Civil Complaint
Plaintiff: Liang Xuguang, who lives in Jiang’an District, Wuhan City, and works at Hubei Guangliang Law Firm as the director.
原告:梁旭光,住址武汉市江岸区,工作单位为湖北 光靓律师事务所,职务主任。
Defendant 1: US Federal Government, the legal representative is Donald Trump, the President of US, and the contact information is Room 4701, Building 1, New World International Trade Building, No.568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan. Tel. 027-8555-7791 .
Defendant 2: United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the legal representative is Robert Redfield, director, the contact information is Room 4701, Block 1, New World International Trade Building, 568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan, US 027 -8555-7791.
Defendant 3: US Department of Defense, legal representative Mark Esper, contact information is Room 4701, Block 1, New World International Trade Building, No.568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan, Tel. 027-8555-7791.
Defendant 4: United States Military Sports Council, contact information is Room 4701, New World International Trade Building, No. 568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan City, Tel. 027-8555-7791
1. Requested to order the four defendants to jointly compensate the plaintiff for missing work costs of RMB 150,000;
2. Requested to order the four defendants to jointly compensate the plaintiff for psychological damages of RMB 50,000;
3. Request the defendant to publicly apologize to the plaintiff in the state-level public media of the People’s Republic of China, the content should be directed against President Donald Trump’s behavior of naming the novel coronavirus as “Chinese virus”. The apology must be reviewed by the plaintiff or confirmed by the court before it is published;
3.请求判令被告一在中华人民共和国国家级公开媒体上向原告公开赔礼道歉,内容应针对总统唐纳德·特朗普将新冠病毒称为“Chinese virus”的行为,道歉内容须经原告或法院确认后予以发布;
4. Request to order the four defendants to jointly bear all litigation costs such as case acceptance fees and evaluation fees related to this case.
Facts and reasons:
During September 2019-March 2020, Defendant 1, US Federal Government and Defendant 2, the US Centers for Disease Control, while knowing that among the influenza patients, some were infected by an unknown type of virus (Novel CoronaVirus), intentionally clarified them as “flu” patients, and released wrong public health information in order to conceal the true situation of the novel coronavirus outbreak in the US in 2019, and let it spread to the world. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China is one of the most damaged areas. Due to the outbreak, the original order of operation, production, and residents’ lives in China, especially in the city of Wuhan, were severely damaged. The plaintiff, as a citizen of Wuhan, was also severely affected. The defendants’ evasion of reporting and concealment of the truth violated the legitimate rights and interests of the people in the affected areas, including the plaintiff, and caused huge economic and mental losses to the plaintiff.
The specific infringement facts are explained as follows:
1. According to the defendant’s official website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the weekly “U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report” as of March 7, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the “U.S. Flu Report”) shows that from From September to March 2020, the United States flu season, at least 36 million people in the United States contracted the flu, 370,000 were hospitalized with the flu, and 22,000 died from the flu. Compared with previous years, the number of infections and deaths is abnormally high.
2. At a public hearing on the novel coronavirus pneumonia held by the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee on March 11, 2020, the second defendant, Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, admitted that in the United States, not every city, every state and every hospital has a novel coronavirus pneumonia surveillance system. In practice, some people who died of “flu” were actually infected with the novel coronavirus. This shows that in the United States, the so-called “flu” or “super flu” is used to cover up the fact that a large number of people died of the novel coronavirus. Based on the fact that the United States has not yet disclosed the specific number of alleged “some” deaths, the plaintiffs have reason to believe that from September 2019 to March 2020, the 20,000 people who died in the so-called “flu” in the United States were all novel coronavirus deaths. There are also reasons to believe that among 36 million people infected with the so-called “flu” and 370,000 people hospitalized with the so-called “flu”, there are a large number of patients with the novel coronavirus.
3. According to Defendant 2, the US CDC ’s so-called “flu” deaths which were actually novel coronavirus deaths, were counted from September 2019. Combined with the second aspect of the above facts, the plaintiff believes that the deaths of US novel coronavirus had happened as early as September 2019. This was more than a month and a half earlier than the World Military Games held on October 18, 2019, in Wuhan.
4. Since September 2019, when deaths from the novel coronavirus, as well as a large number of novel coronavirus patients, appeared in the U.S, until March 11, 2020, when the US made the first public admission of it, in a period as long as 6 months, defendant 1, the U.S. federal The government and defendant 2, the US CDC deliberately concealed the death of novel coronavirus and attributed it to influenza. They failed to comply with Article 6 of the International Health Regulations (2005) “Each Contracting Party shall adopt the International Health Regulations by the most effective means of communication available. The relative national department shall inform the WHO within 24 hours of public health information of all events that have occurred in the country’s territory and which, according to decision-making documents, may constitute an international public health emergency, and the actions taken in response to these events.” The defendants failed to timely and truthful notify the World Health Organization about the above-mentioned facts, thus making countries around the world let their guards down, and prevented the Chinese government from taking appropriate border inspection, quarantine and prevention and control measures against U.S. personnel coming to China.
5. October 18, 2019 was the day when the World Military Games in Wuhan were held. As the defendants 1 and 2 deliberately concealed the fact that the novel coronavirus appeared in their own country, the People’s Republic of China and its affiliated Wuhan city failed to conduct special physical inspections and or quarantine the US delegates (officials, technical officers, and athletes) led by Defendant 3, US Department of Defense, and Defendant 4, U.S. Military Sports Council. This led to the transmission of the virus to Wuhan, resulting in Wuhan seeing its first novel coronavirus case in early November, shortly after the World Military Games ended on October 27, 2019. Then, starting in December, a certain number of new cases appeared around several hotels and military villages ( There were U.S. officials and technical officials in each of the hotels and athletes in the military villages. The hotels mainly located around South China, or Huanan Seafood Market ). It also began to occur in the hotel area in Hankou in mid-to-late January 2020, and then spread to the entire country with China’s annual Spring Festival, when people returning to their hometown. For this reason, the United States has an inescapable responsibility for intentional concealment.
6. After the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, the Chinese government actively notified the World Health Organization and other countries in the world, and adopted unprecedented prevention and control aimed at cutting off the virus transmission chain at the expense of the economic development of Wuhan and the convenience of travel of the people of Wuhan. However, under such kind of circumstances, Defendant 1, the US Federal Government and Defendant 2, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, still concealed the truth, and publicly underplayed the novel coronavirus as a “flu”. Feareing that the concealment would be exposed, they only adopted passive criteria locally to test the novel coronavirus, which was “ obvious infection symptoms + close contact with confirmed patients”. This confirms their subjective intention of inaction and the true intention of concealing the actual status of the US epidemic.
7. As the defendant’s symbolic head of state and leader of the United States of America, President Donald Trump publicly referred to the novel coronavirus as “Chinese virus” when he attended the U.S. Epidemic Press Conference on March 19, 2020, Washington, U.S.A. Chinese Virus, irrespective of the official naming decision announced by the World Health Organization, in violation of the “WHO Best Practices in Naming New Human Infectious Diseases”, “terms that should be avoided in disease names include geographic location (such as Influenza, Rift Valley fever), name of person (eg Kreuzfeldt-Jacob disease, Chagas disease), animal or food population (swine flu, bird flu, monkeypox), culture-related, population, industry or occupation (such as the Legion) and terms that can incite excessive panic (such as unknown, lethal, and epidemic), linking the virus to China, causing discrimination, playing a misleading role, and undermined the integrity of the society of China and the Chinese people. As a member of the Chinese citizen, the plaintiff believed that US President Donald Trump ’s speech at the White House represented Defendant 1 ’s behavior, which seriously violated the plaintiff ’s reputation. The Defendant must make a public apology to the plaintiff.
七、作为被告一美利坚合众国象征性的元首和领袖,总统唐纳德·特朗普于当地时间2020年3月19日美国华盛顿白宫出席美国疫情记者会时公开将新冠病毒称为“中国病毒”(the Chinese Virus),不顾世界卫生组织宣布的官方命名决定,违反《世界卫生组织命名新型人类传染病的最佳实践》中“在疾病名称中应当避免的术语包括地理方位(比如中东呼吸综合征、西班牙流感、裂谷热)、人名(比如克罗伊茨费尔特——雅各布病、恰加斯氏病)、动物或食物种群(猪流感、禽流感、猴痘)、涉及到文化、人口、工业或职业(如军团)和可煽动过度恐慌的术语(如不明、致命、流行)”原则,将病毒与中国进行关联,造成歧视,发挥了错误引导作用,对中国及中国人民的社会评价造成了贬损效果。作为中国公民之一员,原告认为被告一美国联邦总统唐纳德·特朗普在白宫发言的行为代表着被告一的行为,该行为严重侵犯了原告的名誉权,理应向原告公开赔礼道歉。
8. The novel coronavirus epidemic originated in the United States has caused huge personal and property losses to Wuhan’s novel coronavirus pneumonia patients and their families. According to the official website of the National Health Committee of the People’s Republic of China: As of 24:00 on March 17, a total of 50005 confirmed cases and 2490 dead cases had been confirmed in Wuhan. These are all human lives lost in bloody pains. In addition to the plaintiff’s complaint, all patients and their families in Wuhan who suffer from the novel coronavirus will continue to reserve the right to hold the four defendants accountable.
9. According to the announcement of the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of the Chinese government, since January 23, 2020, the city of Wuhan has been locked down. Enterprise units have stopped production to prevent and control the spread of the novel coronavirus. As a result, the plaintiff has been able to work until this day, and have lost source of income and suffered huge economic losses. The four defendants, as the perpetrators of the infringement, should compensate the plaintiff for the losses.
10. Although the principle of national sovereignty immunity is an international practice of international law, it is also subject to the principle of national reciprocity, and the defendant did not sign the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property. Therefore, the plaintiff’’s rights should also be protected on a reciprocal basis. In summary, the four defendants’ disclosure of “novel coronavirus” in the name of “flu” to deceive the public and their behavior of suppression of the information has led to the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic worldwide. One of the affected areas was Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China. In addition, the defendant had deliberately stigmatized the “novel coronavirus” with the people of China and Wuhan, which seriously infringed the plaintiff’s rights of reputation, health, and property rights, and caused huge losses to the plaintiff’s reputation, health, rights to property and other personal rights. In order to protect the plaintiff’s legitimate rights and interests, a civil lawsuit is now being filed with your court.
Sincerely to
Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court
Plaintiff: Liang Xuguang March 20, 2020
具状人:梁旭光 2020年3月20日

Record of submission of the above complaint to the US Consulate in Wuhan. 据说这是将此民事起诉书投递至 #美国 驻武汉领事馆的记录。

Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court 武汉市中级人民法院
Complaint Against US Federal Government Over Bringing Coronavirus to Wuhan 中国武汉市民梁旭光就美国传播病毒起诉美国政府
Civil Complaint
Plaintiff: Liang Xuguang, who lives in Jiang’an District, Wuhan City, and works at Hubei Guangliang Law Firm as the director.
原告:梁旭光,住址武汉市江岸区,工作单位为湖北 光靓律师事务所,职务主任。
Defendant 1: US Federal Government, the legal representative is Donald Trump, the President of US, and the contact information is Room 4701, Building 1, New World International Trade Building, No.568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan. Tel. 027-8555-7791 .
Defendant 2: United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the legal representative is Robert Redfield, director, the contact information is Room 4701, Block 1, New World International Trade Building, 568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan, US 027 -8555-7791.
Defendant 3: US Department of Defense, legal representative Mark Esper, contact information is Room 4701, Block 1, New World International Trade Building, No.568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan, Tel. 027-8555-7791.
Defendant 4: United States Military Sports Council, contact information is Room 4701, New World International Trade Building, No. 568 Jianshe Avenue, Jianghan District, Wuhan City, Tel. 027-8555-7791
1. Requested to order the four defendants to jointly compensate the plaintiff for missing work costs of RMB 150,000;
2. Requested to order the four defendants to jointly compensate the plaintiff for psychological damages of RMB 50,000;
3. Request the defendant to publicly apologize to the plaintiff in the state-level public media of the People’s Republic of China, the content should be directed against President Donald Trump’s behavior of naming the novel coronavirus as “Chinese virus”. The apology must be reviewed by the plaintiff or confirmed by the court before it is published;
3.请求判令被告一在中华人民共和国国家级公开媒体上向原告公开赔礼道歉,内容应针对总统唐纳德·特朗普将新冠病毒称为“Chinese virus”的行为,道歉内容须经原告或法院确认后予以发布;
4. Request to order the four defendants to jointly bear all litigation costs such as case acceptance fees and evaluation fees related to this case.
Facts and reasons:
During September 2019-March 2020, Defendant 1, US Federal Government and Defendant 2, the US Centers for Disease Control, while knowing that among the influenza patients, some were infected by an unknown type of virus (Novel CoronaVirus), intentionally clarified them as “flu” patients, and released wrong public health information in order to conceal the true situation of the novel coronavirus outbreak in the US in 2019, and let it spread to the world. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China is one of the most damaged areas. Due to the outbreak, the original order of operation, production, and residents’ lives in China, especially in the city of Wuhan, were severely damaged. The plaintiff, as a citizen of Wuhan, was also severely affected. The defendants’ evasion of reporting and concealment of the truth violated the legitimate rights and interests of the people in the affected areas, including the plaintiff, and caused huge economic and mental losses to the plaintiff.
The specific infringement facts are explained as follows:
1. According to the defendant’s official website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the weekly “U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report” as of March 7, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the “U.S. Flu Report”) shows that from From September to March 2020, the United States flu season, at least 36 million people in the United States contracted the flu, 370,000 were hospitalized with the flu, and 22,000 died from the flu. Compared with previous years, the number of infections and deaths is abnormally high.
2. At a public hearing on the novel coronavirus pneumonia held by the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee on March 11, 2020, the second defendant, Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, admitted that in the United States, not every city, every state and every hospital has a novel coronavirus pneumonia surveillance system. In practice, some people who died of “flu” were actually infected with the novel coronavirus. This shows that in the United States, the so-called “flu” or “super flu” is used to cover up the fact that a large number of people died of the novel coronavirus. Based on the fact that the United States has not yet disclosed the specific number of alleged “some” deaths, the plaintiffs have reason to believe that from September 2019 to March 2020, the 20,000 people who died in the so-called “flu” in the United States were all novel coronavirus deaths. There are also reasons to believe that among 36 million people infected with the so-called “flu” and 370,000 people hospitalized with the so-called “flu”, there are a large number of patients with the novel coronavirus.
3. According to Defendant 2, the US CDC ’s so-called “flu” deaths which were actually novel coronavirus deaths, were counted from September 2019. Combined with the second aspect of the above facts, the plaintiff believes that the deaths of US novel coronavirus had happened as early as September 2019. This was more than a month and a half earlier than the World Military Games held on October 18, 2019, in Wuhan.
4. Since September 2019, when deaths from the novel coronavirus, as well as a large number of novel coronavirus patients, appeared in the U.S, until March 11, 2020, when the US made the first public admission of it, in a period as long as 6 months, defendant 1, the U.S. federal The government and defendant 2, the US CDC deliberately concealed the death of novel coronavirus and attributed it to influenza. They failed to comply with Article 6 of the International Health Regulations (2005) “Each Contracting Party shall adopt the International Health Regulations by the most effective means of communication available. The relative national department shall inform the WHO within 24 hours of public health information of all events that have occurred in the country’s territory and which, according to decision-making documents, may constitute an international public health emergency, and the actions taken in response to these events.” The defendants failed to timely and truthful notify the World Health Organization about the above-mentioned facts, thus making countries around the world let their guards down, and prevented the Chinese government from taking appropriate border inspection, quarantine and prevention and control measures against U.S. personnel coming to China.
5. October 18, 2019 was the day when the World Military Games in Wuhan were held. As the defendants 1 and 2 deliberately concealed the fact that the novel coronavirus appeared in their own country, the People’s Republic of China and its affiliated Wuhan city failed to conduct special physical inspections and or quarantine the US delegates (officials, technical officers, and athletes) led by Defendant 3, US Department of Defense, and Defendant 4, U.S. Military Sports Council. This led to the transmission of the virus to Wuhan, resulting in Wuhan seeing its first novel coronavirus case in early November, shortly after the World Military Games ended on October 27, 2019. Then, starting in December, a certain number of new cases appeared around several hotels and military villages ( There were U.S. officials and technical officials in each of the hotels and athletes in the military villages. The hotels mainly located around South China, or Huanan Seafood Market ). It also began to occur in the hotel area in Hankou in mid-to-late January 2020, and then spread to the entire country with China’s annual Spring Festival, when people returning to their hometown. For this reason, the United States has an inescapable responsibility for intentional concealment.
6. After the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, the Chinese government actively notified the World Health Organization and other countries in the world, and adopted unprecedented prevention and control aimed at cutting off the virus transmission chain at the expense of the economic development of Wuhan and the convenience of travel of the people of Wuhan. However, under such kind of circumstances, Defendant 1, the US Federal Government and Defendant 2, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, still concealed the truth, and publicly underplayed the novel coronavirus as a “flu”. Feareing that the concealment would be exposed, they only adopted passive criteria locally to test the novel coronavirus, which was “ obvious infection symptoms + close contact with confirmed patients”. This confirms their subjective intention of inaction and the true intention of concealing the actual status of the US epidemic.
7. As the defendant’s symbolic head of state and leader of the United States of America, President Donald Trump publicly referred to the novel coronavirus as “Chinese virus” when he attended the U.S. Epidemic Press Conference on March 19, 2020, Washington, U.S.A. Chinese Virus, irrespective of the official naming decision announced by the World Health Organization, in violation of the “WHO Best Practices in Naming New Human Infectious Diseases”, “terms that should be avoided in disease names include geographic location (such as Influenza, Rift Valley fever), name of person (eg Kreuzfeldt-Jacob disease, Chagas disease), animal or food population (swine flu, bird flu, monkeypox), culture-related, population, industry or occupation (such as the Legion) and terms that can incite excessive panic (such as unknown, lethal, and epidemic), linking the virus to China, causing discrimination, playing a misleading role, and undermined the integrity of the society of China and the Chinese people. As a member of the Chinese citizen, the plaintiff believed that US President Donald Trump ’s speech at the White House represented Defendant 1 ’s behavior, which seriously violated the plaintiff ’s reputation. The Defendant must make a public apology to the plaintiff.
七、作为被告一美利坚合众国象征性的元首和领袖,总统唐纳德·特朗普于当地时间2020年3月19日美国华盛顿白宫出席美国疫情记者会时公开将新冠病毒称为“中国病毒”(the Chinese Virus),不顾世界卫生组织宣布的官方命名决定,违反《世界卫生组织命名新型人类传染病的最佳实践》中“在疾病名称中应当避免的术语包括地理方位(比如中东呼吸综合征、西班牙流感、裂谷热)、人名(比如克罗伊茨费尔特——雅各布病、恰加斯氏病)、动物或食物种群(猪流感、禽流感、猴痘)、涉及到文化、人口、工业或职业(如军团)和可煽动过度恐慌的术语(如不明、致命、流行)”原则,将病毒与中国进行关联,造成歧视,发挥了错误引导作用,对中国及中国人民的社会评价造成了贬损效果。作为中国公民之一员,原告认为被告一美国联邦总统唐纳德·特朗普在白宫发言的行为代表着被告一的行为,该行为严重侵犯了原告的名誉权,理应向原告公开赔礼道歉。
8. The novel coronavirus epidemic originated in the United States has caused huge personal and property losses to Wuhan’s novel coronavirus pneumonia patients and their families. According to the official website of the National Health Committee of the People’s Republic of China: As of 24:00 on March 17, a total of 50005 confirmed cases and 2490 dead cases had been confirmed in Wuhan. These are all human lives lost in bloody pains. In addition to the plaintiff’s complaint, all patients and their families in Wuhan who suffer from the novel coronavirus will continue to reserve the right to hold the four defendants accountable.
9. According to the announcement of the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of the Chinese government, since January 23, 2020, the city of Wuhan has been locked down. Enterprise units have stopped production to prevent and control the spread of the novel coronavirus. As a result, the plaintiff has been able to work until this day, and have lost source of income and suffered huge economic losses. The four defendants, as the perpetrators of the infringement, should compensate the plaintiff for the losses.
10. Although the principle of national sovereignty immunity is an international practice of international law, it is also subject to the principle of national reciprocity, and the defendant did not sign the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property. Therefore, the plaintiff’’s rights should also be protected on a reciprocal basis. In summary, the four defendants’ disclosure of “novel coronavirus” in the name of “flu” to deceive the public and their behavior of suppression of the information has led to the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic worldwide. One of the affected areas was Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China. In addition, the defendant had deliberately stigmatized the “novel coronavirus” with the people of China and Wuhan, which seriously infringed the plaintiff’s rights of reputation, health, and property rights, and caused huge losses to the plaintiff’s reputation, health, rights to property and other personal rights. In order to protect the plaintiff’s legitimate rights and interests, a civil lawsuit is now being filed with your court.
Sincerely to
Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court
Plaintiff: Liang Xuguang March 20, 2020
具状人:梁旭光 2020年3月20日
Record of submission of the above complaint to the US Consulate in Wuhan. 据说这是将此民事起诉书投递至 #美国 驻武汉领事馆的记录。
Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court 武汉市中级人民法院