“Tear Drops In The Flame” 「淚火焰中流」
Today I suddenly had the impulse to change the cover photo of my Facebook to this one, and with this “photo caption”:
In July 2010, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners gathered at Washington DC to hold their annually candle vigil in front of the Washington Monument to commemorate fellow practitioners who were tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
While listening to the moving and soul-staring music with a candle in my hand, I couldn’t help visualizing the magnificent path that Falun Dafa disciples had been walking in all those years. The most several persecution they suffered, the tremendous sacrifices they made, the heroical courage they displayed, and the unbelievable compassion they embraced…all swelled in my heart and mind, and moved me into endless tears…I kept crying and crying…
Both Mark Zou, a photographer of the Epoch Times, and Rumi Geiger, a cameraman of the New Tang Dynasty TV, who was shooting the event for Free China documentary, caught me in this mood. One of the pictures by Rumi Geiger later became the main image of Free China movie’s poster. Inspired by this image, Michael Perlman and Kean Wong, the director and producer of Free China, wrote the following lines as the theme song lyrics for Free China:
大紀元的攝影師Mark Zou,以及拍攝紀錄片《自由中國》的新唐人的攝影師,都抓拍到了這一幕。另一張由新唐人攝影師Rumi Geiger 拍攝的我眼含淚光手舉蠟燭的側面特寫照,也成了《自由中國》海報照片。 《自由中國》的導演Michael Perlman和製片人黃昇建依此情景,寫下了《自由中國》主題歌中兩句感人的歌詞:
Silent, feel…the pain <<心冷傷痕透>>
Tear drops in…the flame <<淚火焰中流>>
As for myself, when I saw these pictures, what came to my mind was the following sentences from the preface of my autobiography “Witnessing History: one woman’s fight for freedom and Falun Gong”:
“At this point, tears cover my whole face and I am unable to continue. I can but turn to an ancient Chinese saying, ‘Kowtowing with a bleeding heart’. I want to kowtow with a bleeding heart to those who are willing to read my book. With all my strength and my entire being I offer this book. I offer my heart, and the essential principles of the universe that I validated through my life.”

《自由中國》海報照片。攝影:新唐人攝影師Rumi Geiger

燭光守夜。攝影:大紀元攝影師Mark Zou
Jennifer’s Photo Stories(27) 曾錚的圖片故事(27)
“Tear Drops In The Flame” 「淚火焰中流」
Today I suddenly had the impulse to change the cover photo of my Facebook to this one, and with this “photo caption”:
In July 2010, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners gathered at Washington DC to hold their annually candle vigil in front of the Washington Monument to commemorate fellow practitioners who were tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
While listening to the moving and soul-staring music with a candle in my hand, I couldn’t help visualizing the magnificent path that Falun Dafa disciples had been walking in all those years. The most several persecution they suffered, the tremendous sacrifices they made, the heroical courage they displayed, and the unbelievable compassion they embraced…all swelled in my heart and mind, and moved me into endless tears…I kept crying and crying…
Both Mark Zou, a photographer of the Epoch Times, and Rumi Geiger, a cameraman of the New Tang Dynasty TV, who was shooting the event for Free China documentary, caught me in this mood. One of the pictures by Rumi Geiger later became the main image of Free China movie’s poster. Inspired by this image, Michael Perlman and Kean Wong, the director and producer of Free China, wrote the following lines as the theme song lyrics for Free China:
大紀元的攝影師Mark Zou,以及拍攝紀錄片《自由中國》的新唐人的攝影師,都抓拍到了這一幕。另一張由新唐人攝影師Rumi Geiger 拍攝的我眼含淚光手舉蠟燭的側面特寫照,也成了《自由中國》海報照片。 《自由中國》的導演Michael Perlman和製片人黃昇建依此情景,寫下了《自由中國》主題歌中兩句感人的歌詞:
Silent, feel…the pain <<心冷傷痕透>>
Tear drops in…the flame <<淚火焰中流>>
As for myself, when I saw these pictures, what came to my mind was the following sentences from the preface of my autobiography “Witnessing History: one woman’s fight for freedom and Falun Gong”:
“At this point, tears cover my whole face and I am unable to continue. I can but turn to an ancient Chinese saying, ‘Kowtowing with a bleeding heart’. I want to kowtow with a bleeding heart to those who are willing to read my book. With all my strength and my entire being I offer this book. I offer my heart, and the essential principles of the universe that I validated through my life.”
《自由中國》海報照片。攝影:新唐人攝影師Rumi Geiger
燭光守夜。攝影:大紀元攝影師Mark Zou