On Sep. 28, I was giving a speech at the Young Americans for Liberty conference. One comment from the audience: ”The most powerful speech I’ve ever heard, about her horrifying personal experiences with Communism in China. I had chills listening to this heartbreaking story. “
Another audience member said, ”Your story is so impactful. Can’t wait to tell friends on the left about the book and film. No doubt what you lived through would mean much more than anything I could say.”

Introduction about me on the speakers page of Young Americans for Liberty conference. 「為自由而生的美國青年」大會節目冊上關於我的簡介。

At the entrance of the conference hall. 在大會入口處

Thank you card from the organizer. 主辦方的感謝卡。

At the hotel room before I went to the stage. 上臺前在旅館房間的自拍

On the stage. 演講中
Giving a Speech at Young Americans for Liberty
On Sep. 28, I was giving a speech at the Young Americans for Liberty conference. One comment from the audience: ”The most powerful speech I’ve ever heard, about her horrifying personal experiences with Communism in China. I had chills listening to this heartbreaking story. “
Another audience member said, ”Your story is so impactful. Can’t wait to tell friends on the left about the book and film. No doubt what you lived through would mean much more than anything I could say.”
Introduction about me on the speakers page of Young Americans for Liberty conference. 「為自由而生的美國青年」大會節目冊上關於我的簡介。
At the entrance of the conference hall. 在大會入口處
Thank you card from the organizer. 主辦方的感謝卡。
At the hotel room before I went to the stage. 上臺前在旅館房間的自拍
On the stage. 演講中