By a reader of the Epoch Times 文:英文大紀元讀者
I have followed you guys for awhile, and I am impressed and extremely happy for your existence. At this moment I am busy promoting your site on my FB page.
I hope that more people find out about your excellent work. I already received some responses from friends (even from the Netherlands) who never heard of The Epoch Times, and they as well are impressed.
I have no idea how it works, but you are always welcome to post anything on my FB page. I am retired with not much money, but I will try to once in awhile send you some money when my budget allows it.
Thank you for what you do for us, and give my kindest regards to Gina. Now that is a woman who has it all, brilliant and drop dead gorgeous to boot. Not everybody is gifted like that.
Good luck, and thank you again.
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