratic Party, we would have been abandoning a camp, and that might not be very helpful. So we ended up choosing to do this from a relatively neutral perspective,” said Ni Jian, an organizer of the forum. He also serves as president of the Atlanta Chinese Chamber of Commerce and manages a multinational corporation.

Postcards sent by Ni Jian to canvass votes 倪健寄出的拜票明信片
Ni Jian considers himself to be “left of center” in his position, favoring the market economy in economic terms, believing that individual prosperity also creates wealth for the country and society, and protecting the interests of the disadvantaged in welfare policies, including the implementation of universal health insurance. He compared Trump’s failure to acknowledge his defeat after the election to the behavior of a “third world dictator” and considered Trump’s neglect of environmental protection and disrespect for the media to be “the greatest threat to American democracy and legal system.”
In a fundraising call for Democratic Senate candidates that ended earlier this month, Yale Xiao’s team fell short of the $50,000 fundraising goal set by the official campaign, which meant that congressmen, Secretary of State and others could not be invited to hold separate campaign meetings for Chinese-American voters, even if they were just online meetups. Eventually Chinese were merged into the entire Asian community to hold a joint campaign event on the 15th.
In his reflection, Yale Xiao said that the lack of systematic community organizations and leaders in the Chinese community who support the Democratic Party has led to the failure to spread the message nationwide this time. He regrets this and believes that the power of the rising Chinese community in American politics should not be ignored.
Janelle Wong, a professor who studies Asians, said, “Among Chinese-Americans, the right does bring its voice to the fore through mobilization, especially on social media platforms. This strategy is less common among the Chinese-American left. Leftist Chinese-Americans are still struggling to catch up to the level of organization shown by the right.”
研究亚裔的教授Janelle Wong说,“在华裔美国人中,右派确实通过动员将声音突显出来,特别是在社交媒体平台上。这种策略在华裔左派中不太常见。左派华裔仍在努力追赶右派所表现出的组织水平。”
Nevertheless, these first-generation Chinese immigrants hope that their political experience will inspire the next generation to enter the political arena sooner rather than later in order to fight for the rights of the Chinese community.
Originally published at
Archived at
After Helping Swing State Turn Blue in U.S. Election, Georgia Chinese Turn to State’s Senate Runoff 美国大选助摇摆州“翻蓝”后,佐治亚华人转战该州参议员复选
(Jennifer’s note: Below is the English translation of a Chinese report published at: https://atlanta.americachineselife.com/%E4%BD%90%E6%B2%BB%E4%BA%9A%E5%8D%8E%E4%BA%BA%E8%BD%AC%E6%88%98%E8%AF%A5%E5%B7%9E%E5%8F%82%E8%AE%AE%E5%91%98%E5%A4%8D%E9%80%89/
Archived version at: https://web.archive.org/web/20210105001446/https://atlanta.americachineselife.com/%E4%BD%90%E6%B2%BB%E4%BA%9A%E5%8D%8E%E4%BA%BA%E8%BD%AC%E6%88%98%E8%AF%A5%E5%B7%9E%E5%8F%82%E8%AE%AE%E5%91%98%E5%A4%8D%E9%80%89/)
By 生活小编-陈 , Dec. 12, 2020 | 由 生活小编-陈 · 2020年12月20日
Yale (Yu) Xiao, who came to the U.S. from China nearly 30 years ago, is registered with the U.S. Republican Party and has helped Republicans run for office in the past, but this year, not only is he supporting Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential election, he is also actively organizing Chinese groups to help Democrats run for Senate.
Yale (Yu) Xiao’s state of Georgia is currently the focus of attention across the United States. Former Vice President Joe Biden defeated his opponent Donald Trump in the presidential election, but in the Senate, Republicans and Democrats won 50 and 48 seats, respectively. The final two seats are still up in the air in Georgia, where a January 5 Senate runoff will determine Senate dominance for the next four years, and a Democratic victory would lay the groundwork for a strong and effective Biden administration.
“The United States has been very divided over the last four years, and if the Senate remains in Republican control, Biden is likely to get nowhere, and then Donnald Trump could make a comeback in four years,” Yale Xiao said in an interview with BBC Chinese. He believes that many of the Republican Party’s current policies have deviated from his ideas, and it is time to “set things right”.
“美国过去四年非常两极分化,如果参议院继续由共和党控制,拜登很可能一事无成,那么四年后Donnald Trump可能卷土重来,”肖宇在BBC中文的访问中说。他认为共和党当前的很多方针背离了他的想法,到了“拨乱反正”的时候。
The Rising Power of Asians
After the recount of the U.S. presidential votes, Democrat Joe Biden narrowly led Trump by more than 12,000 votes in Georgia, a significant increase over Hillary’s campaign four years ago and the second time the state has “flipped blue” since the 1970s (the last time was in 1992). According to AAPI Data, Asian American voters make up 4.7 percent of all voters in Georgia, which equates to nearly 238,000 voters, enough to determine the number of votes in the swing state. According to Votebuilder, as of Nov. 18, the total number of Asian registered voters was about 193,000, of which about 124,000 voted, a participation rate of 64.56 percent.
美国总统选举重新计票后,民主党的拜登在佐治亚州以1.2万多张票的微弱优势领先特朗普,支持率比四年前希拉里竞选时大幅增加,这也是该州自70年代以来第二次“翻蓝”(上次在1992年)。根据AAPI Data,在佐治亚州,美国亚裔选民占全体选民的4.7%,这相当于近23.8万名选民,足以决定这个摇摆州的选票数。根据Votebuilder的统计,截至11月18日,亚裔注册选民总数约为19.3万人,其中约12.4万人参与了投票,参与率为64.56%。
Asian voter turnout in Georgia surged by about 90 percent this year over 2016, Target-Smart’s analysis shows. Among the state’s Asian population, Chinese-Americans are the second largest group, accounting for 15 percent of the total Asian population, according to demographics.
Russell Jeung, a professor at San Francisco State University who studies the Asian community, told BBC Chinese, “Asian voters not only helped get Biden elected, but were also able to swing the U.S. Senate in favor of the Democrats and subsequently play an important role in policymaking on key issues such as public health and the COVID pandemic, economic recovery, climate change, racial justice, and immigration play an important role.”
旧金山州立大学研究亚裔族群的教授张华耀(Russell Jeung)对BBC中文说,“亚裔选民不仅帮助了拜登当选,还能够使美国参议院摆向民主党,继而在公共卫生和新冠病毒大流行、经济复苏、气候变化、种族公正以及移民等关键议题的政策制定上发挥重要作用。”
In this Senate runoff, incumbent Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue are running against Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, respectively. Campaigning is in full swing, with both parties’ campaigns investing large sums of money in the state in what could be the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history.
在此次参议员复选竞争中,现任共和党参议员莱弗勒(Kelly Loeffler)和珀杜(David Perdue)分别与民主党人沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)和奥索夫(Jon Ossoff)展开竞争。竞选造势正如火如荼地进行,两党的竞选团队都在该州投入了大笔资金,有可能成为美国历史上最昂贵的参议员选举。
The influence of the China Factor
Asian voter turnout in Georgia nearly doubled in this year’s U.S. elections, with the China factor being a major influence on them, especially Chinese voters.
During the outbreak, Trump insisted on using the term “China virus” to refer to the new coronavirus. Critics argue that this could lead to the stigmatization of Chinese in the U.S., and even of the Asian community as a whole.
疫情期间,特朗普坚持使用“中国病毒”(China virus)一词来指代新型冠状病毒。批评人士认为,这可能导致在美国的华人、甚至整个亚裔群体受到污名化。
“The term ‘Chinese virus’ racializes the disease, and Chinese are being blamed for the disease. About two-thirds of Asian Americans say that the current spate of anti-Asian racism motivated their vote,” said Professor Russell Jeung. Professor Jeung’s team launched the Stop AAPI Hate survey in March of this year and has already received hundreds of cases of hostility against Asians. “In these cases, the perpetrators are parroting Trump’s hate speech like a parrot,” he said.
“‘中国病毒’一词将这种疾病种族化,华人被指责为该疾病的罪魁祸首。约有三分之二的亚裔美国人表示,当前一连串的反亚裔种族主义是他们投票的动机”,张华耀教授说。张教授的团队从今年3月展开“停止仇视亚裔”(Stop AAPI Hate)调查,目前已经收到数百起亚裔遭到敌视的案例。“在这些事件中,作恶者像鹦鹉学舌似的效仿特朗普的仇恨言论”,他说。
Jin Jin, a Chinese living in Georgia, came to the U.S. 20 years ago and used to not care much about politics, but this year she voted for the first time and took on the role of organizer to coordinate Chinese electioneering for the first time. One of the main reasons she decided to come forward was because she felt that the Chinese environment in the U.S. was threatened by the “Chinese virus” that Trump spoke of. Her elementary school daughter was asked by her classmates if her mother brought the virus, which made her feel sad.
Jin Jin not only supported Biden’s election, but also helped Democratic Senate candidates to call for votes. She saw a bill passed by the House of Representatives on Sept. 17 that called on public officials to condemn hostile remarks and actions against Asians and require law enforcement to investigate hate crimes. The bill received 243 unanimous Democratic votes, while only 14 Republicans voted in favor of the bill and 163 voted against it, and it did not make it to the Senate.
金瑾不仅支持拜登当选,还帮助民主党参议员候选人拜票。她看到今年9月17日,国会众议院通过了华裔民主党议员孟昭文(Grace Meng)提出的一项议案,呼吁公职人员谴责敌视亚裔的言行,并要求执法部门调查仇恨犯罪。该议案得到民主党243票全票支持,而共和党中只有14票赞成,163票反对,最终没能递交参议院。
“Although this motion is just a statement of stance, the fact that the Democrats passed it all shows that they strongly support the condemnation of hateful acts against Asians, then, of course, we should go for the Democrats,” Jin Jin told BBC Chinese. In the past two weeks, a team of more than 20 volunteers, including her, sent out more than 5,500 postcards to canvass for Democratic candidates.
Jane Kim (second from right) and Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock (D-CA) 金瑾(右二)与民主党参议员候选人沃诺克(Raphael Warnock)
Chinese in the U.S.-China Crossfire
According to AAPI Data, Chinese-Americans make up 15% of the total Asian population in Georgia, about 75,000, second only to 150,000 Indians. In terms of the population base, Chinese-Americans themselves will hardly play a decisive role in reversing the Senate. However, regardless of the camp, the Chinese seem to be more enthusiastic in voting this year than ever before. The intense conflict between the U.S. and China over ideological differences and great power rivalry has made the fiery political temperature truly felt by Chinese who have lived in both places.
根据AAPI Data,在佐治亚州亚裔人口中,华裔占亚裔总人口的15%,约为7.5万,仅次于印度裔15万人。就人口基数来看,华裔本身很难在反转参议院中起到决定性作用。不过,不管是哪方阵营,今年华人的投票热情似乎都比以往要高。美中两国因意识形态差异和大国竞争而引发的激烈冲突,令在两地都有生活经历的华人真切地感受到了火热的政治温度。
“Previously, American politics did not have much impact on Chinese people, and this year the Chinese community was mobilized because of Trump and the epidemic. We played a big role in the presidential election and showed that the only way to have a voice is by participating in politics,” Ni Jian, who came to the U.S. from China for more than 30 years, told BBC Chinese.
Over the past two years, the U.S. has besieged China on multiple fronts, beginning with the trade war in 2018 and extending to technology, military, media, education, and other areas. In response to human rights issues such as Hong Kong and Xinjiang, the U.S. Congress passed a series of bills authorizing the government to impose sanctions on potential human rights abusers. Congress also passed the Taipei Act, which aims to enhance economic and trade ties between the U.S. and Taiwan, which China considers a “core interest”.
In July, the Trump administration asked China to close its consulate general in Houston, Kansas, and a few days later, China responded by closing the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu. Relations between the U.S. and China have fallen to a historic freeze since the establishment of diplomatic relations.
Jin Jin runs an international education organization that engages in educational exchanges between the U.S. and China. The disruption of international flights and reduced movement of people caused by the epidemic directly hit her business, and her company was further aggravated by the deterioration in U.S.-China relations that spilled over into the education sector and a sharp drop in the number of Chinese students coming to the United States. “Business is down by 90 percent,” she said. This is another reason she opposes Trump.
There is now a bipartisan consensus in the United States that China is a strategic competitor of the United States and that even if a Biden administration takes office, it will continue to confront China in many areas. Many analysts point out that, unlike Trump, Biden will unite with allies to confront China and exert strong pressure in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and other areas involving China’s human rights situation.
Several Chinese respondents from mainland China who support the Democratic candidate said they hope the U.S. and China will move toward cooperation after Biden takes office. Some said they were reluctant to comment on human rights issues in China for fear of the safety of their relatives in mainland China or damage to their China-related interests, and said they did not care much about Hong Kong and Taiwan affairs.
Ni Jian, who came to the United States in the late 1980s, said he supports China’s development in a “more democratic and open” direction, but “as to how to go about it, we may not all do it exactly the same way, and [China] doesn’t necessarily follow the American democratic system.”
Ni Jian said Biden did not play a particularly tough “democracy card” with China when he was vice president during Obama’s term, so he believes the Biden administration will also behave the same way, and will “focus its efforts and time on U.S. domestic affairs.”
Supporters of Republican Congressman David Perdue (R-PA) 共和党议员珀杜(David Perdue)的支持者
Republican Chinese who switched to support the Democratic Party
In addition to the Chinese factor, domestic issues in the United States also sway the choice of Chinese.
Yale Xiao, a Chinese who came to the United States in the early 1990s, said the past four years have been “the most unpleasant”. The company he used to work for made its initial public offering this year, and he joined through a small amount of original stock he held. He should have been happy to have made a profit when the epidemic hit the U.S. economy hard, but he said the deteriorating political environment in the U.S. has kept him from cheering up.
“Turn on the TV and you see politicians yelling at each other, Donald Trump is lying, American democracy shouldn’t be like this,” Yale Xiao said. He speaks with a strong Beijing accent and speaks in a straightforward manner, with English interspersed in his statements from time to time.
“打开电视就看到政客在对骂,Donald Trump在撒谎,美国民主不应该是这样”,肖宇说。他操着一口浓重的北京腔,说话直来直去,语句中还时不时夹杂着英文。
Yale Xiao has lived in Johns Creek, Georgia for 23 years and, as a registered Republican, has volunteered to participate in Republican activities and help Republicans run for office. in early 2015, he volunteered to encourage and lead the Chinese in the race for Georgia State Representative in the 50th District, helping Brad Raffensperger in the runoff election by more than 100 votes, after he trailed by 26 votes. Raffensperger has now become Georgia’s Secretary of State.
肖宇居住在佐治亚州琼斯溪市(Johns Creek)已经23年,作为一名注册共和党员,他曾主动参与共和党的活动,并帮助共和党人竞选公职。2015年初,他自愿鼓励并带领华人在佐治亚州议员第50区议员选举中,帮助拉芬斯伯格(Brad Raffensperger)在复选中以100多票获胜,此前他落后26票。拉芬斯伯格目前已成为佐治亚州的州务卿。
In the same year, Yale Xiao served as the official campaign director for the city council race, and after eight months of primary and runoff elections, helped a Republican Taiwanese-American candidate win and become the county’s first Chinese-American city council member.
Yale Xiao recalls the experience of doing political fundraising at that time, “high as a holiday”. But this time, Chinese from different camps confronted each other on social media and even attacked each other with words, causing some people’s years of friendship to break down. And in reality, the Chinese who support the Democratic Party are relatively silent.
“Our Chinese community is divided,” said Yale Xiao, who did not publish the names of the donors on this year’s fundraising list.
Yale Xiao (second from left) organized a campaign for city council in 2015 肖宇(左二)在2015年组织竞选市议员
Yale Xiao used to enjoy the monthly Saturday breakfast meetings of the county’s Republicans. “Everyone was warm and friendly, wearing suits and suits, having a gourmet breakfast and taking the Pledge of Allegiance in front of the flag,” he said, adding that the meetings usually featured Republican candidates explaining their campaign ideas or guests expounding on the Republican Party’s governing philosophy. Yale Xiao is almost the only Asian here, but has never felt excluded and has been invited to help Republican candidates reach out to the Asian community.
After Trump was elected president, Xiao Yu gradually felt that such breakfast meetings “have become tasteless”. Many of the candidates’ or guests’ speeches turned into “Trump-style rants”, which reminded him of the Chinese Cultural Revolution-style criticism.
Not only that, but Yale Xiao also believes that many of the traditional Republican ideas have shifted and that Trump has “kidnapped the Republican Party”.
He cited the Republican Party’s consistent focus on fiscal responsibility and the need to balance revenues and expenditures without unwarranted massive borrowing. But in the four years of the Trump administration, “with the economy doing so well, the U.S. national debt has shot through the roof over and over again, uncontrollably, and it was so before the epidemic.”
Another example is the issue of abortion, which has been controversial for many years. Yale Xiao believes that, based on the Republican concept of “small government”, individuals should mind their own business and enjoy full freedom without affecting others and without interference from others or the government.
Anti-abortion forces have grown in the past four years, with many states, including Georgia, introducing tough abortion restrictions. According to Xiao, Trump has used the abortion issue to “kidnap Christian leadership and increase national division.
The idea that “you can’t just sit there and fight, you have to come out and do something” has led him once again to the path of electioneering. This time, he turned to support the Democratic candidate.
Yale Xiao held a rally in front of a local Chinese supermarket to support Biden for president 肖宇在本地一家中华超市门前举办集会,支持拜登竞选总统
“It’s not that I’ve changed, I’m still me, but a lot of the Republican Party’s approach has departed from my ideas, especially with Donald Trump as the representative,” Xiao said. He believes it is time to “set things right” and that the United States should “get back on the right track”. That includes continuing to engage with China, rejoining the Paris Accord on global climate change, being friendly to immigrants and promoting proper health benefits. Yale Xiao said he may still return to supporting the Republican line in the future.
“不是我变了,我仍然是我,但是共和党的很多方针背离了我的想法,特别是以Donald Trump为代表的”,肖宇说。他认为现在是“拨乱反正”的时候,美国应该“重回正确的轨道”。这包括继续与中国接触、重新加入治理全球气候变化的《巴黎协议》、友善对待移民、推行适当的医疗福利等。肖宇说,将来自己仍有可能回到支持共和党的路线。
In November, Xiao Yu volunteered to plan the election strategy for Michelle Au, a Chinese-American Democrat, and rallied Chinese-Americans to raise funds. The anesthesiologist was eventually elected to the Georgia Senate, becoming the first Chinese-American senator in the state legislature’s 243-year history.
今年11月,肖宇自愿为华裔民主党欧晓瑜(Michelle Au)谋划选举策略,并召集华裔筹款。这位麻醉科医师最终当选佐治亚州参议员,成为该州立法院243年历史上首位华裔参议员。
“A lot of money was invested in the primary,” Xiao said of his campaign strategy. While other candidates conserved their strength to save money because they had no opponent from their own party in the primary, Xiao advised Michelle Au to throw everything she raised at the risk of spending it all. Originally unknown, Au stood out and used her status as a doctor to make a name for herself during the height of the new epidemic, winning the subsequent general election.
Wining “Middle Voters” in the Midst of Division
The U.S. is currently mired in serious division, with controversies over immigration policy, social injustice, and urban-rural disparities being amplified, with mutual accusations and animosity permeating the television media and the Internet, and even breeding disinformation and conspiracy theories. The same situation is happening in the Chinese community.
Liao Bilan, a retired Chinese professor majoring in fine arts, had never thought of getting involved in politics before, but a “scolding war” in a Chinese social media WeChat group drew her into the political maelstrom.
华人退休教授廖碧兰从事美术专业,之前从未想过参与政治,但在中国社交媒体微信群里的 “骂战”将她卷入政治漩涡。
Liao Bilan repeatedly forwarded information about Biden and the Democratic Party’s policies in WeChat groups, and was verbally abused by many opponents and kicked out of the group several times. However, she continued to organize online activities and made early voting videos calling on Chinese to vote for the Democratic Party.
“Trump has destroyed my American dream,” Liao Bilan told BBC Chinese. She came to the United States in 2000, when she was nearly middle-aged and didn’t speak English. Over the next nearly 10 years, she repeated her degree, joined a school to teach and became a professor.
Born in the 1950s, Liao Bilan had watched her father suffer during the Cultural Revolution, and herself and her family were dragged into it. She says the current divisions and struggles in the United States remind her of her unfortunate childhood experiences and does not want to repeat them in her later years.
Retired art professor Liao Bilan (center) participates in a rally to build momentum 退休美术教授廖碧兰(中)参与造势集会
Liao Bilan moved to Gwinnett County, Georgia, four years ago. It is the most affluent county in the state, with the second-highest total population. It has the largest Asian population in the state, about 100,000 people, or 12 percent of the county’s total population.
In late June, the Biden campaign’s national organization, “Chinese Americans for Biden”, noticed Liao and asked her to organize volunteers to help with the campaign. In the months that followed, the 60-something Liao worked with dozens of volunteers to design postcards, make phone calls, and, in an epidemic, personally visit voters who had returned their ballots to change their information.
6月底,拜登竞选团的全国性组织“华裔支持拜登”(Chinese Americans for Biden)留意到廖碧兰,邀请她组织义工帮助竞选。在随后的几个月里,60多岁的廖碧兰与数十个义工一起设计明信片、打电话拜票,并在疫情下亲自上门通知退票的选民修改信息。
In the U.S. congressional and local elections, turnout in the runoff is generally lower than in the primary election, and with Biden’s victory in the presidential election, some people want a check and balance of power in the Senate. Asian “middle voters”, including Chinese, have become the object of competition between the two parties.
Janelle Wong, a professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at the University of Maryland, told BBC Chinese, “Asian Americans tend to support Democrats, voting about 2:1 for Biden and Trump. It looks like the Georgia Senate race will be very close, so every vote counts. Both parties should enlist the support of Asian voters, whose power has not been previously developed but is a new force in politics.”
马里兰大学亚裔美国人研究系教授Janelle Wong对BBC中文说,“亚裔美国人倾向支持民主党,投票给拜登和特朗普的比例约为2:1。看起来佐治亚州的参议员竞选结果会非常接近,所以每一张选票都很重要。两党都应该争取亚裔选民的支持,他们的力量此前没有开发出来,但却是一支新的政坛力量。”
This led Yale Xiao and others to form a group called “Chinese American for Political Participation”, which organizes lectures, film screenings, and panel discussions to call on Chinese from different industries to participate in. The group has organized lectures, film screenings, and guest speakers to engage Chinese from different industries in discussions about American politics. Topics covered include health care policy, candidates’ backgrounds and political views, absentee ballot procedures, the situation of the Chinese community in the US-China relationship, and the role of the media in the election.
这也促成肖宇等人成立了名为“鼓励华人参政行动”(Chinese American for Political Participation)的团体,以举办讲座、放映电影、邀请嘉宾座谈等形式,号召不同行业的华人参与讨论美国政治。他们的主题涵盖医疗卫生政策、候选人的背景和政见、申请缺席邮寄投票程序、中美关系下华裔群体的处境、媒体在大选中的作用等。
“If we had started out with a strong position in support of the Democratic Party, we would have been abandoning a camp, and that might not be very helpful. So we ended up choosing to do this from a relatively neutral perspective,” said Ni Jian, an organizer of the forum. He also serves as president of the Atlanta Chinese Chamber of Commerce and manages a multinational corporation.
Postcards sent by Ni Jian to canvass votes 倪健寄出的拜票明信片
Ni Jian considers himself to be “left of center” in his position, favoring the market economy in economic terms, believing that individual prosperity also creates wealth for the country and society, and protecting the interests of the disadvantaged in welfare policies, including the implementation of universal health insurance. He compared Trump’s failure to acknowledge his defeat after the election to the behavior of a “third world dictator” and considered Trump’s neglect of environmental protection and disrespect for the media to be “the greatest threat to American democracy and legal system.”
In a fundraising call for Democratic Senate candidates that ended earlier this month, Yale Xiao’s team fell short of the $50,000 fundraising goal set by the official campaign, which meant that congressmen, Secretary of State and others could not be invited to hold separate campaign meetings for Chinese-American voters, even if they were just online meetups. Eventually Chinese were merged into the entire Asian community to hold a joint campaign event on the 15th.
In his reflection, Yale Xiao said that the lack of systematic community organizations and leaders in the Chinese community who support the Democratic Party has led to the failure to spread the message nationwide this time. He regrets this and believes that the power of the rising Chinese community in American politics should not be ignored.
Janelle Wong, a professor who studies Asians, said, “Among Chinese-Americans, the right does bring its voice to the fore through mobilization, especially on social media platforms. This strategy is less common among the Chinese-American left. Leftist Chinese-Americans are still struggling to catch up to the level of organization shown by the right.”
研究亚裔的教授Janelle Wong说,“在华裔美国人中,右派确实通过动员将声音突显出来,特别是在社交媒体平台上。这种策略在华裔左派中不太常见。左派华裔仍在努力追赶右派所表现出的组织水平。”
Nevertheless, these first-generation Chinese immigrants hope that their political experience will inspire the next generation to enter the political arena sooner rather than later in order to fight for the rights of the Chinese community.
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