Tianti Books in New York 紐約天梯書店

Tianti Books (https://www.tiantibooks.org/) in New York at 535 8th Avenue in Manhattan. Tianti means ladder to the heavens. You can buy all Falun Dafa (falundafa.org) books, audios and videos , as well as a cup of coffee here. Free meditation sessions are regularly available. 這是位於紐約八大道535號的天梯書店 ,內有全套法輪功書籍,並有咖啡點心出售。這裏也經常舉行免費法輪功九天班,放映法輪功創始人李洪志先生的講法錄像,並免費教授法輪功五套功法。

Tianti Books 書店陳列

Tianti Books 書店陳列

This huge photo is just behind the front door. 書店入口處神韻大照片。

This huge photo is just behind the front door. 書店入口處神韻大照片。

The Chinese characters mean Truth -Compassion -Tolerance. 書店陳列。

The Chinese characters mean Truth -Compassion -Tolerance. 書店陳列。
