
Rep. Smith Urges Trump to Confront Chinese Leader on Human Rights Record


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Global Coalition of Scholars Demands Beijing End Mass Internment of Uyghurs

BY JENNIFER ZENG November 28, 2018 Updat … 继续阅读

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Southeast Asia Needs to Choose Between the US, China on Principles, Experts Say

BY JENNIFER ZENG November 27, 2018 Updat … 继续阅读

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The Relativity of Cleanness and Dirtiness & How Do I Become “Untouchable”? 髒與淨的相對論 & 我是如何做到百毒不侵的?

The other day I shared a story about my … 继续阅读

发表在 zengzheng | The Relativity of Cleanness and Dirtiness & How Do I Become “Untouchable”? 髒與淨的相對論 & 我是如何做到百毒不侵的?已关闭评论

How Does One Sentence of My Daughter Chang My Perspective Forever 「好歹鄰居一場」

Once upon a time, there appeared a lot o … 继续阅读

发表在 zengzheng | How Does One Sentence of My Daughter Chang My Perspective Forever 「好歹鄰居一場」已关闭评论

神韻加州聖地亞哥爆滿 觀眾盛讚「史詩般巨作」

【新唐人2016年01月28日訊】1月27日,美國神韻紐約藝術團在加州聖地亞哥的 … 继续阅读

发表在 zengzheng | 神韻加州聖地亞哥爆滿 觀眾盛讚「史詩般巨作」已关闭评论

Chapter Fifteen: The Communist Roots of Terrorism

The specter of communism did not disappe … 继续阅读

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How Has Falun Dafa Changed My Shopping Behavior 不一樣的購物心情-修煉前及修煉後

I’ll reserve this dress for next Shen Yu … 继续阅读

发表在 zengzheng | How Has Falun Dafa Changed My Shopping Behavior 不一樣的購物心情-修煉前及修煉後已关闭评论

 Fire to Form

By Gerard Traub From fire to form seed t … 继续阅读

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Why are People Particularly Move by Free China

These are Q & A between English Epo … 继续阅读

发表在 zengzheng | Why are People Particularly Move by Free China已关闭评论