(Jennifer’s note: This is the fundraising statement I posted at https://www.gofundme.com/f/telling-the-truth-about-covid19-ccp-amp-china?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet)
As soon as the COVID19 (CCPVirus) broke out in Wuhan China last Dec., I’ve been following this issue closely. From my experience with SARS 17 years ago, I somehow knew it would be huge and would affect the entire world.
自去年十二月中共病毒在武汉爆发以来, 我一直在密切关注。从17年前的SASR 经历,我当时就意识这将是个巨大的、 会影响到整个世界的问题。
I also knew that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would, by nature, cover it up.
Every day I tried to share as much as I could about the true, dire situation in China on social media, hoping the world would pick up the alarming signals.
Unfortunately, although I tried everything I could, the virus still went out of control and became what we are facing today.
不幸的是, 虽然我觉得自己已经拼尽全力了, 病毒还是失控,演变成了現在全世界的人們不得不面对的问题
At this stage, with so many people’s lives at stake, I decided to quit my previous job and start doing YouTube videos, to tell the truth about the COVID19, China and the CCP. I believe the truth does save lives.
Before I can accumulate enough subscribers and have enough Ad revenue to sustain myself and my video editor, I do need some support.
在此情况下,在全世界这么多人命悬一线之際,我决定开始全职制作英文视频,面向西方观众讲述关于中国和中共的真相. 我相信,只有真相能救命.
在我能够积累足够多的订阅者,足够的广告收入来维持自己和我的视频剪辑师之前, 我需要一些支持。
Unfortunately again, under the “guidance”(pressure) from the World Health Organization, which has become a “Chinese Health Organization”, many social media giants including Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have been suppressing discussion about the virus in the name of controlling “misinformation”, and programs discussing #coronavirus are usually marked as “limited” for “Ad suitability” by YouTube.
One of my Twitter followers says, “You deserve so much more attention in the mainstream media. If only they had followed you seriously the US wouldn’t have come to the situation today.”
Below are two videos I created in the past few days. Please support me so that I can make more!
不幸的是, 在已经变成「中国卫生组织」的世卫组织的「指导」(压力)下, 包括谷歌,、脸书、油管和推特在内的许多社交媒体巨头,以杜绝「假消息」为名, 一直在压制对病毒的讨论和报导,凡是讨论 冠状病毒的节目通常被自动打上黄标,限制广告收入。
我的一个推特粉丝今天留言说:「你应该在主流媒体上得到更多的关注. 如果他们认真地关注了你, 美国就不会出现今天的情况!」
以下是我在过去几天制作的两个视频. 请支持我制作更多講述和传播真相的视频!
Telling the Truth about COVID19, CCP & China 曾錚真言視頻節目籌款宣言
(Jennifer’s note: This is the fundraising statement I posted at https://www.gofundme.com/f/telling-the-truth-about-covid19-ccp-amp-china?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet)
As soon as the COVID19 (CCPVirus) broke out in Wuhan China last Dec., I’ve been following this issue closely. From my experience with SARS 17 years ago, I somehow knew it would be huge and would affect the entire world.
自去年十二月中共病毒在武汉爆发以来, 我一直在密切关注。从17年前的SASR 经历,我当时就意识这将是个巨大的、 会影响到整个世界的问题。
I also knew that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would, by nature, cover it up.
Every day I tried to share as much as I could about the true, dire situation in China on social media, hoping the world would pick up the alarming signals.
Unfortunately, although I tried everything I could, the virus still went out of control and became what we are facing today.
不幸的是, 虽然我觉得自己已经拼尽全力了, 病毒还是失控,演变成了現在全世界的人們不得不面对的问题
At this stage, with so many people’s lives at stake, I decided to quit my previous job and start doing YouTube videos, to tell the truth about the COVID19, China and the CCP. I believe the truth does save lives.
Before I can accumulate enough subscribers and have enough Ad revenue to sustain myself and my video editor, I do need some support.
在此情况下,在全世界这么多人命悬一线之際,我决定开始全职制作英文视频,面向西方观众讲述关于中国和中共的真相. 我相信,只有真相能救命.
在我能够积累足够多的订阅者,足够的广告收入来维持自己和我的视频剪辑师之前, 我需要一些支持。
Unfortunately again, under the “guidance”(pressure) from the World Health Organization, which has become a “Chinese Health Organization”, many social media giants including Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have been suppressing discussion about the virus in the name of controlling “misinformation”, and programs discussing #coronavirus are usually marked as “limited” for “Ad suitability” by YouTube.
One of my Twitter followers says, “You deserve so much more attention in the mainstream media. If only they had followed you seriously the US wouldn’t have come to the situation today.”
Below are two videos I created in the past few days. Please support me so that I can make more!
不幸的是, 在已经变成「中国卫生组织」的世卫组织的「指导」(压力)下, 包括谷歌,、脸书、油管和推特在内的许多社交媒体巨头,以杜绝「假消息」为名, 一直在压制对病毒的讨论和报导,凡是讨论 冠状病毒的节目通常被自动打上黄标,限制广告收入。
我的一个推特粉丝今天留言说:「你应该在主流媒体上得到更多的关注. 如果他们认真地关注了你, 美国就不会出现今天的情况!」
以下是我在过去几天制作的两个视频. 请支持我制作更多講述和传播真相的视频!